The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 866 Holy Beast Kirin

Few people know about the existence of "true demons" in the whole infinite demon realm. Even some veteran martial artists have forgotten these legends.

But the blood-drinking maniac knows that this is not a legend. Because he got parchment martial arts in a historic site, he clearly recorded that countless warriors in the infinite magic realm were destroyed in the hands of these dark creatures.

"If it's a real demon..." I'm afraid I can't escape."

A certain understanding rises in the heart of the blood-drinking maniac. It seemed to respond to his guess, and there were exclamations in the distance.

"What's the matter? The space channel is missing!"

bursts of exclamations sounded in the distance.

In the depths of the demon world, Fang Yun looked at the huge arm that poked out of the magma, and the shock in his heart could not stop this breath. Although he completely lost the breath of the fire real person, it was indeed the fire real person.

"What kind of creature is this?"

Fang Yun is very clear that it is his strongest attack.

Even such a strong attack did not kill it. Fang Yun didn't know what else this creature could kill. He didn't know that this creature was the one who destroyed everything in the legend of the infinite demon land... "true demon"!


Fang Yun summoned out the clock of heaven and earth, and his body shrank and empted into it. There is no firmness in the clock of heaven and earth, and even the sword spirit of Emperor Yi can't be hurt. This is his best way to save his life.

It can be expected that the attack of the fire man is extremely powerful. Whether you can stop it or not depends on your luck.

"Hahaha, Huo Zhenren, you are finally on your true face!"

Just then, a burst of laughter came from the side. The 'Kirin Demon Saint', the owner of the Great Earth Palace, who had never moved in the house, finally made a sound. Unexpectedly, in the face of the change of the fire man, the Kirin Demon Saint looked extremely happy: "You old devil, I have been waiting for you for a long time! Hahaha!"

In the laughter, the burly body of the unicorn demon saint swelled rapidly in the wind. The joints of his whole body clicked, and the sound between the joints and the joints was directly thunder.

In Fang Yun's shocked eyes, the head of the unicorn demon saint cracked together, and a huge purple unicorn head came out of it directly.


At this time, the unicorn demon saint has risen to thousands of feet high, completely showing his own unicorn appearance, and a piece of purple scales the size of a basin covering his body. The demonic spirit that rushed to the sky had long disappeared, and it was replaced by a rolling holy spirit, and the infinite auspicious spirit covered him.

Land and Soul Land!"

Fang Yun's whole face changed, and the breath emitted by the unicorn demon saint at this moment was like the earth. Whether it is the quality of true qi or the strength, it is not comparable to yourself.

Fang Yun is like a flat boat. In the wind and waves, it sinks and floats, and it may be sideboard at any time. The scene in front of him made him feel sleepy. Kirin Demon Sage and this real person were not much different from his strength. But now, it has risen directly, completely surpassing itself.

What the hell is going on? The first demon source book is just a three-elegged magic weapon, the strongest warrior it can tolerate, that is, the legendary realm. And it's still a pseudo-legendary world, with empty cultivation, but without that kind of power. How can there be two warriors in the soul realm here?! When the cultivation reaches this level, the life soul and the earth soul of the three souls have been condensed. How can it be trapped by a three-elephant magic weapon!"

Fang Yun's mind was full of endless question marks. He felt that he suddenly became an insignificant by a battlefield participant. Moreover, he seems to be inadvertently involved in a conspiracy between the existence of two Kepa and gambling with each other.

Kirin, it's here!"

Countless thoughts flashed in Fang Yun's mind. The landlord of the earth palace claimed that..." Kirin Demon Saint..." itself was also a demonic spirit. He thought that this was just a different species with the blood of the unicorn, but he didn't expect it to be the holy beast unicorn.

In Zhongtu Shenzhou, Kirin has never existed. There is only one name, and no one has seen it. There is not even a legend about this kind of holy beast. I only know vaguely that this seems to be a sacred beast born with real dragons in ancient times.

But when it was born, when it disappeared, how it disappeared. No one has ever known what kind of strength he has. Fang Yun never thought that the legendary holy beast Kirin, the only holy beast in heaven and earth, was not in the Middle-earth Shenzhou, but in the infinite magic realm.

Moreover, in the ancient times when the nine real dragons disappeared, this holy beast was actually alive, and it has been lurking in this magic weapon space, waiting for something. Or, what's under pressure?

"What the hell is going on?"

What happened in front of us has exceeded Fang Yun's understanding. He came here for too short and got too little information to infer the truth from the scene in front of him.

Kit, hey hey, for the sake of helping me lure out the real demon that ran out of this head, I'll help you!"

The voice of the unicorn demon saint, or the holy beast unicorn, sounded in Fang Yun's ears, and then a huge force suddenly sent Fang Yun out of the center of the battle. This force has exceeded the limit of the power that Fang Yun can reach at present. In the face of this force, Fang Yun's power is small and humble, and he is unable to oppose Hangzhou at all!

As soon as the light flashed, Fang Yun was thrown out of the center of the battle by a strange force. Before being thrown out, the last scene he saw was that the holy beast Kirin flew up, opened its mouth wide, used the "must mustard magic", and swallowed the huge magic arm in one bite.


In the distance, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, and the firelight soared to the sky. The infinite holy spirit and the magic spirit of the yin are intertwined and evolved into a storm of light and darkness. That momentum seems to destroy the whole third world.

Fang Yun completely gave up and interfered in the purpose of this battle. He can't participate in this level of power. He just stood at a distance and witnessed this earth-shaking battle.

"Kirin, it's really you. I guessed that the owner of the earth palace is your incarnation!"

A gloomy and hoarse voice sounded in the middle of the war. That sound has a strong corrosive force. Just by listening to it, you will also feel that the soul is disordered, and your heart is extremely bored and disgusting.

"Hahaha, your monster is a little smart. He actually built a palace of fire, which has been lurking for seven or eight years. Even I was almost cheated by you."

Kirin's voice is also like Hong Zhong Julu. As soon as the sound came out, the thunder flashed in the holy spirit of the waves that penetrated the heavens and the earth. That thunder can only be possessed by the three-etial magic weapon, the purple "sun thunder" between heaven and earth!


Another earth-shaking explosion, the holy spirit and magic spirit that rushed to the sky have completely hidden two terrible figures. In the loom, Fang Yun seemed to hear a muffled hum. In an instant, the huge monster sank down and flashed into the depths of the earth.

"Hmm! Do you want to escape!"

Kirin snorted angrily and immediately chased down. The speed of the two is incredible.

Even Fang Yun's "billion-million space escape method..." is not comparable. In a flash, it completely disappeared from Fang Yun's perception.

"Oh! One..."

Before it completely disappeared, a violent roar came from the depths of the earth with some kind of urging or some kind of call.


Like some kind of crazy signal, the "demon" in the whole demon world is crazy, the magma is boiling, and thousands of demons are roaring excitedly, and the roaring sound is endless.

A ferocious demon, the flames rolled, and quickly emerged from the magma layer. At first, it was only tens of thousands, but soon, the number gathered more and more. Deep in the ground, as if there was another world, and infinite magma demons emerged from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the surface of the magma is dense, full of ferocious and horrible magma demons. The number is no longer tens of thousands, and millions, tens of millions!


This loud shout was earth-shaking, and countless demons rushed out from the ground. Behind many demons, they even pulled out bat-like fiery red wings, one by one from all directions, lightningly rushed to the surface, all the warriors.


In the sound of dense wings dancing, the sky is full of Kepa magma demons, with yellow eyes on his head, which is strange and terrible. These demons are equivalent to the celestial level. They are powerful and directly comparable to the martial arts.

"Demon, how can there be so many demons in the house!"

"The space channel back to the infinite magic domain has been closed. What should I do now!"

"It's over, it's over! I didn't think that this trip not only got nothing, but also died here!"

"Go quickly and meet others. Otherwise, everyone will die here!"

All over the sky, there were exclamations. This suddenly appeared, and the sheep and the magic man who increased in geometric multiples made everyone's hearts sink to the bottom of the water.

"How is it possible? How could it be like this! How can a real person be a monster!"

"Don't talk about it. Maybe only in this way can explain why it can protect us from the rules of heaven and earth."

"This is the end of the matter. It's no intention to say more. Find a way to kill these monsters first!"

At this time, the most complicated thing is the real person with the fire... the six murderers who entered the palace of fire here. They escaped because they were injured by the owner of the ice palace. But at this moment, the situation is still not optimistic.

None of the six people expected to follow for thousands of years. The extremely trusted Huo Zhenren is actually a monster in the demon world, and he is not a human at all!

"Go to hell!"

An angry scold came from the ground. A cold frost covered the sky and instantly froze the space of nearly a thousand miles. Countless demons, together with boiling magma, were frozen, shattered and disintegrated one after another.

A flash of blue light, and a slim figure bounced out of the ground. On the top of her head... the lotus flower rotated slowly, but it was the "Ice Palace Master" who was bombarded into the ground by Fang Yun before!! ~! ~~~~