big makeup

251 Sedan

With Huo Shidong on his back, he pulled Wei Siam and Ning Dayi to the side, rubbed his hands and said, "Don't let people in so quickly. I'm just a girl. I can't let him get it too easily. After finishing the business, I'll invite you to Fuxing Building to eat roast duck later!"

No one cares about this roast duck, but the wonderful thing is that Xie Lang's idea is not in line with Wei Ning, and the roast duck has become a ready-made fire, igniting the fire in their hearts! The two discussed for a moment, and then invited Yu Sanhu and others to explain how to hold the door and how not to be soft.

Yu Sanhu also wanted to follow Xie Wan to Yinfu. He remembered that he had been fooled around when Yin Yu pretended to be Huo Yu. Now he has this legitimate opportunity to "retaliate". How can he not listen? Zhou Nan was rescued by Yin Yu once in the Qinghe Tianzhuang. He had been convinced of him for a long time. He listened to their plan and laughed dryly. He refused to be cruel, but he did not intend to let him go.

How many times can a person marry in his life? Now there can be such a good thing. Why can't it make trouble with Yin Yu?

Halfway through the afternoon, I heard the trivial noise outside the gate and greeted the team!

The people who accompanied the marriage this time are a little stronger than those who urged the makeup yesterday. In addition to the Huo brothers, not only the twelve dark guards were all together, but also the 30 elite soldiers led by Wu Kui who once dominated the northwest and laughed proudly at the East China Sea. In addition, the two teams of maids, as happy girls, really caused a sensation in the whole maple alley.

Because the gate of Xiefu was closed, the tail of the welcoming team passed the door of the Qi family. On this hot day, He quickly asked people to boil licorice tea and carry it out one by one. But she bowed her hand to help her open the door, but she entered the door with a smile.

The Huo Ying brothers helped Yin Yu pat the door, while Wei Siam and Ning Dayi held their voices to be red. Although the Huo brothers were all from martial arts, a door was not a problem, but it was impossible to really hit the door at this time. So he had to lie down outside to please him, and at the same time, he stuffed silver into it.

After such a small noise for half an hour, Wei Yan looked at Yin Yu from the crack of the door. Although he laughed like an old fox in the sun, his body was soaked with sweat stains, so he said to Ning Dayi, "Why don't you let him in? Forget it. It's really sweat when you look like a

Ning Dayi looked back at the silver in the basket and said, "Then let it go! Anyway, there is a middle door!"

Wei Siam smiled and opened the door to let people go.

Yin Yu entered the door with the sound of rainstorm-like firecrackers, pointed and shook his head at the two of them, and then strode to the hanging flower gate with a smile.

Here, Yu Sanhu and Zhou Nan were stuck here, Huo Ying lost a few cars of smiling words, and half of the basket of small ingots, just entered the door again.

The scene in the second door is different. Here, people come and go with laughter and lanterns. At the gate of the main courtyard, Qi Ruzheng and the Jin brothers gathered to welcome the groom. Huo Ying's reward was soft all the way, and he handed it over to his brother Huo Wei to continue to act.

When Yin Yu arrived at the main hall, Xie Lang and Hong Lianzhu were already present. Their eyes were slightly red, but they couldn't help smiling. As an elder, Mr. and Mrs. Qi Song were invited here. The concubine invited Yin Yu to the left and waited for Xie Wan, who was wearing big makeup, to come out. Then the man's wife Quanfu is the third lady of the Duke of the Protectorate, the Qin family. She is reasonable to go to the woman's boudoir for the last time to make up.

Xie Wan hasn't put on makeup yet.

According to custom, the woman had to delay the time as much as possible, so Qi Ruxiu and Jin Ting, who gathered in the room, advised Mrs. Quanfu here to slow down. Here, Mrs. Jin saw Qin and the happy lady coming, so she smiled and said, "The happy mother over there is over here. Let's comb your hair first

Jin Ting and Qi Ruxiu both stopped at the door to ask for the red. The Qin family shouted, "Everyone has it! Bring up all the red! We just want a bride!"

The two Jintings made a lot of money.

Here, Xi Niang entered the door, singing makeup music outside the screen, while waiting for Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Zhao to put on Xie Wan's makeup in the house. After finishing the makeup, the Qin family came in and inserted a golden hairpin on her head. Seeing the true face of the bride in the bronze mirror, her eyes suddenly flashed amazingly.

Mrs. Jin covered Xie Wan with Xipa, gave her a pair of apples, and then the happy lady helped her out of the door.

Hippa covered his head, and basically the action was directed by a person. When she arrived at the main hall, the concubine sang a hymn to each other, and then asked the newcomer to serve tea to her parents, and a red silk with a big hydrangea came to her hand.

After that, I stepped on the red carpet all the way out to the sedan chair, and my whole ears were stuffed with all kinds of sounds.

Get off the sedan chair, cross the brazier, go up the steps, and then worship the heavens and the earth. Everything is like clouds and flowing water. When the red silk reaches the bridal chamber, the sound gradually fades.

When the happy woman sang praise again, Yin Yu pulled the red silk out of her hand and put it at the head of the bed, then took the weighing rod from the happy woman's hand and picked out the Xipa covering Xie Wan's head.

Xie Wan didn't expect that he would pick it now. Shouldn't he wait until he drank the wine?

Yin Yu stared at her face for a while, and suddenly twisted her face unnaturally: "How stuffy it is to cover this on a hot day." From Xie Wan's point of view, he blushed a little.

Xie Wan smiled and was very grateful for his carefulness.

"Go and accompany the guests. I'll just sit here."

Because I had made friends before marriage, I was not as twisted as other newlyweds.

Yin Yu nodded, looked at her again and then said, "Then I'll go out. You can do whatever you want. Yesterday, Yuxue and the others came first. They have put books and eaten at the bedside according to your habits. All the maids in this main courtyard are yours, whatever you want. From now on, this is your and my home. You are the hostess here. Don't worry about so many rules.

Xie Wan heard him say that this was her and his home, and his heart throated for no reason, and he squeezed his lips and nodded.

Yin Yu raised his lips and went out.

Xing Zhu and Gu Xing came in and stood in front of Xie Wan and smiled at her.

Xie Wan was a little embarrassed with a smile, but he still said calmly, "I guess the prince will drink a lot of wine. Gu Xing went down and asked Wu's mother to prepare some sobering soup. Prepare a few more digestible soups and snacks, and send them later if you need them. I haven't eaten pork and I haven't seen a pig run. I can tell by the sour and drunkenness of Xie Lang's marriage.

Xing Zhu is really happy for Xie Wan, so she has always been smiling, and her smile has never interrupted today. She asked Xie Wan, "Don't you eat anything, madam?" The master told his wife not to wait for him.

Xie Wan is really not hungry. Before coming, Qi Ruxiu specially fed her several pieces of jujube cake before putting on makeup, and forced her to drink half a bowl of broth. Not only is she not hungry at this time, I guess it's no problem for her to stay up until midnight. However, Xing Zhu's sudden "wife" caught her off guard and blushed.

After the ceremony was completed outside, he entered the banquet. With the protection of the country and his family here, the scene is needless to say. It is mainly composed of the generals at all levels in the Chinese military camp and the veterans who fought in the East China Sea in those years. Of course, there are also nobles from all After giving a reward, how can the nobles not give face to the grandson of the Duke of the Protectorate?

However, the civil officials with a clear position led by Wei Bin did not come. This is Yin Yu's idea. After all, the current situation is not clear, and it is not very beneficial to tell the world about this relationship too early. But there are a lot of gifts that should come. Half of the room is full of gold, silver and jewelry. Fortunately, there is a Gongsun Liu who is good at taking charge of money.

Yin Yu finished a round of wine, handed over the job to Huo Ying and Luo Qian and others, and then came out to disperse the wine. Gongsun Liu suddenly hurried over with a thin envelope.

"Lord, here is a letter signed by Mr. Jin, who sent him a congratulatory, which contains the deed of the thousand-acre Datianzhuang in Gusu!"

Mr. Jin? Yin Yu frowned. He didn't remember what he knew Mr. Jin. I took the envelope and opened it. It was indeed a land deed. The large village of thousands of mu of land is not a small number, and it can't be set up without 80,000 or 90,000 taels.

"Do you think this man will be His Royal Highness?" Gongsun Liu tried to say.

"Impossible." Yin Yu vetoed, "I have nothing to do with him. Why did he give me a congratulatory gift?"

Gongsun Liu is speechless.

Yin Yu returned the envelope to him: "Put this away first, and we'll talk about it later."

He really didn't think this was done by the prince. You know that the prince, as his father, did not ask him a word after he had an accident. When he was under house arrest, he was asked to monitor him. When Ji Zhenyuan and others openly wanted to support Yin Yao to take office, he had no attitude - it is true that Yin Yao was Zi, perhaps in his always unpredictable eyes, as long as it is his son, it doesn't matter who will be the grandson.

Most of the time, he is a very rational and calm person. He can look at his father objectively and regard him as the crown prince of Dayin, but in his private mind, he also has a little injustice as a son. It's not that he's cowardice, but that he saw the ruthlessness of the palace after this. When he encountered this, he was only fifteen years old. If it hadn't been for the rigorous training he received since he was a child to exercise his strong will, he might not have been able to save his life.

Nowadays, he has calmed down a lot when looking at these family feelings around him.

He will not be hurt by these facts, but he is still disappointed in them.

But this happy day is really not suitable to worry about these things.

He took the tea held by the boy beside him, took a sip, and then walked to the main courtyard.

When he was very young, he had a wound with an injured rabbit on one leg. The prince frowned and said that the person who was too soft-hearted was not suitable for the monarch.

He never thinks so. Although the iron-blooded wrist can restrain the minister's work, it will make Li Min afraid. A successful monarch should not be feared by his people, but should be feared by his enemies. Only when a person has a perceptible heart can he truly experience the hardships of the people. And the numb and cold-blooded man, he can't get these. RS