The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 683 Sea God Armor

The huge six-toed dragon lay on the ground, blood flowing like a waterfall, motionless. Light spots are constantly emanating from it. In the short time after death, the hexagon is rapidly returning to its original form.

A thick drooping bronze color emanates from the iron armor on its body. Covered by Ye Kailong's flesh and blood, the ancient atmosphere gradually emanates.

"Unfortunately, the last purebred dragon clan in ancient times disappeared like this..."

Fang Yun said eunly. He still has a good impression of the dragon clan.

Unfortunately, this six-toed dragon, who didn't know what was good or bad, had to hit his idea on him.


With a big pat, Fang Yun sent out a breath of true qi and penetrated into Ye Kailong's whole body. As soon as Zhenli was refined and harvested, the huge body of the six-toed dragon quickly decomposed and disappeared, leaving a drop of golden blood wrapped in the true qi of Fang Yun.

This golden blood is brilliant and dazzling. It is dazzling. Inside the golden blood... a miniature black real dragon, in which, suddenly looked back and forth and roared. Every time he roared, Fang Yun wrapped his true qi and shook.

A huge dragon power, roaring and surging, as if the sky and the earth were over, to wrap Fang Yun in its true qi to bounce off.

Dragon, born arrogant, unwilling to submit to others. This underworld's blood obviously inherits this will.

"Sure enough, the blood of a real dragon!"

Fang Yun flicked his finger, and the surrounding space contracted. In the blink of an eye, this drop of dragon blood was sealed like ice and fell off. Fall into the palm of Fang Yun.

This is the first drop of real dragon blood between heaven and earth, which is extremely precious!

Before that, the emperor's demon prince sent people to compete for this drop of Pluto's blood, and he didn't think about it for the prince of Pluto. Pluto represents death, which is obviously a perfect match for Pluto. This kind of thing should have been done by the prince of Pluto in person.

However, it is a pity that the emperor demon prince seems to be worried that the king of Pluto is not strong enough to suppress Fang Yun. Therefore, send the most powerful seven-grade elders around you to fight against Zhu Fangyun.

It's just that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. The emperor and demon prince obviously didn't expect that Fang Yun also practiced the "hundreds of millions of space escape method..." such unique skills. Finally, he successfully escaped into the world behind the arched door, and the body of the six-toed dragon was also taken away.

"After returning to the capital, this Pluto blood can be handed over to the eldest brother."

Fang Yun thought to himself. There has been a decision on the whereing of this drop of Pluto's blood.

Fang Yun has always been worried about his big brother Fang Lin. The eldest brother's talent is not bad. Unfortunately, in this chaos, such progress is too slow.

The Fang family is an important minister of the Zhou Dynasty, and he will be involved in the chaos of "tiger-eating dragons" early. With the strength of Big Brother Fang Lin, I'm afraid it's difficult to protect myself. I'm afraid that even my sister-in-law, Princess Fukang, will also be dragged down.

Fang Yun is very worried about this. He has tried his best to help the eldest brother. With the formula of "Taicang Shending" and "Taicang Shendan", plus this drop of "Pluto Spirit Blood"... with the time acceleration of "Heaven and Earth Talk... Well, in a short time, it is not difficult to help the eldest brother to be reborn and be promoted to the top warriors.

Big brother's martial arts will is extremely difficult. After the "Wuhou impeachment" case, he hid his name and entered the army. After several military exercises, it has been steady and dry. The only thing missing is the so-called adventures of other geniuses. But now, everything is not a problem.

"After the eldest brother refined the blood of Pluto, our family really stabilized. With the capital to survive in this chaos!"

Fang Yun said in his heart.

Refine the "Minglong Essence Blood", and you can immediately incarnate into a real dragon, have a powerful and terrible body, and compete with the strong people in the star world, which is not a problem.

This kind of thing is almost the treasure of the sect, which can attract the hearts of any sect and warriors below the fateful realm. According to the past practice, Fang Yun may have refined himself, but now he is getting stronger and stronger. After refining the "golden blood" of the flood giant, his power is half-krewed to achieve the effect similar to the "half-step life star".

Now, the strong man below the planet is hardly his opponent. As for the fate above the star realm..." It is useless to turn into a real dragon. What's more, Fang Yun has long had the power to "belong".

In comparison, it is even more important to help Big Brother Fanglin improve his strength!

After the "Psunderworld's blood" into the internal space, Fang Yun looked down at the armor left by Ye Yulong's death. This armor used to have red color because of the penetration of blood, but at this moment, it has completely turned bronze. On the surface, there are traces and spots, and there is a smell of war.


Fang Yun's eyes flashed, thinking. As soon as the palm was stretched out, the "bronze arm armor" he had won before immediately fell into the palm. The two contrasted with each other, and Fang Yun gradually looked at it clearly. The "arm armor" in his hand does not seem to be very powerful, but in fact, the quality of this small arm armor is also above Ye Kailong's armor.

However, although Ye Kailong's armor is worse, it is not too different. The texture of ancient armor is not as good as that!

Moreover, most importantly, this is the first complete set of ancient armor collected by Fang Yun! Although the arm armor is of extremely high quality, there is only one. The power is very limited. The only function is to be able to quench the true qi! In contrast, it is far worse than this dragon-shaped armor.

"We'll take it first."

Fang Yun's mind moved and immediately rolled up the dragon-shaped armor. The true gas penetrates into it and quickly removes the blood and impurities in it.


Fang Yun raised his eyebrows and pinched the formula. This huge dragon-shaped armor immediately shrank quickly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into the size of a fish and shrimp and floated into the palm of the square cloud.

The top armor is big and small. Match each other with the martial artist's "big and small" magic. Dragon-shaped armor is obviously not suitable for warriors. However, this is not the only form of this armor.


Fang Yun suddenly opened his mouth, spewed out a breath of essence, and pointed to his hand: "Dow!"


Fang Yun's palm was full of blue light, and a strange breath quickly wrapped him up. In the blink of an eye... The domineering and powerful armor was wrapped around Fang Yun.

This is a piece of one-piece armor. Helmets, goggles, arm armor, chest protection, skirt, leg armor..." All available! Fang Yun wore it on his body and immediately showed a breath, domineering and powerful above everything, just like a god overlooking the world.

"What a powerful armor!"

After he refined the "golden blood", Zhenqi was only half condensed, but after wearing this set of armor. All the true qi is immediately fused and twisted into one.

"Your predecessor, Ye Kailong, is the sea god. Then let's call you 'Sea God Armor'.

Fang Yun said, and suddenly punched out, "Drink!"


A huge dragon broke out of its fist. In front of him, within a thousand miles, the mountains practiced the tsunami, causing a shocking upheaval. The whole ocean was almost shaken by him.

This is the difference between the true gas twisted into one, and not twisted into one: before, Fang Yun also had the power of more than a hundred dragons. But as long as the true gas is emitted, it will be immediately absorbed by the seawater. But now it's different. It's still this blue ocean, and it's still true.

But now, Fang Yun beats out Zhenqi, but it will not be absorbed by the seawater. This is the mystery of the real dragon's power. No matter how strong the swallowing ability of seawater is, it can't absorb the true qi twisted into a stream!

"Hahaha..." Zhenli Fusion. Now, I can get in and out of that gate at any time.

Fang Yun laughed, with infinite joy in his heart. The laughter shocked the surrounding sea water, and the sound was extremely amazing. The defense of this Kaijia is extremely amazing. What surprised him most was that after refining this armor, Fang Yun blended with this set of armor water, and his mental strength increased significantly. He can easily feel the spatial structure of this space and find the door when he comes.

In the sea, you can't see the door at all. But you can feel that you can return to the ancient small world through the force. However, Fang Yun has no intention to return to the ancient small world...

"Let them fight for a while. Neither side is necessarily a good thing. As much as you die, there will be less scourge in the world.

In the ancient small world, the one who was ambushed by the emperor and demon prince is not necessarily a good people or a good people. Although they are now ambushed by the emperor and demon prince, they turn around and are still murderous.

Of course, Fang Yun will not think that he is a savior. At this time, his skills have made great progress, and he will immediately rush back to save those sects. He is not that stupid enough. Moreover, the magic artifact of the "All Demons Hall" is not so easy to deal with.

"I'll go out again after a while. Let's see if there is any chance to deal with the emperor and the devil prince. It would be a good thing if he could get rid of his right-hand man.

Fang Yun thought secretly in his heart. Although he has no good impression on both sides. How many people killed by the emperor and demon prince didn't care about his business. However, it is intolerable that the emperor's prince actually wants to send someone to kill himself. If the opportunity is allowed, Fang Yun doesn't mind giving the emperor's demon prince an ugly one!

Although the emperor demon prince is a descendant of the ancient emperor demon sect, he is not as strong as Fang Yun now. If it hadn't been for the devil's holy artifact "The Hall of Demons..." Fang Yun would have killed him long ago. With his current strength, it won't take much effort to kill the emperor and demon prince!


Fang Yun's body moved and immediately flew out. A large area of seawater, immediately separated: "Let's search this space first and see what the secret is!"

He can feel that it is an incredibly powerful existence that splits this space. Fang Yun got this ancient armor, and his strength soared, but there was still no way to break through this divine space and break through the air.


Where Fang Yun passed, there were stormy waves at the bottom of the sea. The waves in this space are very special, heavier than gold and iron, which is an excellent place to exercise for martial arts skills that exercise water attributes. Therefore, Fang Yun consciously slowed down his pace, and at the same time used the search process to exercise "Di Shun Han Haiquan...

Fang Yun punched one punch, and every punched, he had to hit a vacuum zone of nearly a thousand miles in the sea. "Dishun Chaohai Boxing" is in this kind of exercise, it is rapidly improving.

The core and essence of martial arts of the five emperors are only available to the royal families and the Fang family. What is now circulating in the Great Zhou Dynasty and what is rewarded by the emperor is only the first-class martial arts of the periphery.

If you can collect the most essence of the martial arts of the five emperors and integrate them into one. Then I'm afraid the power of "Five Emperors Star Fist" is still above that of any emperor's martial arts.

Even the "Green Dragon Eight Style" is completely incomparable. Because "Five Emperors Star Fist" is a fusion of the five emperors. In terms of creation alone, it already has the foundation to surpass any unique learning of the five emperors.

It's just that the unique learning of the Five Emperors is not so easy to collect. If you want each royal family to voluntarily give up the core skills of the five emperors, it is almost more difficult than killing them!

Fang Yun is playing this idea now. He hopes that through this continuous practice, he can understand the essence of "Di Shun Chaohai Boxing" and understand the essence of Emperor Shun's unique learning from the outside.

This process, although can be expected, is very difficult. However, Fang Yun is psychologically prepared and confident enough to complete this initiative!