big makeup

102 Find out

Cheng Yuan couldn't help thinking about it when he heard that Wei Bin and Chen Shifeng had quietly visited. Until Wu Xing came to invite him, he immediately got up and went to the flower hall.

When Xie Lang saw that his sister was going to stay, he couldn't help sweating for her. This Wei Bin is not Zhao Zhen, let alone Xie Qigong. He is a high-ranking official. Xie Wan has never been out of the river. When facing him, he is not timid at all, but he is really not afraid of tigers! It was not until she said that she was going to invite Cheng Yuan over that she was more down-to-earth.

Cheng Yuan has rich experience and is good at dealing with officials and eunuchs. With him, there should be no trouble.

While he was thinking nonsense here, Xie Wan had asked Cheng Yuan to sit down beside him. He quickly gave Cheng Yuan a wink, signaling him to act at the opportunity, but Cheng Yuan smiled leisurely, as if he was not worried at all.

He was speechless, but at this point, he couldn't stop anything.

Wei Bin tasted a mouthful of tea and said, "The elegant people in the world can't live without a word tea. Gu Youzhi, a famous Danqing, is also very good at silver needles. It is said that when he painted, if the temperature of the tea is not suitable and the concentration of the tea soup is not suitable, he will not be able to draw a satisfactory painting. So if you want to ask him for a painting, you can only have a bowl of silver needle tea that fits his spleen and stomach.

"However, this bowl of tea is simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to say that it is difficult. A person needs to understand another person's habits to the point of knowing that his tea is thick, which cannot be achieved overnight. Therefore, Gu Youzhi's paintings are only three or five paintings that the world has asked for.

At this point, he sipped the tea shallowly.

These words are brainless, and it's really not easy to answer.

Xie Lang didn't dare to say anything. Cheng Yuan was inconvenient to say anything. Chen Shifeng couldn't say anything. Only Xie Wan meditated for a moment after listening to it, so he said, "Your Excellency's words are extremely true. Some people understand the temperament for a lifetime, while others only lose one side. One word, even one tone. When I listen to Boya's song, there is a sigh of high mountains and flowing water, which shows the things in the world. It can't be generalized."

Wei Bin said, "Although it can't be generalized, it also peeps."

He looked at Xie Wan, "I heard that in the past two or three years since she came to the house, she has been taken care of by her ancestors, and even allocated the largest Yifeng Hall to your brother and sister to live in. Her pity is obvious. According to Cheng Yuan's words that day, the girl's help for my father and son is to repay the dog's son, so the girl thinks that between filial piety and benevolence is the first, right?

Loyalty, filial piety and righteousness. The word filial piety occupies the second place. Wei Bin asked such a seemingly light question, but in fact, it makes people answer it no matter how.

If yes, then Xie Wan is an unfilial person. If it's not, it's very ultiful for her to help Wei Siam like this.

Xie Lang had a slight sweat on his back. Cheng Yuan also looked at Xie Wan.

Xie Wan was silent for a moment and stood up, "Heaven and earth are human, naturally filial piety first. The daughter returned to Mr. Wei, who was full of benevolence and righteousness, but she did not violate filial piety.

Wei Bin said, "I would like to hear more about it."

Xie Wan took a few steps and stopped and said, "Filial piety is also divided into pure filial piety and stupid filial piety. There is something wrong in the family. If I make trouble for the right, help justice, and safeguard the voice of my family, it will be pure filial piety. If I follow blindly, I will help you abuse and harm others. It is foolish filial piety that damages my Xie's reputation.

"If I don't stand up and announce the truth of Mr. Wei's trap, then others in the future will follow suit. If it goes on like this, won't it hurt the whole Xie family? For the long-term stability of the family. I can only weigh it. People are watching, even if my arm turns out, but to the root of it, I have not disobeyed the Taoism of heaven and people, and I have a clear conscience.

After she finished speaking, she quietly looked at the Confucius Taoist picture hanging on the wall.

Xie Lang's chest was undulating. If it hadn't been for her identity, he would almost have argued for her! The worry that had been in his chest before disappeared. With such calmness and wit, even he, as a brother, may not have it. What else can he worry about? At the moment, he smiled and didn't feel straight.

Cheng Yuan and Chen Shifeng also showed a trace of appreciation, one whiskers and one tea, and the atmosphere quietly eased down.

Wei Bin's expression has not changed, but when he looked closely, he could also find that the corners of his lips were slightly hooked.

He nodded and then said, "According to what you said, it still protects the family's reputation. I already know that your second room has been crowded out by the step-to-step room, so don't you hate them at all? Have you never thought about taking back what should belong to you? If you admit that you come forward to help Siam for this private revenge, I can understand.

This problem is too sharp. Only Wei Bin can ask such a question.

Xie Lang lifted his heart again, and the hands on the armrest were also clenched into fists.

Xie Wan smiled and said calmly, "Thank you for your understanding. However, a gentleman has something to do and something not to do. Although Xie Wan is a female stream, she has been guided by the book of sages since she was a child, and she has her own bottom line in her heart.

She admitted that she helped Wei Siam also to prevent Xie Rong from taking the opportunity to climb up. However, if Wei Siam really liked Xie Wei and was willing to marry her, she would never force her to break them up. At most, she would be well prepared in the future.

It is her bottom line not to hurt those who are really good to her and those who have no bad purposes for her.

"What a good thing to do!" Wei Bin got up and nodded.

Xie Wan did not answer him directly whether it was right or not, which shows that there is an unspeakable inside story, but what does it matter whether it is or not? Her ability to deny it categorically shows her sincerity.

In short, as Cheng Yuan said, she did stop Xie Rong once, and she couldn't stop him many times. It was whimsical to want to affect Xie Rong's whole career with just a sudden incident. And she is obviously not the kind of child who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth, so her attitude towards this matter is indeed not to repay personal complaints, at least not all of them.

The mistress in Wei Siam's mouth is really a little basic.

He originally thought that even if Wei Siam admired her, she was at most a girl who pretended to be mature. Now it seems that she is not pretending. She really has some skills. Her self-confidence and her security make her look like a wise man with insight into everything, but because of her gentleness and calmness, she makes these special The quality fell on her when she was young, and there was no discord at all.

He unconsciously changed his attitude towards the girl in front of him. After a few steps forward, he looked at her with bright eyes, "I heard that you have asked Siam to draw a picture of Songgang. There are very few women in the world who are so hard, because there are not many people who really have such a grandeur. Now that I see you, I feel that only the hard Songgang is more suitable for you."

Xie Wan heard the affirmation and bowed his head from kindness: "Lord Xie's false praise."

Wei Bin nodded slightly and looked at her.

After a moment, he went back to the original place and sat down, raised the tea and took a sip. Then he looked up and said, "Now that I want to refuse Uncle Ling's proposal, Uncle Ling will not let go easily in order to love his daughter. And I can't afford the reputation of ruining the boudoir. In your opinion, what should I do?

Although this was an inquiry, there was no worry on his face. He is in a high position. He has played the tricks of power with civil officials for many years, and there are counselors like Chen Shifeng around him. How can he even ask her about such a small thing? It can be seen or temptation.

Xie Wan stood five steps away from him and smiled and said, "The adults can't solve the problem, and the women are even more helpless. However, when the daughter of the people was a child, she met a beggar. He was bitten by a dog. When she passed by the door of the daughter's house, she saw the daughter playing with some copper money, so she wanted to cheat me out of my money to treat the injury. Although the daughter didn't care about a few coins and was willing to send him to the hospital, she was unwilling to be deceived, so she refused.

"The beggar fell to the ground in front of me, just saying that I hit him. He shouted on the street and attracted a lot of people, saying that he was injured by a daughter of the people, asked me to take him to the hospital, and also went to the government to sue me for deliberately hurting him. The daughter of the people can't argue, and there is nothing she can do. She has to give him some money. Although the daughter's money is still given out, it's up to me to give more or less.

Wei Bin took the tea and smiled, "So, isn't the girl still at a loss?"

Xie Wan smiled and said, "When people get into the whirlpool, how can they not get wet? It's just that getting wet is better than drowning.

At this time, we can no longer plan to lose at all.

On the one hand, Wei Bin had to face the pressure of one more job for one more day. On the other hand, Xie Wei made such a full amount of capital. Xie Rong didn't ask for anything back, and he couldn't give up. And this is not a favorable thing for Wei Bin after all. He also said that he should maintain a good relationship with Xie Rong without breaking down? It can be seen that I still want to leave myself a way out in the future.

Therefore, Wei Bin must appease Xie Rong in this matter before he can come to a good end.

Wei Bin didn't answer Xie Wan's words again. He slowly finished the tea in the bowl, but put down the tea bowl. Shi Shiran stood up and said, "It's getting late. It's time for me to go back to my room."

After saying that, he walked out of the door slowly.

Xie Lang and Xie Wan and Cheng Yuan rushed to the gate of the courtyard. When they turned on the road to Xiaoxiang Courtyard, the three people looked at each other under the door.

Cheng Yuan said, "The news of Lord Wei's night visit to the Yifengyuan should have fallen into everyone's ears now."

Although he didn't say a word just now, he knew that Xie Wan invited him to hide his eyes and ears. After all, Wei Bin's movement at this time was very **. He took Chen Shifeng to visit the Summer Courtyard at night, and it was inevitable that people would not let people connect the second brother and sister with the matter at present. And Xie Wan has never intervened in this matter since he proved Xie Qi. With Xie Rong's heart, it would be very bad if he suspected Xie Wan's head.

Therefore, she could only invite Cheng Yuan over to accompany the guests in the name of talking about poetry. In such a name, there are so many people, and the possibility of thinking of Xie Wan is greatly reduced. At least it can deceive Xie Rong for a while.


At the request of the majority of students, it is tentatively scheduled to add one update to those who throw jade (reward and wall) above this month... Today is the jade thrown by the classmate in April Weiyu...

In addition, some students may feel that the pace of these two chapters is a little slow, but recently they have been fighting a secret war. If the rhythm is too fast, there is less foreshadowing. Many words are abrupt when written, so if you want to be fast, you have to go through this wave first. RP