The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1110 The King and the Minister's Split 1

Fang Yun was not sure for a moment. What did the emperor mean when he said this? Or something, so I don't dare to answer. He lowered his head slightly and didn't answer a word.

The emperor just looked at him and didn't care. He was not entangled in this matter. He swung his sleeves and said indifferently, "Fang Yun, there were countless ministers and hundreds of millions of people in the Zhou Dynasty. But do you know why I only love you so much? Even if you kill Yingwuhou Yanghong, such a big thing is just to open one eye, close one eye and tolerate you.

Liu Xiu, the prince of the East Palace, known as the crown prince, is the choice to inherit the throne in the future. But even, I'm afraid it's not as good as my mind in you.

Do you know why all this?

With a plain turn, he heard Fang Yun's ears, but it was like a thunder roar. Yang Hong, the Marquis of Yingwu, was stiffened by Li Daitao and possessed his body. The Emperor of People actually knew about this matter for a long time. He even knew that Yang Hong was killed by Fang Yun!

Fang Yun's heart stirred up ripples all over the sky!

"Weichen doesn't know."

Fang Yun felt more and more that the emperor was unpredictable. Such a king is simply timid and chilling!

"No!" The emperor shook, with a sudden smile on his face. He lowered his head and looked at Fang Yun, with an inexplicable deep meaning in his eyes: "You should know." Fang Yun didn't say a word, but the light flashed in his eyes, and one thought after another flashed through his mind quickly. In fact, what the emperor said was also the confusion in his heart. However, he didn't lie, and he really didn't know.

"You have already guessed it in your heart. It's just not certain yet! Fang Yun, from the age of 14 to now, in just a few years, you have grown into a legendary realm, with a heavenly soul comparable to the enemy's cave,

The strength of the giant. No matter for what reason I value you, you do have a reason worthy of my attention!"

The emperor smiled and said, and between words and words, he was extremely sure of Fang Yun's ability.

"Your Majesty praised it."

Fang Yun lowered his head and said quietly.

The appearance of the emperor is too abrupt. Even if you have something to see him, just wait for him in the capital, or just call him with a piece of life. It is completely unnecessary to appear in this kind of wilderness. This is completely inconsistent with the identity of an emperor. It's so weird!

Fang Yun has a more alert attitude towards the appearance of the emperor. Therefore, before the emperor says the real purpose, no matter what he says, Fang Yun will not say anything.

"You have no joke, I never praise you!" The emperor brushed the dragon robe and said majesticly, "Fang Yun, you are indeed a talent! That's why I have always loved you. I am the king of the world. Even the world can tolerate it, and naturally I can tolerate your small mistake of saving the Heavenly Demon Princess privately. Even if you kill Yang Hong, the Marquis of Yingwu, it's not a big deal. When young people are in high mood, I can naturally tolerate it. But there is only one thing that I can't tolerate. The emperor paused and looked at Fang Yun. His eyes were cold, and he said word by word, "That's my world!" The court of mys! My minister! vassal Absolutely, you can't be unyed with me!

I don't need it, unfaithful minister!" As soon as these two "absolute" came out, the atmosphere suddenly tightened, and the air became like countless seas of needles. When the emperor said these two "absolute", Fang Yunxin moved half-bruptly. He felt the void and passed a very strong murder.

"Fang Yun, I have always been very confident and patient with you!"

As the emperor said, his voice eased down again, not so solemn: "I can tolerate your mistakes once or twice, but only three things. The same thing must not be done three times.

Although I can tolerate people, I don't have a limit!

Fang Yun, now I will give you one last chance." The voice of the emperor is warm and warm like a spring breeze, but in this warm depth, it is unchanging cold and murderous. This is the emperor's ultimatum: "Answer me!

Are you willing to be loyal to me? I, Liu Wei!! The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty! It's not the imperial court, isn't it the people of the world? "Buzz!" The shock of "buzzing" in Fang Yun's mind was blank for a moment. He had long thought that he would encounter this kind of problem. But I didn't expect that such a **, such a direct, there is no room.

In a word, it completely cut off Fang Yun's back road. Force Fang Yun to the final road of decision!

Are you loyal to me or the court?

A simple question, it doesn't look the same. But for the emperor and Fang Yun, who know the deep meaning, it has a very different meaning.

The court is the court of the people of the world!

This is the concept that Confucianism has ruled for more than a thousand years, taught the world, and planted in the hearts of the people. Loyalty to the court is loyalty to all the people in the world. Therefore, the minister can question the emperor on behalf of the people of the world. Therefore, the emperor changed his fault, and the third father-in-law can scold him face to face.

The court is full of people, but the banquet is one person!

"Allegiance to me" represents just one person. Regardless of good and evil, right and wrong, life and death, life and life, we must be loyal to the word "I". Even if he did something wrong!

There is a dead silence on the cliff. The emperor didn't say anything, and Fang Yun didn't say anything either.

Three principles, monarchs and ministers, father and son, husband and wife. Among them, the king and the minister are the leader.

The father and son of the king and minister, but now, the name of the king and minister has come to a fork in the road. Whether to continue to move forward or to part ways and break completely, it all depends on one thought!

Just a few months ago, the emperor just asked for the second time, and the third time came too fast!

Fang Yun didn't say a word, but his expression was unprecedentedly solemn. He felt that from now on, every word in his mouth was getting stronger and stronger. Every word has the power of fate.

"Is this fate, a test for me?"

Fang Yun suddenly thought in his heart, "I decided to jump out of the long river of fate as the teacher said. Get rid of all the fates completely, and the trajectory of everything is fixed. I will ignore the disputes in the court. And now, is it the last moment to decide fate? Fang Yun thought, and his heart suddenly felt much more relaxed. The emperor has the will of the emperor, but Fang Yun also has the will of others. For a long time, this belief and will have been the greatest driving force for his bravery and progress on the way of martial arts.

"It doesn't matter how difficult it is. I have to carry out my original wishes and will. As long as I stay in the court, I want to protect my family and get rid of the idea of fate, which is the huā in the mirror, the moon in the water. In the past, it was a frontier wilderness and then a sect, and now it is the emperor of people. All these dooms will be continuous, and the forms of change will be endless!"

Fang Yun's heart was suddenly extremely calm, and he also saw unprecedented calm and clarity in everything: "The court is the biggest vortex. As long as it is still full of ambition and desire, I will never be able to get rid of it. I have done my best for the world. Now, without the threat of the wilderness and the scourge of sects, the world no longer needs me. Now it's my turn to ask for what I want. Fang Yun calmed down and slowly raised his head. Hua's eyes are extremely firm. Even the majesty of the emperor is not so strong at this time: "Your Majesty, I have no intention of offending my official career or offending Tianyan. It is difficult for me to answer Your Majesty's question. Fang Yun, the former, asked to thank rudely in private, and then came to save the Heavenly Demon Princess privately, although His Majesty's edict.

However, it is reasonable and not suitable to be rewarded with the title of the champion of the court. Your Majesty's merit will be rewarded and punished. Fang Yun, the guilty minister, begged to resign from his official position and return to the field. In order to correct the audience!"

After saying that, Fang Yun fell to the ground and did not move.

The emperor has been in power for more than 30 years, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe. Literature has its own position, martial arts get its peace, and the world has its own place. Such a monarch, as long as he doesn't make any big mistakes. He can afford to be anyone's knock.

Liu Qian looked at Fang Yun quietly and was silent. There was no expression on his face, but in the depths of his pupils, his expression changed.

"The cloud of responsibility."

Liu Qian suddenly let out a long sigh of incomparable disappointment: "You have disappointed me so much! Wu Mu is like this, and Liu Ji is like this, so are you. I love you so much and place so much hope, but you have let me down one by one!"


Hearing the name of "Wu Mu", a thunder suddenly exploded in Fang Yun's mind. His body trembled. He suddenly raised his head, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the emperor in disbelief: "Wu Mu?!" You killed Wu Mu!!"

Fang Yun was really too smart. The emperor was just one sentence and immediately made him aware of the truth. A frightened look flashed across his face. Fang Yun stared at the human emperor, hoping to get a negative [answer] case from his mouth. Otherwise, the impact of this news on him is too great.

"Wu Mu?"

The emperor's sleeves were shaken, and his hands were behind him. In the face of Fang Yun's forced eyes, the emperor did not avoid it, but had an indescribable indifference and ruthlessness: "I have never failed anyone, but you have failed me one by one! Wu Mu, I will hand over the 16 million troops of the Zhou Dynasty, together with the power of military aircraft, to him, first cut and then play. Even the Marquis of Wu can be appointed and removed. With such great power, from ancient times to the present, which emperor has entrusted it to his courtiers? But he repeatedly guarded me and stopped me again and again. If he hadn't teamed up with San Gong, I wouldn't have been in the deep palace for so long. I have no need to delay for decades for the great cause and the imperial industry through the ages!" The emperor's voice is indifferent and empty, but the smell of killing in his voice. Although he did not answer directly, he indirectly affirmed Fang Yun's guess.

A bolt from the blue!

Fang Yun's mind was blank, and his whole body trembled, looking at the emperor in disbelief.

I can't believe my own ears!

Wu Mu's death was too strange. Although the court claimed that it was the work of the sect, everything was directed to the emperor. Fang Yun is a smart man. He can turn against each other. Although he has long suspected that the emperor is related to this matter, he has never thought deeply about this aspect.

Because he can't figure out why? Why do the emperor and Wu Mu have a deep relationship, like a humerus stock, but they want to kill him again? Fang Yun couldn't find any reason.

"Why, why?" ......" Fang Yun looked at the emperor and trembled. His face was pale, without a trace of blood. It seems to have exhausted all the strength.