The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 762 Demon Joining

The demon emperor sits still, but his body exudes a lawless and extremely horrible demon spirit. Even the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor dare not get too close to it.

This middle-aged man is another demon strong man in the wilderness, the demon emperor who swallows the sky. The strength is still far above the sky-shaking demon emperor and the sky-eating demon emperor.

"If the demon clan can only come forward by you. We don't have any opinion either. I just want to ask, may you make a decision on behalf of the demon clan?" The left protector sat cross-legged and asked in a low voice.


The Demon Emperor laughed and said, "You still don't know much about our demon clan. We demons may not be as crooked as you human beings. Within the demon clan, there is only one will. That is to maintain the interests of the demons. As long as you can convince, it is also equivalent to persuading the emperor. "Haha, good! It would be better if the demon emperors could make the decision. Then I won't beat around the bush. Zuo Hufa looked neat, sorted out his thoughts slightly, and said, "Guys, I'm here during this period. I don't know if you have known what happened in Middle-earth Shenzhou.

"If you mean, several houses were bombed in Shangjing.

Killed several ordinary people. Then we know it! However, do you want to say this kind of trivial thing?" On the side, the shaking demon emperor said with sarcasm. The transformation of the capital, which shook the whole Middle-earth and triggered the anger of the royal family, fell into his mouth and became a few houses and killed a few ordinary people. When Zuo Hufa heard this, he couldn't help but be furious. This is equivalent to invisibly belittling the chaotic ancestors, medieval alliance leaders and other sect ancestors together.

However, he just took a slight breath and immediately calmed down. At present, there is a request for others, not when you are in a good mood: "That's exactly the matter. Blow up a few houses and kill a few people, of course, a few demon emperors should not pay attention to it. However, almost all sects in ancient times, ancient times and ancient times have united to attack the imperial court. Isn't it possible for you to look at such a thing differently?

The three demon emperors looked pale and didn't say anything this time. Perhaps because they have witnessed too many dynasties, the demons have always not paid much attention to the court in Middle-earth. It belongs to the kind that has attention, but the attention is not very deep.

The turbulence of Middle-earth, the demons are aware of it, but it is not very detailed. At this time, I heard that the ancient, medieval and ancient sects were united, and I couldn't help but look solemn.

Such a force, even the demon clan should be treated with caution and dare not despise it.

"You'd better say it directly. What's good for us about this matter? What do you want us to do?

The demon emperor swallowed the sky in a low voice.

"It's very simple. As long as the demons can join us, the success of this action will be greatly increased. As for the benefits? There is no need to worry about the military attack of the Zhou Dynasty. Is it a benefit? Is it good to expand the scope of the wilderness by a thousand kilometers? Are so many elixirs and secrets in the Zhou Dynasty a benefit? Is it good for all our sects? Is it a good?" Zuo Hufa said a few benefits in a row, and he had already figured it out before he came here.

The Demon Emperor and several other demon emperors looked at each other and saw the surprise and surprise in each other's eyes. What the sectarian good impression this medieval alliance said, exempting from military attack, is not attractive to several people. Only this wilderness area extends a thousand miles outward, which is extremely **.

The range of a thousand miles is still huge. The demon clan is trapped in a corner, and the area is limited. If it can shoot a thousand miles, this is a great benefit.

Although there are still great differences in the geographical environment. However, for the demon clan, it is not a big problem to transform the environment on the original basis.

This is different from transforming the sea surface into land. The latter involves too much power of rules. If the wild land extends into the sea, it is still possible in a short time. It is impossible to maintain it for a long time. Even the Eternal Blue Sky Emperor can't do it.

But if it extends to Middle-earth inland, it only involves changing the surface level. This difficulty is much easier.

"What you just said is that expanding the scope of the wilderness land is really effective? As far as I know, the Middle Ages seems to be just a force in the sectarian world. It's far from this qualification to divide the land!"

The demon emperor swallowed the sky in a low voice. He is not so easily confused. A new piece of land, if not recognized by other forces, will only become the source of disaster.

At that time, not only will the demons not be able to take advantage of this new land. It will also be dragged into the mud of other forces and continuous conquest.

"The current medieval alliance naturally does not have this qualification. That's why we need your demons to join. This land is for your demons, although it is for you. But I didn't promise you for nothing. You need to fight for it yourself. We have reached an agreement with other sects that after the overthrow of the Zhou Dynasty, a new puppet regime will be supported. At that time, we can fully recognize the new wilderness. Moreover, if you are not assured, our major sects can also sign an additional agreement with you to sweep the reaction of the three demon emperors into your eyes. He nodded darkly in his heart.

For this small plan, the Middle League has been preparing for too long. The needs and needs of all forces have been thoroughly studied. Like "Twelve Chen", in order to meet the ambitions of the two ancestors, the Middle Ages League has prepared a large number of medieval secrets and elixirs.

As for the demons, ordinary skills and secrets are useless at all. It is not very attractive. On the contrary, in the view of the sectarian world, this kind of sneered territory and territory has infinite attraction to the demons.

The Middle League has prepared enough homework for these forces.

The demon emperor was silent, and the promise of the Middle Ages seemed to be an empty check. However, this seems more credible.

"Why do we need to help you? If it's just land, with the ability of our demon clan, we can completely attack the war leader by ourselves, and there is no need to rely on your power at all.

The face of the swallowing demon emperor is as heavy as water, and he can't see any expression. When Zuo Hufa heard the words, he suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, you can say this kind of thing. The demon clan really has so much energy. Do you still need me to be here? Among other things, the one in the imperial palace of the Zhou Dynasty, even your eternal blue emperor, dare not say that he can take it down. You can say such big words, too.! By the way, I forgot to tell you something. It is said that the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is building a sacred artifact for your demon clan. We don't know the details. However, I know that name, which is called Zhenyao Tower!" Zuo Hufa said, looking at the three demon emperors with a sarcastic face.

Sure enough, when the three of them heard the words, their faces changed greatly: "Demon Tower!!"

You don't need to know too much about this kind of thing. Just a name has revealed too many secrets.

"Yes, it's the Demon Tower! You don't naively think that as long as the demon clan is not involved in it, you can sit on the wall and watch and collect the power of the fisherman, right? Zuo Hufa sneered. For these demons, human instincts can't help but sneers. If it is not valuable to use, he is too lazy to be on an equal footing with them.

has a long life span and also has an emperor-level character. But after so many years, the demons can only live in a corner. Even in the most chaotic and darkest era of human beings, the power of demons has not expanded much.

These demons lack the spirit of adventure like human beings by nature. In other words, all demons have the word "cowardice" in their souls when they are born. If it were other forces of human beings, with the power of demons, they would have already stepped on the Central Plains and competed for the world.

As a strong man in the Middle Ages, looking at the demon clan for thousands of years, it has not changed for tens of thousands of years. He looks unmotivated. The left guardian instinctively despises this race!

"The situation has changed, and it is no longer the question we discussed before. It is no longer a question of alliance." The Demon Emperor suddenly stood up and looked solemn: "Please stay for a few days. I need to repay my ancestors. A few days later, I can promise you!" He brushed the sleeves of the swallowing demon emperor and flew directly into the stone wall, as if it had melted and disappeared directly. Originally, the two sides discussed only whether to help the medieval alliance, but as soon as the word "demon tower" came out, the whole thing was different.

In any case, a sacred artifact that is especially aimed at demons and restrains demons is absolutely not allowed to exist in this world!

"The alliance leader is really right. If you want to invite the demon clan, a single word of profit is not enough. You have to use "intimidation and temptation, four words! These guys really can't sit still!" The left guard sat down safely and remained calm.

Three days later, the Demon Emperor appeared again.

"Go back! We, the wild demon clan, have agreed to this matter. On the day of attacking the imperial city, our demon clan will make a contribution!" The look when the swallowing demon emperor came was completely different from that when he went. With a faint anger. "

"So good! Then I'll go back first. I will report this matter to the leader of the alliance, the good news of the Jinghou nobles. The left guard showed a strange smile at the corners of his mouth, nodded, and his body shook and dissipated into light spots.

"Swallow the sky, this is just human civil strife. And we can't tell the true from the false of the demon tower. Do you really want to get involved?" After the left guardian of the medieval alliance left, it will shake the emperor's way.

"It's not a matter of whether we participate or not. In any case, we must not let the demon tower fall into the hands of other forces. Otherwise, if the imperial court really refines this thing, it will be passed down from generation to generation. We demons will be threatened and used forever.

The demon emperor swallowed the sky and said without doubt. As soon as his voice fell, he went straight out of the cave.

A gust of wind blew, covered in robes, and immediately hunted and danced.