The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 906 Double Life

Outside the capital... above the majestic peak. One teacher and one apprentice attacked in white and stood tall. Two clear breaths, like wolf smoke, rushed straight to the sky.

After a long period of accumulation, Li Yixuan finally chose to break through the fate of the star world at this time. In addition to qualifications and talents, martial arts also pay attention to luck.

Li Yixuan was the champion of the palace examination in those years, and he was not talented at all. It can also be imagined that he can be listed as the first master of Confucian youth.

However, not everyone has such an encounter as Fang Yun, Luo Xingchen and Di Yi. Although Confucianism has great luck, Confucianism is not an orthodox martial arts sect after all. Moreover, the tigers devoured the dragon, the Confucianism was robbed, and the luck turned straight down. It is no longer as difficult as before to shelter Li Yixuan.

At this moment, there is only one Taibao to protect Li Yixuan.

Although there is only one person, the breath emitted is vast and far, like the sun hanging high, and the light shines a thousand times. It's enough to make anyone dare not despise. Moreover, it is not far from Shangjing, where the emperor lives. The risk faced by Li Yixuan is very small.

However, despite this, there are still many malicious intentions, silently looking at this Confucian star-like dazzling master and apprentice.

Li Yixuan has no such benefits as Fang Yun. Haoqi Long Sword is also something that people can't use in evil ways, but there are still many people who want to make benefits.

"Let's get started!"

Taibao stood at the top of the peak, with bright eyes, like a mirror. With his hands behind him, he took a look at Li Yixuan and said indifferently.

As a branch of Confucianism, Taibao is a well-deserved first person in Confucianism. Although there is only one person in the house, he also has the strength to be proud of the world.

"Yes, teacher."

Li Yixuan bowed and saluted, then raised his head, raised his eyes, and slowly looked into the depths of the sky. At the end of his eyes, two big stars... left and right, suspended in the night sky. The stars are radiating the smell of martial arts.

This is the Wenqu Star and Wu Qu Star in folklore!

Li Yixuan was originally a literary champion and practiced martial arts. But inadvertently, it was in line with his natural double fate. The world is so big that nothing is wrong. Not everyone is born with destiny. Among them, there is no one in 100 million.

The nine true dragon fates are undoubtedly among the most powerful fates. For example, Fang Yun corresponds to the dragon's fate among the nine real dragons, blasting the life star, and the life echoes and gets the innate..." The power of the dragon... This kind of power undoubtedly belongs to a very powerful force.

Li Yixuan does not have a dragon style, but is not a descendant of the five emperors. But he has the same rare double life. Regardless of the power, it is the form of double life grids alone. To some extent, it is even rarer than the nine true dragon life grids.

Such a fate, I'm afraid that there are only a few people in the whole Middle-earth Shenzhou!

Li Yixuan looked at the literary and martial music stars in the night sky, which were sensed by his own fate, with a look of memories in his eyes. But it reminded me of what Taibao said to himself not long ago.

Yi Xuan, you know, I chose you at the beginning. Do you want to learn martial arts by literature?"

Taibao's voice reveals a smell of distant memories. In the night, it seems to be particularly quiet.

"I don't know, please give me some advice."

Li Yipa arched his hand... As in the past, he respected the teacher and was careful.

"You have the extremely rare literary song star fate of our Confucianism. Born with beauty and introvertance, poetry is handy, and nothing is satisfactory. The literary examination in the hall, the top student in high school, is difficult for others, but it is very easy for you. You got the title of Wen Zhuangyuan at a young age, which looks incredible, but in the eyes of me, Taifu and Dazai. But it's a matter of course.

Taibao stood on the mountain peak, with a long figure, outlined in the night, magnificent and majestic... Like the rolling mountains around, the two are integrated: "

But if that's the case, then among the three princes, you will be accepted as an apprentice today. It shouldn't be me, but Taifu. I know that in fact, at the beginning, you actually hoped to worship under the name of Taifu.

Li Yixuan was silent. His expression seemed very quiet, but there was a trace of inexplicable sadness in the silence. The champion... It's been a long time!

In fact, he has never liked martial arts. In the bones, the degree of poetry and articles in his bone marrow permeability far exceeds the true spirit of martial arts. In his bones, he is still the young scholar who occasionally likes to drop his book bag.

During the period of martial arts practice, he always likes to walk silently on the streets of the capital. Listening to the extremely enthusiastic poetry between those library students. This always reminds him that at a distant time, the little scholar who always has a faint fragrance on his body, who claims to be a little sissy, and the young and handsome brother who always has a faint smile on the corners of his mouth when drinking tea.

When it's a good time, it always passes quickly. At that time, he thought that the three would be good friends forever. But the truth is always cruel.

The talking sissy, the little scholar who always likes to stick to himself, turned out to be really a woman. Moreover, the daughter of the alien Qiuhuang, who traveled to the Central Plains, was just to find out the truth: and the eldest brother, who is young and handsome now, always exudes a kind taste, is not a real scholar, but the prince of the overseas Emperor studying in the mainland.

His purpose of approaching himself is just to get close to the princess of the Chu royal family!

When the truth was revealed, he was silent for a long time. In my memory, there is a hidden gap. The last memory is that he joined the name of Taibao and was accepted as a disciple by him.

Teacher, in fact, this is my own choice. It has nothing to do with the teacher.

Li Yixuan lowered his head and said respectfully.

Even if he chooses martial arts, he is still a Confucian student in his bones. Confucianism often respects teachers. Even if Taibao took him instead of Taifu, he would not have any dissatisfaction, let alone complain.

Tai Bao looked at Li Yixuan and was silent. How can he not know the way of Confucian teachers and students?

"Yi Xuan, this is actually your life. It is not my attention to choose you as an apprentice. In every dynasty and generation, the Jixia School is looking for people with the fate of Confucian literary music stars and martial arts stars. Confucianism governs the world not only literature, but also martial arts. Only then will there be the spread of the art of war. In the Zhou Dynasty, the fate of this Wenquxing fell on you."

But you are different from them. You not only have the fate of Wenquxing, but also have the fate of Wuquxing. That's why I will lead from literature to martial arts. This is the intentional inducement between me and San Gong, but it is also caused by your fate. The way of literature and martial arts. One by one, the first thing you come into contact with is literature and Taoism, which is also doomed that you will not like martial arts too much. It's just that it's no longer a matter of likes or not.

Taibao sighed, and his voice showed a strong worry: "You must have felt the opportunity of Confucianism. If it is peaceful and prosperous now, I will naturally let you go to poetry articles and do what you like. But now, chaos is coming. The person with the fate of literature and martial arts is the one who should be robbed in this disaster. My Confucian Taoism may face the fate of being cut off in the Middle Ages. After this wave of robberies, my Confucianism is ups and downs, and fate is on you.

Li Yixuan's whole body trembled, as if he had been electrocuted. He looked at Taibao in shock and blurted out, "Teacher..."

Yi Xuan, this is doomed. If the moon is full, it will be a loss in January. It is the eternal truth of the world. The world has been peaceful for too long. This robbery is doomed.

This breakthrough, as long as you break the life star and absorb the power of the literary and martial arts stars. My Confucianism will bury a ray of incense here. In the future, whether Confucianism can prosper or not will fall on you. I hope you will always remember this!"

Taibao looks solemn.


Li Yixuan muttered.

"Now is really the time when the star power is the strongest. Let's call for the star!"

The voice of Taibao came to my ears.

Li Yixuan was suddenly shocked and recovered from his memory.

Teacher, don't worry. I won't let Confucianism go this far!"

Li Yixuan looked up at the void and muttered to himself. It's like a promise, but also a kind of determination and determination. The next moment... The vastness of heaven and earth attracts the universe and goes straight through the sky.


The earthquake of heaven and earth, the moment Li Yixuan's Haoran's true qi broke out of the air, the earth shook. The stars responded, and a Wenyu of poetry scriptures was recited from the top of his head, integrated with the true qi, straight through the sky. In the true spirit, the strong poetic atmosphere makes the plants around the mountains glow with strong vitality.


The ripples of the void of fate are in the middle of Wenqu Star and Wuqu Star... The huge stars slowly emerge under the involvement of the true qi.

Under the echo of this life star, the power of Wenqu star and Wuqu star soared. After the two stars, the star power converged and faintly turned into a round of Jinglun poetry books, and a long sword identical to Li Yixuan's sword.

Confucianism emphasizes constitutional benevolence and righteousness, so even martial arts is the magnificent sword of justice, the sword of a gentleman!"

Boom Jiang again!"

The real gas broke through the air, rolling like a huge thunder, towards the void more than 300,000 miles away.


Just as Li Yixuan bombarded the life star, a gloomy black smoke came through the air from tens of thousands of miles away: "Taibao, are you a Confucian who has survived the disaster? Where is the emperor? Why don't I protect you! Or is your Confucianism useless? Hahaha?"

The sound shook the sky and the earth, as if the mountains were about to be shocked by the sound.

"Do you need to make a big fanfare to deal with you little people?"

Taibao's eyes flashed, and in the depths of his pupils, he burst out with thunderous fear. The next moment, a vast and vast atmosphere touched the righteousness of heaven and earth and burst out. Just for a moment, I only heard the sound of sneer..., those gloomy evil spirits immediately melted like ice and snow, and instantly dispersed.