The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 814 Legendary Land

Chapter 814 Legendary Realm

Chapter 814

Several people stood up. Although their faces were a little haggard, they were still straight and arrogant. Seeing the children of the Fang family in front of them, several people couldn't help but wet their eyes:

Marquis, old marquis..."

After being stationed in the wilderness for more than 20 years, almost all of these people were picked up by Fang Yin. In this army, Fang Yin's position is like the sun in the sky, and it is never too much to value morality.

Now that Fang Yin is in mourning, the army is like this. In the eyes of these old generals, it is inevitable to feel sad.

"I already know about my father..."

Fang Yun waved his hand, indicating that he already knew. Although he looked calm, when he saw the wet eyes of these steel-like generals, a string was also plucked in his heart. The nose is also a little sour.

However, Fang Yun is clear that this is not the time to talk about each other's sorrow. The most urgent thing is to rectify the army:

"General Pan, you are my father's old subordinate. Now the army is like this, which is by no means what he would like to see. Moreover, no one witnessed the battle that day. What was the result? If you don't see it, you can't be sure. You have been with my father for a long time. I hope you have enough confidence in him like me.

Marquis, don't worry. We will rectify the military spirit as soon as possible. Restore order to the army.

Seeing Fang Yun's performance, everyone deeply felt that Fang Yin had a successor, and there was a trace of comfort in their hearts. The son of the tiger, the father and son of the Fang family are in the same line. In Fang Yun, they saw the shadow of Fang Yin, the Marquis of Sifang. This is the only comfort during this period.

"Well, you can build a defense as soon as possible. As for the difficulties from other parties in the court... If there is another case, please inform me. I will deal with them myself. In addition, I need the most detailed information about the 'Barbarian God of War'.

Speaking of the time of the barbarian god of war, there was a trace of blood-red light in Fang Yun's eyes, and several generals felt the void, which was as strong as a real killing. I can't help but be secretly shocked by Fang Yun's cultivation.

"Yes, my lord. We will finish it as soon as possible."

When they replied again, everyone changed their names to another name. Obviously, Fang Yun's behavior, words and deeds have been recognized by everyone, and he is the new commander of the army.

The army quickly restored order. In fact, when Shenwuhou chose to leave in the face of Fang Yun's hegemony, Fang Yun had been recognized by all the generals in the army.

Regardless of origin, title or ability, Fang Yun has the full right to control this army.

Although the army under the rule of Fang Yin, the Marquis of Sifang, fell into it for a short time only because of its strong dependence on Fang Yin. After the temporary loss of the leader, he was extremely unsuitable. Once the accurate order was obtained, the army immediately showed its original powerful appearance.

All the barracks are well arrayed, and the banners are everywhere, like continuous mountains.

"Your Excellency, the information you want."

Soon someone sent the information of the "Wild God of War" to Fang Yun. This wild god of war has not been seen by anyone in the barracks at present.

However, more than half a month has passed since the battle between Fang Yin and the Wild God of War. During this period, the army has sent a large number of reprimands to the war area to search Fang Yin's traces, hoping to prove any evidence of Fang Yin's whereabouts.

In this process, I naturally collected a lot of information about the Wild God of War. Although there is little information about this barbarian horror strongman, it is enough to catch a few barbarians and know the name "Alabhur".

In the historical records of Confucianism in the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a record of this Arabul. Although it is just the identity of a barbarian general.

Two thousand years ago, the barbarian god of war, Alabubar, led the three wild and fierce armies to enter the Central Plains and decided to compete for the world. But in the end, he was seriously injured in the continuous battle. Confucianism recorded that the end of the barbarian general was the death of the battle. But it is obvious that the existence of this barbarian legend did not die so easily.

In the information, it is also mentioned that the barbarians seem to be reorganizing their armaments and trying to form a large army to reproduce the prestige of the barbarians 2,000 years ago.

"You are in charge of the army for the time being. I will go to the wilderness to investigate."

Fang Yun summoned several generals in the army and said in a low voice.

"Yes, my lord."

Everyone answered.

Out of the barracks, Fang Yun went to the wilderness alone. The station is not far from the wilderness, and there is no need for space shuttle. Moreover, Fang Yun doesn't want to miss any information.

In the territory of Jingzhou, there are also Tianmo Sect and several Taoist demon sects. The army withdrew to Jingzhou for more than half a month, and had not been attacked by the barbarians, including the barbarian god of war, and did not go deep into Jingzhou to pursue and kill. Fang Yun secretly guessed that this was probably related to several sects in Jingzhou, such as the Tianmo Sect.

Although these big sects show that the strength of lù is not strong, even the Heavenly Evil Sect has a three-xiang magic weapon such as the "Hand of the Evil God", not to mention the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The barbarian god of war obviously doesn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Moreover, Fang Yun secretly guessed that the newly resurrected barbarian god of war may also need time to restore his peak strength.

The sky is full of dark clouds. In the area from the Jingzhou border to the wilderness, the terrain has been completely changed, and all the high mountains have been razed. The grassland turned into a muddy country.

"Is this the place where my father fights..."

Fang Yun closed his eyes and walked. Although more than half a month has passed, there is still a strong message in the void. However, this kind of information is so violent that it is impossible to absorb complete information at all - the strength of the two is so strong that the information leaked outside is also disturbed by this violent force

Countless vague and distorted images kept flashing in Fang Yun's mind as he passed by. Dark clouds, lightning, heavy rain, violent true qi, nine thunders in the sky, green dragons..., and two tall and burly figures are constantly presented in Fang Yun's mind.

Fang Yun was like looking at the battle that happened that day through a glass of water mist, across the corridor of time.

"Father has broken the star of life..."

At this time of absorbing information and images from the void, a clear understanding suddenly rose in Fang Yun's heart. The barbarian's god of war is at least the cultivation of the soul realm, and is likely to break through to the third realm of the divine realm. With Tianchong's seven grades of cultivation alone, it is impossible for his father to be entangled with the barbarian god of war for so long.

The planet is in danger. If you want to get through it, you must find an excellent time point. Fang Yun didn't know what kind of good opportunity his father had found, and he broke through to the realm of fate in one fell swoop.

And in these images, Fang Yun found that the unique skills of Kunpeng overlords of all dynasties, which he had given to his father, also played a role. Some of Fang Yun's unique skills that he has not practiced, and Fang Yin has exerted great power in his hands.

My father's accumulation is too strong. With the power of God Yu's armor, he actually fought with the barbarian god of war for so long.

Fang Yun exerted his ability to "shrink the ground into an inch" and walked forward step by step. The further he went, the closer he was to the core of the battle. Those violent confidences are more and more dense. However, Fang Yun could not see clearly what was going on with his father's battle with that Arabul.

The information in the void is not always so organized. More times, it is like a disorder, no head, no tail, no logic. It is necessary to rely on Fang Yun to analyze the truth of the facts.

"Father, where the hell are you? I don't believe that you will die under the hands of the barbarian god of war.

Fang Yun muttered to himself in his heart, a little nervous and a little scared. The more confidence you receive, the more uneasy you will be.

There is no doubt that the strength of the barbarian god of war exceeds that of Fang Yin. Fang Yun was afraid of himself, and the last trace of hope in his heart would be broken when he found the truth.


With a shock in his mind, Fang Yun's huge divine power came out, spreading endlessly in all directions. The God of War was summoned by him again. With the help of this set of armor, the coverage of Fang Yun's divine power has been greatly increased.

The desolate land was searched by Fang Yun inch by inch. I didn't even let it go under the earth. Any clue will be carefully scanned by Fang Yun.

The scattered wilderness of the past, at this moment, in the perception of Fang Yun, there is a stern breath. These barbarians who have lost the hearts of warriors seem to have regained their former confidence. The whole wilderness gives people a sense of barrier, and there is an atmosphere of active preparation everywhere. There is a crazy and dangerous smell in the air.

Fang Yun clearly felt that in the depths of the wilderness, a stream of dust rose to the sky, and the huge breath was earth-shaking, like a flood, surging crazily.


is Fang Yun's divine power. When it passed through the abyss, suddenly, without warning, a torrent of violent jīng divine power swept out, like steel, shaking Fang Yun's jīng divine power.

"Wild land, who is coveting it?!"

A thunderous consciousness suddenly sounded in Fang Yun's mind, and his voice was mocking, like two pieces of metal friction.


Before the sound fell, in front of Fang Yun, the air was torn and separated like that. A figure several feet high, like an iron tower, exuding a strong violent and bloodthirsty breath, appeared in front of Fang Yun like a storm.

As soon as the man appeared, the surrounding space immediately seemed to be frozen into ice. Fang Yun suddenly felt that all the space rules, in an instant, were out of his control and fell into the control of the other party.

This barbarian god of war with ferocious and sharp joints, seems to be the master of this world. As soon as he appears, it seems that anyone who appears in this space will be controlled by him.


A bright look fell on Fang Yun, with sharp eyes, like a knife and a gun. Fang Yun immediately felt that the air was as heavy as a mountain, and his body trembled. He actually fell directly from the air. With a " bang", he fell into the muddy soil.

"The third legendary realm of Shentong Realm!"

An idea flashed through his mind, and Fang Yun's face changed in an instant. Obviously, in half a month, the barbarian god of war actually made progress again. He stepped into the legendary realm.

Legendary martial artists, each of them is a legend in martial arts!

(The content of the previous chapter has been slightly modified) RA