The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 830 900 million creatures

Chapter 830 900 million creatures

Chapter 838

Fang Yun is not as sensitive to the perception of time as the clock of heaven and earth, but he can know the difference in the time dimension between here and Zhongtu Shenzhou from his true air flow speed.

"Fifty times the time flow rate... It seems that we don't have to rush out for the time being. This is an excellent place to practice martial arts. Moreover, there is no need to consume extra energy.

Fang Yun nodded in his heart.

The time flow rate of space in the clock of heaven and earth is much faster than here. But this kind of time acceleration requires extra energy consumption. The greater the effect of time acceleration, the more energy it consumes.

In this battle with the barbarian god of war, the energy of the "empty fruit" has been completely exhausted. Only part of the energy looted from the inside of the three elephant magic weapon "Hand of the Evil God".

There is not much energy in this part.

The time flow rate in the first magic source book has 50 times the effect, which is Fang Yun's extra gain. As long as you can make good use of it and get involved in the "insurable realm", it is not an excellent opportunity.

At least, the energy required for these time acceleration does not need to be paid by Fang Yun. This flying is cheap, don't take it for nothing.

Not long after Cao Qiudao left, a group of puppets broadcast by Fang Yunsan also returned one after another.

"See the master."

Everyone entered the teahouse and saluted one after another.

"Well, how's the harvest?"

Fang Yun said indifferently.

Soon, a map of the infinite magic domain was presented in front of Fang Yun. This map was obtained from a place called Hongmengxuan. It is similar to the Jubao Pavilion on the Middle-earth Shenzhou.

Along with this map, there is also a platinum card. But it is the Hongmengxuan Pavilion of Yunmeng Kingdom. When he saw a puppet of Fang Yun's strong strength, he used the skill of encirclement.

There is a lot of other information collected. From many surrounding countries to the customs and habits of a certain country and a certain place, they are all collected. However, these are useless. Naturally, I didn't pay attention.

The map is very large, spreading out the vermilion tea table. This is a hand-drawn map, which is very valuable. It was one of the puppets who exchanged the local magic weapon.

Fang Yun changed a cup of tea and carefully studied the map of the infinite magic realm.

"The demon clan..."

Fang Yun stared at an area on the map and frowned. This is more than a dozen neighboring countries, but they are all ruled by demons. This has never happened in Zhongtu Shenzhou.

Fang Yun paid attention not only to this, but also to the fact that there is a demon clan in the infinite demon realm.

"The first demon source book is so bold that for the integrity of the world, it actually went to the wilderness to plunder the demon clan."

Fang Yun frowned. The first demon source book was just a three-ephant magic weapon, not a god. It does not have the ability to create powerful demons out of thin air.

Fang Yun may be sure that the first demon clans in the world must have been plundered from the wilderness. The problem is that there is an eternal Qingtian Emperor in Manghuang, and the first demon source book is so bold that he went to the wilderness to plunder the demons.

In the world of infinite magic, the speed of time is 50 times faster than that of the outside world. According to the time, after a thousand years outside, it will be 50,000 years here. Such a large span is enough for the first batch of small demons to reproduce a huge number. Form a powerful country.

Fang Yun was silent and thought in his heart. The world seems to have become a test site of the First Demon Sect, or a test site of the First Demon Sect.

In the northwest corner of the map, there is a very wide area, which is marked in red. Marked, extremely dangerous. As for the details, there is not a single word.

"These places must be explored one by one. If you want to leave the infinite realm, you must understand the world first.

Leaving the teahouse, Fang Yun found an inn to stay.

In the battle with the barbarian Arabul, Fang Yun finally saw the real core unique knowledge of the ancient emperor. This is very beneficial to the progress of Fang Yun's martial arts experience.

The peerless learning of "King of the Century" cannot be realized through a simple battle. However, Fang Yun already has "Di Yao Wang Dao Fist". With this unique knowledge as the foundation, I immediately have a deeper understanding of the king of the century. Moreover, Fang Yun was not prepared to simply copy Ara Cuban's boxing.

Aragual's boxing is magical and enchanting. How magnificent the ancient emperor was. Although Aragval was a descendant of Emperor Yao, in Fang Yun's view, even if he got the most complete martial arts mind, he failed to understand the king's way and kindness of the ancient emperor, and it was impossible to exert the power of the real "century king's boxing".

Losing the heart of the benevolent king, Ara Cubana's hit is no longer a real "royal of the century". This kind of boxing is wrong from the beginning. Even if Fang Yun learns it, it can't be the real king's boxing of the century.

"The world is impermanent. In the torrent of time, anything can change. How majestic and magnificent the five emperors were in ancient times, but after tens of thousands of years, the glory of the five emperors has completely fallen.

Fang Yun remembered Adi, the eldest prince of the Di clan. As a descendant of the five emperors, he did the matter of robbing women. The glory of the emperor's vein has been thoroughly informed in his descendants. There is also Emperor Yao. Now that I think about it, this barbarian god of war is obviously a descendant of Emperor Yao, but he obviously failed to understand the heart of the benevolent king.

In today's frontier war, the descendants of the emperors are also involved. Fight against each other. The five emperors who once brought infinite pride to Middle-earth and sheltered Shenzhou, but now their descendants are trying to lead a foreign race to attack Middle-earth.

For the ancient five emperors, I have to say that this is a great irony!

Fang Yun shook his head and closed his eyes and immersed in the practice. Deep in my mind, the scene of the fight with Alagual was traced through my mind. The whole battle was infinitely slowed down. Every detail is magnified in Fang Yun's eyes.

"Aragual's century king's boxing is no longer a real century king's boxing. Let the unique skills of the ancient emperor on this door shine again in my hands! ..."

Fang Yun said to himself in his heart. Then he sank into the infinite deduction.

The deduction in consciousness has no time to say at all. What's missing is just a matter of opportunity and epiphany. The original "Century Wangdaoquan" can no longer be deduced, but for Fang Yun, as long as he understands the spirit of Di Yao, this unique learning is the real "Century Wangdaoquan".

Time passes slowly, and Fang Yun almost doesn't leave home every day. If it is in Middle-earth, it will inevitably provoke suspicion, but here, sects are rampant, and no one will ask too much.

Martial arts deduction is an extremely difficult and slow process. Even if Fang Yun has a lot of talent in this regard, and has once performed three tricks of "the way of the guest", this does not mean that he can easily realize the "King of the Century Boxing" in a short time.

After all, this is the great emperor Yao, who once dominated an era!

I don't know how long it took, Fang Yun was suddenly awakened by the void, ubiquitous, with a strong sense of killing and war.

"This is... a large-scale military war!"

Fang Yun listened carefully and felt it for a while. I immediately felt that there was a huge war about 2,000 miles away from here. The war has been postponed for several days. The tragic killing information even spread all the way to the royal road here.

Fang Yun's heart moved and suddenly thought of the war mentioned when Cao Qiudao left before.

"It's Yunmengguo..."

Fang Yun's body shook and immediately disappeared. It was the first time he encountered the secular war in this world, and he had to feel it.


The east of Yunmeng Kingdom is a vast plain. This kind of place should have been lush and eagle-flying grass. But now, it is a waste.

Too frequent wars have turned the land here brownish red. And continuous wars, batches of soldiers, constantly stepping on it frequently. Let the vegetation here, even with fertile corpses and blood nutrients, cannot grow smoothly. Piece by piece, with the stem and root, all trampled to death.

When Fang Yun rushed here, there were halberds everywhere, stepping on a corpse. The army representing the Yunmeng Kingdom is fighting with the army of the Daluo Kingdom.

"What a strong smell of death!"

As soon as Fang Yun appeared in the clouds, he immediately felt the ubiquitous, strong breath of death. I don't know how many wars have been experienced to create such a strong atmosphere of death.

The world here is undoubtedly the love of evil sects and people in the devil's way. In the Zhou Dynasty, people from the sect were banned, and they used corpse gas and dead gas to practice evil skills. Once it appears, it will be forcibly arrested. Due to the force of the imperial court, the people in the sect did not dare to be too presumptuous.

But here, it is obvious that there is no such taboo. If not, once you enter the world. Immediately, it will be affected by the ubiquitous assimilation power of the world, so it will inevitably become a paradise for middle-earth evil and demons. I'm afraid a large number of demons will flock here.

Fang Yun looked at the tragic scene below, and his heart moved. He happens to have a "ancient evil emperor's coming skill", which can be used to use the war here to sacrifice.

The world is only created by the first magic source book, and the people in it are not from Middle-earth Shenzhou. And taking advantage of the lives that have died in the war, Fang Yun will not have too much burden.

"Signs of the evil emperor, all evils return!"

Fang Yun's body was shocked, and a confused emperor's virtual shadow was unparalleled, strong and strong through the ages, clinging to the back of Fang Yun.


As soon as this "Everlasting Evil Emperor" appeared, the strong corpse gas and murderous spirit generated in the battlefield suddenly poured into the virtual shadow of this "evil emperor".

On average, every 500 people die in battle, and the breath of death generated can condense into a white-bone demon spirit, integrate into this evil emperor, and split into the "virtual shadow world" with his own power.

"The ancient evil emperor's coming skill" is the unique skill of Fang Yunde's self-conquest and suppressing Meng Wu's injury, the deputy commander of the army. However, even the heir of the evil emperor has not been able to deduce the "Evil Evil Emperor's Landing Skill" to the realm of great perfection.

The unique learning of this evil way is claimed to require 1.8 million white bone demons to achieve great perfection. According to the average of 500 people who died in battle, a white-bone demon was produced. It takes at least 900 million lives to die in battle to complete this evil magic skill.

Nine hundred million creatures, this is not a task that can be completed in hundreds of years or thousands of years. This requires an era, an accumulation of an era. Therefore, even Meng Wushuang failed to complete this accumulation in a long period of time. Especially in ancient times, the imperial court was so strong that it was impossible to allow such a large-scale death and injury.

Therefore, in ancient times, Meng Wu's "Evil Evil Emperor's Landing Technique" has made little progress.

Nowadays, in the infinite magic realm, it is obviously an excellent place to achieve the "Everageous Evil Emperor's Landing Skill"! RO