big makeup

180 Marry a wife

Since Yin Yu came back, the atmosphere of the Protectorate finally turned sharply. There is no need to worry about this matter, and even the case of transportation is nothing. Because Yin Yu is the link between the Yin and Huo families, without him, the Huo family really doesn't know which direction to go next.

Mrs. Huo finally had the mood to wipe the dominion with her daughter-in-law and granddaughter during this period. The money was won here, and the maid in front of her came in and said, "Madam, Mr. Yin has returned home."

Because Yin Yu also often lived in the house when he was a child, he regarded Yin Yu's visit as "back home".

Yin Yu entered the flower hall. Mrs. Huo was withdrawing from the card table and sitting on the low couch. The third lady Qin and the eldest girl Huo Yin's fourth girl Huo Rong stood down respectfully. However, although his posture was respectful, his expression was very relaxed, and he was looking at him with a smile. Moreover, the two girls looked eleven or twelve years old, and they did not deliberately avoid Yin Yu coming in.

Yin Yu came forward to see the salute, then sat down under Mrs. Huo and asked, "Is your grandmother always good?"

Mrs. Huo waved to let Qin and others sit down, and then responded to Yin Yu with a smile: "What's wrong with me? If you are safe, my heart will fall into my stomach. With that, she looked at him carefully, and then frowned and said, "Why is it so dark? Have you been busy at the dock recently? And this dress--"

She looked at him in amazment. Although it can't be called very dark, it is indeed not the original white. The collar is also clean, but half of it is rolled into the upper collar. Although this is nothing for ordinary people, it is too abnormal for Yin Yu, a person who has never had any mistakes in his dress since he was a child!

Of course, except for the days when he was in exile, but is he in exile now? He is now an officer with a decent military position! And he still has so many attendants. by the way, didn't she send 30 maids there a few days ago? This group of people have been strictly trained by Gong Ma's. How did they take care of him?

Mrs. Huo thought of this, and a face suddenly sank.

"Are the maids not waiting well?"

Yin Yu said, "No, I don't like strange women to touch me at all. So I didn't let them serve at all. He said it honestly.

Mrs. Huo was shocked and said, "So, you are being taken care of by yourself these days?" Unexpectedly, a maid didn't call in to wait, and no one has come back to tell her for so long. She really should have told them a few more words at the beginning.

"There is no one to wait for you. How can you do it alone?" She grew up in a beautiful pile, and she didn't even wear a piece of clothes by herself. She never imagined that these people around her needed to live by themselves like a civilian family, but she didn't expect that her grandson from the palace would now reach out to the point where she wanted to reach out by herself. How could this not make her sad?

"Yes, Yuer also feels very annoyed." Yin Yu smiled and said, "Wukui and the others are really rough. They always care about this and lose that, which makes people very angry." He said he was angry, but he didn't see that he was really angry.

Mrs. Huo sighed.

Qin smiled from the side and said, "In my opinion, it's time for the prince to marry a daughter-in-law."

Yes, he doesn't like strange women to wait for him, but his wife won't let him get close, will he? However, this is also not accurate. After all, he has been strictly upbred since he was a child, and his self-discipline is extremely strict. Now he is still a boy. In case - no, no, as long as you become a marriage, strangers will naturally become acquaintances!

Qin's words really woke up the dreamer, and Mrs. Huo's eyes suddenly lit up. She looked at Yin Yu with a smile, "There are many rules in the palace. It's hard for you to remember that your child is so fastidious. Is it good for your granddaughter's mother to tell you about the family? When you have a wife, let her take care of you, which is naturally much better than the maid and bodyguard.

Yin Yu also looked at her with a smile, "Grandma's proposal is very true, and Yu'er never thought of this layer."

Mrs. Huo laughed, and the Qin family also laughed. The girls covered their mouths and ate and laughed happily. Mrs. Huo said, "In this case, the original matter with the Shen family can no longer be mentioned. You asked me, which girl did you like later? If the family is the same, you can also consider it.

Yin Yu said seriously, "My grandson and child are under the court training. I haven't even seen many of my daughters, and I dare not go to see other girls."

Mrs. Huo exchanged a satisfied look with Qin. Just as she was about to speak, Yin Yu said, "But if the grandmother can tell her mother for Yuer, it would be better to say that Yuer wants to have a family and get his blessing."

Mrs. Huo awe: "Of course, even if you leave the clan, you are still your mother's child. Naturally, you have to ask her opinion in advance to act on this matter." She sighed, "You are very thoughtful, but I am reckless. Wait for me to discuss with your mother, listen to what she means, and then choose a good marriage for you!"

Yin Yu nodded with a smile and replied briefly, "Then please ask your grandmother to greet your mother. When I have a letter from my mother's side, please ask my grandmother to send someone to tell me.

After saying that, he stood up and said, "I came to visit Duan Gelao with my grandfather, so I won't stay any more."

Mrs. Huo quickly asked someone to take him there.

Watching him leave here, Qin sighed and said to his mother-in-law, "In fact, it should have been discussed long ago. If he was still in the palace, I'm afraid he would have been married now. Who knew such a thing happened."

"This is called impermanence." Mrs. Huo looked deeply outside the door.

The time entered July. With the gradual departure of the hot summer, the news of Du Ge Lao officially sued the old came from the palace. Before Du Cen retired, the emperor asked Ji Zhenyuan to be the first assistant, and Duan Zhongming asked Shen Hao.

Although both sides know that Duan Zhongming, Shen Hao and Ji Zhenyuan's party do not deal with each other much, it is also a private matter after all. It is still the first time in history to openly sing the opposite tone like now. So it is said that the two sides of the court have begun to argue with reason. Although the number of people on Duan Zhongming's side is slightly small, the momentum is extremely strong. At present, there is no conclusion on the court discussion.

Xie Lang has doubts about Duan Zhongming's sudden clear attitude, because Ji Zhenyuan's appointment is almost a foregative, which can not be changed by Duan Zhongming and others singing the opposite tune.

Xie Wan thought for a moment, but said, "It's not difficult to guess. It is because Ji Zhenyuan's appointment is difficult to change the fact that Duan Zhongming wants to add more obstacles to him. Anyone can do this recommendation. Why can't he recommend Shen Hao? Even if Ji Zhenyuan wins in the end, they have won at least some sympathy votes, and there are still many people who are neutral between their two parties.

"In this way, when Ji Zhenyuan was elected as the first assistant, and when Wei Bin was elected as a supplementary university scholar, Duan Zhongming could fully use these sympathy votes to add momentum for this side. The emperor can't ignore their proposal at one time, and ignore their proposal for the second time, right? Even if the emperor has another choice in mind, he will definitely think more about Wei Bin proposed by them.

Although Yin Yu did not penetrate these things with her, it was not difficult for her to guess that Duan Zhongming's move was out of his instruction, and at this time, she sang the opposite of Ji Zhenyuan for Wei Binzhuang in advance.

Xie Wan did not suggest Xie Lang to participate in Wei Bin's cabinet election this time, because too many appearances in the political circle at this time is actually not good for Xie Lang. Moreover, he does not have the ability to intervene in such important political affairs.

Xie Wan believes that she does not have such ability. As Xie Lang matures and the net she spreads becomes bigger and bigger, she is not suitable to ask men about their feelings again. Although Xie Rong still wants to retaliate and prevent him from growing into a strong opponent who coerced them to survive, there are many ways to confront the enemy, and it is not necessary to meet him regardless of his identity.

What she can only do is to use the power around her to stop or interfere with Xie Rong until she finally achieves the goal of pressing him so much that he can no longer turn over.

So now, the choice of marriage is really beginning to become an annoyance for her.

If she doesn't get married, she won't have any effect if she stays at home. Because Xie Lang will gradually support this family and will definitely go to the way she hopes. What she can do is very limited. And even if she can live her own life as she said before, what's the point of that?

She is not just born for revenge. Compared with revenge, she actually wants to be a woman who can control her own destiny.

She was not born for Xie Rong, she was born for herself, for today's family.

She is a normal girl in both lives. She has not suffered any trauma in marriage and relationship. In the past, the reason why she said not to marry was that she felt that the situation forced her not to marry, but now Xie Lang has been growing rapidly. When Wei Bin successfully enters the cabinet and Ji Zhenyuan feels the pressure, Xie Rong will definitely There are many faults that can be attacked. In this case, her refusal to marry is a little untenable.

Xie Rong can't collapse. She should have her own life.

When I was a child, I didn't feel that now it's really time to face a choice to know that it's important.

But Mrs. Jin gave her the information about Li Langzhong's eldest son. She read it several times and thought it was very good. However, she couldn't look forward to it either. A strange man, even if he is excellent, can he expect her to be happy about it? They have never made friends or got along with each other. Suddenly, they have to get together and become husband and wife because of a marriage letter.

She pressed this information under the makeup box. I still heard Mrs. Jin introduce everyone's benefits.

Sometimes Yin Yu's shadow flashed in his mind, thinking of the way he asked her to speak while waiting for him. RS