The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 784 The Life Star of the Warrior

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get the tiger's son. After this time, at least for a long time, I don't have to worry about the energy problem of heaven and earth.

The energy problem of the clock of heaven and earth has been bothering Fang Yun for a long time. In the whole process, Fang Yun only added three times. The first time was the egg of the evil god, and the second time was to plunder the chaotic magic spirit in the Hall of Demons, and the last time was now.

This is the most fully supplemented. Not to mention the time acceleration in the supply space, it can also spread and exert extra time.

After a slight meditation, Fang Yun immediately calmed down. He was forced into Tianchong Qipin in the battle, and the time he stepped in was too short. There is no time to [true] physical enlightenment, the mystery of Tianchong Qipin.

The eyes are slightly opened, and in the consciousness, everything is quiet, and the boundless darkness comes to his face. In the slightly cold darkness, it floats fiercely between heaven and earth. If there is nothing, if the silk is empty, it immediately appears in the world of consciousness perception. With the expansion of consciousness, hundreds of regular cocoons have become thousands, tens of thousands... 100,000, millions, forever!

In the eyes, it is a world of rules. This kind of rule can't be touched or cut off by the palm of the hand, but it is a real existence. Endless information poured into Fang Yun's mind from all directions.

This time, I won't see the information about biology again. It is about the information about hundreds of millions of planes and spaces in this vast void, life and death, and constantly changing. Fang Yun even felt that before a long time, some planes collapsed and accidentally formed the information of time and space debris.

This is the effect of deepening the intensity and depth of obtaining information from the void after the ability is improved. In the past, when Tianchong Liupin, Fang Yun had no access to this information.

Because this information is too old and too long. The remaining information is extremely weak. It's not that martial arts cultivation has reached a certain level, and it can't be captured.

The world of rules is endless.

However, as long as the square cloud can see, even this narrow plane, the rules in it are self-contained, forming a cocoon-shaped circulatory system.

Fang Yun's heart suddenly blessed his heart, and a subtle feeling rose. The whole world, or the universe. It's a vast ocean of rules, but in the ocean, it's not water, but willow-like rules. And the plane, space and world are the cocoon-shaped fruits inadvertently formed by this ocean.

With this understanding, Fang Yun's spiritual power suddenly soared, like a tide, quickly passing through thousands of spaces and planes. Fang Yun's heart became more and more calm and detailed, and gradually merged with this dark void and endless plane into a subtle realm without me.

The world of rules is gradually forgotten. In Fang Yun [body], the rules of merging with flesh and blood suddenly fluctuate again, as if there is life. Under the influence of some invisible force field, it automatically re-forms some wonderful structures according to the regular structure of space and plane.

This process is very slow, but in this change, Fang Yun feels that his essence, qi and spirit are growing slowly.

Time passes slowly, and I don't know how long it has been. A wonderful feeling surged into his heart, and Fang Yun suddenly felt that in the depths of his consciousness, a wonderful connection that was different from other rules, extended from the soul and extended to the depths of the sky.

This wonderful connection is like a rule, but thicker and stronger than the rule. And it has always been straight, unlike the way of the rules, and does not follow the single law of escape. There are both curved, curved and straight.

"This is..." Fang Yun's calm consciousness rippled slightly. He separated a wisp of consciousness and spread along this wonderful connection to the other end of the darkness above his head.

This wonderful "rule" is hundreds of thousands of miles. Fang Yun's consciousness has been following this wisp of contact, climbing in the dark for a long time. But it has never touched the source. I'm afraid that the whole Zhongtu Shenzhou is not so wide.

This "rule" is very tenacious and almost unshakable. With the passage of time, Fang Yun gradually felt a stronger and stronger fluctuation from the end of the darkness. This kind of fluctuation is somewhat similar to the power of the stars, but it is not exactly the same, and it also contains something else.

"Fate, soul, destiny..." Fang Yun muttered to himself. In this wonderful "rule", he felt some unthinkable information. That's something related to fate, soul and destiny. It contains some kind of information about life and death, just like the withering glory of huā wood and the death of insects and fish.

"Is this...fate!!"

Fang Yun suddenly looked up and "looked" at the end of this "rule". At the end of Fang Yun's perception, a huge, vague and huge spherical outline appeared in the depths of darkness. It seems to be very close, and it seems to be infinitely far away, forever untouchable.

This is not a ring, but more like in the dark. When I saw a huge sphere like the sun, I felt such a mottled, huge shadow, but it was not true.

In this strange existence, Fang Yun only felt a grand message, that is, "everything is fixed and can never be changed".

I learned that in the blood of Kun Peng, the martial arts memory belonging to the ancient martial arts overlord floated from my mind. Fang Yun subconsciously remembered the memories and feelings of some martial arts overlords.

Heaven and earth take shape, and everything is born.

At the birth of all life, the unpredictable fate has left a heavy mark in these little white paper-like lives. These imprints record the trajectory of these lives, life and death, prosperity and decline.

In the view of some lives, everything you get through your own efforts is actually doomed in the dark. They just follow the fixed trajectory and intersect with different people and different things. But in the end, it is inevitable to go to the same fate: death!

Anid, destroyed! This is the theme of fate! In every life, in the dark, in the depths of the vast sky, there is a star corresponding to it. This kind of star is not an ordinary star, but a life star. In the life star, all the information of one person is recorded, which is the representative of "fate"!

Many people can't feel the existence of their own life stars for the rest of their lives. When everyone dies, his fatal star will fall from the underworld.

When many people die, his life star is actually invisible. Only in the cold darkness, there was no ripple. But when some powerful dynasties and powerful generals died in battle, the "life star" fell across the sky and set off a huge flame. Occasionally, they were observed and recorded in history books.

Like the Shang Dynasty in the previous dynasty, there is no Wuhou. In the history books of Confucianism, it is clearly recorded that six prominent generals, when they died in battle, they dragged the tail flame across the sky in the big stars. In the Zhou Dynasty, there were also several generals who had such a vision when they died.

But there are few such observed records after all. Not all life stars can be observed. Not all the life stars are falling in the dark.

The life star, not the star!

The ancient demons can summon the stars of the world and bombard the enemy. But no matter how powerful the demon god is, it can't summon an ordinary human "life star".

The structure of the life star is not the extraterritorial star iron, but the fragments of fate.

It exists in a wonderful spatial latitude, not where any warrior in the universe can find it.

For martial arts that pursues martial arts as a lifelong goal, the "life star" is a threshold that must be crossed. Only from the distant space latitude, summon your own life star, and shatter and break it with absolute power. Only then can it be able to jump out of the cage of fate, condense the seven souls, and turn into the soul of life in the three souls.

At the first birth of life, the soul lives in the fetus, the soul disappears, and the seven souls are derived. And the day after tomorrow, if the warrior wants to be detached, he will reverse the process. Reunize the seven souls into the soul of life.

But in this process, the "life star" is a threshold that must be crossed. The life star symbolizes the "death" that everything must pass through. It inherently contains a "death disaster" of human beings. Only by breaking the "life star" can it be detached. Only then can you write your own life trajectory at the predetermined life trajectory.

"Life Star" symbolizes fate. Breaking the life star is to change your life against the sky!

The closer the consciousness is to the huge dark sphere, the stronger the tingling sensation becomes. That comes from the sting of the soul! It's another long time. At the end of the void, the blurred sphere felt has not changed at all. But the oppression and tingling in the soul are getting stronger and stronger. Moreover, Fang Yun also felt a sense of fatigue.

"That's it!"

Fang Yun opened his eyes, and his magnificent consciousness, like a tide, was collected from all over the void to his body.

"Life Star" is of great importance, and at the moment before it is broken, the life star is no longer elusive. At this time, it can be said that the most vulnerable time for warriors is also easy to be taken advantage of.

is also broken, but the "life star", broken by others and broken by yourself, are two completely different concepts. Once broken by others, then the most important soul brand for martial arts will be completely destroyed. Without this tiny spiritual imprint, the soul is not perfect, and it cannot enter the realm of life, or even a higher realm.

There are even some ancient secrets that can take the other party's life star from the depths of the sky when the other party summons and condenses its own life star. So as to achieve the purpose of controlling the other party. Even in the other party's soul, plant taboos.

The relationship between the "life star" is so great that all martial artists should be cautious. This is also the reason why Fangyin, the Marquis of Sifang, can break the life star tomorrow morning, but is slow to step into the life star.

Because the "life star" is a milli before summoning