The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 902 Marriage

Mrs. Huayang mentioned in the letter that Fang Yun's father, Fang Yin, had agreed with Emperor Ying. Marry the princess peacock to yourself. This news is extremely abrupt for Fang Yun.

Although at the beginning of Fang Yun's martial arts practice, the peacock once incarnated as a guard and came to Fang's house. And the two have also faced a lot of difficulties together. But when it comes to communication, the cold-hearted peacock plays more of the role of a guard. There is not much communication between the two!

Suddenly, two people want to get married. For the other party, it is a little abrupt. Especially at this time of the moment.

The matter of marriage, let's put it aside for the time being. I have been away for a long time, and my mother has already received a letter. It's time to go back to see my mother and brother.

After careful calculation, Fang Yun left the capital and went to participate in the conquest of the evil sect, but did not return to the capital. When the news of Fang Yin's death came out, Fang Yun was in the endless dark void. After returning, when he got the news, he immediately rushed to the wilderness to deal with the barbarian god of war. So far, he has not returned to the capital.

Standing up, Fang Yun summoned out the hundreds of war owl emperors and the old demon of Yitian from the arched light gate, and the tasks of melting the seals of the heavens... and the "nine-baby underworld scriptures... were temporarily put in charge of these two people, and then walked out of the world clocks.

Although it is the capital of the army, there is no transfer order from the imperial court. Fang Yun can't return to the capital at will. After issuing an order to apply for transfer to the capital, three days later, Fang Yun left a puppet in the army to continue to accept the refinery materials collected by the army on his behalf. Then he returned to Shangjing.

Up to the capital.

This most prosperous city in the Zhou Dynasty finally regained a little vitality after experiencing six destroyed disturbances. Many vendors went back to the market. No matter how much it recovers, it is finally not as prosperous as before the turmoil.

Fang Yun was very low-key when he returned to the capital. He changed his appearance slightly, so that people could not recognize themselves. This causes chaos.

For ordinary people, the struggle of sectarian circles is actually very far away. Even if the court announced that the Heavenly Evil Sect was destroyed, for many ordinary people, they don't know which sect the Heavenly Evil Sect is.

All this is for them. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that they need a signal of stability in the world.

Walking on the street, Fang Yun couldn't help thinking of the fifteenth year when he returned to the capital from the mine, he was on the roadside with Princess Gu She and saw Yang Hong's vast motorcade passing through the street.

Now that Yang Hong is gone, the bustling scene in the capital has also gone, and it has become a little deserted. For a moment, it makes people feel that it is wrong to be far away from each other.

I don't know what's going on with the princess?"

Fang Yun muttered in his heart. After cooperating with Princess Gu She to deal with the descendant of the Seventh Star of the Big Dipper, Princess Gu She had no news. She was originally from the Hou family, but she had to pass on the ancient Taoist rule of killing the Sword Sect. Abandon her cold character, the princess is also a legendary woman!

Fang Yun was not on the street and stayed too much. Through the layers of streets, the original appearance was restored. He went straight into the Sifanghou Mansion.

The atmosphere of Sifanghou was a little depressed. As soon as Fang Yun came in, he felt this breath. There is no liveliness of the past.

"Young master, madam is in the main hall."

Liang Bodao. The housekeeper of Fangfu doesn't seem to have changed much, but he is much older.


Fang Yun nodded, took two steps, stopped again, and turned around. After a moment of delay, he said, "Liang Bo, have a good rest. Don't make yourself too tired.

If you need it, I can buy you a property so that you can have a good life.

Liang Bo is an old servant brought by his mother from home. He has served Fang Yun's grandfather, Fang Yun's mother, and returned to Fang's brothers. It can be said to be a loyal servant of three generations. He is also old now, and Fang Yun hopes that he will have a good place.

Liang Bo was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect that Fang Yun would say this. In his eyes, he was slightly moved and smiled and said, "Your Excellency has already mentioned this to me. It's just that I have been in Fang's house for decades. I have long been used to it here.

Moreover, I have no children, even if I leave. I don't know where to go. Let's stay here. I will feel at ease, and I'm not tired!"

Fang Yun was silent. Hearing Liang Bo's words, Fang Yun noticed a fact that had been ignored in the past. Liang Bo served three generations of the Fang family for decades, but he did not leave any children. People are not plants and trees, and they are ripe and have no hope. Fang Yun also feels complicated in his heart.

"Liang Bo, in fact, for so many years, my eldest brother and I have long regarded you as relatives. If you want, my eldest brother and I are your grandchildren.

Fang Yundao.

Liang Bo's face showed a Xinwei's smile: "I know, with your words, Liang Bo will be satisfied."

A smile appeared on the old man's face: "Go ahead. Madam is still waiting for you."

Turned around, Liang Gou turned around and walked to the inner hall. Fang Yun found that his back bowed slightly, and Liang Bo was really old.

In the hall, Mrs. Huayang, Princess Fukang and Lan Daiyue all left. When Fang Yun came in, Princess Fukang sat next to Mrs. Huayang and chatted with Mrs. Huayang.

And Lan Daiyue stood behind Mrs. Huayang and took it for her.

The relationship between the three people is harmonious, just like a family.


Fang Yun saluted in front of Mrs. Huayang. The eyes of the three people... gathered on Fang Yun all the time.

You're back."

Mrs. Huayang turned her head and saw Fang Yun with a smile: "Come here and let your mother have a look."

Fang Yun stepped forward and said peace with Princess Fukang. He nodded to Lan Daiyue again.

The news of Fang Yin's death was a great blow to Mrs. Huayang. Although Mrs. Huayang's face did not show up, Fang Yun obviously felt that the wrinkles in the corners of his mother's eyes had increased.

Although things have been gone for a while, deep sadness can still be seen in the depths of my mother's eyes. It's just that she has always been strong on the outside and soft on the inside, and will not easily reveal the sadness in her heart.

"Mother, I already know about my father. Don't worry. Father won't have an accident so easily. I feel his breath, and my father is still alive. It's just that for some reason, he can't come back in time for the time being.

Fang Yun took the initiative. He knew that if he didn't take the initiative to mention it, he would always be so depressed.


When Fang Yun said this, Mrs. Huayang trembled. She suddenly sat up from the wide chair and looked at Fang Yun excitedly: "Yun'er, is what you said true?"

"Mother, you should believe me. Our Fang family is the descendant of Di Yu. The bloodlines are sensitive to each other. Moreover, I have now reached the divine realm. Extremely strong cultivation. This feeling is very strong. With my ability, a mosquito can be seen thousands of miles away. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this matter.

And, even if you believe me, mother, don't you still believe in your father?

Fang Yundao. For the sake of his mother, Fang Yun decided to tell this lie. The pillar of the whole Fang family is the mother, and the mother's pillar is the father!

Although his mother endured grief in front of her, Fang Yun had learned to dabble in some medical books. Knowing that this kind of sadness is suppressed in the heart, it will cause serious heart disease. This is the reason why many people die of depression. It must be vented.

Fang Yun glanced at Lan Daiyue beside his mother. The latter was willing to come forward. Yingying saluted and said softly, "Madam, although I don't have the martial arts as high as the marquis. However, you can also feel it. The marquis's martial arts now are really unfathomable.

Lan Daiyue did not directly say whether Fang Yun was lying. She just explained that Fang Yun's martial arts were indeed unfathomable. In the whole house, in terms of martial arts, she is the highest.

In the Zhou Dynasty, a warrior in the spirit period could become a general. Even if it is the Sifang Marquis's mansion, it is impossible to use this kind of person as a bodyguard.

In the whole Hou family, it is either a subordinate or a slave, and Princess Fukang can't do martial arts. Lan Daiyue's martial arts are the highest. That's what she said, and Mrs. Huayang naturally believed it.

"I knew it! I knew... Your father will be fine... At the beginning, he promised me that one day, he would come to the capital to pick us up in person..."

Mrs. Huayang's tolerant grief was finally released at this moment. I can't cry. These are tears of joy, as well as tears of excitement and joy. Knowing that many days of worry and grief were superfluous, Mrs. Huayang was relieved and finally showed her real side.


Fang Yun felt sore in his heart and walked forward. He hugged his mother's head tightly: "Mom, don't worry. I will definitely bring my father back."

There is indeed a sense between Di Yu's bloodlines. But it's far from as powerful as Fang Yun said. Moreover, to be precise, only those who wear Diyu's armor can clearly feel the existence of other Diyu's bloodlines.

Fang Yun's confidence in the other party comes entirely from his son's worship of his father's great image. It has nothing to do with anything other! Apart from other identities, Fang Yun is just an ordinary man.

Fang Yun'an took his mother, and it took a long time for Mrs. Huayang to calm down. After taking a deep breath, Mrs. Huayang looked straight and regained her previous calmness.

Yun'er, I'm writing to you. You've already seen it."

Fang Yun nodded and subconsciously glanced at Lan Daiyue and Princess Fukang.

Mother, I'm going out to change a cup of tea.

Princess Fukang will, and Liye will stand up.

No need. You are married into the Fang family, and you are a member of the Fang family. Moreover, delete Yun'er, they all know about this matter. Don't avoid anything."

How did Mrs. Huayang not know what Fang Yun meant.

"The peacock is really a good girl. It's just that I didn't know at that time that she was the princess of the Yinghuang royal family.

Mrs. Huayang said.

Mrs. Huayang was quite a little, and she felt that she had lost her etiquette at the beginning. After all, she is scholarly and poetic, and she is from the origin of a lady. Although the peacock is the princess of Yinghuang, there is nothing wrong with the name of this princess. Houfu's home, the most important number of etiquette. What's more, the peacock was used as a guard at the beginning.