The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1133 The Secret of the Devil 2

"I still don't understand what this has to do with me. What does it have to do with your holy witchcraft? What does it have to do with Mingzong? Why did I become your fateful son?

Fang Yun shook his head and smiled indifferently.

The ancient secrets narrated by the Lord of the Holy Witch are really shocking, but after all, it is a distant past. It happened in the era 100,000 years ago, and there is no reliable written record. No matter how thrilling it is, it can only be regarded as a story.

"Haha, don't be impatient. Naturally, this matter has a lot to do with it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have invited you here. The strength is so strong that the five kings. Although it is not as strong as the three emperors, the soul is also extremely strong, and it will not die easily. Although the traitor only has a wisp of soul to escape, as long as he has been cultivated long enough, he can make a comeback. Our Holy Witch Church exists to prevent the traitor from resurrecting. As for the Ming Sect, it's nothing else, it's the sect established by the traitor.

When it comes to the underworld, a strong sense of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Holy Witch: "The underworld believed in by the underworld is no one else. It is the nine babies of the corpse demon emperor among the five great kings in ancient times. Jiuying is born with a strong dark absorption ability, which can steal the divine power and power of other demon gods. From the emperor of hell, it used the magical power of talent to take part of the power of the underworld, and faked his identity to establish the underworld. Although the founder of the Ming Sect is said to be an adventure and inadvertently understood the Taoism, the masters of our Holy Witch Sect know very well that it is all lies at all, and the founder of the Ming Sect is simply the puppet of Jiuying, the corpse demon emperor. After the Ming Sect defeated the Sword Sect, the ancestor of the Ming Sect under the name of the chaotic ancestor, and later falsely claimed that he had realized the so-called peerless skill against the Sword Sect. In fact, it was basically the Taoist rule of the corpse demon emperor "Jiu Ying"!

This secret is a little shocking!

Fang Yun frowned, with a thoughtful god in his eyes. After a moment, he raised his head and said, "If I remember correctly. Among the fierce beasts, there is a fierce beast with a very high ranking, that is, Jiuying. In ancient times, the only drop of nine baby blood was on the prince of Pluto. What does this so-called ancient fierce beast have to do with the corpse demon emperor Jiuying? Jiuying, the son of the corpse demon emperor, is one of the five kings in ancient times, and he has become a deadly enemy with the emperor of hell. It is reasonable to keep a low profile. Why is it related to Jianzong again?

"Jiuying is an ancient war. Jiuying's body collapses, exuded fierceness condensed, and was influenced by the essence of heaven and earth. Just like after the fall of the body of the devil, the earth is scattered, and the essence of the blood in it is integrated into the fire. He turned into the King of the Twelve Flames. It is precisely because of the same vein that the twelve-headed Yanmo King can be combined into one and turned into a Yanmo Emperor. And because the magic power of the devil's son is to control life and death. Therefore, even the emperor of the underworld can't help him. As for why Mingzong was so high-profile in ancient times, I am not the ancestor of Mingzong, and I don't know. However, it should not be difficult to guess that he should not have known the origin of Jiuying, the son of the corpse demon at first. But Jiuying was born with ferocity and cruelty, which can't be hidden. Therefore, the vicious and cruel emperor of the ancient Mingzong would provoke Kezong.

Fang Yun suddenly understood the head of the twelve-headed demon king and the holy witch religion. He raised his head and said, "If I guess correctly, your purpose is to unite the twelve-headed and five prison bone emperors and resurrect the ancient devil emperors with the heart of the twelve-headed demon king. That's right, right?"

A flash of amazing light flashed in the eyes of the Holy Witch Master and praised: "Smart! It is worthy of being the son of fate we have chosen. It's just like Mingzong wants to resurrect the ancient Jiuying. The purpose of our holy witch religion is to resurrect the great and noble emperor of the devil in ancient times. He is the real and most noble god in this world. As for the shameless thieves of Mingzong, they will all be killed!

"Fang Yun, don't you hate Liu Wei very much? As long as we resurrect the ancient powerful emperor of the devil, you have the power to deal with Liu Qian. Pluto's palm controls life and death, even if you resurrect your mother, it won't be a problem. Even if you want to destroy the Liu family and rebuild another dynasty, we can also help you complete it!"

The eyes of the Holy Witch Master flashed with a confused light: "You are the fateful son of our Holy Witch Religion. You are extremely noble and above me. Just complete this step. In the future, you will be the supreme leader of our Holy Witch Church, and even I will submit to you! How, do you still need to think about it?"

Fang Yun was silent, and in the demon pupil of blood, the light flashed, and thoughts flashed through his mind one by one. All the words are said by the Lord of the Holy Witch, right or wrong, life or death, good or bad, all of which should be listened to his words. There is no doubt that with the powerful power of the ancient king and the demon emperor, he is very attractive to fight against the human emperor. However, Fang Yun is not a big liar. It's not so easy to believe: "The key to your plan should be the heart of the twelve demon kings, the sacrifice of the five prison bones. But the Five Prison Bone Emperor is just a magic weapon, and he can't even compare with the warriors in the soul realm. And you elders, your strength is still uneven. With such different levels to fight against the two heads and five prison bones emperors alone, can you summon the emperor of hell? Holy Witch Lord, I'm afraid you didn't tell me anything else, did you?

The Lord of the Holy Witch stared at Fang Yun, and the light in his eyes turned, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

"Not bad. With the help of the twelve heads and five prison bones emperors alone, it is completely impossible to summon the powerful emperor of hell. In this process, the twelve heads and five prison bones emperors also need to absorb and integrate all the essence of our twelve flesh and blood, together with the true qi of the whole body. In addition, we should also cooperate with the true demon skeleton of the emperor of the devil, which is guarded by our Holy Witch Church for generations!"

Fang Yun is not so easy to deceive. The Lord of the Holy Witch knew that he could not hide it from him at all, so he simply said it bluntly.

"Integrating our twelve flesh and blood essences?"

The light flashed in Fang Yun's eyes: "Doesn't this mean that we need to sacrifice twelve people to awaken the ancient emperor of the devil? Well, you really know how to plan. Let me ask you, if the demon emperor is summoned, who is the body consciousness of the demon emperor? The dead emperor of the devil, or the consciousness of you, the Lord of the Holy Witch?

The language of the Holy Witch is round and untrue. He said that he needed to integrate the flesh and blood essence of twelve people, but did not mention the consequences. However, there is still a high mountain, and Fang Yun has nothing to worry about now. What he looks at is extremely clear.

He has already suffered losses on the human emperor, and he doesn't want to be fooled by the Lord of the Holy Witch and used as a gun. I don't know yet. He can now see that the so-called "son of fate" is simply fabricated by the Holy Witch. It is only because of the twelfth Five Prison Bone Emperor that he summoned and resurrected the "Demon Emperor", so this so-called "son of fate" is said.

Because of the lack of the twelfth "son of fate", the resurrection did not take place at all. Fang Yun couldn't understand the plans and plans of the Holy Witch Church. They are going to sacrifice him as a pawn.

"After the ceremony is completed, everyone's consciousness is integrated with the consciousness of the devil. There is no point between each other. We are the emperor of the devil, and the emperor of the devil is us. Fang Yun, as long as the emperor of the devil is resurrected, you want to revenge, not at all!"

The Lord of the Holy Witch said in a low voice. Until this time, he did not give up to confuse Fang Yun.

"Haha, you are really a dead duck with a hard mouth. At this time, you still have to scold me."

Fang Yun laughed angrily: "All consciousness is integrated into one, and there must be a consciousness as the leader. Let me ask you, who is that dominant consciousness? I'm afraid it's not the devil, but you? What a holy witch master! You are really deep enough in the city. I'm afraid you haven't even told the elders of Pai Nei.

"It is our glory to merge with Pluto!"

"The resurrection of Pluto is our resurrection. For the great cause of the Holy Witch Religion, there is nothing wrong with sacrificing the body and soul!"

"Yes, we are all willing. Even if you sacrifice to the great emperor of the devil, you have no regrets!"

A crazy voice sounded from all around. A famous elder of the Holy Witch Church in a black robe knelt on the ground, all willing and crazy.

Fang Yun felt a creepy feeling. In the eyes of these elders of the Holy Witch Religion, he saw a kind of the most extreme and fanatical believers. They are really willing to give up their lives for the resurrection of the devil's son.

"You old guys are crazy! If you want to resurrect the devil, you can go. I'm not interested! Holy Witch Lord, I'm not interested in your big plan. Goodbye!"

Fang Yun said coldly, and when his body shook, he was about to leave.

"Bouthpute! It's really rotten wood that can't be carved. I've told you so much, but I didn't expect that you were still stubborn and refused to cooperate. Even so, it's no wonder me! If you want to leave, as soon as you come to Shengwu Mountain, don't want to leave!"

When the Lord of the Holy Witch saw that his lips and tongue were wasted, he found that he still could not be confused and persuaded Fang Yun. He simply tore off the disguise and revealed his **naked, fierce and ferocious face.

"Oh! What a big tone! I'd like to see. I'm leaving. Who can stop me!"

Fang Yun's heart was horizontal, and his real anger was bulging, so he had to forcibly break out of the Holy Witch Mountain. The Lord of the Holy Witch is not the human emperor, and no one has the terrible power of the emperor to leave him behind.

Although the Holy Witch Master is a world-class earth soul giant, when it comes to the method of space, I'm afraid it can't stop the clouds at all.

"Hmm! If it's somewhere else, I can't stop you. But here, you have the ability to escape.

The Holy Witch Master said and stepped hard under his feet: "The realm of Pluto!"


The sky shook and the earth, and a breath of wild beasts swallowed the sea from the bottom of the Holy Witch Mountain. With the ejection of this breath, a boundless darkness envelops the billions of void plane centered on Shengwu Mountain in an instant.