The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1042 Provoking discord


Only the sound of screams is endless. A ninja and a warrior screamed repeatedly. The strong man in the earth and soul realm, even if he only divides a little bit of pressure, is not something he can resist.

In the blink of an eye, only the explosion of "bamp" resounded through the face. More than two million filter warriors and ninjas, together with the sea clans holding small boats below, were crushed by the remnants of this move!

"Baga, retreat!"

On the ocean, the dense army of filtered wasteland has long been scattered by this knife. In the filtration wasteland, the vein of the emperor's soup is a symbol of the gods. Originally, I thought that the Emperor of Yunnan could definitely solve the opponent. Unexpectedly, even the filter emperor was defeated.

"The emperor lost, lost..."

In a burst of screams, the formation of the Lihuang army was in chaos.

"The whole army listens to kill, kill!"

On the coast, Prince Rong was overjoyed to see this scene. Taking advantage of the enemy's illness, the enemy's life..." The second law worker, which was originally the key to the art of war, saw that the formation of the army was in chaos. He didn't have to wait for the order of the mysterious man, and he didn't have to worry about the terrible power of the Emperor of Yunnan. Prince Rong directly issued the

The timing is rare. Once you miss it, you will regret it and it will be late.



Under the order, the Dazhou Marine Division, who was waiting by the seaside, quickly untied the chain and rushed to the army of the filter the waste at the fastest speed.

The number of warriors and ninjas in the wilderness is far more than that of Dazhou sailors. Even now, it will surpass the sailors of the imperial court. However, with the elite weapons and steel ships of the imperial court, coupled with the panic and spirit of the soldiers, they suddenly staged a scene of the pursuit of tigers into the wolves.


In the huge sound of the machine string, the steel ship first played a huge and horrible killing ability. Thousands of long arrows broke through the air like flying locust, shooting all over the sky. Where the steel building ship arrived, it was flawed. It didn't dare to be on the sea, or hiding under the sea, and all of them could not escape the shooting of the arrow rain.


In the scream, the corpses on the sea were like a paver, and the army was completely defeated. They had no intention to fight, and they fled one after another.

Above the dark clouds, the filter emperor sensed the death below, and his face was ashes. He regained his true body, with a blood tank mark on his face, which was melted by the knife light of the terrible mysterious man opposite. The filter emperor had the intention to rescue the subordinates who had been chased to the north, but another strong idea locked him. As long as he dares to act recklessly, the next step is the Thunder Strike. Compared with the boiling killing war on the sea, the sky seems to be more and more silent... It is cold and straight into the bone marrow, allowing the filter emperor to play.

After many years of operation, he crossed the sea in three days. Seeing that the mainland was in front, a large army of six million people was about to land and sweeping Jiuzhou. But in the place closest to success, it failed.


The figure in the golden light said faintly, and his voice was indifferent, as if from a very distant height, he floated down: "I don't show mercy like this every time! Middle-earth Jiuzhou, no matter what kind of chaos, has always been civil strife, and has never been stepped on by aliens. What's more, I have never been trapped by a different race. Not today, not again! Let's go back!"

After saying this, the mysterious strong man turned around. The sleeves fluttered and walked slowly to the depths of the void.

The filter emperor knelt in the void, gasped violently, and did not move. His mind was blank, and a complex emotion that was unspeakable was in his heart, making him unable to think a few times. Failure, loss of spiders..." Unacceptable results.

The person in front of him is like a high mountain, cutting off all hope in front of the long-cherished wish of Emperor Tang for tens of thousands of years. The martial arts that Di Tang was proud of did not even have the opportunity to give up in front of him.

It is incomprehensible that even if the heaven and the earth collapse and the world are destroyed, to the filter emperor, that feeling is nothing more than that.

"Why? Why? Why..."

"Why" one by one, like a thunder, passed through Emperor Tao's mind. He could not accept such a failure, and the extreme despair made him fall into the abyss. That's a failure that no ambitious person can bear: "Who the hell is this man?"

The filter emperor suddenly raised his head and stared fiercely at the figure in the golden light. At this moment, the man raised his leg for a moment. One thing accidentally fell into the emperor's eyes.

That's a pair of golden boots and a pair of boots of the princes of the Zhou Dynasty. There were nearly a hundred princes and countless war boots in the Zhou Dynasty. But there is only one pair of combat boots between heaven and earth. Moreover, he has seen it countless times.


The huge shock made the filter emperor's pupils suddenly open wide, as if he would fall out of his eyes if he moved again and again. At that moment, the filter emperor seemed to be hit by the ancient thunder, and he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him: "Fang Yin!"

"Fang Yin! Fang Yin!" ( ...You are Fang Yin!"

The filter emperor stood up like an irritated beast, scattered with black hair, and floated in the void: "Daster! It's you! I should have thought of it a long time ago!!"

One and the indescribable sense of betrayal made the filter emperor's face twisted and multiply angrily. He had thought about the identity of the other party countless times, but what he didn't expect was Hou Fangyin from all over the world.

In the whole world, except for filtering the wilderness royal family, who can know the unique skills of Di Tang as well?

The master of Di Tang, Di Yu!

Emperor Tang started from grass mustard and was full of unique learning, which can be said to be inherited from the ancient emperor Yu. Know the apprentice Mo Ruoshi, know the teacher Mo Ruotu: Di Tang's unique learning is originally born and developed from Di Yu's unique learning. There are traces to be found on both sides.

Even when the Filter Emperor and the Sifang Hou Fang Yin made friends, he said in front of him countless times that except for him, who can know the Emperor Tang's unique skills like the palm of his hand? Except for him, who has the ability to make him unable to use a complete set of Ditang's unique skills? In addition to him, who knows the interruption of each true qi node of Di Tang's unique learning?

In the battle of the wilderness, the four-way marquis Fangyin was bombarded into the wailing abyss after being defeated by the barbarian god of war.

The filter emperor went to explore in person, but there was no trace of it. He should have thought of him a long time ago, and only Fang Yin would make him feel so familiar.

It's just that the filter emperor didn't expect it. Before the four-way marquis Fang Yin had an accident, it was only a cultivation that could not be reached in the star realm, but now, it has reached the cultivation of the earth and soul realm, and it is not the first cave heaven, but a higher realm!

In the void, empty.

At the moment when the filter emperor stood up, the man had disappeared into an endless space fault. However, the anger in the emperor's heart is only increased?


The filter emperor laughed angrily, and the laughter went straight to the clouds, with a crazy smell: "Fang Yin! You are so cruel! I have been treating you like a sifle, and I also want to support your child Fang Yun as the master of the nine sily. And that's how you treat Lian! Unexpectedly, the couplet is going to be destroyed! You are so cruel! But do you think this can stop Lian? Do you think this can stop Di Tang's long-cherished wish for tens of thousands of years? No! You can never stop Lian!!" ..."

In the crazy laughter, the Yuan Emperor's body trembled. He didn't even care about the defeated filter army behind him: he directly retreated into the void and went to the capital: it was meaningless to defeat the Datong Marine Division. This "Cunion of the Nine Continents" plan is not limited to him. In addition to overseas famine, there are also wild famine, famine, autumn famine, and even the wilderness army.

No matter what Fang Yin did, as long as he defeated the emperor of Dazhou, as long as he killed the strongest man in the mountains and rivers of Dazhou. Then the plan of "Lord of Jiuzhou" will still be carried out: Di Tang's long-cherished wish will still be fulfilled!

In the endless void, Fang Yun is not as good as the mountain. The three earth soul giants around him are surrounded by three talents of "heaven and earth people", besieging Fang Yun in the middle.

The big virtual demon master, the split sky master, Tongtian demon king, such a lineup can be called a luxury, enough to move anyone. And what they joined hands to besiege was a young man who had only been in martial arts for 20 years in a year.

Such a thing, no matter success or failure, is enough to be proud! What is still shocking is that in the siege of these three people, Fang Yun seemed to be skillful and not chaotic at all.

"Gods and demons are easy to break the sky with one sword!"

In the roar of the mouth, there were tens of millions of black tear marks, roaring sharply and falling towards the square cloud. Each of these tear marks can easily penetrate a star and smash it into pieces. Even those magic swords that cut gold and iron, blow hair and break hair, can't be sharper, more sharp and terrible than these rare tearing marks!

"Five Emperors Star Fist!"

Fang Yun was calm and calm. With a wave of his right fist, the stars appeared all over the sky, and they condensed like substance one by one. As soon as his mind moved, a huge ancient emperor incarnated, stepped out from behind him, and suddenly punched the "Suzerain of the Heaven..." This blow that tore the world and smashed everything, smashed "the wrist to the sky!"

In the dark nothingness, the sound of thunder suddenly sounded. Two wrists, covering the sky and the sun, up and down, to Fang Yun to pick up the two palms, huge and friendsless, one on the top, dark clouds rolling, in the palm of the palm, countless powerful gods and spirits, one by one hand law enforcement, the treasure is solemn; the next one, the magic wave, in the palm of the palm, Vortex, among which countless hungry ghosts, fierce gods, and huge demons, together, roared at the sky and struggled to come out: these two palms rushed out together, showing the momentum of fishing together. One point to the sky, one point to the ground. The gods and the devil, the fierce gods and evil evil, secretly connected the power of heaven and earth. As long as it is combined, Fang Yun will be blown to pieces from the inside out and turned into nothingness.


Another ancient emperor stepped out from behind Fang Yun. He raised his head, raised his palm, and immediately clasped the palm of the sky. Again, another ancient emperor stepped out, stamped his feet, and blocked a palm on the ground with the momentum of stepping on the ground.

Two emperors, one against the sky and one against the ground, immediately blocked the must-kill move of the "Tongtian Demon King".

"If there is something, it is as big as nothing!"

The suzerain of the big virtual demon took advantage of the situation to launch a third blow. The void was twisted, and a handle was thousands of feet long. If there was nothing, the thunder and lightning halberd that shuttled through the void hundreds of millions of emptiness at the same time, broke out of its palms, and instantly


The incarnation of the fourth ancient emperor Yu stepped out, but with one punch, the halberd was smashed, and the huge power directly shocked the "Great Virtual Demon Master" out.