The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 846 Raise your eyebrows

Chapter 846 The unrestrained imperial palace is a magic weapon refined by the unrestrained ancestors in ancient times. When I felt that the deadline was approaching, I threw myself into the vast space storm.

The most powerful thing about space storms is the energy tide contained in it. For a long time in the unrestrained imperial palace, with these tides of energy, it was loaded and floated. In these long years, I kept drawing energy from the outside world.

On the level of the magic instrument, the unrestrained imperial palace can't be compared with the original magic source book, but such a long time is only absorbed without consumption. It also allows this magic weapon to accumulate a huge amount of energy.

What a powerful energy!"

Fang Yun stood inside the huge space and felt that a huge stream of energy condensed into substance and turned into a liquid ocean, reciting the surging impact and flow in it.

Fang Yun's ears are full of this kind of thunder, the roar of energy tides.

The interior of this three-elephant artifact is like the meat wall of an animal's body. I don't know what material it is made of. The dense space rules are gathered in it. The strong power of space has constructed bloodlines and veins on the wall of this space with dozens of large cities.

For a long time in the unrestrained imperial palace, the accumulated energy turns into blood and flows in these "vessels". The energy contained in each blood vessel is equivalent to a..." empty fruit."


With a loud noise, the sky and the earth shook. At this moment... the breath of terror suddenly came to the top of this world: "

The man is innocent, and he is guilty. Young man, you are not blessed with this magic weapon!"


The sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and in the sky, dark clouds rolled. One of the dark clouds suddenly collapsed down to the limit, condensing into a blue big hand covering the sky, boundless, rolling up a stream of energy to destroy the sky and the earth, like mountains and seas, pressing the unrestrained imperial palace between heaven and earth.


This move came suddenly, and everyone hasn't reacted yet. This blue giant hand, already lightning, fell to the unrestrained imperial palace. At the moment when the two collided, the giant hand suddenly changed into countless small wheels connecting a cyan wheel thousands of feet high. Countless people, ghosts and gods struggled and roared in these big and small wheels, followed these countless large and small wheels, and squeezed into the depths of the unrestrained imperial palace!

The seal of the heavens, the peerless learning of the heavens!"


The unrestrained palace suddenly suffered this blow and trembled violently. I can't stand it and fall down.

"Hahaha, everyone, you're late!"

A burst of laughter suddenly burst out of the unrestrained imperial palace, and the voice was loud, like a huge thunder, shaking through the four fields. As soon as the voice fell, a white giant palm was suddenly imprinted under the "Unrestrained Imperial Palace".

Give it up!"

The square cloud is like a demon god, standing in the void. With a sudden shout, a terrible force burst out from the unrestrained imperial palace. Countless burning sun thunder burst out from the depths of the unrestrained imperial palace. I only heard "Boom..., the big wheel and small wheel transformed by the "seal of the heavens" burst violently."

After the unrestrained imperial palace broke the "print of the heavens", a fierce bullet shrank into a ball, and hit the dark clouds and deep wind like lightning...


In the depths of the garrison dynasty, a space passage suddenly exploded, and Fang Yun's clothes floated. It came out like lightning and fell gently on the ground: "

All the worlds, we finally meet!"

not far from Fang Yun, the remains of a palace are scattered around. On the bare throne... A man in a green robe with a long beard looked at Fang Yun in shock.

This man is about fifty years old, thin, but his eyes are sharp, revealing a hero's temperament. Around him, the void was twisted by a Wulai force field, faintly revealing the image of countless small wheels around a blue giant wheel. There are countless gears on the edge of the giant wheel, and each gear carries countless ghosts and gods.

This person is the head of the people of the heavens. If his eyes hadn't flashed and his eyes were shocked and destroyed his momentum, the head of the heavenly sect would have been like a god who fell into the world.

"Who the hell are you?"

All the people look solemn. I haven't met such a terrible opponent for a long time. Not only did he not kill his opponent, but he was shocked by that force and smashed the hall he had built.

"The head...

beside the people, the first head Shao Cang Fang Yun had seen once, also stood aside, his eyes flashed, and his face was frightened.

He didn't expect that Fang Yun would come here!

"Haha, haven't I already said this question? My name is Fang Yun.

Fang Yun smiled, floated under his feet, and gently crossed dozens of feet and appeared not far in front of the people.


The people shook their heads and looked solemn: "

You are not from the Dayu Dynasty, nor from the Great Wu Dynasty, and you are not even from the south of the mainland. First, are you from the sky or from the sky!"

Fang Yun's pupils shrank, and his heart jumped violently: "In the day? Outside the sky!"

In the infinite magic realm, the outer sky naturally refers to the Middle-earth divine continent. Fang Yun's heart beat fiercely: "

Do these indigenous people of the original book know the existence of Middle-earth Shenzhou?

Only the voices of the people in my ear continued: "The whole continent, except for those forgotten people in the north. Only those who are from outside the world can surpass the limits of heaven and earth. Reach the realm of the real dragon. Who the hell are you!"

The last sentence of the people's voice was fierce. His Huo stood up, and Mimi stared at Fang Yun fiercely like a blade.

The Forgotten One? It's interesting."

Fang Yun shook his head and said carelessly, "It's a pity that I'm not. My arrival is just an accident!"

One stone stirred up thousands of waves. Unexpectedly, Fang Yun's ordinary sentence suddenly stirred up thousands of waves. The people were still a little afraid, but when they heard this sentence, their eyes changed and became full of desire.

Even Shao Cang beside him, at this moment, the fear in his heart was replaced by another feeling. That's excitement and feroth.


All the people suddenly took action and punched it out. This punch is magical, but it is not bombarded to Fang Yun. Instead, it bombarded into another void. The powerful boxing directly passed through the layers of space and fell into the depths of the Nine Corpse Demon Sect.

"Nine Ghost Emperor, people from outside the sky have appeared, don't you break the barrier?"

The loud voice, like thunder, resounded in all directions.

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of eyes suddenly opened from the darkness in the depths of a different space somewhere in the capital of the king of Yu. The next moment, an earth-shaking evil spirit broke out of the ground and went straight to the bullfight.


In the grand roar, the whole ground of the Dayu King's capital shook violently in the roar. Buildings were directly collapsed and sunken.

"The leader, it's the leader who is out of the gate!"

"Isn't the leader practicing evil kung fu in isolation? Why did you get out of the customs so soon!"

"The deputy leader is fighting with the heavenly sect, and the leader must be going to support!"

Feeling the breath bursting out in the depths of space, the disciples who stayed in the sect were excited. In the eyes of everyone, in the depths of the clan of the Nine Corpse Demon Sect, a storm-like horrible figure broke out of the air, instantly disappeared into the void and disappeared.

At the same time, in the space that all the people split out, another horrible existence suddenly tore a gap in the space and stepped in.

The strong outside the sky..." If you come, you will be at ease. Suppress me!"

The strong voice of the pawn crossed the sky like thunder. Before everyone could react, an extremely dark force enveloped the sky and turned the heavens and the earth into darkness.

"The secret of protecting the god of the underworld!"

The thunder flashed, and in the momentary light, a huge dark shadow appeared in the depths of the sky. This dark shadow has nine heads and four wings, emitting a strong smell of death on its body. It is condescending and leaning down to the whole place today. A strong desire to devoured turned into a torrent of the sky, drumming between heaven and earth.

Jiu Ying, the guardian god of the underworld, the incarnation of death!

At the moment when this man took action, Fang Yun completely confirmed the identity of the person.

"The seal of the heavens!"

At the same time, the people's hands were sealed and suddenly collapsed. A huge blue palm, all of which was firm, suddenly cut down at Fang Yun. At this time, the two peerless heroes in the legendary world chose to join hands at the same time.

"Hahaha, well done! I simply suppressed you together!"

Fang Yun laughed and didn't dare at all. With a "slam" under his feet, he suddenly "unrestrained imperial palace... and sacrificed out. After Fang Yun controls the core authority of this magic weapon, the power is completely impossible to be the same.

With the "unrestrained imperial palace... the energy accumulated over a long time", "the empty fruit... the energy is exhausted, it doesn't matter. Now, even if the barbarian god of war Aragubar reappeared in front of him, Fang Yundufu suppressed him with confidence.

The complete form of the three-exiang magic weapon, even if it is Arabul, can't resist it!


The space rippled, and the unrestrained imperial palace suddenly swelled a thousand times and turned into a dark golden metal dragon. This dragon is as powerful and lifelike, emitting that pressure, which is shocking.

Unrestrained law!"

Fang Yun roared and once again made the "unrestrained ancestor... to become famous. Only this time, "unrestrained Dafa... is no longer sucking the soul or modifying the soul fluctuation.

Unrestrained, unrestrained, unrestrained!"

The highest level of unrestrained Dafa is to detain and restrain the world's life, soul and energy for your own use. After defeating the white-haired old man who guarded the Tongmen, Fang Yun finally practiced this unique skill to Dacheng.

Roar! One...

Only listen to the roar of the dragon...", the unrestrained imperial palace... transformed into a metal dragon, in the hands of Fang Yun, in a circle, head and tail, turned into a metal wheel. At the moment when the giant wheel formed, I only heard a "wow..., a huge vortex of terror, formed out of thin air.

At this moment, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. With the supreme magic, the space opened and suddenly collapsed. Countless houses, soil, energy, mountains, elders and disciples were all detained in the vortex.

Ah! This is a unique learning! My body is going to crack!"

I can't move. What's going on!"

The leader, save me!"

In front of the three elephant magic weapon destroyed by Fang Yun, the elders of the Heavens in this space have no resistance at all. Liye was arrested and got into it.

The unrestrained imperial palace was originally refined by the unrestrained ancestor. Fang Yun has all his power to stimulate the operation of this magic weapon. It is equivalent to the unrestrained ancestors in ancient times, using "unrestrained Dafa". This power is not what the elders of these sects can imagine at all.

"Repressed me!"

Fang Yun roared, five fingers were open, made a false button, and violently buttoned down. Suddenly, with the same mind, this huge metal wheel also suppressed the people and the Nine Ghost Emperor...