The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 638 The Secret of Heaven and Earth, the True meaning of martial arts!

The world of rules opened by heroes is completely different. In the past, from Tianchong Yipin to Sanpin, what appeared in the black and white world was always a single regular cocoon. This time, what appeared in the world of Fang Yun's consciousness was a messy world of rules.

"Earth Rules", which represents all kinds of rules that are comparable to the earth. From the rise of mountains to the bursting of underground rock flows, to the growth of trees and the activities of insects, they are all within the control of the rules of the earth.

The earth is the root of life and the foundation of the existence and maintenance of all life. Water, grain, mineral deposits... are all from the earth.

The "Earth Rule" is not a single rule, but a complex rule system. The rules related to the earth are listed.

The continuous flow of earth rules, from all directions, constantly pouring into the soul of Fang Yun. Although the rules of the earth are disordered, for Wu Kan, this is a huge treasure house.

I didn't enter the treasure house, but I think there are too many treasures in the treasure house!

Fang Yun sank his mind and was thoughtless. He divided his spiritual power into one strands. Follow this trace of the rule cocoon, draw the silk to record the cocoon, and trace back to the source of the rule.

When he killed "Dayan Sanren", he already had the power of seventy-nine dragons. Kill "Meng Wushuang", after obtaining the essence of his flesh and blood, he added two more. Reach the power of the eighty-one dragon. Such a huge power is already equivalent to the strong man of the six grades of the sky. With such a strong true qi strength, it is more than enough to hit the four grades of Tianchong and understand the "rules of the earth".

"So that's it. That's what the so-called land is divided into rivers and submerged" is what it is!"

With the continuous flow of information, it poured into Fang Yun's mind. Many things that were originally confused suddenly had a feeling of sudden enlightenment. With the power of eighty-one dragons, it hits the four products of Tianchong. Fang Yun's benefits are far more than other warriors.

The art of moving scenery, the art of carrying mountains, the art of divine action..., all kinds of magical power that are connected with the rules of the earth, emerge in my mind. Fang Yun couldn't help ecstatic. The same rules" he understands much more than others.

After receiving the rules of the earth, other warriors must go back to understand for a period of time before they can realize the corresponding magical power. But Fang Yun doesn't need to be like this at all. These magical rules seem to be transparent in the eyes, and there is no secret. If you accept the rules, you can understand almost 100% of all the mysteries. This is the benefit that power needs too much beyond the realm.

"This is, this is a fake practice! The four-grade warriors of Tianchong rarely understand this skill. I didn't expect it to make me understand!"

The endless rules of the earth, like the stars surrounding the sun, are all pouring into the square clouds. One by one, his magic was ecstatic.

These magical power may not be used to attack. But if it is used well, it will have an unexpected effect!

In the world of

rules, there is no day or night. I don't know the time. When Fang Yun felt that the true qi in the [body] had become thin and weak. I immediately knew that I was about to leave the world of rules.


Fang Yun's consciousness, like a meteorite outside the sky, was fiercely penetrated into his body. Immediately after that, the crazy earth energy and the power of rules rushed into Fang Yun's body like a wild beast.

Fang Yun's body, big and small holes, sprayed blood at the same time. A stream of body is chopped, and then placed piece by piece on the soldering iron, carefully roasted to make a good feeling, and surged up to the heart.

This is not the first time he has experienced the pain of martial arts promotion, but the pain is still unbearable. The higher the martial arts cultivation, the greater the benefit, but the greater the pain. This is because more rules are introduced into the body.


The next moment, the body burst and turned into a fuzzy flesh and blood again. Martial arts is to walk against the sky. And this change is to obtain strong power from heaven and earth, and the price and punishment to be paid.

Fang Yun gritted his teeth and knew that it was a very moment, and his success or failure was in one move. If you can't integrate "the five prison bones" into the body at this time, you will immediately be sucked into the endless abyss by the magnificent power of the earth. The direct soul disappeared and died of great injustice.

"Five prison bone emperor, integrate into my body, achieve Xuangong, step into the four grades!"

Fang Yun stormed and used his remaining nails to break into the blood and blood body of the void by the power of the rules.

At the same time, the five prison bone emperor also accepted Fang Yun's order and suddenly got into Fang Yun's flesh and blood, in which the spirit was fiercely integrated into the heroic spirit. It is combined with the heroes.

The spirit is the gateway of communication between human beings and the earth. And Tianchong Qipin borrows the magic weapon. It is to use the magic weapon as a container of heroes. In this step, the pain is inevitable.

However, even the pain of flesh and blood and bone bursting can be endured, and there is nothing I can't stand!


After the Five Prison Bone Emperor integrated Fang Yun's "spirit", he suddenly stood up from Fang Yun's flesh and blood. It has a mouth and a terrible roar like a wild beast. Then, the five prison bone emperor, who shrunk to a few inches, appeared with thick smoke and fire on his body at the same time. A gray brilliance spread out of its bones and quickly penetrated into every inch of Fang Yun's flesh and blood.

When this dark light spread to the back of Fang Yun's whole body, the cloud only felt in his mind... I bang... Suddenly, a huge black vortex appeared in his consciousness. In the center of the vortex, there is a huge portal that seems to lead to the unknown world. A huge suction was released, and Fang Yun's consciousness was immediately "boom" and pulled into it...

Falling, falling... endless falling!

When everything stopped, Fang Yun suddenly found himself suspended in a void. No hands, no feet, no sense of your own existence!

The dead silence is everywhere, and there is endless darkness everywhere, and no sound can be heard. I can't make any sound. There is just a strong darkness and nothingness.

Indescribable feeling, very strange and unfamiliar. Although it is dark, there is a faint warmth. It seems to be back to my mother's arms.

The next moment, Fang Yun saw a shocking scene. It's right below him. A dark sea of clouds is boundless, covering the whole void. In this sea of clouds, there are dense, hundreds of millions of shadows. These shadows, there are people, beasts, birds, trees, fish, insects... all-encompassing.

However, everything has only an unstable, vague outline, and no detailed facial features. Their identities can only be roughly identified. These things are constantly twisting and struggling, as if they want to break free from the thick clouds. But their feet are as difficult to struggle with as if they have taken root.

Thick clouds, like an invisible ocean, are constantly moving, fluctuating and sweeping.

However, any slight fluctuation can break these virtual shadows in the sea of black clouds like a bubble.

A vast number of virtual shadows" struggled painfully in it, constantly shattered, and constantly produced. "Life and death" is endless. If ordinary people in the world see this scene, they must think it's hell. And those virtual shadows are the creatures who suffer after death.

But" Fang Yun knew that it was not like this. Although these dark shadows in the dark sea of clouds have a strong soul atmosphere, they are not complete. Moreover, there is no consciousness. The vast spirit of people, beasts, birds, insects, huā, grass, trees and trees here is not accepted from the world, but born from this boundless sea of clouds, like land and sea.

The sea of clouds is a cradle, a hotbed, and a place where these creatures brew!

"Is this... the origin of the earth?" Fang Yun looked at the magnificent scenery below and muttered. Then, this is a world of nothingness, and no sound will come out. Therefore, no one can hear Fang Yun's words.

In front of this vast sea of clouds, any creature will be as small as an ant. Any existence, in front of the origin behind this sea of clouds, must have an instinctive awe!

This is the place where all life is born! The origin of the earth!

In the depths of this sea of clouds, there is an awesome existence. This kind of existence exists in ancient times. There is no life, but it has instinct. In the face of this kind of existence, warriors are like ants like high mountains. Kunqi is in the sea, and there is no life in the mountains and seas. But it is powerful enough to awe the living existence. It's the same here!

Fang Yun felt a powerful call in the depths of darkness. It seems that I want to immerse myself in it and forget everything. The soul power of the warrior is small and humble in front of this call from the soul. Even the strong man who lives in the realm of stars, it is the same.

A powerful connection that hooks itself to death. Resist the call. Fang Yun knew that this was the power of the "Five Prison Bone Emperor".

In front of "the soul of the earth", without the help of magic weapons, any martial artist can't stop the call of this stock.

Looking down, the "soul of the earth" turned into a sea of dark clouds, Fang Yun suddenly understood the mystery of the thunderstorm. It turns out that the so-called thunderstorm is just a manifestation of the friendship between heaven and earth.

The sky is cloudy, and the sky is strong and the earth is soft. If the earth represents the "soul of the earth" of darkness, then the sky represents the "soul of heaven" of light. When the rex of heaven and earth, that is, the invisible but ubiquitous "sea of heavenly soul", conflicts and collides with the "sea of earth soul".

Yin and Yang** is the secret of creation! When the two **, it is the human soul that is born.

This is the origin of the three souls. It is also the reason why warriors have the three souls of heaven, earth and man! If the martial artist wants to achieve the weakness of martial arts, he is condensing the soul of the earth to cut off the connection with the earth; condensing the soul of heaven to cut off the connection with the sky.

Such three souls are complete and do not fall into reincarnation. Don't enter the sky, control life and death, and change your life against the sky!

At this moment, an unprecedented understanding suddenly surged up in Fang Yun's heart. A bright avenue appeared in front of me in a trance. Other martial artists were still at a loss. When he only knew to move forward in the realm of martial arts, Fang Yun had peeped through the heaven and earth and the origin of martial arts!

This kind of channel and understanding will bring immeasurable benefits to Fang Yun!