The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1040 Knife Cracked Sea

Chapter 1040 Xie Daoyu, this strange woman of Dihuang, once to study in the Central Plains, the "Exploring Flower" of the great success of Confucian Art of War. After being defeated by the Fang brothers twice in a row, she finally improved the flaw of her "arced iron riding tactics" and reached the point of the point of the

Feng Ninghou has lived in seclusion in Xiancheng for many years, although he looks elegant and looks like a scholar. It looks like a foreign language and internal martial arts. In his early years, he turned into a staff member and assisted Fang Yun's father, beside Fang Yin. He is not only good at strategy, but also good at military tactics. Under his command, the vast Da Zhou Jiashi, advance and retreat well-founded, big but not chaotic.

As for the Marquis of Good War, although he has been defeated by Xie Daoyan many times, he also knows more about Xie Daoyan's tactics. As the saying goes, if you know the enemy, you will win every battle. In the way of the art of war, a good warhou is not a young man.

The two of them joined hands, plus other court princes and princes, such a lineup can be called grand. None of these people has experienced a hundred defeats. Unfortunately, the opponents are stronger than them.

There are always some people who are accomplished in the art of war, which is difficult for others to carry. Even if others have been immersed in ** for many years, it is the same. Fang Yun is like this, and so is Xie Daoyun.

The way of war has never been that the older you are, the more powerful you are. The only regret is that such a strange woman was not born in Middle-earth, but in a different wilderness. Although what she uses is all Middle-earth military tactics.

In the rear of the army, Xie Daoyan sat on a four-horse chariot with no roof. She sat cross-legged with a complicated look. The former queen of Dihuang has now stepped down from the throne and become the commander of this army.

When the old Emperor Di stepped out from behind the scenes and appeared in front of her, Xie Daoyan already understood that the general trend had gone and everything had changed. In the past, what Fang Yun said to her, the "nine continents co-ownership" plan planned by the descendants of the five emperors naturally floated in her mind.

So Xie Daoyan understood from beginning to end. He was manipulated by the grandpa as a puppet. He needs his own ability to govern the country to help him regulate his troops and strengthen his national strength. Until now, great things have come to an end. Naturally, she took her throne and let her command the northwest battlefield this time.

Although Xie Daoyan is angry, he is unwilling. I even thought about resisting, but in the end I could only accept it silently.

The fire was raging in the distance, and the horses hissed. The breaking sound of the bow string is endless. This is a battle of killing a thousand enemies and self-destructing 800. The Dazhou army opposite is almost a desperate, suicidal attack. From beginning to end, there was no big Zhou Jiashi timid and retreated.

As a Confucian cultural edator who once studied in the Central Plains, Xie Daoyan is full of respect for these opponents. However, she couldn't help but be soft-hearted. In this war, she has no way out.

Di Huang's vein, thousands of years of fate, has been tied to her. Tied to this chariot. If the war cannot be won, the empty door will be undefended. Those left-behind women, children and children will face a massacre.

Therefore, she has no way out and no retreat. Although she understood that in the eyes of the old Emperor Di, she was just a used pawn.

"Left middle road, change the tactics, kill!"

Xie Daoyan gritted his teeth and made up his heart. Another order was issued...


At the same time, the three battlefields in the northeast, east and southwest of Middle-earth have entered white heat at the same time. On the three battlefields, Fang Lin, Zhongxinhou, and Manghuanghou all entered the most tense battle. My heart collapsed tightly.

In the past, the army of Dazhou has an absolute military advantage. And now, when the wilderness is united. The advantage of this kind of force suddenly disappeared.

The barbarians are no longer the ones who kill. After the training of the barbarian god of war, these aliens with natural divine power have become the most ferocious army. The only thing that can be relied on now is the command of Zhongxinhou and Fang Yin to suppress the wilderness for 20 years. He himself, as well as his army, have deep nightmares and fears in the soul of the barbaric alien race.

With the help of the priests of the evil temple, whether it is morale or strength. The army has been increased several times. As for the wilderness, this long-term alien race finally launched the largest counterattack in history.

This is a tough battle that has never been experienced before. The wild marquis has been soaked in blood and sweat. But he gritted his teeth and stood up.


In the southwest coastal zone, huge steel building ships, together with dense warships, are ready. Dark clouds drooped in the sky, and there was a smell of a storm in the air.

A few days ago, a dead man sent back a message and detected a huge army of wild ninjas and warriors, crossing the ocean and rushing to the mainland. What is very worrying is that among these vast armies, there are also huge sea guards.

The army of ninjas and warriors in the wilderness, plus a huge naval army. This is definitely not good news for Prince Rong. The heavy and worried look on his face can almost be seen at a glance.

Everyone knows what kind of crisis they are about to face. When the vast sea people and the Yinghuang army swept in, these Dazhou sailors on the coast will be torn and torn apart like a piece of soap.

This is almost a battle to be defeated, but Prince Rong has no way out. In any case, he is always a member of the royal family of the week. Now the court is in danger, and the destruction of life and death is only in the morning and evening. Under the nest, is there a complete egg?

In the rear of the sailor, the city is continuous. In the southwest, almost the richest cities in Jiuzhou are concentrated. Without the barrier of the sailor, no one knows what kind of slaughter will be next when the uncivilized army of the wilderness cooperates with the sea people to go deep into these cities.

Prince Rong has the right to plot and scheming. But this is a necessary quality for any member of the royal family in the political vortex. In the face of the situation that the sea people and the Yinghuang army had to go deep into the inland, countless cities, rivers of blood, and corpse mountains, Prince Rong also thought that he could not do it and was indifferent.

"Wow! ~"

A huge sound of sea tide came from the horizon. In the sound of the tide, there are hazy sea languages. On the ship and fleet, countless sailors' officials were full of excitement and looked up. The waves were rolling, and an obvious black line appeared on the horizon and flew at a terrible speed.

The army of ninjas and warriors in the wilderness finally arrived under the escort of the sea clan. Countless sandsands, countless boats, dense, occupying the sea, like an swarm of ants, flying thousands of miles.

This army is the first to set out. It was expected to arrive in three days. However, even the sea people in the deep sea can't predict everything. A sudden storm abruptly pushed back the arrival time of this army for a long time.

However, as long as the final result is the same, it will be enough. - They have finally arrived.

"Ba Ga, Middle-earth! We are finally here!"

"Long live Your Majesty. We finally crossed the ocean and saw the land!"

"Kill! For the glory of the emperor!"


When the sailors on the coast saw the Yinghuang warriors and the ninja army, this vast army of millions of soldiers also saw the strict array and shrank into a group of Dazhou sailors! A famous ninja and warrior stood up from the boat excitedly, and a layer of fanatical blood quickly appeared in their eyes.

Middle-earth is a rich country and the source of civilization, which is tens of millions of times richer than the famine. The etiquette education of the famine comes from Middle-earth. And on this continent, there is gold everywhere, and there are beautiful women everywhere. - This is the consensus and memory of all the indigenous people in the wilderness.

And now, they have finally arrived at this dreamy place.


Under the fierceness of the land, all ninjas and warriors became enthusiastic, and this enthusiasm quickly stained the sea people holding the boat. The sea warrior roared and rushed to the coast.

For a moment, the speed of the army was suddenly radical. If you look down from the sky, you can see the sea full of troops, a huge white wave.


Prince Rong's voice resounded through the seaside, and his arms were raised with an unprecedented solemn look.

The moment of life has finally arrived.


In the cabin, there was a continuous sound of the machine brackets. Countless long steel arrows were quickly loaded into the cabin. In this war, the Dazhou Marine Division was undoubtedly at a disadvantage, but it was by no means powerless to resist.

When the war breaks out, these ships will become the most dangerous killing machines.

Perhaps this Da Zhou navy can't escape the fate of destruction in the end. However, before the destruction, there will be enough sea people and wilderness warriors to become martyrs of sea burial.

This is the most real idea in Prince Rong's heart!

It's getting closer, it's getting closer and closer. On the shell of the ship, in a pore, the exposed arrows were raised one after another and aimed at the outside.

The war is about to be on the verge of breaking out.


At this time, the sky and the earth were violent, with a huge golden knife, cutting open the clouds, passing through layers of voids, and suddenly inserting into the sea water. Just take the opportunity to flirt, just like this. The sky and the earth were shaken, the ocean was tossed, and the vastness was boundless. The Yinghuang army that rushed to the slaughter was suddenly divided into two by the knife light of this killing, and the whole was separated.


The sound of screams is endless. Between this knife, countless Yinghuang ninjas and warriors, together with the sea people under the sea, broke their limbs and turned into powder. The sea clan and the wilderness warriors were directly shocked to death by the knife in it. The belly turned up, floated on the sea, and died.


The power of this knife is much more than that. The knife passes through, forming a gap of hundreds of miles. The magnificent power set off a stormy wave. The bottom of the sea was stirred, sending out a huge suction, throwing hundreds of thousands of small boats into the depths of the seabed.

There is no celestial cultivation, once it is thrown into the seabed. No matter how high the cultivation is, it will be immediately squeezed to death by the deep-sea water pressure.

After a knife, it directly led to 70,000 or 800,000 casualties. The whole sea turned red, and there were drifting limbs and broken arms everywhere.

Rao Ru poured a basin of ice water on his head. The originally fanatical army was stunned by the power of this knife. The boiling ocean surface was quiet for a moment, and it was extremely silent!