The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1097 Fang Yun's Decision


Fang Yun felt the shock of the soul. The already powerful soul actually refined again after breaking free from the spiritual confinement. The world transformed by the clock of heaven and earth is all in this moment, and the space has expanded a lot.

The distance between Fang Yun and the barrier of the Earth Soul Realm suddenly narrowed again! The breath that belongs to the earth's soul realm is extremely strong.

This time, because of the change of mind, it brings the refinement of martial arts, which is also beyond Fang Yun's expectation. However, at this time, Fang Yun no longer cares about this. He just stared at the back of the emperor, clearly showing his attitude, hoping to get an attitude.

There is silence in the hall.

This change of Fang Yun is obviously beyond the expectation of the emperor. So much so that Fang Yun saw the back of the ancient emperor and obviously trembled. Although it is not obvious, it is enough for Fang Yun to capture it.

Extching the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is a knife. Fang Yun risked his life, but his heart was much more open. Even the emperor, like a mountain, with strong majesty and pressure, does not seem so heavy.

Fang Yun knows that this is the effect of his strong soul and enhanced will!

In ancient times, if the emperor did something wrong, he should write a letter to point out his mistakes. If you refuse to change it, you will be angry and scolded, and even splashed blood in five steps!

In terms of the name of the monarch and minister, this is a great disrespect. How can a minister be so bold!

Since ancient times, the king has called himself the son of heaven and the son of heaven. Therefore, if you are highly respected and in awe, if you stamp your feet, the heavens and the earth will be shaken, and the ministers will be in awe. But the ministers are different. The minister's heart is open, his thoughts are upright, and he is connected to heaven and earth. And the sky in the dark, we should drink with each other.

When the minister gave the imperial edict, the masculine thoughts went straight to the sky and penetrated the "heart of heaven". At this moment, he is no longer a minister. Instead, it represents "God" to question "the Son of Heaven". It's like a father scolding his son.

So the minister can scold him face to face without mercy. Even in the face of the faint king, he slapped his palm and pulled out blood! In this generation, they represent "God", so they are not afraid of the majesty of the king. It seems that it is against the way of kings and ministers to be able to do this. Moreover, the king dare not blame too much. Because he represents God!

Fang Yun now feels the mentality of the minister and puts everything out!

In the hall, there is silence. However, behind this silence is the smell of a storm. In the past, Fang Yun was bound to be frightened, but now, he is fearless and unreled.

He wants to know that the current emperor is still not the original emperor! Has his ambition swelled because of the success of the sacrifice of the Holy Emperor's Sword?

The hem of the emperor's dragon robe swings without wind. It swelled up and down again, bulged up and down again, as if he were in a state of mind. For a long time, unexpectedly, Fang Yun heard the extremely calm voice of the emperor: "Fang Yun, let me ask you another question. I have asked this question once. But now, I'll ask you again."

The emperor suddenly turned around. His expression was calm, without any anger or displeal. There is only one indescribable final calm.

"Fang Yun, would you like to submit to me?"

The calm voice, but it was like the sound of a bell, brought Fang Yun back to the Fenghou ceremony a few years ago. In the Taihe Hall, at the last pass, when he met the emperor, Fang Yun also heard this voice: "Fang Yun, would you like to submit to me?"

A simple sentence, but it knocks on people's hearts like thunder. Suddenly, Fang Yun's mind fluttered, in a trance, for a while in the Taihe Hall a few years ago, and for a while, he appeared in the Yanglong Court.

In different environments, they are the same two people, the same question.

"Would you like to submit to me?"

The endless sound echoes in my ears. The time has changed, the place has changed, and the people have changed, but the wandering of the fork in the road has not changed at all!

Fang Yun, who used to be difficult to choose, said the words of "Weichen acts, just want to have a clear conscience". Now, a few years later, Fang Yun is facing a much more difficult situation than a few years ago. In this case, it is difficult to blurt out countless times!

Since ancient times, he has rebelred against the king and has never had a good end. Although the minister can scold the king directly, the end of the minister is often very miserable. If you meet a faint king, you will die on the spot. And even Mingjun, although he accepted it "happyly" in the court. But his appearance was humiliated and his majesty was challenged, and he was unhappy after all. Finally, find a reason like this or that, and put the minister out.

Therefore, since ancient times, the status of ministers has always been ups and downs, constantly in the court, degrading and entering, entering and degrading. This kind of ups and downs itself represents the king's psychology!

A few years ago, when the emperor said this, there were also great emperors who could compete with him and restrain him. But now, the emperor holds the sword of the Holy Emperor in his hand, and all of them are invincible in the world. Four poles and eight wilderness, one word is arbitrary. To disobey him is equivalent to disobeying heaven and the way of heaven!

Fang Yun's fingers were deeply embedded in the palm of his hand, and even the blood flowed out, but he didn't find it!

"Fang Yun, submit to the imperial court, submit to all the people of the world!"

Fang Yun is word by word, and the word is difficult.

With the passage of time, Fang Yun can no longer say such young and frivolous words as "Weichen acts, just want to have a clear conscience". But I can't say such a disobedience to your majesty!

"Son submission to the court" is already Fang Yun's biggest concession without going against his heart.

Kings since ancient times can be good or evil. But only this country is the country, and all the people in the world. Eternal and unchanging! If the emperor is upright and selfless, and can benefit all the people, then the representative of the imperial court is the emperor. Fang Yun's loyalty to the imperial court is equivalent to being loyal to the emperor.

However, if the emperor has personal thoughts, the court is the court, and the emperor is the emperor. Fang Yun will be loyal to the court and the people of the world, but he will not be loyal to the emperor!

Since ancient times, the imperial court has existed, and the imperial calendar has been passed down! The emperor has been passed down from generation to generation, but the court has always been the court.

This is the difference between the emperor and the court!

The emperor was condescending, staring at Fang Yun, with cold eyes, as if to penetrate his muscles and bones and see his heart. However, for a long time, the emperor finally waved his hand: "Get out!"

"Your Majesty..." Fang Yun opened his lips.

"Go out!!"

At this moment, the voice suddenly became countless times loud. It was like countless thunderbolts exploded in the hall. At a glance, Fang Yun saw the emperor's face, which was extremely gloomy. But the next moment, Fang Yun lost the figure of the emperor in his eyes. As soon as the light around flashed, Fang Yun was shaken out of the hall!

"Go back and think about it behind closed doors! In March, without my order, you are strictly forbidden to leave Hou's house for half a step!"

The voice is rumbling and ruthless. At this moment, after Yang Hong was taken away, the "the blessing of the emperor" that fell on Fang Yun completely disappeared from Fang Yun!

From now on, Fang Yun is Fang Yun, and the emperor will no longer have any preference!

Fang Yun clearly felt this. In the past, Fang Yun would have been uneasy because of the emperor's anger. I will hesitate because of the emperor's departure. But after experiencing the change in heart, the little bit of panic disappeared.

Now Fang Yun has no fear and uneasiness in his heart, but only incomparable peace. However, under this calm, it is difficult to hide a touch of deep disappointment, the disappointment of the emperor!

Fang Yun clearly felt that the emperor had changed. Or more prepared, he hasn't changed. It's just that the original veil was suddenly torn off, revealing his original face.

"After March, I resigned from my official position, took my mother and my eldest brother. Leave the imperial court, leave the capital, leave Middle-earth, and leave this place of right and wrong! With my current strength, self-insuring is more than enough. Even if it is the Fang family, there will be no danger of destruction! There is no need to worry about the destruction of the family day and night!"

A ray of light flashed in Fang Yun's eyes, and there was a faint decision in his heart. Now the court no longer needs him. Even if he is not there, with the strength of the emperor, I'm afraid he can unify the four poles and establish an unprecedented powerful unified dynasty!

Whether there is another cloud or not, none of this will change! Once upon a time, his father, Fang Yin, guarded the wilderness for more than 20 years in order to guard the people in the south. But without the difference between wilderness and middle-earth, all this is no longer needed!

The Zhou Dynasty will no longer need princes and generals like Fang Yin. There is no need for the Fang family to exist anymore!

The Fang family is now an extremely powerful minister. However, rights do not attract Fang Yun. Rights are given by the emperor. He can give and receive it. Everything is empty.

Fang Yun once established the 27th Battalion, and now this army shines brightly and is famous all over the world. But if the emperor needs it, Fang Yun will hand over the control without any pain.

The unified position of the army was appointed by the emperor. Fang Yun has never been interested. It can also be handed over now. As for the title of the champion, it is just a virtual position. Fang Yun, a marquis, did not receive real power from the beginning. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

There is also a huge moth system of nearly one million established by Zhao Boyan, which is made by Zhao Boyan's painstaking efforts and is also Fang Yun's biggest news weapon. The biggest function of this news weapon is to detect all the external dangers for Fang Yun in advance. But if the Fang family withdraws from the court and Fang Yun retreats, this moth system doesn't matter. It can be handed over to the court or disintegrate. It doesn't matter.

As for wealth, Fang Yun has also accumulated huge wealth with the help of Jubao Pavilion. Even retreat is enough to support all the consumption and expenditure of the Fang family. The court can't give this!

After making a decision, Fang Yun suddenly felt extremely relaxed. The teacher once criticized his life, saying that he wanted to jump out of the river of fate, only to turn into a dragon and go away. However, Fang Yun also said that in addition to turning into a dragon, he can also turn into a tiger into a lion, jump out of the river, [from] free, proud of the mountains and forests!

"Thank you very much, teacher. Now, I can finally get rid of it!"

Fang Yun muttered in his heart.