The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 827 Memory--

In October of the year of Dinghai, the Great Zhou Dynasty lasted for more than 1,600 years of civil and military division and rule. With the emergence of Wu Mu and the fierce government army, it officially ended. The Great Zhou Dynasty entered the period of military and political rule. Confucianism faded out.

With Wu Mu's rise to the stage, the conquest and suppressing of the army, the Jiuzhou garrison, the strong in the palace, and the spies of the clan mansion are closely linked. All internal disputes are put on hold for the time being.

The army was fully recalled, and the sectarian surplus plan was suspended. At the same time, he was transferred to cities all over Jiuzhou to be stationed. The strong men of the Shenwei army obeyed Wu Mu's punishment, and temporarily targeted the evil and demonic strong in various places. Try your best to hunt down those great demons who practiced extremely cruel magic skills and sacrifice blood to the whole city.

At the same time, the third Duke and Wu Mu met and discussed for a long time. No one knows what the two sides are talking about. Only know that the three princes began to gather the remnants of the great Confucians from all over the country, together with the Lantai Secret Garden, to study the "Zhou Yi" left by the teacher for a week. At the same time, Sangong assisted Lantai Secret Garden and began to fully interfere with the Hangzhou Sky Machine and its interference.

At this point, Wu Mu no longer returned to Wumu's mansion, and officially sat in the military office and took charge of all the power.

In November, Liu Ji, the patriarch of the clan, entered the military office and visited Wu Mu. After that, Wu Mu temporarily took over all the secret agent networks of the clan's mansion. A huge net spread all over the nine continents.

So far, Wu Mu has sat in the center of the town and officially dealt with the turmoil of Jiuzhou. Every day, a large number of sectarian strong people, including the ancient evil way and the magic way strong people, were collected and killed. The land of Jiuzhou is full of turbulent waves, and a real storm has swept the earth.

Just when the wind and clouds surged in Jiuzhou and set off another storm. Fang Yun also entered a strange place and infinite magic realm.

Before his mind was completely lost, Fang Yun only saw infinite colors, changing and spinning in front of his eyes. In the blur, Fang Yun felt an infinite cloud in front of him, and all these clouds formed a vortex, one after another. And Fang Yun kept falling down in these vortexes.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Yun was gradually awakened from a coma by a chaturing sound. When Fang Yun's consciousness became more and more sober, the distant whisper gradually became clear: "Brother, brother..." It's time to get up."

In a daze, Fang Yun opened his eyes and saw a red face with red cheeks. She was very cute. She was an eight- or nine-year-old girl.

"You are...

Fang Yun looked at the face in front of him, and his eyes were full of doubts. This is a very strange face. Fang Yun doesn't remember that he has seen her. But looking at the little girl's appearance, it is obvious that she doesn't think so.


Little Ru's little child didn't have much strength and knocked on Fang Yun's head: "Brother, you lied to me again. Old man Li said earlier that you were just walking at night, falling and falling into a coma. You still pretend with me."

The little girl's cheeks were bulging, and her face made me very angry.

"Shuang'er, is your brother up yet?"

Just then... a woman's voice came from outside.

"Mother, my brother is too lazy to get up. He wants to sleep in again.

When the little girl heard this voice, the elf's strange look suddenly appeared on her face. She disguised herself as a grimace in her hands, stuck out her tongue, and ran out.

The sound of footsteps gradually faded away, if it was weak, but with the sound of footsteps, another memory suddenly woke up from Fang Yun's mind.

He is still called Fang Yun, but he is an ordinary farmer's child in a calm mountain village. As for the one just now, it was his sister Fang Xiaoshuang.

When this memory passed through his mind, Fang Yun was stunned. He turned his head, and then he had time to measure the room.

This is a simple house, and the walls are made of mud bricks. I learned a layer of grass ash. The house is simple, but very clean. The window was nailed with tree strips, and the window paper was broken. The sun shone in and fell on Fang Yun lying on the pit.

Everything here seems so simple.

Fang Yun slowly sat up and lifted off the worn quilt on his body. Walk out slowly. Everything here is so strange and so familiar.

So much so that Fang Yun has a dreamlike feeling.

It's sunny outside the house. Fang Yun stood at the door and looked out. This is a very simple and calm village. Strangers are connected, and chickens and dogs are heard of each other.

A quiet river flows by the bushes not far away. Several women are playing by the river, "Second baby, do you want to go to the gentleman's place to listen to the book so early?"

A village woman who washed her saw Fang Yun from afar. Stand up, turn around and laugh.

Fang Yun shook his head and did not answer. Everything here is still very strange. He also didn't know where the clock of heaven and earth took him. Fang Yun didn't want to say more before figuring out all this.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yun's shaking head fell into the eyes of this group of village women and immediately caused a loud laugh.

In the sky, "Yun'er, it's time to eat."

A scream came from behind him. Fang Yun turned around and saw a woman with a kind face, Jingbu skirt, standing at the door and looking at herself with a smile.

Fang Yun was stunned and subconsciously answered.

Breakfast is just a few steamed buns and ten arsenic gaps. The woman said hello and went by herself.

Everything happened in a hazy and unknowing situation. Fang Yun didn't know how all this happened. How could I become the child of this quiet mountain village, an ordinary family? I don't know how there is one more memory in my mind, which doesn't belong to me.

However, there was a period when he was very sure. He is Fang Yun, who does not belong to this place.

When a warm feeling came from under his hand, Fang Yun suddenly came to his senses. I don't know when I grabbed the warm steamed buns on the table in my hand.

But what made Fang Yun pay attention to is not this, but his own hand. The tender hands of an eleven- or two-year-old child.

He was shocked, and soon, Fang Yun found a terrible fact. This is not his body at all, but the body of an eleven- or two-year-old child.


Fang Yun's heart was shocked, and his mind was blank. As soon as he woke up, his mind had always been in a state of ignorance and sleepwalking. It was not until then that this terrible change was discovered.

"What's going on?! What the hell happened!"

Fang Yun's mind exploded like countless thunders... The film was in turmoil. However, he calmed down. After a long period of currency practice, he has learned how to calm down quickly in various emergencies and make it instinctive.

When he calmed down, Fang Yun found out. There are a few more people around me. An old man in blue is grabbing his left and right pulse.

"Li Langzhong, how is my child?"

On the side, the woman with the jing cloth skirt said.

Fang Yun was distracted for a moment, but he didn't find that the two of them came to his side.

Fang Yun thought for a moment, but put aside his thoughts for the time being and said, "Madam, I think you made a mistake. I'm not your child."

The most urgent thing is to find a place to calm down and sort out what happened. Fang Yun had no intention of pestering a farmer's house. As soon as his mind moved, Fang Yun wanted to summon a real spirit.

In this simple countryside, it is impossible to be a strong martial arts person. As long as Fang Yun shows his own strength, he can naturally dispel this woman's idea. Although I don't know how it occupied the body of this farmer's child, everything has happened. Although he can't bear it, Fang Yun doesn't want to make mistakes and keep developing.

However, in consciousness, the real spirit gushed out, and the situation of turning into a dragon and a tiger did not happen. In the Dantian, it is quiet and empty, and there is no real gas at all.

Fang Yun's heart was instantly cold and sank to the bottom of the water. It doesn't matter if the body changes. As long as the true qi and cultivation are still there, the warrior's body changes and the size is satisfactory, and he can change back to his body in an instant. But all this is not saved, and it's completely over.

"Hey hey, my brother is sick again."

A child's voice came from the door. The little girl who appeared before made a grimace to Fang Yun at the door... The eccentric face: "Do you want to tell Old Mr. Li and his mother what kind of week you are, what kind of prince's son?" ...Hey, I'm still a princess! Li is not a good thing to tell the story, teach the bad second brother..."

An extremely absurd and shocking feeling, like a thunder, burst into Fang Yun's heart. He completely overturned the original idea in his mind.

At the table, You Fang Langzhong, with a wrinkled face and a slightly arched back, shook his head and looked at the eccentric little girl and looked at each other speechlessly.

Lao Langzhong handed a peaceful corner of his eyes to the woman, then bowed down and smiled and said, "Brother Fang, you said you are not your mother's child, but another world. Then let me ask you, who do you think you are? How did you get here? What kind of big week is that big week? What kind of prince's child are you? What happened to you? What else do you have...

The problems in Lao Lang are one after another, and each of them is related to Fang Yun's background.

Fang Yun shook his head: "This old man, I'm not lying. There is a reason for the incident. In fact, my real name is also Fang Yun, and I am the champion of the Zhou Dynasty...

Fang Yun's voice suddenly stopped, and his voice was getting lower and lower. Faces passed through his mind, very familiar, but for some reason, when he was about to say it. Fang Yun couldn't tell their name. What's more terrible is that Fang Yun felt that these memories, which should have been very real, quickly blurred under his own eyes and became extremely far away, as if they were another distant dream, and gradually became blank.

In the end, there was only one memory left in Fang Yun's mind. The memory of a teenager who belongs to a mountain village, Mingyu is also called Fang Yun.

He can recognize the man in front of him, recognize the woman, recognize the little sister, recognize the house, and remember every corner of the village. I remember the storyteller surnamed Li, who lived in seclusion outside the village. I remember that I often went to his place to hear about it. I remember that not long ago, Mr. Li, surnamed Storyteller, left him to have a meal, and then on the way home, he fell down and fell into a coma...

He can remember a lot, a lot, but he doesn't remember, which should really belong to him...