The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 650 Vedic monk Azanda

"What you said, Bei Ming's medieval treasure is here?"

Fang Yun said in surprise.

"Hmm. There was a sect in the Middle Ages, because the sect changed. One of them rebelled, united with outsiders, and suddenly poisoned. The head of this faction, together with the elders, were seriously injured. Finally, he used a three-ephant magic weapon of the sect to escape here. The medieval treasure I told you about is a magic weapon of three elephants. Humph! It's cheaper for you!"

All the years are empty and hateful.

"What! Three elephant magic weapon!"

Fang Yun was moved when he heard the words. The three-phase magic weapon refers to the top three-level Tianyuan magic weapon of the sun, moon and star. Even the lowest-level star Tianyuan magic weapon should be used endlessly. As long as you think about it, Wanmo Hall, Shimo Yuanshu and Shanheduang are such magic weapons, and you will know how terrible this magic weapon is!

That's what big sects can use for *** luck! If everything is right, then this medieval treasure is amazing.

Fang Yun couldn't help jumping his eyelids when he heard the words, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of Big Mac treasure. However, he is not so easy to fool: "Don't try to lie to me! If I find out that you are lying to me. I will sacrifice you immediately as a promotion of my six grades!"

"All years are empty" was shocked and roared: "What?!! Don't think about it!"

"Hmm! It's up to you. This is what you asked for!"

Fang Yun said coldly.

"I have done what I promised you! If you dare to do this, I will blow myself up immediately, so that you can get nothing!"

All years of time roared.

"That should also be confirmed. You didn't lie to me."

Fang Yun said coldly. I also frowned in my heart. These medieval evil soldiers are famous and have killed many warriors. They are extremely stubborn and stubborn, and very difficult to tame.

"Let's go. Lead the way! Whether you lie to me or not, you will know soon.

Fang Yun said indifferently.

One person, one sword, dial the ground again first, and go to the peaks in the distance.


Suddenly, a magnificent Buddha's name sounded between heaven and earth, a sacred, solemn and pure Buddha power surging in heaven and earth. Countless ancient Buddhas, with an aperture in their brains, either falling or standing, or sitting or Buddha, faintly shining and flashing in the void.

The colors of these Buddhas are extremely pale, as if they were made of water. Thousands of Buddhas gathered together and turned into a barrier in front of Fang Yun: "Donor, stay!"

Fang Yun's heart is stunned, and this man's Buddhism and Taoism are extremely powerful. When the Buddha's horn sounded, even the true qi in his body was slightly shaken.


"All years are empty" screamed. It was burned by this Buddha's power, so that the whole sword body was filled with thick blue smoke.

"Huh?" With a faint sound, it was like thunder, right in front of Fang Yun in the blink of an eye. A 100-foot-high green peak suddenly cracked, and an old monk covered with dirt came out of it. The earlobe of this old monk is extremely long, at least eight inches longer than ordinary people. His eyebrows are extremely thick, his eyes are slightly sunken, his nose is eagle's nose, and his body is extremely thin, but his skeleton is extremely large. It looks completely different from the Middle Native.

He was dressed in a tattered gray monk's clothes, and his bones were exposed in many places. But he is extremely detailed. It seems to be integrated with the whole space. Not from each other.

"Veda ascetic!"

Fang Yun was stunned and recognized the identity of the other party at a glance. He has never been to the Vedic continent, but he has read many classics. In the Middle Ages, there were classics dedicated to the Vedic, including some portraits of Vedic monks.

Fang Yun also knew something about this, otherwise he would not have dismissed the two bodyguards of Princess Qingchang at the beginning.

A Vedic monk who was born in a bitter cold place far away from Middle-earth actually appeared in Bei Ming. Fang Yun was stunned for a moment, and he was also wary. Although Confucianism has recorded the Vedicate, it is all about how bitter and bad the Vedas are, and there are only a few Buddhas in it. It's not deeply involved, so it can only let people know a general idea.

The ascetic monk was strong at first sight and suddenly stopped himself. It is difficult to determine whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Seeing this, the Vedic monk waved his hand and smiled, "Don't be nervous. The poor monk Ahanda is predestined to be with you. This trip is to send you a fate.

"What the hell is going on?"

Fang Yun was really stunned this time. The old monk looked at his smile kindly, not like a lie. I just didn't come to find a medieval treasure. Why did I encounter some fate?

Not only Fang Yun, but even Wanzai was roaring in his heart: "What's going on? What's going on? How can there be a damn bald head here! Oh, my God! The Vedic continent is so poor, why didn't you starve these bald heads to death!"

Buddha's power is the nemesis of all evil spirits and evil spirits. As a medieval evil soldier, he is most afraid of this kind of Buddha's power. The appearance of this Vedic monk was completely unexpected. It disrupted all its plans. It exuded hostility and looked at the Vedic monk warily.

The Vedic monk Azanda also felt the hostility of "every life is empty" and frowned: "Donor, how can you have such a vicious weapon on your body? These weapons are stained with a lot of blood. It's too extreme. I'm afraid it's a blessing to use it for a long time. It's better to let the poor monk help you and turn away the anger on the sword. In this way, you don't have to worry about the fate of the Lord.

Ashanduo said, he patted his right hand gently and made a capture. Fang Yun immediately felt an invisible Buddha's power coming.

"Slow down!"

Fang Yun finally came to his senses and felt this power. Without saying a word, he immediately slapped it.

A Zanda smiled and said nothing. A light slap came out, "Boom!"

The palms intersect, and a powerless Buddha's power came. Fang Yun's whole body trembled, as if his bones had been patted apart. It was directly shaken back more than ten feet.

"The Land of Destiny!"

Fang Yun is terrred. The other party's ability is not much better than his. But the palms intersect, but they can't be stopped. The difference between the two is like an iron bar and cotton wool.

In the realm of life, the power is twisted into one. You can easily defeat the strong at the Tianchong level. Fang Yun now has ninety-nine dragon powers, and he wants to defeat him so easily. There is only the cultivation of the fateful star.

Fang Yun's heart was full of stormy waves. He didn't expect that he would meet a Vedic ascetic monk here. Vedic has always been a place of bitter cold, and has always been used by the Great Zhou Dynasty as a place for recidivism. Fang Yun didn't expect that the ascetic monk he casually met was actually the cultivation of the realm of fate.

Fortunately, the other party does not mean to hurt people, otherwise. It's not just a shock retreat of more than ten feet, but it's unharmed.

"It's not good, it's empty!"

Fang Yun suddenly felt that his hand was empty, and then he found that at some time, he was taken away by the ascetic monk for ten thousand years.

"The benegator. As I said. I won't hurt you!"

Azanda said slightly.

Although I still don't understand what's going on. However, Fang Yun reacted quickly: "Be slow! Master, this weapon is my strength to hit the sixth grade of Tianchong. If all the evil spirits and anger are erased, then this divine soldier will be useless!"

A Handa frowned, and then stretched out: "So that's it. Then I'll sweep away part of its turbidity for you. Remove the impurities in it. Set another ban. Make it impossible to devour the master. Then hand it over to you for your own practice."

As the Vedic monk said, his big hand brushed, and a vast Buddha's light condensed like substance, like a stream of water, washed through "all years are empty". The soldier immediately let out a scream, but the scream soon stopped. A rit of thick blood suddenly flowed out of the "empty" sword body and flowed down the blade.

Fang Yun's eyelids jumped. These blood clearly means that "all years are empty" and kill too many people in the Middle Ages. Blood gas absorbed by the sword body. This kind of blood infiltrated into the sword body unconsciously. That's why this sword is so hostile.

However, for a sword. The blood of this kind of martial arts strong can increase the breath of killing, but the blood itself is an impurity. On the contrary, it makes the sword quality impure and hinders further improvement.

"All years are empty" is a medieval forging. It's not so easy to destroy at all. In the Middle Ages, there was no shortage of strong people in the star world. If the blood gas could be driven out so easily, someone would have done it.

Fang Yun can see clearly. Obviously, it was the special technique and true qi of the ascetic monk that drove out the blood qi in it.

"The Near Ages" once made it clear. Shakyamuni, the Lord of the Vedic Buddha, was a figure who could be side by side with the three emperors in ancient times. Now it seems that the martial arts of the Western Vedics are unique. This Vedic monk is unfathomable!"

Fang Yun was secretly shocked.

The ascetic monk has removed the impurities in it, which is beneficial and harmless to "all years are empty". But Fang Yun still doesn't understand how this fate came about. He is still confused now.

"Look at the beneer, I still have doubts now. Well, I'll get rid of the blood on this sword for you. While relieving the doubts in your heart, "

A Can Tuo smiled and paused and said, "Little benenger, do you have something related to my Buddha?"

Fang Yun was stunned and shook it subconsciously. He really doesn't remember what a great fate he had with the Buddha.

"Huh?" Ah Dan frowned and muttered, "I can't make a mistake."

Suddenly, he raised his head and the ascetic monk said, "Think about it again? Buddhist artifacts, scriptures, martial arts? ..."

When the ascetic monk mentioned martial arts, Fang Yun suddenly moved his heart: "That's what the master said."

Fang Yun's body shook, and a huge Buddha immediately appeared behind him. The Buddha fell into the void, and the two circles behind him were dazzling. Then the sound of "Jin" and "Jang" Zen singing sounded all over the sky.

This is the "powerful King Kong Buddha" that Fang Yun took from the Vajra Head and practiced to perfection.

The ascetic really frowned this time. "Big Vajra Buddha" looks magnificent, but it is just an outside Buddha. It belongs to *** Buddha. In Buddhism, its status is extremely low.

"Think about it again. Is there any deeper Buddha's martial arts?

Ascetic monk.

Fang Yun's heart jumped, and he was not a fool. Between these words, the nerve of the post office felt: "This Vedic monk has mistaken the wrong person!!"