The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 984 The Devil's Law

In the endless dark world, far away from Wei Changqing, Fang Yun is talking to the clock of heaven and earth.

"I didn't expect that the space crystal was fake! The real space crystal can't be so empty inside!"

Fang Yun said to the clock of heaven and earth, "However, this can also explain why there are so many complete space crystals and time crystals that are rarely seen in millions of years.

The fact is very simple. There are not so many space crystals and time crystals at all. They are all fake! As you said, this is indeed a trap. A trap to attract other strong people!"

Recalling the level of space crystal forgery, Fang Yun couldn't help but be shocked. From the external point of view, whether it is the breath emitted, color, energy or various aspects, it is impeccable. If you hadn't touched it with your own hands, it would be impossible to judge the authenticity of the crystal!

"It's not that the manufacturing level of this space crystal is too high, but that you have never contacted the space crystal before. If you have been exposed to it, it is completely wrong.

The sound of the clock did not fluctuate too much. He paused and then said, "In fact, the crystals here are not all forged."


Fang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately felt another meaning from the words of the clock of heaven and earth: "What's wrong? Have you found anything?" Although the space crystal is fake, the fluctuation of the law torrent is real. If there is no space crystal and time crystal, it is impossible to achieve this effect!"

"You mean..."

Fang Yun asked.

"If we want to achieve the effect we see", there must be time crystals and space crystals here. It's just that the number of these crystals will not be as many as we see outside.

I have calculated the fluctuation of the law in the void, combined with the false space crystal you came into contact with. "I have calculated the number of real time crystals and space crystals!"

The sound of the clock of heaven and earth is not in waves. In contrast, Fang Yun showed a look of attention.

"The number of real space crystals" is about 3. As for the number of time crystals, it is even less. There is only one!"

The sound of the clock of heaven and earth directly announced the real rules of this treasure. As a mysterious top-level magic weapon that feeds on "space crystals" and "time crystals" and has a strong power of time and space control, it is much more authoritative than Fang Yun.

If the heaven and earth clock says so, it is equivalent to declaring that the space crystals and time crystals here will never exceed 3 and 1!

When Fang Yun heard that the heaven and earth Wanhua clock announced this number, there was a momentary blank in his mind, followed by a deep loss. He couldn't help saying, "Three space crystals and one time crystal" is really so few?" The contrast of this number is too big. "Outside the light film", all the ancient giants, including Fang Yun, saw a large number of space crystals and time crystals. Such a treasure is huge and incredible. It gathers almost all the treasures of the whole world.

However, the clock of heaven and earth told him that the real treasure is actually composed of three space crystals and one time crystal. The treasure has shrunk more than ten times! It is inevitable that anyone will have a strong impact with too much contrast!

"Space crystals and time crystals are also extremely rare in the universe. I want to get here"

It takes a lot of luck. Even one is already incredible. What's more, it's still four! To some extent, this is no longer reasonable! Be careful!"

The clock of heaven and earth reminds.

"Well, I'll be careful."

Fang Yun naturally did not forget that the world and the clock of heaven and earth mentioned before, "There is a kind of existence that makes it feel threatened. To some extent, this is a horrible existence, an open net. And he hopes to find the treasure in this net, which is a very dangerous behavior!

However, no matter what. After hearing that the scale of the treasure had shrunk so much, Fang Yun finally calmed down a lot. No longer have a strong attachment to the treasure as before!

Fang Yun also understood in his heart that the clock of heaven and earth is telling the truth. Too dense treasure is really unrealistic. However, I'm more or less reluctant.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go! After entering Baoshan, you can't go back empty-handed. These crystals"

is the largest treasure in the world of Middle-earth. If you miss it, it will be rare to find any time and space crystals in the future!" Fang Yun said excitedly. What he said is the truth. Since practicing martial arts, he has also experienced all kinds of adventures, but it is the first time he has encountered such a time and space crystal treasure.

This is very likely, that is, the first and last time he encountered such a complete, and huge time crystal and space crystal in his martial arts career. More people, I'm afraid that even some famous top giants have never had such a chance to encounter such luck in their lives!


As soon as the body was vertical, Fang Yun immediately flew away like a string of arrows.

At this moment, Fang Yun is not the only one who finds the treasure strange.

"What's going on! How can this space crystal suddenly become so weak!"

An ancient earth soul giant, standing in the void, holding a space crystal in his hand, was shocked. Brilliant space crystal in the hand,

With a crack, he pinched it into pieces.

In another place, two earth soul giants rushed to a suspended crystal in the sky at the same time, but suddenly one turned into six. Each one is exactly the same, emitting the same torrent of laws.

"This, what's going on!"

"Why did it suddenly become six!"

The two of them were stunned by this sudden change. Then this dark world can't be guise in the first place. Perhaps it is not necessarily that one of the crystals summons other crystals.

The two of them didn't have much time to think about it.

However, at the moment when the fingers touched the space crystal, the two giants suddenly felt a pain in their hearts as if they were hit hard, and "Wow" spewed out a mouthful of blood in their hearts. The world in front of me changed and suddenly returned to reality.

It is still a space crystal suspended overhead, and the bodies of the two have not moved at all. In the stunned look of the two people, a woman with a white veil on her face did not slow down and calmly crossed between the two. With a wave of his hand, he immediately took the space crystals of these two people into his palm.

"The evil demon master! It's you!"

"So it's you who did it!"

The two were shocked, afraid and angry, and finally understood that when they were fighting, they were unconsciously trapped by the ancient mysterious demon in front of them. Everything she saw before was illusory with the "devil magic method".

"You damn bitch! How dare you..."

A earth soul giant couldn't help swearing, and the cooked duck actually flew from his mouth.

This is not an ordinary treasure!


The evil demon master suddenly frowned, and a sharp light flashed between his eyebrows. As far as his eyes could see, the earth soul giant who cursed suddenly felt a pain in his heart and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

The two of them finally remembered a legend. It is said that the person who is the "demone of the Nightmare Dafa" is equivalent to the secret of the Nightmare Demon Sect. Only the impact from the Nightmare Dafa will never end!

"The evil demon master, you are the strong man of the ancient Hehe. It is not a problem for the Yi people to sect and destroy humanity. However, "There are so many giants here, aren't you afraid of causing public anger?"

If it's not hard, the two of them will be soft.

The evil demon master didn't seem to like the words and just looked at the two of them. There is no doubt about the contempt and disdain in his eyes. Those god-killing figures in ancient times, which one is not a perverse Qiulan dream girl, how can she be afraid of this kind of threat?

The two earth soul giants were resentful in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do with Qiu Lan's dream girl. Although they are the same soul level, the giant in front of them is far more powerful than them. The evil magic method is a fierce forbidden skill in ancient times. The two were not sure to take back the "space crystal" from Qiu Lan's dream girl.

Just when the two admitted their bad luck and were ready to leave to look for other crystals. Something unexpected happened. Just under the eyes of the two, Qiu Lan's dream girl seemed to have found something. Suddenly, her face changed greatly.

"Here you are!"

After saying that, Qiu Lan's dream girl's bullet threw the "space crystal" big in her hand at the two people. At the same time, her delicate body disappeared in an instant.


This scene caused an accident between the two people, although they didn't understand what kind of nerves the evil demon master was. But the two made the most correct choice for the first time.


With a violent explosion, the two punched and slapped at each other almost at the same time, and then flashed at the "space crystal" thrown away like an abandoned broom!

However, not all people, like Fang Yun and the evil demon master, find something strange in it.

Surrounded by countless powerful ancient giants, more people have no time to check the true and false, and they have never thought about the true or false. Many people search for all the treasures they can see around in the first place.

"Hahaha..." This space crystal is here! With this crystal, I can sacrifice the same Japanese-level three-elephant magic weapon comparable to the Hall of Demons! In the future, the god will block the killing of the god, and the Buddha will block the killing of the Buddha!"

"The wolf king, I'm afraid you don't have this life. Hand over the crystal. "Otherwise, today will be your memorial day next year!"

"Hahaha... Do you think the three of you can do anything about me? Don't worry, I won't work hard with you at all. Out of here, I have been lurking for three months. Three months later, it's time for you guys to hide in Tibet! Humph! You have figured it out!"

"I don't know whether to live or die! Kill him!"

In Haohan's dark world, fights like this are constantly staged. Time crystals and space crystals, that's what makes anyone crazy! It's more attractive than the peerless learning!

F fighting, hatred, injustice, blood..." These powerful negative energies constantly nourish the evil creatures in the depths of the earth and help them get out of the sealed cage!

"Hahaha..., fight, human! It's even worse!"

Silent laughter echoes in the ground!