The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1074 The Emperor's Sword

The Dark Emperor once heard a rumor: the soul of heaven and the soul of the earth collide with each other in thunderstorm weather. After the human soul is produced, living in the fetus [body] can produce a life. Everyone is like this.

This process of the soul of heaven and the soul of the earth is very complicated. Therefore, the human souls produced are different. Therefore, from the beginning of birth, everyone is actually different. Some people are naturally smart and don't need to teach him to be literate. He can read by himself: Some people are very talented in business and can quickly build a business empire, so they are mediocre in martial arts: while others, with amazing talents in martial arts, learn martial arts thousands of miles a day, but they have no ability in business.

This is innate, and everyone is given different abilities at the beginning of birth. These are destined for everyone's later exhibition.

And between heaven and earth, there is a very special person. They are the soul of heaven and the soul of the earth born from the murderous spirit of heaven and earth, and are born in the power of thunder.

There is a way that there is a murder in heaven and earth, and dragons and snakes rise to land.

This kind of human bag is born from heaven and earth, and the "killing soul" is born with a strong desire to kill. When they were born, their spiritual souls were born faster than others, and they were exposed to killing things without learning. With a knife, you can dance more exquisitely than a swordsman: he can't walk. When he throws him into the mountain forest, no beast dares to approach him: someone else's first killing is very uncomfortable and wants to vomit, but this kind of person moans in his bones. This is the person who is born with "killing the soul of It is full of strong desire to kill and fight. Unlike the dark emperor's strong murderous spirit from the outside to the inside of the day after tomorrow, this kind of person is born with a soul of killing.

How powerful the origin of heaven and the origin of the earth are. Although the Dark Emperor is said to have slaughtered an era, he is too weak compared with the origin of heaven and the origin of the earth.

It's just that the probability of this kind of born "killing war soul" is very small.

In hundreds of thousands of years, there may not be one in several eras!

This kind of person who is born to kill the soul of war appears the most and is the most well-known time. In ancient times, those ancient demons who are full of heaven and earth and have magical power.

In other words, if this person was born in ancient times, he would be like an ancient demon god!

"I didn't expect that such a figure was hidden in the Zhou Dynasty!"

The dark emperor's pupil contracted violently, which shocked him too much.


Just for a moment, the dark emperor and the chaotic ancestor were fiercely shaken away. And the boundless, the magnificent blood like the ocean ignored them and rushed straight to the highest point of the sky, and the four mysterious emperors who were fighting.

"Hahaha, fight! Fight! What a powerful opponent, what a fun battle!" In the laughter, the demon-like figure, like a crazy lion, stretched out its claws and suddenly tore open the true air cloud and real air thunder and lightning of a Xuanming Emperor, and rushed in.


In a flash, I heard a shocking explosion in the sky, and the endless blood burst out the light of the sky in the void. At this moment, even the chaotic ancestor who suffered losses in his hands was shocked.

This man is simply bolder than the sky. He dares to rush into the battlefield where five mysterious and underworld-level horrors are gathered alone, killing indiscriminately!

"What the hell is this guy from!"

The ancestor of the first demon also showed a shocked look, and the blood light fluctuated very strongly in the sky. This person's behavior can be described as bold and lawless. At this time, even the ancestor of the beginning of the world can't do such a thing!

"Hahaha, four emperors, it's really fun! ~ Liu Wei, I have completed the promise of Wu Mu for you!"

The loud laughter shook all directions. It makes a dry otter and a dark and colorless.

The blood in the sky is constantly pulled and torn by the four forces. But these blood light quickly condensed again, as if they could not be torn apart.

"Stop Gehou! It's Zhi Gehou!" ..."

The Marquis of Shengwu suddenly sounded, looking at the vibrating look in his eyes in the air.

The strongest prince who killed was actually released. He is not the Marquis of Wu, but his combat effectiveness is stronger than the Marquis of Wu!

He is a taboo in the court. Sheng Wuhou didn't expect that he would be released.


The emergence of Zhigehou is just a variable. Everyone's attention is still focused on the Taimiao wine Zhu Zhuang Sichen, who is casting the sword.

In the rear of the chaotic ancestor, Yihuang, Dihuang, Yinghuang were all stopped by Huo Qubing, Taibao and others. However, although the attack was stopped, in that range, the strong shock wave still affected the Taimiao wine that was refining the sword.


With a shock, the body of Taimiao's wine was immediately smashed. At this moment, all his mind is concentrated on the human emperor's sword. There is no ability to use everything at all. After a bang, Taimiao's clothes were broken, and his thin body could not withstand this strong vibration at all.

Although Confucianism is full of thirst. It can disperse thousands of demons.

But the body is extremely fragile. It's not even as good as a strong man who lives in a fetus.


Seeing that Taimiao's clothes were broken and his body was shattered, Emperor Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief. Chaos Laozu and others were so fast that the strong of the court blocked them at once. But they also successfully attracted the attention of the strong in the imperial court. Reduced a lot of pressure for the three people. At this time, the sneak attack was successful,

Finally, I was relieved.

However, the next moment, Emperor Ying's eyes immediately opened up, with a shocked look on his face: "How can it be!"

In the magnificent river, Zhuang Sichen's mortal flesh is smashed in the first wave of energy vibration. However, soon, a body composed of Haoran righteousness was re-exposed in the beam of light. The only difference between the same body and the same face is that all of this is composed of pure light and pure righteousness.

No one can understand what kind of existence the Confucian toast is at this moment.

Everyone feels that he and the vast river between heaven and earth are merging together. Not from each other.

No one knows what kind of state he is in at this moment, but Zhuang Sichen is still alive. In his face, there was a look of vicissitudes and compassion. He slowly raised his head and looked at the sky. He dragged the four Xuanming Emperor's Zhigehou and the human emperor, and his lips were one by one. A strange voice sounded in everyone's hearts at the same time: "Liu Wei, I hope you don't live up to this emperor's holy sword and live up to our Confucian abandonment today! Take it!"

As soon as Zhuang Sichen's voice fell, his whole body, together with the vast river between heaven and earth, was vast, like a river into the sea, and poured crazily into the sword of the emperor above his head.

"Da Damn it! Waste!"

The halberd shattered emperor appeared in this scene, making an angry voice. He thought that Chaos Laozu and others could easily solve a few Confucian students who had no power to bind chickens, but they didn't expect to fail.


The halberd shattered emperor slammed the human emperor with one blow, and then turned into a comet-like magic spirit, and swooped down to the ground.

"Good! If you want the sacred relics of the three emperors, I will give them to you!"

At this moment, the voice of the emperor resounded through the sky. Even the angry halberd shattered emperor showed a distracted look when he heard this sentence.

But the next moment, the emperor confirmed what he said. Two golden swords were thrown out of his hand. Not only the emperor's sword, but also the emperor's sword was thrown out by him without hesitation.

When the two holy swords of the three emperors burst out of golden light and flew from the hands of the emperor. There was a short distracting in the minds of the four alien emperors. It seemed that they didn't expect that the emperor would throw out what they dreamed of.

It seemed that he was still worried that the words were not enough, and the emperor said something that the emperor and others could not resist: "The unique learning of the three emperors is in the holy sword, and "Three Graves" is the three golden swords. All the unique skills of the three emperors are engraved in it.

... I have no intention to fight against you. Take them all!"

The sacred artifact of the three emperors, the unique learning of the three emperors, when these two things are combined, the ** power generated is simply unimaginable. Even the emperor can't resist. Because this represents the two keys to enter the perfection of the three souls.

With these two keys, the chance to step into the perfection of the three souls and the highest level of martial arts will be greatly increased.



The Emperor of the Black Whale Rift Sea couldn't stand it first. He turned into an arm and grabbed the two three emperors' holy swords. As soon as the Xuanjing Rift Sea Emperor took action, the four-pole dome couldn't help it: "Sit!"

In the roar, the four-pole dome emperor also rushed over. Then there was the wild and evil god, and finally even the halberd shattered emperor couldn't stand it anymore. He turned around and rushed to the two three emperor swords: "Damn it, stop it!"


It was a series of explosions on the spot, and the four emperors themselves were not monolithic. What attracts them together is not the common hatred of the human emperor, but the strong desire for the three emperors' holy sword and the highest level of the perfection of the three souls.

After the emperor threw out the two three emperor swords, this contradiction no longer exists. It turned into a competition for the sacred weapons of the three emperors. In the loud noise, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and there was a fierce tearing between the four emperors!

"Bad, I've been fooled! In the holy sword, there is no mind or formula!"

First, it was the voice of the Black Whale Rift Sea Emperor. It was the first to take action and the first to come into contact with the sacred weapons of the Three Emperors.

The sacred artifact of the three emperors is indeed the sacred artifact of the three emperors, but there is no one in it at all, that is, the so-called "Three Tombs"!


The sky shakes the earth, the golden light is all over the sky, and the magnificent golden light is a thousand times more burning than the sun. It is boundless and bursts out from the ground. In the golden light, a golden sword thousands of feet high can be seen in the distance.

"It's not good!"

The four emperors changed their faces, and immediately separated most of the true qi and fell to the place where the golden light came out.