The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1061 Taimiao Wine

In the vast battlefield, there is only one person who has been silent. The cold-eyed emperor watched this tragic battle.

Blood, broken halberd, limbs, corpse mountain, fire..." Everything made the old man feel extremely desolate and extremely indifferent. It's like across another world.


On the white jade guardrail, Zhuang Sifan, who had never moved like a wood carving, finally couldn't help sighing when he saw the prince Liu Xiu being hit by the fly.

No matter what his position is, he finally can't see that a prince of the imperial dynasty lives and dies in front of his eyes. At this moment, only he found Liu Xiu's situation on the whole battlefield and had the ability to save him.

The sleeves were swung, and the work was blown up by the cold wind. In the cold wind, the Confucian wine wished Zhuang Sichen to stand up slowly. His eyes were extremely calm, without any waves. It seems to see through the vicissitudes of heaven and earth, and there are no more emotional fluctuations.

"Heaven, earth... has a great atmosphere!" ..."

On the battlefield, there was nothing far away, and a voice sounded in everyone's hearts at the same time. This voice has never been heard before. In the old age, there is a feeling of indifference.

This voice is not very loud, just like Xi's usual face-to-face speech. But when it rang, all the sounds were suppressed. Including the cracking sound of the skeleton, the roar of weapons, the roar of real gas...

When this sound sounded, there was only one sound left between heaven and earth.

"The last is the day, the last..."

As soon as this sentence fell, the thick dark clouds in the sky disappeared in an instant. It's like sweeping a big broom that can't be seen with the naked eye. Revealing the dark clouds behind, the clean sky... The wheel sun suddenly appeared above, emitting endless light. And around the sun, countless stars appeared.

Between heaven and earth, the sun appears for the first time, shining with the stars.


Just as everyone looked up, a milky white light fell from the sky. He fell on the white jade guardrail and enveloped the Confucian leader who had been hiding in the temple.

This pillar of light is vast and turbulent, which contains the thoughts of the integrity of countless scholars in the world. From the continent to righteousness, all evils are easy to ward off.


The three princes, who were entangled with the strong of the sect, were all surprised. This Confucian head of Taimiao is completely different from that of the eldest son. The eldest son is good at learning and deduction, and never takes advantage of the idea of fighting. Therefore, there has never been a rumor in Confucianism that the eldest son has done it.

But my uncle and eldest son are completely different. The wine has a heart of dispute. It's far from being like a teacher. A gentleman doesn't talk about martial arts!

Taibao knew very early that Zhuang Sichen's "martial arts" was very high. This kind of height is not physical and true, but thoughts and cultivation. In his whole body, even the strong man in the divine realm has no way to use force. "All laws are empty" is such a state.

Taibao is also a martial arts master, but every time in front of Zhuang Sichen. Even the idea of use of force can't do it!

The cultivation of Confucianism has reached the extreme, and a breath of righteousness connects the world. You don't have to do it at all to defeat the enemy. However, knowing the Taimiao wine Zhu Yicai, this is the first time that Taibao has seen the wine Zhu, which stimulates the grand spirit of heaven and earth.


Taibao's lips squirmed and muttered to himself. His eyes looked forward. In the vast righteousness that penetrated heaven and earth, words emerged one by one, surging from the ground to the depths of the clouds. Those words are exactly the sound of Zhuang Sichenzhou.

Unlike the excitement of the imperial court, at the moment when the magnificent righteousness appeared, all the strong sects felt an extreme uneasiness on the battlefield.

"Hao Ran Zheng Qi..." is a great Confucian of Confucianism!"

Everyone is uneasy. In particular, some evil giants are even more frightened, and their eyelids keep jumping.

"Who the hell is this old guy? Why is it so powerful?!"

On the three-headed hell back, the prince of Pluto was frightened. He felt the fear of the three hellhounds, which was unwilling to move forward. At this moment, the beam of light on the white jade guardrail that penetrates heaven and earth completely attracted the attention of Prince Pluto. Because he felt a strong threat from this beam of light.

This threat even made him temporarily forget the existence of Prince Liu Xiu. In the eyes of Prince Pluto, Liu Xiu was just a clown, and the great Confucian in the beam of light threatened him.

"Kill him. That old man is the guy who took action in the temple when the Chaos ancestor attacked the capital last time!"

An evil giant suddenly remembered something and screamed.

"Kill him!"

Several shadows immediately shot out and rushed in the direction of the Confucian head of the imperial temple. But they still reacted slowly, not only because San Gong reacted and protected him before his birthday, but also because Zhuang Sichen recited the next verse: "Why He Yue..."


The earth collapsed, and the earth shook. The rolling gloomy atmosphere was abruptly pressed back to the depths of the earth by a powerful force.

Between heaven and earth, all the earth gas has been cleared.


The huge three-headed hellhound suddenly screamed bitterly. It touches the lower body of the ground and suddenly burns. Large pieces of skin. The skeleton quickly turned into ashes.

"How did you reply like this?"

Prince Pluto was shocked. At the moment when his heart was shocked, countless evil demons screamed crazily from his ears at the same time. As far as the prince of Pluto's eyes could see, in the depths of the originally fragmented earth, the strong righteousness turned into rivers and rivers, spewing out of the ground, filling every crack of the earth.

The magnificent spirit spewed out from the ground. All the evil and magic warriors who were stained with these noble spirits immediately burned.

"It's not good!"

The prince of Pluto was shocked and immediately urged the three hell dogs to rise into the air.

"Natural manifolds!"

The old man quickly blurted out the last sentence.


The vast righteousness that runs through heaven and earth suddenly burst out tens of thousands of times more dazzling than the sun. The boundless and vast atmosphere suddenly exploded. Between heaven and earth, in an instant, it turned into a dazzling day.

Bang bang bang!

He was the first to rush to several strong sectarians who rushed to Zhuang Sichen, the head of Confucianism in the Taimiao, howling, and his whole body suddenly burned from the inside out. The burning speed was very fast, banging a few times, and it immediately burst into flying ash.


Countless faces are distorted by fear. This burst of Haoran righteousness is too horrible. Between heaven and earth, all heterogeneous energy, all rules and laws are rejected and suppressed. Except for the magnificent spirit, there is no other energy.


In the vast light, the sound of screams is endless. One strong sect after another screamed and turned into ashes. Many strong sects tried to break through the air, but found that they could not escape into the void at all. Not only that, you can't even fly in the air.

Taimiao Jiuzhu finally showed his horrible ability... "All laws are empty"!

One strong man after another, like wood, fell helplessly from the sky. Make a heavy impact sound.

The light of the remaining eyes is fleeting. When this wave of fear passed by, the whole battlefield was in a mess. On the earth, a thick layer of black ash was sprinkled with, which were countless evil and strong demons. They were shaken into flying ash by the magnificent breath of the Confucian leader.

On the whole battlefield, countless strong people who were dead or injured fell to the ground, with a pale face. He looked at the old man in the white jade railing in the palace, and his eyes were full of fear. Although they were not dead, they suffered a serious internal injury and hurt their souls.


On the earth, the prince of Pluto spit out a mouthful of black blood and looked at the deep eyes of the palace, full of fear. He let go of his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a magic weapon clicked and broke. It quickly turned into black and gray.

In the last moment, if he hadn't survived the wave of light with a powerful magic weapon of the Underworld. It's a dead person now. Even so, under the sense of mind, he suffered a serious injury.

"Confucianism..." How can it be so powerful! Even the true qi of our underworld can be restrained!"

At this moment, the prince of Pluto felt a powerful shock. This is the first time he has met a great Confucian, and it is also the first time he has seen the horror of Confucianism! This is a great shock to his heart!

After a quiet and short silence on the battlefield, a shocking cry broke out from the army and the forbidden army. The originally dense sectarian army was cleared of nearly 80% at this moment!

The army of the imperial court has completely taken the initiative in terms of quantity!


San Gong shouted in a low voice and greeted the Taimiao wine.

"Uncle, are you all right?"

Taibao took a step forward, held the Taimiao wine and said with concern.

Zhuang Sichen shook his head: "I'm fine. It's just that I'm a little tired." ...Confucianism does not pay attention to abstaining from killing. But if you can't kill, try not to kill. The senior brother once said that a gentleman does not hold the axe blade and does not touch blood. It seems that I can't be a gentleman after all.

"Uncle, don't say that. The eldest son has the eldest son's way, and the uncle has the way of the uncle. ...Even if the uncle can't be a gentleman, he is worthy of the respect of the world.

Dazai looked at it and said, "Uncle, you don't have to worry about it. We Confucianism do not pay attention to this, otherwise, there will be no military books and strategies circulating. What's more, these people are all demons, causing trouble to the world, and killing them is also for the people.

Taifu comforted. Confucianism hates the strong sectarians who have caused disaster to the world. It's not just a toast.

Zhuang Sichen smiled and shook his head: "I don't care about this. ...Confucianism is an eventful time, and there is not much I can do. In the future, Confucianism can only rely on the three of you.

San Gong was shocked and faintly felt a trace of uneasiness. Taifu even felt a trace of omility from Zhuang Sichen's tone. Uneasy, he said, "Uncle, don't you still have Confucianism? As long as you are here, Confucianism will definitely flourish again!" ..."

The Taimiao Confucian shook his head, looked at the sky, and said indifferently, "My deadline is coming, and there is not much longevity..."

One word, I heard San Gong's heart shock, a sad cry, kneeling on the ground. ( Not