The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 798 Seventh Generations of Pluto Albus

The magic of Yitian Old Demon is very strange. The ability of this kind of extraterritorial monster is completely different from that of the Central Plains. At least. Fang Yun hasn't seen it yet. This kind of link is linked. Use the power of the warrior himself to bombard the warrior's own magic.

Instead of being in the world of "Yitian Old Demon", he rushed left and right, and he worked hard with himself. It's better to settle down and absorb the "fruit of emptiness" with all your strength. At least, Fang Yun still has more than a dozen puppets, which can be used to offset the prohibition of heaven and earth, and the energy to be consumed.

Moreover, while imprisoning Fang Yun, Yitian Old Demon also helped Fang Yun. At least. He doesn't have to worry about it now. At the same time, he will face the old skeleton demon, the leader of the Black Water Alliance, and the three murderers of the Rift Sea. And the joint attack of scattered cultivation of all kinds of life stars, which is both misfortune and blessing.

Huge, "The fruit of the void..., held in the palm of Fang Yun's hand. The ripe fruit is already the size of a head. It is crystal clear and beautiful, and there is a faint, gauze-like fog-like light, which penetrates out.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!

Huge, "The void,..., extremely rhythmic relaxation. Shrinking. In each relaxation and contraction, there is a large amount of magnificent energy ejected. The fruit transformed by Pluto's heart, like an overflowing container, is spewing out excess energy.

And inside this heart. The energy contained in it is more than the power emitted. It will be hundreds of millions of times stronger. It is like a sun, containing infinite light and heat.

, "A single heart, the fruit condensed after death. With such energy, how strong should the seven generations of Pluto Albus be!

Fang Yun looked at the crystal-like fruit in his hand. The terrible energy contained in this fruit made him unable to think of the power and horror of the seven generations of Pluto. That's already a legend.

The seven generations of Pluto of the Underworld Sect are already so powerful. What should the founder of the first generation become? What's more powerful is the sword sect that is forced to defeat the underworld!

, "Oh!"

Fang Yun's finger flicked, a wisp of real anger. The combination of one's own spiritual strength and martial arts will" is merged into one, and it has penetrated into the "empty fruit,..., to take this, the empty fruit,. Refining.

A piece of power based on the rules runs through the whole, "empty fruit". Medium. This is the law.

In the fruit of the void, it contains a part of the peace rule of the seven generations of Pluto Abus. In the role of this spatial law, countless fine spatial rules are distributed in a network, which dominates the empty fruit. Endless power.

What Fang Yun needs to do is to refine this space law and brand his martial arts will and spirit. It is branded in this empty fruit.

A wisp of shadow, along the "empty fruit... Inside, the spatial regular veins are shallow and deep, extending to the inside of the fruit.

, "The fruit of the void." It looks like it's only the size of a head. But the internal space is endless. It contains the same fiery energy as underground lava. This is the result under the dominance of space rules.

If you can refine this fruit, Fang Yun will not have to worry about the energy of heaven and earth. And many effects can also be played. You should know. When the fruit of the void is ripe, it absorbs almost all the energy of the void abyss and leads to this space storm that sweeps all the void.

Fang Yun was promoted seven times in Tianchong. In the body. It has already combined the rules in heaven and earth. In a sense. The body of the warrior of Tianchong is a kind of extension and continuation at the end of the rules between heaven and earth.

What Fang Yun has to do now is to assimilate the rules inside the empty fruit and become part of his own rules. In this refining process. Fang Yun will also absorb the rules in the fruit. The benefits cannot be counted for reason.

But. Correspondingly. The process of refining will not be easy.

, "Buzz!"

The space in the clock of heaven and earth" buzzed and shook.

A large piece of gravel. It slipped from the mountain. The earth is like a ferry. Shake it and count it.

This is the shock caused by the attack of the old demon of Yitian, which fell into the clock of heaven and earth. Fang Yun didn't care. Just keep the energy of several puppets into the clock of heaven and earth to block the attack of the Yitian old demon.

And he himself will put all his energy. Concentrated, "the fruit of the void... The interior.

This is a blood-red, lava-like world. There is magnificent energy everywhere. In the spiritual induction, "the fruit of the void,. The internal structure is like a fierce and complex blood vessel. Fang Yun constantly refines these thousands of "blood vessels" with his spiritual power.

, "What pure energy! The underworld is the purest energy of death. But the energy transformed by Pluto's heart is extremely pure. There is no energy attribute." It seems that the martial arts realm has reached a very high place. I'm afraid it's the same way! Fang Yun thought to himself in his heart. A warrior who can turn into a world is not what ordinary warriors can imagine. However, no matter what, with the refinement of square clouds layer by layer, "the empty fruit... This fruit, which contains the most powerful energy, gradually loosened a trace, so that the blame cloud can absorb the outermost part of the energy.

, "Take this energy. Take it to resist the old demon...

Fang Yun communicates with the spiritual way of heaven and earth.

, "Well, master, don't worry. Just give it to me outside." This PS Yitian old demon is a little strange. His ability seems to be mainly reflected in his ability to borrow strength. On the contrary, the ability of the ontology is not as good as the ability he should have.

There are some doubts about the transformation of heaven and earth.

, "Haha, I've said it before. He is in this state. Trapped me. The power of the ontology will be limited. If this layer of prohibition is removed, I guess it will worry again, and I will escape in an instant," Fang Yun said with a smile. He is not joking. If the old demon of Yitian withdraws this layer, it is similar to the ability of the chessboard to Yi. You can escape in an instant.

, "Billions of space escape method.. His ability, to his current level, is like the closeness of the previous emperor. Fang Yun can also escape calmly. It's just that this space is too complicated. And. This kind of alien enlightenment. Martial artists who practice becoming demons can't use common sense at all.

Because of the acquired practice, it is much more difficult than human beings. Therefore, once these aliens are well practiced, they often have more special abilities than human warriors. Like this old demon. Similar to the chessboard, it traps people. Finally, the ability to die is one of them.

, "Master..." The heaven and earth were silent for a moment: "I see...

, "Hmm...

Fang Yun nodded and said nothing more. "The fruit of the void" is almost equivalent to the energy of half of the world. Therefore, the refining speed is relatively slow. Fortunately, each square cloud can constantly refine the "fruit of the void" at a constant speed. From shallow to deep, layer by layer.

And every layer of refining, Fang Yun can get a small amount of energy control. This energy. It can also be used to pay for the attack of the Yitian old demon. So. For a moment, Fang Yun was shocked, plain and safe.

Time goes by slowly, and I don't know how long it has been.

Fang Yun's consciousness finally touched, "the fruit of the void... The deepest part. If the energy of the outer layer of the void fruit is the hot lava, which contains explosive power. Then the deepest part of the empty fruit is like the deepest nucleus of a star. The energy of talent is all solid.

Under this solidified surface, Fang Yun felt it in the dark. An ancient existence, an eternal and immovable force" runs through it. Like a restless dragon, he wants to molt into a dragon.

, "It's the lowest level..." Fang Yun was overjoyed and had the spiritual strength. Without hesitation. Follow, "The fruit of the void... The internal rule channel bombarded the hard "core" with a thunderous momentum. Go up.

, "Boom!"

Only a loud noise, the deepest part of the empty fruit, the energy core,..., like a solid shell. With a click, it was torn apart.

, "Refined..."

Fang Yun was overjoyed, but at this time. It happened outside, roaring" a wave of underworld, from, "the core,. Medium. The storm is coming. It's like heaven and earth. The strong and terrible will swept and moved with the fluctuation of destroying everything.

, "Oh!...

It's like a sigh of waking up in a deep sleep, coming from it. Fang Yun's spirit and martial arts will. Under the suppression of this force, he couldn't move.

, "Is the alien... trying to touch the fruit of the nose..." In his hoarseness, there was a cruel voice. It came into Fang Yun's mind. Then the consciousness, in an overwhelming posture, spread along the square cloud, "the empty fruit,. The inner spiritual power extends in the opposite direction, and lightning rushes to the [body] of the square cloud.

, "This is..., the seventh generation of Pluto!"

Fang Yun was furious, and an indescribable horror grabbed him tightly. Such a powerful pressure is only in the legend that the ancient seven generations of Pluto who have passed away.

Fang Yun didn't expect that the seven generations of Pluto, who had been dead for many years, would have left such a means after his death. In terms of vastness, this spiritual power. Far from Fang Yun. But in pure quenching. In terms of the irresistible will of martial arts, it is completely beyond Fang Yun's imagination.

, "Anger..., give your body to Pluto! This is the honor given to you by Albus..."

The grand voice sounded in Fang Yun's mind. This force was immediately divided into thousands of threads and bombarded into Fang Yun's mind. This overlord in ancient times actually wanted to take Fang Yun's body and resurrect.

At this time, the danger is all around, and the clock of heaven and earth is being dealt with with it. "Yi Tian Lao Yao... And before it reacts and helps. The spiritual brand left by the seventh generation of Pluto Abus can completely take away Fang Yun.

The body turns into the existence of a world. It's not Fang Yun at all. The warriors who have reached the realm of fate, but are still born out of the realm can resist. Seven generations of Pluto Albus, as an ancient terrible demon king, has an incomparable advantage.

Even if it is, "Heavenly Evil Jade Emperor,. This kind of master is in the face of Pluto's Abs. There will be no room for resistance at all.

, "Hee!...

Just for a moment, the spiritual imprint of the seventh generation of Pluto Albus has controlled Fang Yun's mind and body. He is ready to do it. This house is simply thunderous, as fast as lightning. Unparalleled, without any room for reaction and resistance...

Seven generations of Pluto, fierce!