The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 822 Chen Baxian

Only the "Emperor" can fight against the "Emperor".

Obviously, the rabbit actually moved the one in the depths of the wilderness. With the cultivation of the Eternal Blue Emperor. Obviously, there is no difficulty in stopping the wild "Wild halberd Broken Empty Emperor".

When the emperor-level characters fight, the fluctuations caused are disaster-level. It can even turn the whole Middle-earth Shenzhou into rubble. This is the end of the Middle Ages.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, there will be rare battles. At most, it is a small-scale contact, similar to this time, the "Ethereal Blue Emperor" slightly delaying the attack of the "Wild halberd Broken Empty Emperor".

However. Whether it is the "Egenuable Blue Sky Emperor" or the "Wild halberd Broken Empty Emperor", they are all extremely discerning beings. The existence of vulgarity is not in their eyes at all.

Generally speaking, except for the highest level of martial arts, they rarely appear. For example, this time, the barren halberd shattering the empty emperor's action is already very unbreakable.

However, even so, whether it is the "desolate halberd emperor" who wants to kill Fang Yun or the "Eternal Blue Sky Emperor" who wants to save Fang Yun, except for the terrible sword that burst out by the rabbit, no other cloud said a word in the whole process.

"The road is different. "We don't plan to do it" for the existence of the emperor. Fang Yun is an ant-like existence, standing on the "Tao" of the same height at all. Even if he is a descendant of the ancient emperor Yu.

The nail is the nail, and the Mao is the Mao!

In the eyes of emperor-level characters, there are no descendants. The five emperors are the five emperors, at least the descendants of the five emperors have nothing to do with the five emperors.

In the endless space fault, Fang Yun flew away quickly. For him, the wilderness has become a dead and desperate situation. The five emperors are synonymous with mythology in Zhongtu Shenzhou.

Although many martial artists are proud of being able to admire the true face of these five emperors, Fang Yun is not included. At least, the "Emperor" is not one of his hopes.

The cloud in the space fault has put the "hundreds of millions of space escape method" to the extreme. Before he left, he saw it clearly. The Eternal Blue Heavenly Emperor only blocked it a little. The two emperors did not mean to fight a war.

If Fang Yun can't escape from the wilderness before the power of the "Egnan Qingtian Emperor" withdraws. Then the result is still a road to destruction.

"Damn it! You boy doesn't even have hair on your mouth. I really don't understand how you provoked the halberd and the empty emperor. Even if you rush into the medieval alliance and kill the guy Chen Baxian, it's smarter than provoking an emperor!"

aside. The rabbit shouted indignantly. The speed of the rabbit after the increased strength is not much slower than that of Fang Yun. However, Fang Yun keenly found the difference between the two.

Fang Yun has such a fast speed, relying on the "hundreds of millions of space escape method". But there is no trace of martial arts on the rabbit's body. It seems to rely on some terrible innate instinct. Or, it's a gifted magic.

In the face of the rabbit's accusation, Fang Yun did not understand, but asked, "Do you think I can provoke this kind of emperor-level existence if I want to provoke it?"


The rabbit's barking stopped abruptly. "Silence for a long time" seems to be very serious after thinking. The rabbit also has to admit it. A figure at the level of emperor. It's really not something you can provoke if you want to.

At least, you have to have the capital to provoke the emperor!

"I knew it, there must be something wrong with it!"

The rabbit immediately changed his appearance of "I knew it for a long time": "But. Damn it! At this age, there is something about the guy who is not enough for a piece of the empty emperor. It's worth his fear! I really can't figure it out..."

The rabbit talker had no intention, but Fang Yun's heart shook heavily.

At this moment, a thunderous sound came from the depths of the space.

"Be careful!"

The rabbit's expression changed.

Fang Yun also felt a terrible magnificent breath almost at the same time, and his body shook. Hundreds of millions of space escapes are used to the extreme. In an instant, he avoided it.


A force of mountains and seas landed in Fang Yun's original place of existence with a slight difference.


A burst of laughter shook the void laughter, the void separated, a round "shot put". The halo road, like a small sun, emits endless light in front of the two people.

On this powerful magic weapon, Fang Yun and the rabbit felt a attached consciousness. Although it is only a separate consciousness, it is still very powerful.

"Chen Baxian, do you also like this boy?"

The rabbit looked at the "little sun" in front of him, and his eyes were full of hostility.

"Hahaha, I heard that the demon emperor just intred the young man to come to my medieval alliance. Well, as the leader of the alliance, I came to greet him in person. The demon emperor should be very happy. Why is he so vigilant?

The light of the "little sun" in the void flashed, and a magnificent real gas gushed out, turning into a man on the bank of a well, with a black beard on his face, looking rough and domineering.

However, his figure is a little translucent, like a crystal. Obviously, it's just true qi condensation. It's not the real body.

However, despite this, when Fang Yun saw the incarnation of the medieval leader, his heart sank. Although Chen Ba first came not the noumenon, but the incarnation. But this incarnation also has legendary cultivation.

And it is different from the legendary level of half-toned cultivation with the temporary promotion of the barbarian god of war. Although the body of Chen Baxian, the leader of the medieval alliance, has reached the legendary level with magic weapons. But his realm of cultivation. But it is from the soul of the earth.

This alone is much better than Aragubar! Moreover, in terms of survival time and life expectancy alone, the hegemon of the CRRC era is much longer than Aragual, and his reputation is not comparable to that of the barbarian god of war!

, "Humph! This kind of nonsense with your eyes open should be said less in the future. I'm afraid that your sggy-legged subordinates will hear that it will damage your status as the leader...

The rabbit held his arm and said with a sarcastic face.

Although the rabbit looked calm, he looked indifferent when he spoke. But Fang Yun stood next to it, and later, he clearly saw the short tip of the rabbit's tail. An imperceptible tremor.

I don't know. I thought it was blown by the wind. But Fang Yun knew that this was a sign of the rabbit's inner tension as himself.

, "This medieval alliance leader seems to know the details of some rabbit demon emperors. I won't be silent for the time being. Let's see what he says...

Fang Yun's eyes flashed in his mind.

In an instant, he made the wisest choice and was silent at this time.

Chen Baxian obviously came from the rabbit. There is something to be afraid of. Otherwise, just come up and kill the two people. It's not nonsense at all. The rabbit seems to be heartless, but Fang Yun knows that this harmless rabbit is more powerful and smarter than himself at this point.

, "Hahaha, the status of the alliance leader always speaks by fists. Whoever's fist is hard enough is the leader of the alliance. Demon Emperor, you don't think that our medieval alliance is competing for who is benevolent and who is the leader of the alliance, right?

Chen Ba laughed first. He kept watching the rabbit speak. However, Fang Yun clearly found that his eyes had been looking at him. And. He has been laughing since he appeared, but there was no fluctuation in the corners of his eyes.

When a person is really laughing. There must be a wrinkle in the corners of the eyes. Obviously, this medieval leader is not as simple as he did.

I don't know why" Fang Yun's mind suddenly flashed the image of a wolf. The wolf lurks in the grass and bushes. Observe secretly. Once the time is selected, it will explode immediately, which is a fatal blow.

, "This person is extremely tactful, thick on the outside and tight on the inside. He is definitely a hero. It's best not to mess with it. Once you get into trouble, it's better to get rid of it quickly. In order to avoid future troubles. Never last!...

With only a moment of observation, Fang Yun had a great fear of this medieval leader in his heart. This person looks fooled, but if he really thinks so, then he is fooled by himself.

, "Master Chen, there is no need to say more. It's a waste of your time. It's also a waste of my time. Let's get straight. What do you want from me?

Fang Yun suddenly opened his mouth. It has been judged that this medieval alliance leader is thick outside and tight inside, and he is a first-class hero. Fang Yun immediately changed his strategy.

A trace of surprise flashed in the rabbit's eyes. At first, he was angry, but he chose to support Fang Yun's action.

, "Hahaha, the champion of the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is really a smart man! He is worthy of being the son of Fangyin, the Marquis of Sifang. What I want is very simple. Give me the three-econventional magic weapon on your body! I don't want to be embarrassed with you in the future. If you hand over the unrestrained imperial palace, I will leave immediately!"

Chen Ba first seemed to be straightforward. I was a little surprised, but I soon made a refreshing look. Say it.

, "Okay! Old boy, I know you are not a good thing! I didn't expect that you hit me with all your ideas...

The rabbit is furious.

, "Ha, the demon emperor joked. Nails are nails. Mao is Mao. Mao. I'm just making a deal with this little brother. How did it become your attention? And, hey, hey,.

Chen Ba first sneered twice, and a cold light burst out of his eyes: "This is not ancient times. Others are afraid of your identity as Jianzong. I'm not afraid of you! Once the three-ele magic weapon is handed over, everyone can still be at peace. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!

Chen Baxian's ferocious appearance fully revealed his true temperament. True face.

Fang Yun's mind turned around. Both sides have torn their faces, and now they have to find a way to get out. At this time. Suddenly, there was an angry shout in his ear: "Get out of here! If you don't know what's alive or death, Master Rabbit can even stop the halberd and the empty emperor, and he is afraid of you, a jumping clown. If you are so confident, Grandpa will completely complete you!"

The rabbit suddenly shouted loudly, and his expression was suddenly very ferocious. Two sharp teeth are exposed in the mouth. When it shouted loudly, the voice was so loud that even Fang Yun, who was standing next to him, was shocked.

, "Look at the fight! Jade Immortal Sword, Sacrifice."

The rabbit looked like a violent face, raised its claws, and suddenly threw out a silver round ball. The round ball has a silky sword spirit.

, "What, Zhu Xian Jian!"

Chen Baxian's expression changed a lot, that small silver pill. In his eyes, it seemed to be more terrible than ghosts, with a frightened look on his face. The body shook and retreated like lightning. In the blink of an eye, he bumped into the depths of the void.

, "Zhu Xian Jian?!"

Fang Yun was stunned. He knew that the rabbit's identity was mysterious, but he didn't know that there was such a thing on it. Even Chen Baxian was so scared that he didn't dare to block it.

, "Kid, run away! When the boy reacts, he can't escape."

Just when Fang Yun was about to see the rabbit's power. Unexpectedly, the rabbit suddenly withdrew and ran away. It really looked like a frightened rabbit.

, "This guy... is cheating!!"

Fang Yun stayed for a long time before he realized and accepted this terrible fact. The contrast between the front and back is so big that there is a moment of blank in Fang Yun's heart.

But. Nevertheless, the warrior's reaction became itself. Fang Yun went first, but he was one step ahead of the rabbit.

, "A careless family...,.

Seeing that Fang Yun surpassed himself, the rabbit couldn't help swearing.