The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1159 The Death of Li Guang

At the same time, in the Wanshen Tower.

Fang Yun is being sacrificed by the true fire of all gods, but he has a firm will and strong skills. What is more powerful is the heaven and earth clock on his body, and he is not afraid of the real fire of all gods at all. What is really powerful is the bite of the crazy soul of ten thousand martial arts strong people.

Suddenly, Fang Yun felt something and moved his mind. Open your eyes.

"Zhuang Hua Niang, Lord of the God of War!"

Fang Yun looked ahead in surprise. In front of countless crazy souls, the souls of two women suddenly appeared. Fang Yun is very familiar with them. They are actually Zhuang Hua Niang, the biological mother of Princess Qing, and Prince Liu Xiu's biological mother, the Lord of the God of War Palace, which is today's Empress.

"Two ladies, why are you here? Is it Liu Lin..."

Fang Yun's eyes showed an unbelievable look, and more and more figures appeared in his pupils. Unexpectedly, they are all ladies and concubines in the palace.

"Liu Yu, a beast, has no flesh and blood affection in his eyes at all. Kill him, Fang Yun, you must kill him for me!"

In all directions, all of them are distorted faces. Every face is full of resentment. Before their death, they were famous strong men in ancient times. Later, they were reincarnated in the palace and became Liu Yu's concubine, but now, they are mercilessly stuffed into the Wans Tower by Liu Yu and refined into the tower soul.

"Fang Yun, save Qing'er. Now, only you can save her.

If Mrs. Zhuang Hua has no soul, she will stand outside Fang Yun's forbidden shield, with tears in her eyes. Qing'er is the real name of Princess Qingyong.

"Is Princess Qingyong's collection?"

An and his heart is slightly heavy.

"Qing'er, refined into the divine map. It is used to open the passage of thirty-six days and seventy-two earths. All this is a conspiracy. From the beginning, Liu Wei did not think of passing on the throne to them. It's to refine them and use them to arrange a map of heaven and earth for him.

Mrs. Zhuang Hua said sadly.


Fang Yun was shocked.

"Fang Yun, the Pantheon is extremely powerful. It hasn't exerted its power yet, because we are helping you. If you make a deal with me, I will show you how to leave.

The Lord of the God of War suddenly opened his mouth, with a strong hatred in his voice.

"Kill Liu Yao for me!"

The Lord of the God of War said fiercely, "This man's mind is too deep and too vicious. We really want to take advantage of him. Even if you die, you still have to die.

But no matter how vicious I am, I won't attack my own children. Liu Duan didn't even let go of Prince Liu Xiu. This kind of person is so cruel! Thirty-six princesses and seventy-two princes were all his own hands. But he used him as a matchmaker to summon demons outside the sky!"

There was a resentful look in the eyes of the Lord of the God of War.

Fang Yun frowned slightly, and then smiled and said, "Even without this transaction, I won't let Liu Yu go. You don't have to worry about it.


The Lord of the God of War suddenly laughed and looked very vicious: "I can tell you how to leave. But whether you can leave or not depends on yourself. From here up, we will open a channel for you to ensure that you are not attacked. But you have to escape from here. It must pass through the human emperor's holy sword. This sword [town] crushes all the souls in the tower, and none of us can get close to it. Whether you can get out of here or not depends on your creation!"

In the Wanshen Tower, the clouds are boiling. A faint exit is exposed above.


Fang Yun's body immediately broke out of the air. In the blink of an eye, cross the channel. Appeared at the top of the Wanshen Tower. I saw a golden and quaint sword, suspended at the top of the space.


The moment Fang Yun broke out of the sky, the emperor's holy sword felt it. A roar immediately fell towards Fang Yun. This sword is magnificent, beyond time, space and thinking. It contains the power of heaven. Together with the sword light, Fang Yun immediately felt a powerful threat, as if to break the whole person's soul.

"Are you still not aware of the human emperor's holy sword..."

Fang Yun was fearless in the face of the emperor's holy sword. Suddenly, he roared and completely let go of his thoughts. An idea of integrity, benevolence, righteousness, grandience and masculinity immediately broke out.


Just three inches above Fang Yun's head, the human emperor's sword suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Fang Yun immediately knew that his guess was effective.

"What is benevolence? What is positive? What is Tao? Liu Lin is about to open the seal of the three emperors and lead the demons of heaven and earth to appear in the world. Don't you regret helping Zhou's abuse now?

Fang Yun shouted.


The emperor's sword trembled even more fiercely. He seems to be hesitating about something.

"The world is chaotic, and it should be ruled by the classics. But the classic can be confused between black and white. Is there no difference between right and wrong? The sword of humanity is the sword of slaughter. The so-called slaughter, one is not right to slaughter the heart, and the other is to kill the world. It is to help the world and turn the tide! - Do you only remember the slaughter, but forget the righteousness of the help?

Fang Yun shouted loudly.


The sword is singing all over the sky, and the sword of the Holy Emperor is shaking, just like a hesitant child.

"Humanitarian safety is tied to one hair. Wake up! The sword of the emperor!"

A glimmer of snowy light flashed in Fang Yun's eyes. He gritted his teeth and ignored it, and went straight to the emperor's sword. He is gambling, and the gambler's imperial sword has not forgotten his duty.

Three hands, two inches...

Fang Yun suddenly grabbed the sword body of the emperor's sword!" "Boom! "

No one can describe the brilliance and brilliance of this sword. This sword was released, and everything was lost its color. That sword is like a volcanic eruption, and it is like a fire tree. Every ray of trajectory transcends time and space, representing the mystery of heaven and earth.

Liu Lin didn't even react. This sword has surpassed time and space and split down.


Liu Yu was shocked and looked at the place of the sword light in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he would see Fang Yun. And Fang Yun actually held his imperial sword in his hand.


No one can describe the power and speed of this sword. Liu Yu didn't even have time to fight back. This sword light had already hit him.

Bang! Bang!!

Almost at the same time, two palms came quietly from the rear and printed on Liu Lin's back.

"Looking for death!"

With a loud shout, Liu Wei's crown was broken and his long hair flew. The endless true qi of the three emperors burst out of his [body].

"Big brother! "

In the chaos, there was a call. At the same time, everyone worked together. The purple emperor on Liu Wei's body broke with a bang, and his whole body snorted miserably and flew out like a broken kite.

"Big brother, big brother!"

[Zhong] On the Yanglong Court, Li Chen held Li Guang's body, tears like words, and his voice was like crying blood. A lot of blood was spit out of Li Guang's mouth, as well as fragments of internal organs.

"Fang Yun, what I promised has been done."

Li Guang's mouth was full of blood. His breath of life, like a candle in the wind, was to be extinguished at any time, but there was still a smile on his face: "Fang Yun, we are actually the same kind of people. We all chose to change our lives against the weather, but the way we use it is completely different. Liu Yu, the teacher deduced it in those years. You planted a ban in my soul. Since then, I have been vomiting blood year after year. However, Fang Yun was ignored by you because he did not practice martial arts and practiced Confucianism. But you must not have thought of it. I will give the Buddhism to my younger brother. The real descendant of Buddhism is not me. It's my little brother, Li Chen!"

"Looking for death!"

Liu Lin's hair was scattered, and his eyes were fierce when he heard the words: "All those who betray the couplet will die."


Li Guang laughed a few times and didn't care. His eyes fell on Li Chen: "Little brother, take care. You and I will be brothers in the afterlife..."

Before the words were finished, Li Guang's smile condensed, his head drooped, and the fire of life was quickly extinguished.

When Fang Yun saw this scene, he also saw a trace of unbearance in his eyes. At that moment, he saw it clearly. Li Guang took action first to attract the attention of the emperor. Cover the real killing move, - Li Chen. Just when the emperor counterattacked Li Guang, Li Chen took the opportunity to hit Liu Yu.

This scene is the same as what Fang Yun agreed with Li Guang at the beginning. The only difference is that Fang Yun didn't get it either. Li Guang has been using "Buddha's relic" to disguise his breath and strength. And the real descendant of Buddhism is not Li Guang, but Li Chen.

Li Guang gave everything he had got to his little brother Li Chen! Without strong internal protection, it is a miracle that Li Guang delayed so long to die.


Li Chen let out a sad roar like an injured beast: "Liu Wei, I want your life!"

"Li Chen, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing that Li Chen was going to fight with the emperor, Fang Yun knew that Li Chen was not an opponent at all. Immediately dissuade: "You are no match for him at all! Your eldest brother may not be hopeless!"

Although he was hostile to the Li Guang brothers in the past, Li Guang's actions won Fang Yun's respect.

I don't want to see him dead like this.

Fang Yun's last words finally made Li Chen regain a trace of sobriety.

"You should know that I got the Taoism of the devil. Have the ability to control life and death. Your eldest brother may not have no hope of recovery.

Fang Yun said as he pinched his hands. Show the soul pinching technique and take the opportunity to collect Li Guang's broken soul. Seal into the clock of heaven and earth.

Regarding the resurrection, Fang Yun did not lie, but he was not all telling the truth. Mrs. Huayang died after drinking poisoned wine, not like Li Guang, who was bombarded by the emperor. It's not that simple to resurrect.

But at this time, I can only comfort Li Chen like this.

"Hahaha, come back to life..."

Liu Wei's hair was messy and he laughed loudly: "Do you really think you can be resurrected? Let me tell you, no one can escape here today. Everyone is going to die! I didn't want to use this trick, but you forced me to have no choice!"


Liu Wei [body] made a crisp "click" sound, as if something had been smashed. An energy that discolored the universe leaked from Liu Yao's internal slag.

"It's not good! "

On the ground battlefield, the blameless ancestor, Li Fengdao, the world's ancestor, the pure Yang ancestor, and the Elder Li of Killing Immortal Hall are all shocked. They are very familiar with the dark and evil smell of frightened Shenba on their faces. But it is not in this recent era. It was in the ancient times tens of thousands of years ago.

100,000 sects, 3,000 sects! The glorious ancient sect was destroyed in the hands of this kind of thing.