big makeup

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A meal before the exam made the clouds over the house suddenly dissipate because of the exam. Xie Lang got Xie Wan's approval and fell into his heart. Otherwise, he would really have some contradictions because of this. Xie Wan felt unprecedentedly relaxed because he saw that his brother began to know how to take the initiative to approach the world, and also had his own speculation about the government.

In the next few days, Xie Wan received letters from Beijing Normal University every day, and then replied by hand or asked Luo Sheng to work on his behalf, deal with the accounts, read books, write, and stroll around the garden. He lived a leisurely life. If Qi Rujing hadn't gone to the exam, she might have taken her aunt and stayed for a while.

Xie Lang returned home with Cheng Yuan on the day after the Mid-Autumn Festival. During this period, he ate and slept in the examination room, and everyone lost a lot of weight.

But he is very energetic, with a brilliance in his eyes.

Xie Wan didn't ask him how he was doing in the exam. He thought that when he came back from a trip to Hejian Mansion for a few days, he didn't expect that he would say it himself. I feel good about myself. I have combined the test questions with Mr. Cheng. He also said that the answer was good and I was very hopeful. I don't think it's a problem to get thirty.

Xie Wan smiled and said, "What's the matter with the ranking? Just pass the exam. How many of those senior officials from ancient times to the present have come from the top of the list?

Cheng Yuan nodded and said, "The exam is just a juncture. How to act in officialdom, how to deal with it, and whether you can be able to do it when encountering problems. This is the real test of your ability."

Xie Lang's eyes were shining and he said, "So, I will seriously ask Mr. Cheng for advice in this regard in the future."

Cheng Yuan waved his hand modestly.

Xie Wan smiled and said, "I asked the chef to prepare wine and vegetables. You can rest after eating."

Xie Lang asked, "Where are you going?"

Xie Wan said, "Ning Dayi is back. He invited me to drink tea in Lanting. I have to get ready to go."

The reputation of the Ning family is really not very good. Although after offending Xie Wan last time, Master Ning tried his best to govern his children. In recent years, most of the masters of the Ning family have learned to be obedient, but they still can't change the fact of lack of background. Xie Lang was very dissatisfied with her dealings with people like the Ning family. He frowned and said, "Ning Dayi is not a good person. Don't stay with him."

In his opinion, such a good sister stays with Ning Da, who has such a bad reputation, simply ignores his identity. If he is involved in fame by them, it will be too much. Of course, he didn't believe that Ning Dayi had the ability to do anything to Xie Wan, but it was uncomfortable to think that he was around Xie Wan.

So even though he knew that they were doing business together, he still didn't want her to associate with him.

Isn't it enough to leave the business to Luo Ju? Now there is no need for her to come forward in person.

Xie Wan sighed and said, "I'm looking for him this time. Where do you think?"

Xie Wan arrived at Lanting before noon.

Lanting is a newly opened teahouse recently by Ning Dayi's vassal and elegant father. It is mainly tea, and there are also dishes, but not many, and most of the styles are exquisite and beautiful.

Mr. Ning has been scolded for being vulgar all his life, but this time he really planned to make a name for it. For this reason, he specially hired an old scribe from the south as a consultant and carefully decorated it. After the completion, he made some business methods, so the literati became more and more popular. When Xie Wan arrived, he saw more than 20 small elegant rooms separated by rattan mats, and 80% to 90% of the curtains had been pulled up.

It may not be all elegant people, but in such a place, no matter how vulgar people are, they don't feel a little restrained.

Ning Dayi is waiting for her in the elegant room named "Manjianghong". When Xie Wan entered the door, he saw five or six exquisite dishes on the table, which were very colorful. Under the window, there were two well-dressed servants cooking tea. The fragrance of tea floated all over the room, and the corners of the wall was still burning.

"It's enough to have the fragrance of tea. If you order more fragrance, won't you draw snakes to add feet?" She untied the thin cloak and handed it to Xing Zhu, sat down and said.

Ning Dayi stood up when he heard the words and attentively took cups, plates and chopsticks for her. I know that my aunt is so fragrant, so I specially ordered it. Since you think it's superfluous, just go out." With that, he waved his hand outside, and another thirteen or four maids came in. He went to the incense burner, picked up the half of the incense, gently pressed it on the stove wall, then closed the lid and went out.

Ning Dayi gave her dishes here, and talked about the next plan for the restaurant.

Although the Ning family's reputation is not reliable, it has to be said that there are their advantages in terms of business. Like now, their shop has smashed tens of thousands of taels of silver, which can be recovered within two years. Ning Dayi has been open for less than a year and has earned its capital. If it goes on like this, there will be a surplus of tens of thousands of silver next year.

"So you still put your money in me. In less than three years, I will make you the richest lady in the whole Hejianfu dowry!" He patted his chest and said boldly. At that time, not to mention marrying the Ren family, even if you marry the Shang Shu family, you will be able to speak up straight! After all, only when you have money can you live happily!"

Xie Wan glanced at him, "You can die if you don't brag."

Ning Dayi raised his head: "I'm not bragging! Just wait and see."

Xie Wan tasted their crispy sparrow tongue speechlessly, which was fragrant and crispy, not bad. I tasted a few other things, and they were all delicious. After the list is released, you can ask Xie Lang to come here for a change. He doesn't have to be black when he sees the dark, and he won't look at the problem at all.

After quietly eating a bowl of rice, she put down the bowls and chopsticks.

Ning Dayi's meal is like a wind and a cloud. How can there be any demeanor? But when he saw that she put the dishes and chopsticks, he also wiped his mouth and stopped.

Xie Wan said, "You eat yours."

He lowered his head and rinsed his mouth and said, "I think you have something to say. Tell me, I'll eat it after I'm done.

Xie Wan was not polite. He took the tea from Xing Zhu in his hand and said, "There is indeed something that needs your help." After a pause, she said, "I often have some objects going back and forth between Jingshi Qinghe. I know that your family has cars and horses flowing between the two places every day. I want to ask your caravan to help me collect and send these items for me."

When Cheng Yuan received a letter from Zhao Zhen from the capital about Xie Rong's second grandson Yin Yao, she had this heart. As time goes on, the content of these letters will become more and more important. If someone intercepts them - for example, Xie Rong, since he found out that she drove so many rice shops in the capital, even if he took She has no choice, but won't she secretly intercept her letter?

Therefore, it is very necessary to find a safe and secret way to spread the message.

The Ning family is a merchant. In the five generations of their ancestors, they can't get along with the court. Nowadays, there are no people in the court. They have made some officials and eunuchs just because of business, which is not enough to attract people's attention. If the world has done business to a certain extent, how can they not Even Xie Wan, don't you have to make friends with those people from the Cao Gang and the Tax Department?

If the letter can be sent and received through the Ningjia caravan, it is the most appropriate and safest way.

However, she still can't let Ning Dayi know what kind of object it is.

Sure enough, Ning Dayi was stunned and said, "What object?"

She said calmly, "Because Luo Ju can't come back often, and I can't go there often, there are some account books and so on that need to be passed on like this. Because it's more important, I'm afraid that the post office will be lost, so I came to you.

Ning Dayi thought for a moment and said, "What's the problem? I'll just go back and talk to our old man!"

Xie Wan said, "This is the best."

She was originally afraid that Ning Dayi would recklessly explain to the caravan. Although he was the second master in the house, now Mr. Ning is in charge. If he doesn't say hello to him, it may not be appropriate. Now it seems that Ning Dayi has been much more sensible in the past two years. With peace of mind, he finished drinking tea with him before coming home.

The next morning, Ning Dayi specially went around to Songyuan to tell her that when Mr. Ning heard that he was going to bring something for her, he immediately made a deal without saying anything. And asked Ning Dayi to ask her for the address of receiving things from Jingshi and Qinghe. At that time, the people of their caravan came to pick them up by themselves.

Although this is much more convenient, it is too eye-catching. Xie Wan thought about it over and over again and declined Mr. Ning's kindness.

And prepared a few gifts, sent Luo Sheng to the door to thank Mr. Ning. Mr. Ning took Luo Sheng and said a lot of good words to Xie Wan, and praised her for his son. Now he not only knows how to make money, but also buy flowers for his mother. Mrs. Ning also nods while wiping tears.

Luo Sheng laughed so happily that he couldn't close his mouth.

Three days later, Xie Wan received the first letter from the Ning family's caravan.

The letter was written by Zhao Zhen. The letter said that because of Xie Rong and Dingyou, the emperor wanted to invite another party for the emperor's second grandson. Ji Zhenyuan and Ji Ge Laolian tried their best to dissuade Zhang Ge, and argued against the basis of the frequent replacement of teachers, which was useless in his studies. Yin Yao, the second Ding was worried for three months, and there was a chance to wait for Xie Rong to return from his vacation.

Ding You, it is common to be in charge of office during Ding You. What's more, Yin Yao is likely to become the next grandson. Ji Ge Lao was able to persuade the emperor to retain his original position for Xie Rong. It can be seen that although Xie Rong has been in Qinghe in the past few months, in fact, he is not free enough

Because he climbed up with Ji Zhenyuan and firmly grasped Yin Yao, he only needed Ding You for three months.

Although Ji Zhenyuan is not the chief assistant of the cabinet, because he has made great achievements in the imperial court over the years, the Ministry of Criminal Justice has also made some achievements under his rule over the years, so he has a lot of weight in the cabinet. Xie Rong can get him to make an interview. It can be seen that Ji Zhenyuan has also stood in The prestige of the Protectorate is there. Even if Yin Yu is abolished, Concubine Zheng and Yin Yao can't compete for the position of great-grandson without the reliable support from the court.

From this point of view, the help Concubine Zheng found for Yin Yao was Ji Zhenyuan, and the reason why Xie Rong was able to get to Yin Yao smoothly was mostly Ji Zhenyuan's arrangement. RS