big makeup

136 face to face

Xie Qi said, "If the old lady goes to the capital to be the old Fengjun, she has to take me there. I will stay here, but there is no way to live."

Wang glanced at her and said, "Do you think you will have a good life if you go to Beijing?" In the future, your third aunt will be in charge. You also know that she has a problem with me, and she hates you so much. What's the benefit of going there? It's better to stay first. When I get the pension money, I'll find a way to set up a place for you to live in Beijing and move there together. At that time, I'll have to take care of you, and I don't have to look at your aunt's face.

Xie Qi said happily, "It turns out that the old lady has already figured it out. What else is the granddaughter worried about?" He picked up the tea next to him and handed it to Wang Shi and said, "Old lady, please have tea!"

Xie Wan stood under the Ziwei tree in the yard and couldn't help sneering when he heard Wang's fortune. However, she didn't say anything. Looking back, the people inside were whispering in a place, so she raised her feet and was ready to leave.

"It turns out that the third girl is here."

Just walked to the door of the courtyard, a person said warmly in front of him. Xie Wan raised his head, and in front of him stood Aunt Deng in plain clothes.

She threw away a deep wide robe with a deep color that has remained unchanged for years. She looked a few years old in mourning clothes in front of her. On the face that could not see laughter all year round, there was also a few shallow smiles.

This looks like a woman in her forties. After Xie Wan said this in his heart, he suddenly looked at her again. There seems to be a faint fragrance on her body.

"Aunt Deng also smells incense?" She asked.

"I'm a cheap concubine. How can I be qualified to order incense?" She said. Then he subconsciously sucked his nose.

Xie Wan looked at her and said, "You're not burning paper in the mourning hall. What are you doing here?" Originally, Xie Rong pointed out that she and the two aunts in Xie Hong's room to burn paper in front of the spirit that day, but after Xie Rong changed his mind and abandoned the long room instead of using it, she was the only one who took on this job, and she should be there at this moment.

Aunt Deng blessed her and said, "These days, my concubine has been here to serve the old lady, and Mother Zhou is in charge of burning paper."

Xie Wan thought for a moment, as if he had heard Xie Lang mention such a sentence. Then he stopped and stepped out of the door.

Aunt Deng waited until she went out of the door before turning around and walking into the yard.

Xie Wan stood under the porch and looked back at where she had stood before. He frowned for a moment, and suddenly turned around and looked at Xing Zhu.

The funeral will be held for a total of seven days. Although Xie Rong has an official position, the level is not enough to benefit his relatives, so it is much more simple among the officials in Beijing, but in Qinghe, the show is very grand.

The Xie family was originally powerful, and now there is another Xie Rong, so all the families in neighboring counties and Xie's house have come to mourn.

In addition, there are many local officials, including Xu Yan, and even the Lord of Zhizhou, Qingyuan Prefecture, heard that Qi Song was going to go to the house in person, so they asked him to bring the ceremony. Qi Song and Xie's family are relatives, although they are at peace. However, the theory came to court, so the day after the funeral began, Qi Song led the whole family to Xie's house.

For such a big thing, Renfu naturally received the news a long time ago.

Mr. Ren sat in the room for two days, and heard someone inquire and say that Xie Rong was in charge of this time. Therefore, almost all the Wang clan officials in Qingyuan Prefecture went to give face, and they couldn't sit still.

"After all, our two families have been friends for so many years, and now Xie Rong is in charge. We won't go alone. I'm afraid it's not easy to talk when we meet in the future."

Mrs. Ren said with a heavy face, "You just want to go! I won't go! What about Xie Rong's head of the family? She is so trampled on me that I can't expect me to make friends with them again in my life!" After saying that, he stared at his husband again: "If you go, don't come back!"

Mr. Ren was speechless. I have to give up. But the next day, Xiefu received Yiyin from Renfu.

The person who collects the bill is Pang Xin, the son of Pang Fu. He has been working with Xie Rong all these years. After getting the silver, Pang Xin told Pang Fu. Pang Fu thought about it and told Xie Rong and then Xie Wan.

Xie Rong said, "The visitor is a guest. Give them some money to go back and ask them to say hello to Master Ren on their behalf.

Xie Wan smiled and said, "It will never be Mrs. Ren's idea."

Mrs. Ren was so angry with the Wang family at the beginning, and the conspiracy was exposed to Xie Wan's jokes. After saying such cruel words, it is strange that she can still make friends with Xie's house again.

It snowed heavily on the day of the funeral. Xie's cemetery is on the east mountain of Wutouzhuang. On that day, the whole Wutouzhuang was shrouded in a white and hazy snow, adding some solemn and sad breath to the funeral.

It was Ye Xu Yan who came to the door in person and sent the final conclusion of the case.

Xie Wan asked Qian Zhuang to listen to it.

Xu Yan said, "After so many days of investigation, it was found that except for Ling Tang's most suspected, everyone else had evidence of absence. The relevant files are all here. Please give me instructions on how to finalize the case.

Xie Rong picked up the file and turned it over, but he couldn't see anything. After reading it, he put it down and was silent for a moment to Xie Qigong's portrait on the wall. Then he slowly turned around and said, "I came to this world naked and gave me the parents of the food and clothing. At present, I have lost my Thank you, Lord. Let's sell this case.

Xu Yan said yes.

Xie Rong looked at him with his hand in his back and said, "If Lord Xu has any difficulties in the future, if you can use Xie's place, just go to Beijing to find me."

Xu Yan was stunned and bent down a little more.

The result of the matter did not seem to be surprising. In order to protect the Wang family, Xie Rong finally chose to bury Xie Qigong's grievances in the ground, and then Xie Rong should find her, right?

Xie Wan waited for Pang Xin on the evening of the second day after the funeral. Xie Rong waited for her in Xie Qigong's former study in the main courtyard.

The matter in the house has not been done, and I can't leave the house for the time being. Xie Wan was asking Yuxue to cut a few plain clothes. Xie Qigong died so suddenly that she didn't even have time to prepare these clothes, and such clothes had to be worn for at least a year, and she had to make them immediately.

She put on a cloak and took Xingzhu and Gu Xing to the main courtyard.

Xie Rong was the only one in the study. He was throwing incense into the incense burner. Xie Wan entered the door, said to the third uncle, and then stood next to a pot of orchids in the door.

Xie Rong waited until the fragrance rose from the stove before he turned around and looked at her and said, "Sit down."

Xie Wan sat down on the chair against the wall and quietly looked at the furnishings in the room. It is no different from the original layout, except that the portrait of the grandfather hanging on the wall was replaced by Xie Qigong.

"I came to you to discuss the separation." He came straight to the point. He looked at her and said, "I heard that your second room is now in charge, so I invited you. Since the account book in the house is already in your hand, and the deed of the house is also locked in this copper cabinet, so you can save this item. If your parents are not here, you don't have to be filial to the house in the future. Therefore, the property in the house will be divided into 40% according to the rules. If it is inconvenient to divide, you can fill it with money, or fill it with money. What do you think?"

Xie Wan stared at him and couldn't speak for a moment.

How could Xie Rong so readily agree to give her 40% of the family property? She pondered for a moment and said, "The third uncle is Zongzi. We are just grandchildren. In fact, you can do more. Why did you do this?"

Xie Rong looked at her, but said, "I heard that you have opened five or six rice shops in Beijing in the past two years, and the previous shops in your hand have also run well. Compared with Xie's house, your wealth will not be weak at all. And I also know. There are several good guards around you. You are just a boudoir. Tell me, why are you arranging so carefully?

Xie Wan's back was stiff, and he couldn't move his eyes when staring at him.

It turns out that he also asked people to check her details! He actually found out how many industries she had, and also checked who was around her! No wonder he was silent during this period. It turned out that she had already reassured her!

In fact, on the night when Hu Yue'an was ready to fight back, she already knew that she could not wrap the fire. They all knew that Qian Zhuang's martial arts Wang, and when Xing Zhu and Gu Xing happened that night, everyone knew it. Huang and others will definitely tell him all this, and with his rigor. Naturally, she will be secretly investigated again.

She looked down at her toes. After a moment, she raised her eyes and said, "Since the third uncle already knows so much, he should naturally know what Ling Tang and your brother have done to me. Xie Qi intended to murder my innocence in the back garden. There is something about her trying to make people rape me in Yue'an, and there is also the fact that her brother summoned a strange man into my yard to frame me and others. Isn't this enough for me to ask two people to defend?

"The third uncle also has daughters. Speaking of which, I am the same as Sister Wei. She is better than my parents who love her and love her to stand out for her, as well as her own grandfather. I don't have anything. I just want to make my life better and safe with my own efforts, so I took the money to open a few rice money to make some money. Is that wrong?

"In the eyes of the third uncle, should I give up on myself, shrink back from then on, and let others bully me?"

She smiled and said, "If it were the third uncle, it would be me. I don't know what I would do?"

Xie Rong's face gradually sank.

When he is so surprised, most people will show surprise, panic, and even panic, but she doesn't. Her face has always been very quiet and indifferent.

Of course, he has seen a lot of calm people. But he has never seen a person who has been cultivated to the point of favor and disgrace before he is old.

From the words of Huang and the people in the house, what he heard recently was all about her arrogance and domineering. He thought that it was just their shallow knowledge. He did not know that in addition to ladies, there was a kind of woman in the world who lacked education and knowledge. Once he got some achievements, he began to forget his identity.

At most, she is thinking about revenge on his mother for the resentment of the previous generation.

He can understand her mood, but he can't change, and he can't change his mind. His home is not his battlefield. His battlefield is in the court, in the society, and in the world. Therefore, he can't feel guilty about his mother's actions. He really doesn't have the time and energy.

As long as they don't make a lot of trouble, he won't interfere. So when he received Huang's letter, he did not reply to Xie Qigong.

This is his second formal conversation with Xie Wan. In the first conversation, she forced him to withdraw Xie Hong's pile from the front of the spirit, and the second time, it really made him touch her real body - she was not a lack of upbringing, let alone a spect-eyed person. She really had the ability to be the master.

How can a person with no upbringing and no self-restraint be so calm and self-restrained?


Thank you for the expired promise, 18912529299, the girl in love with dreams, banana doll, Zizhu Feifei, Qingqing Daqing, Yaojiao Bao'er, 8 beads round Yurun 8, Xiao Zhou, Yanlan, beautiful eyes looking forward to yxq's pink ticket~~~~~~~~ Thank you guys~~~~~~~ Thank you A Yunbo ~~~~Thank you Huihui~sister, Ning Shi 87's peace charm~~~~~~RP