The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 737 First Strike

Fang Yun only has ten days, except for one day of march, there are only nine days left. Within nine days, all ** of the three states must be pacled. There is not much time left, and every moment is cherished.

"I'm stunned!"

Outside Bocheng, the lights are bright. Fang Yun stood on the towering mountains, his eyes in the dark, emitting a fearing light. Hummingbirds keep falling from the sky. On the side, his confidant took off the creed from the hummingbird and handed it to Fang Yun.

For this action, Fang Yunming obediently transferred a large number of crickets to his huge moths to convey the news. Now, this huge moth is running all day and night. Now the sky is blinded, and all the innate counts are invalid. These ordinary intelligence collection agencies in the world have played a powerful role. Every moment, a large number of hummingbirds flew down. After taking off the news, they flew away. Among these hummingbirds, there is not only the information agency under Fang Yun, but also the huge thing of the Zongren Mansion, which has been found out.

This storm involved a lot, and the clan government has the responsibility of supervising the world. This storm against Confucianism could not be detected in advance, which can be said to be a dereliction of duty. The Zongren Mansion is up and down, like a precision instrument, which is running with all its strength.

A team of dozens of people, temporarily integrated. Continuously record and integrate messages.

In the night, the whole garrison camp goes up and down. An atmosphere of tension and killing.

"See the marquis!"

At two nights, a celebrity figure rushed up from the foot of the mountain and knelt on one knee in front of Fang Yun. These people are all detectives under the name of Fang Yun.

"Have you found out?"

Fang Yun looked down at the crowd and said coldly.

"It has been found out when I went back to the marquis. This incident is related to a **** called 'Twelve Chen'. In addition to this ****, there are more than a dozen ****s, large and small, involving it. There is only one of their pavilions here. In Bocheng, the members of their organization, we all find out the location. Just wait for the adult to order to deal with it.

The moth leader of Bocheng said, he hesitated, and then said, "Your Excellency, the matter of Bocheng may be a little special. According to our investigation, the city owner of Bocheng also seems to be in this matter.


Fang Yun's eyes flashed... The killing machine flashed away. After a moment, he fell silent and waved his hand: "I know. Go down. When the time comes, guide the army to kill the killers in the city one by one.

"Yes, my lord."

The moths took their orders and left.

At the third watch, it is the time when the night is the darkest, and it is also the easiest time to neglect.


With an order, thousands of surplus troops poured down like a tide. In the dark night, a pair of secondary armor, in the dim starlight, is refracting the shining cold light, just like the blade of a sword.

"The lockdown!"

Under the order, the army was divided into four strands and swept to the four gates of the east, south, west and north respectively.

"Forbidden! Before dawn, but there are escapees, kill without edict!"

Fang Yun said coldly.


As soon as the voice fell, several commanders, deputy commanders, captains broke out of the air and did not enter the night.

Qiang! Qiang!

The armor shook, and Fang Yun was dressed in the "Sea God Armor"... His breath was cold, like killing a god, stepping into the city from the west gate. An army of thousands of people followed closely.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!

The magnificent footsteps shook the whole city.

Fang Yun kept walking, moving forward while having a huge spirit. Expand it. The power of unparalleled spirit enveloped the whole city. The city, which had been disturbed by the assassination storm for a long time, was immediately huge and small, and all the secrets were revealed in front of him.

After the martial artist reaches the celestial level, he immediately has the ability to converge the spirit of the air. These people can hide it from ordinary strong people, but they can't hide it from Fang Yun's eyes and ears. In Fang Yun's perception, the breath of these people is as eye-catching as the lights in the night.

" Let's go! If there is any resistance, kill it immediately!"


The armor shook, and the army of more than 5,000 people was turned into pieces and quickly scattered to the whole city.

It was as quiet as before in the night, but there was a murderous atmosphere.

"Ah! One MM..."

After a moment, a scream crossed the night. A few exclamations came from a distance. But these exclamations soon stopped abruptly. A faint smell of blood came from a distance.

"Da Damn, it's the one who conquered the army! Hurry up..."

"Shout up! Our sectarian community has an agreement with the court. Do you want to destroy the peace..."

"If you want me to stop it, don't think about it! Things that don't know life or death, give me the wind..."

In the dark, people's voices are noisy, and there are angry shouts and shouts coming from the night, followed by the sound of fighting one after another. Soon, a firelight rose. Obviously, some people want to cause chaos in these calms.

At the third watch, it's time to fall asleep. However, the sound of fighting everywhere in Bocheng immediately woke many people up from their dreams.

Fang Yun looked sideways at Li Zhigao beside him. The latter replied with a lip, and immediately shouted in a low voice: "The court suppressed the rebellion, the purge of the usurper, and all of them are strictly forbidden to go out of the house. Waiting for the military order! ......

The strong voice, like thunder, resounded through the city.

Soon, the boiling voice immediately calmed down.

All over Kyushu, the increasingly fierce assassination activities have made people all over the world panic. I heard that the imperial court suppressed the ordinary people in the city and immediately felt at ease. I was relieved.

Although it was quiet, no one fell asleep. Many people listened carefully to the movement outside the window. The city was full of heavy footsteps, mixed with the sound of armor shaking.

This kind of sound is extremely reassuring.

The battle will soon subside. More than 5,000 troops are enough to suppress a medium-sized sect. Not to mention these killers and ordinary sectarian warriors.

"Let's go!"

Fang Yun closed his eyes and felt it for a while and then opened his eyes. Take the crowd forward.

The main house of Bocheng City.

"Which army are you from? This is the city lord's mansion! Go back quickly!"

When Fang Yun arrived, the city lord's house was already brightly lit. A housekeeper with some bodyguards stood at the door and shouted harshly.

"All in custody!"

Fang Yun looked indifferent and gave an order. The guards behind him immediately captured the housekeeper of the city lord and the guards.


After the backyard of the city owner, there was finally a rapid sound. Several figures finally couldn't help it and broke out of the air.

There are many people with forbearance in the world. These people think that they are hiding in the city lord's mansion, so they have nothing to do. But I didn't expect that Fang Yun came from the main house of the city. Finally, they lost their color and fled one after another.


Fang Yun took a look, ignored it at all, and stepped straight into the city lord's mansion. The whole city of Bo is now banned. These people can't fly at all.

"General Chuanbocheng, let him come to see me!"

Fang Yun sat down in the lobby of the city lord's mansion and said in a low voice. Now the whole city's main house has been emptied. As for Liu Meng, the owner of the city, he has long been gone. Obviously, he got into the group of people who just escaped.

A moment later, the general of Bocheng Town arrived. This is a man of five and three thick men who are extremely burly and have a beard on his face.

"I've seen the marquis!"

"Within ten days, the whole city will be strict. At each intersection, there must be more than two soldiers patrolling. Divide into two classes, rotating day and night. All the restaurants and teahouses are lit in the evening. Within three days, Bocheng must resume the market. Can it be done?

Fang Yun said in a low voice.

The most important thing now is to restore people's hearts and restore people's sense of security. These measures are simple, but they are no less important than the current purge. Only the people feel that the army is guarding everywhere and all the time, and it will naturally settle down. The most important thing is for the people to stabilize the market. As long as this returns to normal, Bocheng will return to its previous situation.

"I will definitely do it!"

General Bocheng. This kind of ordinary city and town army generally has 100,000, or even more than 100,000. It is more than enough to patrol a city.

"Lost it!"

After swinging back the general, Fang Yun immediately closed his eyes and meditate, motionless. The whole situation of Bocheng is under his control. Occasionally, some fish that missed the net were guided by Fang Yun's consciousness to recruit and chop up the army one by one.

By dawn, all battles will be over. A famous army gathered in the city lord's mansion. These people are cold and cold, and their bodies have a strong smell of blood.

"Lord Dutong, the battle is over. All of them resisted were killed on the spot. The bodies have been concentrated outside the city and burned. The rest of the prisoners were all concentrated outside the city. The blood stains of the battle have been ordered to garrison the city and be cleaned immediately. By the time we leave, there will be no blood left.

A leader came in. They are naturally proficient in doing this. In terms of their ability, they are useless now.


Fang Yun walked out of the main house of the city, and it was dark outside the door. These are both good and evil, and they are all sectarians. Seeing Fang Yun coming out, these people all showed resentful eyes.

"Your Excellency, we caught a person. This man claims to be the owner of Bocheng. We dare not confirm it. Please make a final say.

A strong man from the army came forward.

"Bring it up."

Fang Yun stood with his hands in a cold voice.

Soon, a middle-aged man with loose hair and a haggard look tied up and brought it up.

"Put me free!"

When the man saw Fang Yun, there was a slight flash of light in his eyes. He immediately knelt forward and said, "Marquis, let them let me go. They made a mistake. I was taken hostage by them..."

Fang Yun sneered and didn't say a word. He just stared at him and let him distinguish. Finally, the man became more and more guilty. At the back, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

In front of Fang Yun, he felt like a transparent person, and all secrets were seen through.

"Kill it!"

Fang Yun only spit out two words. Immediately, two soldiers were ordered to take him out.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute... I was wronged..."

The man roared, but was quickly dragged out. With a flash of the knife, he was immediately executed.