The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 963 Fury Thunderfield

"Billions of Space emption Dafa", after the great completion, it turns into the pupil of space. Fang Yun finally has the strength to challenge the soul-level warriors!

There is a big gap between the legendary level and the earth soul realm. Basically, it is impossible for the legendary level warrior to compete with the earth soul level warriors for the peak. No matter how strong the power is, it is the same. Fang Yun could not have jumped out of this truth.

However, the "billion-dollar space escape method" enables Fang Yun to greatly weaken the opponent's attack with the power of space. It makes the attack of the other party distorted in countless space faults, or uses hundreds of millions of space to continuously weaken the other party's true qi, so that the opponent's strength is reduced to the same level as himself.

Fang Yun has been confirmed by the previous battle with the demon-eating suzerain. Since then, I'm afraid Fang Yun can't do anything if he wants to suppress the martial artists in the soul realm. But from then on, he really has the strength to sit on par with the ancient sectarian giants!

"You can leave!" Fang Yun shook his body and rushed down to the sky. He instantly crossed the underground space and jumped into the sky from the clock of heaven and earth.


In the vast howling abyss, a vast blue light rose to the sky. The strong light, like thousands of suns, emits dazzling light, illuminating the whole dark void.


As soon as the light recededed, Fang Yun finally finished his practice and reappeared in the wailing abyss. From Fang Yun's free entry into the Wanhua clock of heaven and earth, to the reappearance of Fang Yun's reappearance, only seven or eight days have passed in the abyss, but Fang Yun has been in the Wanhua clock of heaven and earth for a long time.

In order to improve his strength as soon as possible and find his father Fang Yin, Fang Yun spent a lot of energy to support the acceleration of time. A hundred years passed in a hurry, but only a short period of time outside. This is also to save time.

"Huh? During this period, someone has entered the abyss of howling!!"

As soon as Fang Yun appeared, he immediately felt a few pieces of disordered information from the void. Obviously, during his absence, new forces entered the abyss of wailing.

"There are at least twelve people, and they have even crossed hands!" Fang Yun closed his eyes slightly and felt it, and immediately identified the number of people on the other party. These twelve people obviously belong to different forces, and they have met each other, which even triggered a fierce fight.

Obviously, the minds of both sides are on each other, and they have not deliberately erased the information they left. Therefore, as soon as Fang Yun appeared, he easily felt that someone had broken into the wailing abyss.

"Ah!" At this moment, a shocking roar came from the depths of the howling abyss. The voice contains a strong destructive power. Even if it is far away, it still reaches the position where Fang Yun is. He can even see a circle of black ripples visible to the naked eye, constantly expanding from his own direction.

The ripples passed, and the void was faintly distorted. A wave of exciting fighting fluctuation came faintly.

"Interesting, is it interesting that someone like me found that although this place is dangerous, it is a treasure to practice the five elements of magic weapons!"

Fang Yunwei thought about it and immediately stepped in the direction of the fluctuation in the distance. However, this time, Fang Yun did not hide his trace. If Fang Yun was afraid of acting in the past and needed to be careful. So now, after the "hundreds of millions of space escape method", after the great completion, there is no need for Fang Yun to be afraid of anything.

There is only a clear arc in the dark void, extending towards the depths of the howling abyss. Fang Yun swept towards the fight while constantly playing the formula.

I saw groups of white-bone grievances, white-bone demons, white-bone generals... constantly shaken out of the body by Fang Yun, and then scattered in all directions like a meteor!

The threat of the wild evil god has not yet passed, and Fang Yun does not dare to use the "King of Evil God" to avoid being discovered by the evil god again. However, it is more than enough to send some soldiers and generals to explore the bottom of the abyss and scout their father's whereabouts!

Fang Yun was very careful. All the evil soldiers and generals sent out changed their soul breath with "unrestrained Dafa" so that they did not reveal the information of the evil empire.

The whereabouts of Fang Yin, the Marquis of Sifang, have been unknown so far. Fang Yun's separation alone is incomprehensible, and his consciousness investigation has also been affected. It's better for these evil soldiers to be practical in the future. There are many dangers in the wailing abyss, and a sudden hurricane may completely destroy a team of evil soldiers and generals.

However, the evil soldiers and evil generals in the evil empire are hundreds of millions. Fang Yun didn't feel sad at all. If he died, he would die. The important thing is to search the void on a carpet to find out the whereabouts of the father.

Therefore, Fang Yun passed by, just like sowing seeds, sprinkling countless evil soldiers and evil generals. In the blink of an eye, there are millions of evil soldiers and generals in this void. And this is just some insignificant minions in the evil empire!

"Thunderbolt!", a shocking noise, like a spring thunder, exploded in waves of darkness. In the depths of the wailing abyss, a twisted thunderbolt across the darkness. The area of lightning is very large, with a radius of more than 2,000 miles, which is the size of more than ten upper capitals on Middle-earth Shenzhou.

This is the fifth floor of the howling abyss. The "storming minefield" is in the core of the howling abyss. It is not far from the fourth layer of the "body mountain bone sea" that Fang Yun passed before, and the visual distance is about 3,000 miles. But in fact, the distance is more than 8,000 miles.

There is a huge difference between the visual distance and the actual distance, because the law system of the howling abyss is completely disordered. Many spatial structures are distorted and folded together, making the appearance much closer!

The thunder in the rage minefield is divided into two layers, and the ground is a dark "dark thunder".

This kind of thunder is enough to make the person in the door disappear and fall into a doomable place. And in the sky is the blue "sun-thunder" from the sun to the sun. These sun thunders are also the nemesis of the evil way and the people in the devil's way. Any one can destroy the souls of the people in the evil way!

"What a powerful minefield! If you don't know the depth and rush in, I'm afraid that after countless years of hard work, you will be attacked by these sun and dark thunder and thunder, and it will be destroyed!" Fang Yun crossed the sky. When he saw this violent minefield, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Looking at the encounters all the way, although the Wailing abyss is the holy place of the five elements of magic weapons, it is also a place of death. The violent mine field in front of us alone is enough to make many legendary strong men in Middle-earth Shenzhou dangerous.

Fang Yun's eyes flashed, but he thought of the suzerain of the ancient War Demon Sect.

"If there is no three-elephant magic weapon, I'm afraid the war demon master can't break through this minefield!"

Fang Yun said in his heart. Not to mention the legendary warriors, this violent minefield is probably a little dangerous to the warriors in the soul realm.

Only from this point of view, "Howling the abyss", in the sectarian world, it is completely undead and forbidden.


Fang Yun stepped out directly without any hesitation. At his feet, a twisted darkness let out a shocking roar, and then stood up suddenly and turned into a huge skeleton.

"Go in!"

Without any hesitation, Fang Yun stepped directly on the "Five Prison Bone Emperor" and walked to the "Raging Thunder Field". The powerful minefield and ancient thunder here are an excellent place to collect thunder elements. Among them, the sun thunder and the dark thunder are the purest thunder elements needed by the "Five Prison Bone Emperor"!

However, although the "storm minefield" is an excellent place to collect thunder elements. But not everyone can collect the thunder here. This also confirms from one side why the Wailing abyss is an excellent place to practice the five elements of magic weapons, but there are very few people who really enter the power of the five elements to sacrifice magic weapons.

Even, Fang Yun didn't see the strong man who sacrificed the magic weapon other than himself!

"Boom!" Thousands of thunderbolt exploded in Fang Yun's ears, and the sun and thunder in the sky and the thunder on the ground came from all directions. The world in my eyes has been occupied by thunder, and I don't distinguish anything at all. It looks like a doomsday scene!

The legs of the "Five Prison Bone Emperor" suddenly disappeared and turned into a huge dark thunder pool. The rolling thunder bombarded from below, all of which poured into the thunder like thousands flowing into the sea. The five-prison bone emperor was wiped away by these yin and soft destructive thunder. Instead, he let out a loud roar, and the white bone thorn crown on his forehead was faintly more brilliant.

"The slander!"

When half of the body of the Five Prison Bone Emperor turned into a thunder pool and absorbed the thunder. Hundreds of sun-to-sun thunderstormed from the sky at the same time, and split into the square cloud standing on the top of the head of the five prison bones emperor.


Fang Yun's body did not move, and his eyes flashed. The sun's thunder that fell all over the sky was still a few feet away. It was folded in the air and fell into the thunder pool, splashing ripples.

Space distortion! Fang Yun has reached another huge ability in the legendary realm.

The sun thunder to the sun to the strong, which is exactly the same as the burst out of the three elephant magic weapon. Fang Yun could not twist the ancient thunder of this intensity before, but now he has reached the legendary level, and the "billion-dollar space escape method" has reached the realm of great perfection. Finally, this terrible "yang thunder" can be distorted!

"Billions of Space Escape", after the great completion, Fang Yun's attack is still secondary, but in terms of defense, it is almost invincible. This "storming minefield" is the time for Fang Yun to test his knife!

Fang Yun identified the direction and immediately stopped the "Five Prison Bone Emperor" and rushed to the place where he felt the fight before.

"Howl in the abyss, strangers do not enter, those who enter will die! ~Human beings, get out of here!" Suddenly, a strong consciousness, like thunder rolling, came across the sky. It hit Fang Yun violently. As soon as the sound fell, in the violent minefield, the infinite thunder seemed to be taken up by an invisible big hand. In the blink of an eye, it gathered into a burly figure more than eight feet high, in front of Fang Yun.

As soon as this person appeared, a wave of inhuman murderous spirit immediately swept all directions like a stormy wave. The man was dressed in thunder elements, with long hair, revealing a pair of cold eyes, staring at Fang Yun fiercely. However, the four eyes were similar, but the man seemed to see a ghost and suddenly exclaimed: "It's you!! It's not dead!",