The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 888 The Two Masters

The wilderness.

A golden light crossed the violent sea, setting off huge waves, and the whole sea was almost lifted. Countless hegemons at the bottom of the sea of Beimin were shocked, shattered and floated on the surface of Shanghai. I don't know how much space has been completely shattered and disappeared directly from the space system of the Bei Ming seabed.

As powerful as the emperor of the previous generation, he also huddled in the palace, restraining all breaths and moving. Just looking at the churning golden light from afar. The fear in my eyes is extremely heavy!

This fierce golden light lasted for a long time, and then left anguously!

At the bottom of the sea, after the reversal completely stops. A space as delicate as dust, a shock, and then emerged out of thin air. It is still attached to the complex space system under Bei Ming.

The Dark Emperor and the medieval leader Chen Baxian, this teacher and apprentice, have completely witnessed the whole process. Chen Baxian had a lot of resentment in his eyes. As for the Dark Emperor, he was completely watching a farce.

Do you want to go out and compete with him?

The dark emperor said indifferently, as if he could see Chen Baxian's thoughts at a glance. Knower Mo Ruoshi, if it was Chen Baxian in the past, how could he suffer from this kind of suffocation?

Chen Ba was silent first, and his attitude was undoubtedly revealed. He is also the hegemon of the Middle Ages. He has also reached the realm of the earth and soul. There is no reason to avoid it.

You are not his opponent.

The face of the first man in the Middle Ages was indescribably indifferent: "If you have just gone out, now, I'm already collecting the body for you!"

Master! You look so highly of him! You look down on me too much! In terms of realm, like me, he is just the realm of the earth and soul! I don't have to lose to him?!"

Chen Baxian finally couldn't help saying.

"You don't believe it? Then you can chase it out now. After the twentieth bracket, he will use one move to break through your throat bone and kill you completely.

The voice of the dark emperor is not high or low, that is, there is no meaning of falling, and there is also a meaning of praise.

Master, you haven't seen him take action. How do you know that he can defeat me after 20?

Chen Ba said first.

"Hmm! Did he really not take action?"

The tyrannical emperor sneered.

Chen Ba frowned first and was about to say something. Suddenly, the man flashed over his mind and turned over the river in the sea. In my heart, I suddenly understood it.

He saw clearly that the man made a big move, and there was no move at all. It's a simple punch and kick. Even Chen Baxian can't see his details. But it was such a vent that fell into the eyes of his master, which actually made his bottom clean.

He can even betray the other party's killer and his own defeat!

Chen Baxian couldn't help but be shocked. He was not shocked by the unique learning of the five emperors. It's the master who shocked him, who has completely detached himself in the background and insight of martial arts.

At least, in the case of equal strength, I can't see so much information about the other party! Only when the strength is much higher than that of the other party can we see through these.

"Master..." How much did you realize the martial arts of those emperors at the beginning?!"

Chen Baxian finally couldn't help saying.

"Three lives..." If I wait for a thorough repair, I may reach five points."

Dark emperor's way.

"Is it only five points?"

Chen Baxian couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

"Hmm! What do you think the emperor is? It's good to have five points! This is still the result of taking an adventure at the cost of my death.

The dark emperor said coldly, "It's up to your heart, not to mention the emperor level. Even your master and my realm, you have no hope in your life!"

Chen Ba's lips moved first, but he still held back. He still has great respect for his master. This is the real strong man, the well-deserved first person in the Middle Ages!"

That Fang Yun, what are you going to do?

This is the first person in the Middle Ages.

What should I do?"

He has broken through to the realm of life. I think he still has the space law of the strong man at the peak of the earth soul realm. I'm afraid it won't be long before he breaks through to the legendary realm.

The first person in the Middle Ages was indifferent. "What?!! The law of space? How can it be!"

Chen Ba was surprised first. He just focused on the golden god of war figure and didn't notice Fang Yun's clarity at all. I couldn't help but be surprised to hear that he already had a space law.

From the out of the world, to the fateful star realm, to the fateful soul realm, and then to the legendary realm, this speed is terrible!"

Look at the breath of the space law on this child, there is a faint trace of underworld. I'm afraid it was the legacy of the ancient strong man of the Mingzong. When he met him, he took advantage of the Mingzong for nothing.

Although his body was mutilated and his eyes were blank, the knowledge of this medieval first man hit the nail on the head, which was chilling. Fang Yun got the spatial law of the seventh generation of Pluto Albus, which is also extremely secretive. However, after tens of thousands of miles away, he immediately betrayed the ownership of this space law through a little bit of information.

This vision, this ability, has reached the realm of Feiyi's thought.

"You are raising a tiger now. If you regret it, take action for you as a teacher. It's not too late to kill him now!"

The first person in the Middle Ages, his thoughts are always unpredictable and difficult to speculate.

Chen Ba was shocked first, delayed for a moment, and finally burst out a hegemon himself, revealing a strong self-confidence: "No! If I can't even suppress a junior who has practiced martial arts for less than a hundred years, I will be the lord of an alliance in vain! If you don't even have this little self-confidence, why don't you talk about competing in the world!"

There was silence in the cave, and it seemed that even the first man in the Middle Ages did not expect his good apprentice to make such a feeling.

Good! Even if you say so, let him go.

I just hope you won't regret it in the future!"

After saying that, the first medieval man immediately fell into the determination and continued to repair his broken body and soul. The trauma from the emperor is far from being so easy to repair. This is a huge and lasting project!

Chen Ba first remained motionless in the cave, and his face was full of meditation. He has a lot of thoughts. At this moment, he is far from realizing how much his master will have in the future with what he said today!" ......

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. With so many interceptions, he still made him achieve his life!"

At this moment, in the head hall on the top of the Rift Tian Sect, the Rift Tian Sect sat in the hall, facing the place where Fang Yun hit the fate star, his heart was shocked.

Demon-eating master, blood demon master, Wu Mu, Ming Emperor, war demon master... I don't know how many people have been involved in this small court champion. The suzerain of Rift Heaven originally thought that this was a small masterpiece. But when he saw the breath of the War Demon Suzerain and was quickly defeated, the Rift Sky Suzerain knew that he really saw it.

This child, indeed, has the weight that makes so much attention!

"Master Tianmo, are you satisfied now?"

The consciousness of the suzerain of the split sky crosses the infinite space, like a thunderbolt, in the southwest sky demon stop, on the top, the sky demon hall sounded.

Although he found this huge wave later. But with his strength, he still has the ability to control this competition. Originally, Fang Yun's father had enough reasons to kill Xu Jing, the elder of the sect, to take action!

In fact, if it hadn't been for the moment before he suddenly took action, he would have stopped him and threatened that if he had stepped out, he would have taken action. So at this moment, he should also be a member of this competition!"

Hahaha, this is not a problem that I am not satisfied with! ......

Brother Yang, you should be happy. Now you and the Fang family are just a hatred of the elders being killed, which can't be resolved. But if you just took action, I'm afraid it's another matter! You can also see the growth potential of this son. If you had just taken action, you would have really caused today's big trouble!"

A sense of money came across the sky, and the laughter of the master of the devil sounded at the other end.

Hmph! What do you mean? Are you threatening me for that Mou Fangyun? I will be afraid of him. Don't say that he is the realm of life, even if he arrives in the realm of the earth's soul, he may not have no choice but to get my Rift Tianzong!"

The Lord of Rift Heaven said in a cold voice.

Brother Yang, you are also a smart person. Why did you suddenly pretend to be confused? If you hit the life star this time, the people standing behind this son will gather together. Attacking Rift Tianzong together, how much capital do you think Rift Sky Sect can afford? Among other things, I'm afraid it's difficult for you to deal with the Holy Witch Church family!

Do you still want to be stubborn?"

The suzerain of the devil said coldly.

People vote for me with peaches, and I repay them with plums. Other people don't look good to me, and naturally I won't look good to others. The demon master is obviously convinced of this.

The Lord of Rift Heaven is silent. Indeed, if Fang Yun is only strong, then he will have ten lives. No matter how lucky he is, he will die today. There is no need to worry.

However, his series of prominent identities have made this matter less simple.

The champion of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the conquest and the great army are all unified, and the emperor's weapons are valued, and the martial arts are valued... This series of background makes this young man have a hidden ** identity representing the Great Zhou court. However, if that's the case, that's all.

After all, now the Tianji group of tigers and dragons, the Zhou Dynasty may not be able to survive the disaster. However, even the Holy Witch Master and the Heavenly Demon Sect have joined in to help this younger generation, so that the Heavenly suzerain can't help but be worried.

In private, he even learned that the suzerain of Tianmo had a precious daughter, who was very close to this big week champion for a period of time. This reversal action was originally a great taboo, but it was tacitly approved by the suzerain of the devil.

Even this time, the suzerain of the devil directly wanted to turn his face against himself for this son.

For a dead Xu Jing, and this boy, is it really worth it?

The suzerain of Rift Heaven has to think solemnly!

"Brother Yang, listen to my advice. In the past, not to mention killing an elder, even killing a disciple of the sect, they had to chase and kill him for thousands of miles. But now, the sky is in chaos. Ancient, middle and ancient sects have been involved one after another. After this wave of doom, I don't know how many sects there will be ashes and smoke. I don't know if I can keep the Taoist unification. Do I still need to pay attention to the vanity of those sects?

~~Brother Yang, the examples of Tianxie Sect and Vientiane Sect are there!"

In the first few words, the Rift Sky Sect was still a little indifferent, but when "Heavenly Evil Sect, Vientiane Sect... These Yu sounded in their ears, the Rift Sky Sect was suddenly shocked, as if he had been struck by lightning... He trembled and surged all over his body.

After saying this sentence, the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon also ignored the suzerain of the split heaven in meditation. With a movement of his mind, his strong consciousness shrank back and went into the Tianmo Mountain.

Just after consciousness, a familiar voice sounded in Liye's ear: "Father, has it been solved?"

Xie Pianran sat next to him, raised his head, and looked at the suzerain of Tianmo with anticipation.

"Ha ha, my father came out, what else can't be done?"

The master of the devil took a spoiled look at his daughter, touched her head, and then looked at the lady beside him and smiled.