The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 944 Howling the Abyss 2

Chapter 444 Wailing the Great Abyss (2)

Chapter 444

The dark storms, combined with the violent, like the spatial law of a restless beast, turned the wailing abyss into the tomb of the martial artist. Even Fang Yun already has six laws of space in his body, and there is a clock of heaven and earth in his hand. It is extremely difficult to move forward in this wailing abyss.

After the disorder of the laws of space, including the upper, lower, left, right, front and back in the spatial sense, the concept of the traditional sense has been lost. The eyes, ears, mouth and nose, including intuition, have lost their function. Even Fang Yun must think twice before he can find a little rule in this chaos and rage and reluctantly move towards the depths of the howling abyss.

However, it is completely impossible to follow a straight line. It is a completely irregular and tortuous arc.

And these are just the edge of the howling abyss, not the center of the howling abyss. That is to say, what Fang Yun is facing now is only the most insignificant part of the dangerous factors in the howling abyss.

About six hours later, Fang Yun stopped in the dark storm.

"No wonder the martial artists who entered here are all known for their lives. In the usual six hours, I can travel through Middle-earth Shenzhou from south to north and from east to west ten times. But now, he is still on the edge of the wailing abyss and has not been able to enter the core of the wailing abyss.

Fang Yunpan sat down, his eyes flashed, showing a thoughtful look. Although he didn't care about the dark storm here, the consumption of Zhenqi in the wail abyss forced him to stop for a while.

The consumption of true gas in the wailing abyss is very obvious. It is almost equivalent to the absolute uninterrupted use of some ordinary power. Although opponents can't be seen around, the real opponents are those dark storms. In order to survive the dark storm surge, it must consume extremely strong internal forces.

Fang Yun also had to stop and add it for the time being. Although six hours are not enough, it makes him tired. But in such a dangerous place, it is necessary to maintain more than half of the true qi in Dantian to cope with the sudden possible crises and changes.

For martial artists, going deep into dangerous areas is almost a consensus and instinct.

The wind roared in my ears, and dark storms shuttled back and forth in the endless void. Fang Yun breathed for a moment, opened his eyes, looked around, and a trace of thought flashed in his mind:

"It can't go on like this. If you blindly fight against the dark storm, the true qi will continue to be consumed and exhausted. Once there is an emergency, if you can't deal with it at the peak, you will fall into a doomed place..."

Fang Yun glanced around quietly and murmured. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Fang Yun immediately paid attention to it:

"The dark storm also belongs to the power of the wind system, which belongs to the power of the Five Prison Bone Emperor. The Five Prison Bone Emperor has absorbed ordinary wind forces in the past, and has never absorbed such a violent space storm, which can be used to survive. Make the skeleton of the Five Prison Bone Emperor more powerful.

Do it as soon as you think of it. Fang Yun's mind moved and immediately summoned the five prison bone emperor.


A desolate roar, like a wild beast, sounded in the wailing abyss. In this dark void, a huge shadow slowly stood up, and then turned into a huge ferocious skeleton, with five colors of light on the ground, fire, water, wind and gold, flashing at the same time, turning into apertures and dripping vortexes. A stream of black fog, mixed with Mars, is constantly emanating from the bones of the Five Prison Bone Emperor, reflecting it like a hell evil god.

The Five Prison Bone Emperor is a powerful magic weapon of the Holy Witch Church, which can often be refined only by the Master and the Great Elders. From ancient times to the present, there are only twelve. Its core is the heart of the twelve ancient Yan demon kings in the ancient emperor Tang period.

This five prison bone emperor sacrifices one more step up, which is the most powerful "Demon Prince of Hell" recorded in the Near Ancient Times. When Fang Yun got it, it was only twelve powerful white bone demons, which belonged to the most basic form.

From the powerful white bone demon to the five prison bone emperor, the whole refining method is recorded in detail in the twelve white bone beads. The Holy Witch Church does not seem to be afraid of the refining of the five prison bones of the outside religion.

However, although Fang Yun succeeded in refining the Five Prison Bone Emperor a long time ago, he had no clue about the highest level of "Yangmo Tianzi". Fang Yun once used all kinds of methods to explore the refining method of the "Demon King" of the Holy Witch Religion, but this most unique refining method seems to have never been spread.

The Holy Witch Church has extremely strict control over this secret method, which is related to the greatest secret of the sect. Not to mention the refining method, a little further news about the "Tian Mo Tzu" has never come out. Everything seems to stop at the four words "The Son of the Devil".

Moreover, Fang Yun felt that the "Five Prison Bone Emperor" is like a black hole with infinite potential for improvement. So far, it has not been counted as its final form. However, because of the lack of clues and materials, Fang Yun has no way to elevate it to the most powerful realm.


As soon as the Five Prison Bone Emperor appeared in the form of hundreds of feet, the repulsive power from the wailing abyss was immediately much smaller. And I don't know if it's because of the illusion, Fang Yun feels that there is a subtle connection between himself and this "wailing abyss" through this five prison bone emperor.

A stream of darkness, full of elements of death, constantly penetrated into the body of the Five Prison Bone Emperor.

"Sure enough, the Five Prison Bone Emperor is like a fish in water in this environment!"

Fang Yun was refreshed and his heart was overjoyed.

After he stepped into the heaven, the Five Prison Bone Emperor was used as a magic weapon to penetrate the gateway of heaven and earth and lived in Fang Yun's body. Although the power of this magic weapon is great, it is not the ultimate form after all.

Moreover, Fang Yun still has such powerful magic weapons as the imperial palace and the heaven and earth Wanhua clock, so that the five prison bone emperor has little room to exert his power. But now, in this "wailing abyss", the Five Prison Bone Emperor is better than the "Heaven and Earth Wanhua Bell" and the "Unrestrained Imperial Palace".

This does not mean that the power of the heaven and earth clock and the unrestrained imperial palace is not as good as the "Five Prison Bone Emperor". It's just that the functions of each magic weapon are different.

The clock of heaven and earth and the unrestrained imperial palace can easily abandon the "dark storm". It's just that this kind of abandonment requires Fang Yun to constantly consume Zhenqi. If it's somewhere else, that's fine, but here, Fang Yun needs to stay at its best at all times to deal with the unpredictable and hidden crisis.

In this regard, the Five Prison Bone Emperor is more applicable than other magic weapons.

"The impermanence is the wind, the wind and the clouds move, shoot!"

Fang Yun pinched the formula, and the four elements of earth, fire, water and gold on the five prison bone emperors were all transformed into the purest power of wind. With a "boom", a wave of wind and flames rose from the five prison bone emperors.

The originally weak connection suddenly became extremely strong. A strong dark wind element, inextricably, kept pouring into the body of the Five Prison Bone Emperor.

A feeling of melting water surged into his heart, and Fang Yun felt that a strand of power with the same attributes as the dark storm in the abyss was constantly pouring into his body. The true gas is not depleted, but has been replenished.

"Haha, after the five prison bone emperor is formed, it really has a strong absorption of the power of each line in the five elements!"

Fang Yun laughed, shook his body, and also used the magic power of "big and small", turning into hundreds of feet high. A flash, immediately integrated with the "Five Prison Bone Emperor" behind him.

"I'm leaving!"

Fang Yun laughed, and the incarnation of the bone emperor hundreds of feet tall immediately strode and rushed into the dark storm all the way. At the passing of the Five Prison Bone Emperor, hundreds of domineering dark storms were torn into pieces. The dark wind elements in it were sucked in by the Five Prison Bone Emperor and turned into dark wind stone crystals, filled into the bones of the Five Prison Bone Emperor to replace the wind crystals originally absorbed from the wind.

In terms of power and power alone, this kind of wind element in the wailing abys, which is fused with darkness, chaos and death, is obviously much more powerful than the wind element absorbed by Fang Yun from the nine-day wind layer.

A dark storm is constantly disintegrated by Fang Yun. Among them, the violent power was absorbed by the Five Prison Bone Emperor. This new power makes the bones of the Five Prison Bone Emperor more dense, hard and indestructible. Invisibly, the pure power of the Five Prison Bone Emperor is more violent and powerful.

For a moment, Fang Yun passed by, howling in the dark storm surge on the edge of the abyss, another storm immediately set off. The Five Prison Bone Emperor set off a storm, which was more powerful than the dark storm.

"Bun Bang Bang!"

The dark storm in front of the square cloud kept exploding one after another. With the blessing of the Five Prison Bone Emperor, Fang Yun's speed really accelerated a lot. After a while, he disappeared in place and disappeared into the deep dark storm.


When Fang Yun set off a storm in this horrible "wailing abyss", in the depths of the abys, a few white and miserable dead bones were scattered and floated in the dark void, like duckweed in the water wave, lifeless. When several dead bones occasionally hit together, they will make a "bump" sound of empty bones hitting.

Everything was so calm. However, when Fang Yun sacrificed the Five Prison Bone Emperor and rushed into the dark storm, the mutation suddenly appeared.

"This is... Unexpectedly, a stranger broke into the wailing abyss, looking for his own death!"

A weak thought turned into a faint ripple and expanded in the dark. In the blink of an eye, I saw a few dead bones that had floated in the dark. Suddenly, they seemed to be pulled by strings that were invisible to the naked eye, and gathered together one by one.

First the skull, then the spine, arms, sternum..., originally scattered in the void, a few dead bones drifting with the waves, automatically pulled together and connected together.


Only the continuous bone burst, and in the blink of an eye, a complete human skeleton was immediately formed. As soon as the waist exerted force, the human skeleton immediately sat up from the void. In his eyes, the light flashed, and two faint red lights immediately appeared, which seemed extremely strange.

"How long has it been... There are still people who don't know whether to live or die. Break in here!"

The skeleton shook its head and stretched out its five fingers. I only heard a fierce roar, and in the depths of the darkness, a flash of lightning rushed to it and fell into its hands. This is a simple black sword. On the front and back of the sword, there are two blood-red gems.

As soon as the sword fell into the hand of the skeleton, it immediately trembled and made a wailing sound like thousands of ghosts. At the same time, the gems on both sides of the sword flashed, and a bloody flame immediately burst out.

Bai Gu suddenly stood up without any hesitation. He immediately turned around and immediately walked in the direction of Fang Yun with his sword. The action is straightforward, without any superfluous movements.

"K! Cow! "Tock!"

Holding a sword in the white bone hand, he took three steps, a stream of flesh and blood and muscles, and immediately grew out of the surface of its bones at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the fourth step, a wisp of long white hair immediately grew out of its head.

The white bone slipped under its feet and exploded with a faint evil spirit, turning into a flash of lightning and disappearing in the dark void.

(It's finally two updates today. I don't know if there will be a third update for the time being. Anyway, there is no need to wait. ==!) RO