The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 966 The Guardian of the Abyss


A bright door of light appeared out of thin air" blocked this indestructible "chaotic shot" when it could not be fired. The tip of the gun is only three inches away from Fang Yun's eyebrows, but it can't be approached.


The ancient strong man who saw this scene around couldn't help but take a breath. Even when Li Fengdao and the ancient sword god saw this scene, they couldn't help but look sideways. Of course, the two understood that it was not the "chaos gun demon" that stopped. On the contrary, his speed did not stop at all, and he was still penetrating the void at an amazing speed.

However, between him and Fang Yun, there are hundreds of millions of folding spaces. It is this overlapping space that continues to appear, which makes the distance between him and Fang Yun infinitely far away!

Fang Yun is just a legendary cultivation, but it shows the control of the law of space. It's even more powerful than the warriors in the Earth Soul Realm!

"This boy... pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

The red-haired stunning woman's eyes flashed, "The vibration in my heart is unparalleled. Only when she saw Fang Yun showed this hand did she know that she had seen it. Today's young man may not be as qualified as the people present, but he is fully equipped with the strength to sit on an equal footing with the ancient strong people present! If you have this kind of strength, you don't have to make friends with anyone at all! He is fully qualified to stand here!

"Changing friendship?"

Fang Yun's body did not move, and he looked at the long gun outside the "Gate of Space" without any emotion in his eyes. His body seemed to sink into the water, creating an infinite stack of shadows, and his figure became more and more blurred. His voice seems to be hundreds of millions of worlds away: "Do you deserve it!!"


As soon as the sound fell, the bright door of space suddenly exploded. The power of hundreds of millions of space explosions is so terrible. Hearing a loud noise, the blue spear was suddenly shaken away by a force. And Fang Yun's body suddenly disappeared in the instant of the explosion.

At this moment, even the killing suzerain can only vaguely feel the trajectory of Fang Yun in the depths of space!


The shocking dragon sounded like a long knife tearing the void. When everyone was still searching for the traces of Fang Yun, a dragon that stretched for thousands of miles suddenly appeared from the void beside the "chaotic gun demon". The surging true qi and the thunder wrapped in the sky and hundreds of millions of space fragments, the fierce impact was unexpected. On the "Chaos Gun Magic".


In the muffled hum, the blue spear flew out violently, dragging out a messy track in the void and flying out. Seeing that the chaotic gun demon was about to make a fool of himself in public, a strong force suddenly came from the side. "It held the body of the chaotic gun demon and silently turned away this powerful impact.

"Young people, there are a few strengths! It's my person who made a mistake. With your cultivation, it is enough to be on an equal footing with others. There is no need to make any friendship!"

At the critical moment, the ancient sword god took action. I didn't see how he moved. Fang Yun's surplus immediately entered the sea like a mud ox and was devisibly resolved by him.

"This person" is very strong!! Invincible!"

Fang Yun's face was calm, but his heart was thoughtful.

Although this man's strength is unfathomable, Fang Yun is not afraid. With his current strength, the ancient sky demon king's skills have been exerted to the extreme by him. Self-insurence is more than enough.

"You're welcome!"

Fang Yun replied faintly, "The look of the clouds is light and the wind is clear" neither humble nor arrogant. If it is "with his words" before, everyone can't help but feel that he is arrogant. However, after seeing him take action, no one dares to underestimate him.

Everyone present is a famous strong man in ancient times, and his vision is unique. Everyone can see that the arched light gate performed by Fang Yun is an extremely mysterious skill. With this trick alone, I'm afraid it's difficult for anyone to hurt him!


A cough came to his ear, and Fang Yun followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man with a slightly feminine face. There was a trace of abnormal red on his face. "Obviously, the fight just now also suffered some minor injuries!

"Billions of Space Forced Dafa" was lost in ancient times. It's just that occasionally as a legend, it spreads in the mouth. Fang Yun's "demony of hundreds of millions of banquets" has not only reproduced the skills of the Sky Demon King, but also raised it to a higher level.

The previous light enemy, coupled with Fang Yun's unexpectedly powerful and special way of fighting, made the "Chaos Gun Devil" injured in one move. However, the warriors who cross the soul realm of the earth are all people with extremely strong willpower and luck.

Such a warrior, after nine deaths, has reached the realm of the earth and soul and achieved the realm of the giant of all ages. It's not so easy to fall at all. In fact, even if the warriors in the soul realm in ancient times fight with each other, few of them have fallen. The strong man of the demon-eating master would not have fallen at all if he had not been led east by Fang Yun's disaster and attracted the bombardment of the evil god.

In fact, in the first wave of blows of the evil god. The demon-eating master still exists, although in the form of an eyeball. Only in this way, we can also see how difficult it is for the warriors in the soul realm to be destroyed.

Fang Yun never thought from the beginning that he could easily kill the other party. This move is more of a deterrent to the other party. Show your strength so that others dare not act rashly.

It's like a sheep entering the wolf pack, which naturally attracts the "wolf" to look at it. But if you prove that you are also a wolf and have the qualification to get a place in the wolves, naturally no one dares to act rashly.

That's what Fang Yun has done!

"This little strength, I dare to rush out, it's really too much!" Fang Yun glanced at the chaotic gun demon coldly, immediately turned his head and ignored him!


The chaotic gun demon was furious, and the true qi, which was originally adjusting the breath, immediately became disordered. One. The blood immediately gushed to the throat and almost gushed out. This is angry!

Before, he also laughed at Fang Yun for making friends and pulling relationships. He wanted to teach him a lesson, but he was defeated by Fang Yun. Now Fang Yun mocked him for being overescible, but he slapped him in the face in front of all his ancient peers.

You know, Fang Yun is countless generations younger than him. I was so humiliated by an ancient junior. I lost all my face to the end!


An angry roar sounded from the center of the violent minefield. A pair of eyes immediately re-converged to the center of the minefield. There, a huge human figure more than six feet tall stood in the field. Around him, there are many ancient strong men scattered around him. The breath is slightly chaotic, and there is damage on their bodies. Obviously, they have just experienced a fierce battle, and the object is this humanoid monster in the center of the rage mine field!

The whole battlefield in the Thunder is divided into battlefields. There are more than a dozen people in the innermost level. No three Fang Yun knows. "On the periphery" are the stunning women and red eyebrows who practice flattish kung fu. The outermost layer is a group of people led by the above ancient sword killing schools, and the forces led by the above ancient sword gods.

The strength of these two people is undoubtedly the highest among all the people in the battlefield. A lot of strong people also gathered under the right hand. However, whether it was killing or the ancient sword god, neither side took action. It's just the momentum of becoming each other's horns. At the same time, the humanoid monster in the "storming minefield" is slightly contained, or more accurately, it is the guardian of the howling abyss!

In the whole violent battlefield, except for Fang Yun, there are more than 30 or 40 people. However, Fang Yun can see that "these people belong to different forces, and there are scattered strong people" and there are also sectarian celebrities!

These forces also guard against each other. Only then will this happen.

The explosion that Fang Yun heard before was exactly the fight of these people. By the time Fang Yun arrived, the battle had come to an end!

Fang Yun saw it as early as when he stepped in here. These 30 people are divided into nearly 20 forces. So many forces are calculating with each other. So that when everyone took action, they didn't do their best." They all made the other party do it with all their strength. As a result, this kind of siege will occur, and in the middle of the "retiring" to recuperate the real qi and restore strength!

"These old guys don't have a simple product! Obviously, they had seriously injured the monster, but they got out of each other. I'm afraid I'm afraid of this monster. "The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry and fights back!"

Fang Yun took a look at the field and said to himself. It can be imagined how powerful these ancient besieged monsters are. When this kind of creature fights back with a dying heart, I'm afraid it's very likely to drag one or two cushions!

From the practice of living in the fetus to the divine realm, and then to the fourth earth and soul realm, I don't know how many difficulties and obstacles to go through in the middle. These include Heavenly Robbery, Earth Robbery and Man Robbery.

It's really a life-and-death.

Everyone came to howl in the abyss to get the treasure. Now they are devoured by a guardian beast, dragged down to hell, and thousands of years of hard work have been destroyed. Naturally, no one does this kind of thing. That's why it caused the current deadlock!

Everyone pulled out to recuperate their true qi and restore their strength. The guardian of this howling abyss is not stupid. He is happy to take this opportunity to heal his injury without saying a word! Let the human beings around you fight with each other.

However, the more powerful it is. The more self-esteem you are. Fang Yun and the chaotic gun demon come and go, and there is no one in the battle. After all, let this guardian can't bear to explode!

"You humble human beings, do you really think it's up to you to get in and out here? Tell you, "No one can escape today. The wailing abyss used to bury countless ugly human beings. Today, countless human beings will be buried! You, you, you! And you, boy. As I said, don't get close to strangers here, and those who enter will die. But you still don't listen to the advice and insist on going your own way. If you are in such a hurry to die, you can't wrong others!"

This human-shaped monster is six feet high, with a knot of muscles and a pale and ferocious look. In the end, it is a square cloud in the crowd, with a fierce voice!

At the innermost level of the battlefield, some ancient giants have just recovered their strength. Hearing this, they couldn't help but frown one after another. I don't understand why this guardian favors today's young people. From the perspective of everyone, although today's young people can defeat the "chaos gun demon", they are more powerful than the chaotic gun demon here. After all, there are also many!