The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 748 Life Mark, Life Number, Lifeline

Conquest and suppress the army" station space.

"Beside the shopkeeper, the pattern performs the longitudes of heaven and earth..." Fang Yun sat in the hall, with five fingers spread out, and the palms of his hand facing up. In the dark, countless strange hexagrams, like a horse, constantly flashing and rotating from the side of Fang Yun.

Tianchong Liupin can already involve the way of deduction. In Fang Yun's hands, the only way to master innate mathematics. That is, the "One Palm Sutra" on the sky of the broken sun.

Although there is a difference between good and evil in martial arts, there is no difference between good and evil.

Fang Yun also began to understand during this period. The sectarian world uses a wide range of innate mathematics to deduce the celestial arts, which is divided into two types. One is the innate number technique that requires a specific "heavenly qi" to promote; the other is the innate number technique that can be used as long as the realm of martial arts is reached, combined with the induction of the heavenly machine.

Big Dipper King Pang Juyuan, the inherited "Ziwei Dou Gu" belongs to the former. The "one palm sutra" obtained by Fang Yun belongs to the latter. In contrast, the true qi consumed by the latter at the time of deduction is much larger than that of the former.

Deducing the magic already belongs to the field of gods and demons. And the change of the sky is extremely complicated. Therefore, there has always been a saying about the magic, which is called "ghosts and gods are unpredictable".

means that even ghosts and gods can't speculate about all the variables of the sky.

The sky is not eternal, but the constant flow of continuous change. Therefore, no one can see all of the heavenly planes clearly, but only see the parts of the changes one by one.

"The Temple of the Temple. Wu Tianfu Palace. Wei ~ Tianyi Palace. Shentian Gugong", "

Fang Yun's eyelids are half closed, making it a form of meditation. His fingers moved slightly, and the clear lines in the palm of his hand immediately gave birth to a change, which became blurred.

Martial arts step into the four grades of Tianchong, and immediately have the magic power of "big and small as you want". Naturally, it can also change the palm of the hand, which is the foundation of the One Palm Sutra.

But when he saw Fang Yun's palm, the palm of his right hand immediately turned into a bottomless hole. It emits a strong suction. The magnificent truth poured into the right hand.'s hand.

In an instant, the change immediately saw the lines of Fang Yun's palm. In the blink of an eye, it immediately disappeared and completely turned into a blank. But soon, some thinner and smaller kines immediately emerged from under the skin. He swam quickly in the palm of Fang Yun's hand.

If you look carefully, you will find it. These fine lines in the palm correspond to the middle-earth Shenzhou and the land, sea and rivers of the wilderness.

When the fine lines are formed, some strange shadows like the epitome of mountains and rivers, followed closely, and emerged: three mountains and five mountains" terrain dragon veins, one by one.

The details and shadows continue to evolve, becoming more and more, more and more complex, and there are many meaningless runes. According to a certain law, they wander quickly in it.

"Buzz!" Fang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes flashed. The head drooped slightly and immediately looked at the palm of the right palm. Fang Yun finally understood this "One Palm Sutra" to a very high realm after taking a long time in the "Heaven and Earth Clock". Although it has not been fully understood, it can already be speculated about the heart of heaven.

"Middle-earth Shenzhou, Dihuang, Yihuang, Manghuang, Wilderness..."

Fang Yun's eyes continue to deepen with the lines of his palm. He leaned all the way to the depths of this palm. These mysterious runes that keep wandering between fine lines and shadows are meaningless in the eyes of others. But in Fang Yun's eyes.

is exactly the performance of Tianji.


Fang Yun's palm shook again. The shadow of the palm of the hand suddenly doubled. A faint dome-shaped shadow oozes from the palm of the hand, covering the whole palm pattern. Above the dome, a little star appeared.

The "One Palm Sutra" has been destroyed to this point, and the content in the palm of the hand has nothing to do with Fang Yun. Everything is the projection of the sky machine, which changes automatically. Fang Yun can only see what appears in the sky.

The rune of the palm is constantly changing. Unconsciously, Fang Yun's spiritual power is suddenly sucked into it.


With a shock in his mind, Fang Yun only felt that his spirit broke out. The infinite silence of the whole world, followed by a vast void, above Fang Yun's head, unfolding slowly like a picture scroll.

The vast sand-like stars appear in this void. Many of these empty stars are innumerable. Moreover, the starry sky known to Fang Yun is very motionless.

These stars are dense, more than tens of billions. It's like a bucket of sand, just sprinkled in the starry sky at will without any rules.

"Here is what all martial artists see, fate is empty, isn't it..."

Fang Yun looked up and muttered to himself with a voice that only he could hear. As soon as the voice fell, it seemed that he knew what he was thinking. The stars all over the sky, as if they had their own life, operated rapidly.

Extremely fine lines quickly emerged, hidden in Haohan's starry sky, constantly penetrating, one star spoon after another, these lines were still very few at the beginning, but in the blink of an eye, they have grown to the point that they can't keep up.

"The Trace of Destiny!"

Fang Yun was shocked. Everyone entered the "emptiness of fate" for the first time and saw his own self and the lives of those related to him. And these are extremely important for every martial artist.

Because, whether you can seek good luck and avoid good luck, escape the number of disasters, just hide your nose in these... the traces of fate. This is the fate of every martial arts giant and the trace of his life.


When Fang Yun's eyes noticed those "traces of fate" related to him. The stars in the whole void are immediately separated up and down and turned into two layers. The unrelated stars are precipitated below, and the stars related to themselves appear above.

The stars in the sky are rapidly decreasing. The rest is only the "life number" and "life mark" related to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun's heart tightened and stared intently at the "trace of fate" presented in front of him.

The light of the stars has been covered by "traces of fate". What is presented in front of Fang Yun is a complex, unimaginable, a complex "fate" picture scroll intertwined with "traces of fate..."!

On this picture scroll, thousands of "traces of fate" either go hand in hand, or intertwined into complex vortexes, or gathered together, or shot away, which is inextricably difficult to sort out.

With Fang Yun's current "innate mathematics" attainments, it is impossible to exhaust the meaning of these "traces of fate". In fact, Fang Yun has no intention to do his best with the power of one person.

He just looked up at an obvious vein that ran through the whole void. That's the general trend of his whole life.

"Pang Juyuan is right. I'm destined to go through one doom after another"

Fang Yun looked at the void, the huge vein made of countless silk threads, and muttered.

In his eyes, although the traces of fate above seem complicated, it can still be roughly seen that there are vortexes running through one vortex after another on the straight main line.

Pang Juyuan once mentioned to him that every vortex is actually a doom. There are life-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-by-

When he was severely beaten by Yang Qian and Li Ping in the Learning Palace, it was a robbery, which was a small robbery; when Di Huang met Xie Daqiao, when he was chased and killed by him, it was another disaster; when he was chased and killed by Yang Hong, it was another disaster: when he met Feng Taicang, he would forcibly Everyone's life is full of disasters. Soldiers have more disasters than ordinary people, and warriors have more disasters than soldiers. However, Fang Yun's doom seems to be more.

Fang Yun's eyes wandered with the main vein of the "trace of fate", and when he saw the end of the "trace of fate", he couldn't help but be stunned. There is a huge vortex, almost covering most of today's space.

Fang Yun's "trace of fate", the main vein, immediately disappeared into the void after entering it. Even if you can't see the extension, you can't see the end, which means the unknown.

Fang Yun looked up at the sky and was stunned. Suddenly, a voice flashed in my mind: "... There is another word that I didn't say. Brother Fang is not in the disaster of Xi'er City. But it is in a bigger doom. Compared with today's dooms, the doom of Xi'er City is only a very small doom.

This was the time when Fang Yun asked Pang Juyuan, the king of Beidou, to check his fate in the Beidou Mansion that day. The life he criticizes!

At this time, looking at the huge doom at the end of the lifeline, Fang Yun finally understood what Pang Juyuan meant at that time. This huge vortex, in the innate mathematics, there is a special title called "the trapping dragon situation"!

"I'm afraid that this doom is the fate of the death that the teacher criticized for me on that day, and the need to turn into a dragon to escape. Unexpectedly, I still didn't escape from the teacher's approval! I was born to correspond to the fate of the dragon, which corresponds to the number of real dragons. This game, also known as the trap dragon game, is especially restrained from my fate. Whether he can escape or not depends on his own means and ability!" Fang Yun's mind was suddenly extremely sober. "countless information" was connected back and forth and connected with each other. In an instant, all the veins were suddenly straightened out: "Lantai Secret Garden has already had a scroll, saying that tomorrow will be like a pattern, presenting, a group of tigers devouring dragons, the image. I'm afraid that this "pattern of tigers and dragons" has something to do with today's doom. Even, it is likely to be the disaster today! The life of the dragon corresponds to the situation of the trapped dragon. In my current identity, it seems that I can't escape!"

Fang Yun's eyes flashed. Seeing the direction of his own fate, he turned to the incomparable ether in his mind. In Merlin, the teacher has already reminded him. Fang Yun had expected this for a long time, and there was no reason to take a chance.

The most terrible thing in life is the unknown, but if it is a known fate, it is not so terrible.

Fang Yun observed countless heavenly opportunities in the "Void of Destiny" for a while, which was staged in his eyes. After a while, Fang Yun retreated from the void of fate.

"Li Zhiyi, send this letter to the military office and turn it to Your Majesty." Fang Yun called Li Zhiyi and handed over the letter he had just written to Li Zhiyi.

"Yes, Lord Dutong!" Li Zhiyi immediately responded to his order.

"Hmm. In the capital hall, it will be handed over to you for the time being. If anyone is having trouble, don't pay attention to it, just remember it. I'll clean it up one by one."

After saying this, Fang Yun floated out. His body shook, entered the void, and left the space of the army's garrison.