The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 740 Master of Horror

Zhao Jiuding is also a strong man of Tianchong Liupin, and he has a lot of fighting experience. But with his ability, he was directly pinched to death by people like ants!

This gray-haired and bald old man's strength is simply horrible!

"Yang Jie, the eagle claws of the court who don't know whether to live or die, dare to be presumptuous in front of my innocent king." It's really more than death." The gray-haired bald old man smiled strangely. In the cracks of the teeth with yellowed teeth, wisps of flesh and blood flowed down with the skin, which was described as extremely terrible.

His gray eyes turned around, indescribably strange and terrible: "Those who dare to move the earth on the head of my naive king will die. Never been spared. Today, all of you will stay here, be refined into blood and swallowed by me.

Before the voice fell, a terrible pressure "rolled like a tide" to suppress all the soldiers of the nearest army nearby [town] could not move. In the blink of an eye, it rang and exploded from the inside to the outside.

At this moment, "Recently, with Zhao Jiuding's attack on the valley, more than 300 troops "not even lasted for a moment" immediately screamed and turned into a bloody rain, sprinkled on a huge area in the valley.

All this happened too quickly. How fast it is for the strong man in the star world to take action. When Fang Yun was about to take action, the overall situation was set. Zhao Jiuding's first expeditionary soldier who invaded the valley was dead.

"Ancestor! Ancestor!" ............"

The valley was boiling. After the army attacked the valley, it was like a tiger entering the sheep, almost invincible, and the corpses were all over the field. But as soon as Fu Tianzhen appeared, he immediately reversed his stubbornness.

"Hahaha, no one can escape one day. The army of 500,000 is just in line with me to practice the magic of ten thousand charms!"

The naive king smiled strangely, and his body shook. "A turbulent and magnificent gray-white airflow with a strong smell of death broke out of the air and turned into a vast sea." With the sound of ghosts crying and gods, he rushed down from the sky.

"They are suitable for you to become evil" but you are suitable for me to become a puppet!"

Fang Yun looked cold, and his eyes outside flashed a little cold star. It's incredible that a small killer organization has a strong man in the realm of life. Just in one thought, his men lost a commander and several deputy commanders, and Fang Yunchu was in power, which was also extremely heartbreaking.

These are all his direct subordinates" and are different from puppets. If you die, one will be missing. This innocent king actually killed his subordinates in front of him. What's more, it is necessary to refine the army of 500,000 yuan into an evil king. How can Fang Yun endure it?


The palm of his hand turned over, and a curl of white gas... It turned into the same ice claw and dragged the whole army up.

Soldier to soldier, general to general, that's it!


I only heard a loud "boom", and the rolling evil air in the sky exploded into strands. In the valley, the strange and terrible old man was described as a strange cry. He staggered back a few steps and stared at him. He stared at Fang Yun: "You, you, you!"

"I haven't broken it yet, Destiny, right?"

Fang Yun sneered and directly said the following words to him. There are also high and lows in the realm of life. This palm is a battle of pure power. The final result was that Fang Yun was faintly taller than him.

"Hum!" Fu Tianzhenjun was mocked by Fang Yun. Suddenly, a trace of anger flashed through his eyes: "Looking for death! The smelly boy thought I couldn't clean you up!"

"The evil method of overturning the sky, stabbing the world!"

The naive king suddenly opened his mouth and roared, and the endless gray sword shadow, like a cloth, flew out of his mouth. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a waterfall and swept towards Fang Yun.

Each of the sword shadows in the sky has a thin arm thickness, hissing and roaring one after another, with a fierce atmosphere of killing. It seems that each of them is a talented martial arts strongman, and everyone has the cultivation of Tianchong seven grades. Everyone combines their bodies with swords and sends out a fatal blow to death with the enemy.

Thousands of Tianchong Qipin, shadow smen, jointly issued a fatal blow. Such an attack, not to mention Fang Yun, I'm afraid that anyone would be exhausted and die. You can stop one wave, but you can't stop the next wave.


Fang Yun was aware of the "shadow assassin" all over the sky, but suddenly, he found that the breath of the naive king suddenly disappeared.

Zing! I want to play tricks in front of me!"

Fang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and looked cold. A few mistakes under his feet immediately crashed back into the void. Almost at the same time, the shadow of the sword changed and cut into the space fault at the same time. From all directions, at an incredible speed, he assassinated Fang Yun.

"Qi Jie, boy! You are still too young. Martial arts is not just strength. Die for me!"

The strange laughter came from all directions. At the same time, Ling Li burst out like a murderous shot. It condenses as if it were a real sword, and it is necessary to cut open the void. This murder, without any fbreak, with laughter, flooded from all sides.

fu tian zhen jun" After all, it is an old monster that has been cultivated for a long time. In terms of killing, Mei is the ancestor, and there is no fbreak at all.

"Rible! Do you think martial arts are based on age? Look, I broke your unique skills!"

Fang Yun's shoulders shook, and his body immediately soared. In an instant, it grew to a hundred feet high. The palm of his hand turned over, but when he heard a ferocious roar, the "Demon God's halberd" immediately appeared in their hands, and the rolling green gas broke out of the halberd.

A violent and terrible breath expanded from Fang Yun. On him, a huge good skeleton? The eyes spit out flames, looming. Fang Yun is set off like a god of death.

"Five Prison Bone Emperor!"

The king of Fu Tianzhen, who was hiding in the shadow of the sword, was stunned when he saw the skeleton shadow. In his memory, this is clearly the top magic weapon of the Holy Witch Church. Only the elders of the Holy Witch Church can refine things.

Among these old things, there are a few, which are very powerful. Even in the magic list, it is also a top-ranked and one-ranked master.

Fu Tianzhenjun was a little stunned for a moment, and everyone was a fierce character in the south. If Fang Yun has something to do with the Holy Witch Church, it will be a little troublesome. However, the idea is just a turn.

This boy led a large army to suppress the imperial court. Even if it has something to do with the Holy Witch Church. That's the relationship between traitors and traitors. He killed him innocently, but instead cleaned up the door for the Holy Witch Church.


The shadow of the sword all over the sky was overwhelmed with devastating energy.


A cold hum" At the moment when the sword shadow was over, Fang Yun suddenly disappeared. The next moment, the figure of Fang Yun suddenly appeared above the sword shadow group.

Although Fang Yun is not a martial artist in the realm of fate. I don't know the rule system of the fateful star world, but the "Law of Billions of Space Dunform" is originally a very smart martial arts in the fateful star world. It can make up for the shortcomings in Fangyun's rules.

Although the martial arts of the innocent king is powerful, it is useless to hit people.

Fang Yun was dressed in the sea god armor and stepped on the void. Cold-eyed overlooking the void. In order to understand the rules of heaven and earth, the way of assassination, and the practice is without any fbreak. But the other party said that his figure was undoubtedly revealed at this time.

Although the hidden kung fu of Fu Tianjun is powerful, he can hide it from the strong at the same level, but he can't hide it from the clock of heaven and earth. With the help of the clock of heaven and earth, Fang Yun clearly saw a figure, strangely pulled into a line, mixed in thousands of sword shadows.

"The blue dragon cracks the sky!"

Fang Yun stepped on the boots under his feet, and the halberd pointed obliquely. The next moment, the empty dragon chanted a huge green dragon's scales and armor, lifelike, with a domineering and powerful atmosphere, meandered and swooped down. More than 100,000 dragon scales are spread. Long Qing was angry and suddenly poked out with one claw and grabbed Fu Tianzhenjun. The tip of the huge claw suddenly has a halberd tip protruding.


With a loud noise, the void was broken. The body of Fu Tianzhenjun was suddenly broken like a mirror, and it was the next moment." The scream of Fu Tianzhenjun came from the distance. At that critical moment, the king of Fu Tianzhen suddenly used a magic of the rules of "shifting and changing shadows".

"Do you think it's okay to hide here?"

A piece of halberd tip stabbed down from the depths of the space. The naive king Fangyun is faster. The famous "Billions of Space Separation Method" of the Demon King in the Sky is not comparable to the understanding of the descendants and juniors like the Innocent King.

"You! Fight for it!"

A strong death crisis is full of [body]. Fu Tianzhen was shocked at first, and then the whole body was burning with real gas and getting together. The right hand of the king immediately soared, pulled and thin, turned into a sword, set off an air machine full of darkness, death and killing, and picked up the halberd of Fang Yun.


This halberd is indestructible. As soon as the palm of the emperor touched the tip of the halberd, he immediately felt a pure, destructive and violent atmosphere, which exploded and sprayed from the tip of the halberd.

Fu Tianzhenjun is also a strong man of the star, and the true qi condenses into a true dragon. But compared with the power of the outbreak in the tip of the halberd, it was as thin as Zhang, and was instantly torn apart by this indestructible force.


A flash of blood" One hand and claw immediately flew out. The king of Fu Tianzhen shouted strangely, like a broken kite" and fell from the banquet.

"Second brother!!" Just as the real king flew out, the deep underground of the valley shook the mountain. A big hand made of mud and stone, abruptly took Fu Tianzhenjun in his hand.


A horrible figure suddenly rushed out of the ground: "Dare to hurt my second brother, heaven and earth" No one can save you! Die for me!"

This figure appeared on Fang Yun's side almost in an instant. With a big hand, he suddenly raised it like a sledgehammer and suddenly smashed it down. In the dark sky, with a "sneer", he was immediately torn like a piece of paper. Huge cracks in space appeared.

This man is too fast" as soon as he appeared, he was beside Fang Yun. As a result, Fang Yun can only block it with his hands.

"Gods and demons hold their hands!"

Fang Yun was eager to carry a martial arts and push it hard.


With this punch, Fang Yun was directly bombarded for a hundred miles. The space is cracked one after another, and it can't bear the terrible power attached to him.

"What a horrible punch!"

In the forest below, when the leader and deputy leader saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed. A strong man in the world of life has come out of expectation. Another one appeared, and even Fang Yun was beaten out like a broken sack.

How to fight in such a situation!

"The divine guard must be mobilized. Only the strong in the divine guard" can deal with such a terrible monster!"

Some leaders subconsciously flashed this idea in their minds..