big makeup

312 Previous life

Yin Yu shouted at Xie Wan, who had fainted. Seeing her haggard face, tears suddenly fell. He looked up and saw that Wu Kui and Luo Qian had arrived with all the people, so he picked her up and rushed out of the door and said, "This is up to you. Don't miss the net!" Xing Zhu and Gu Xing, come with me!"

There is no carriage, because the carriage can't run fast, and there is no horse riding, because the horse is too bumpy. Sanqingfang is separated from Liuzi Hutong, two streets and four alleys. He walks through the streets with Xie Wan, who is as heavy as iron, in his bare hands. He doesn't feel tired but panic. He can't imagine what happened when he comes here. There is only one idea. She can't be in danger!

Before marrying him, Xie Wan also faced many dangers and dilemmas, but she has never been so passive. She is calm and confident. In the face of danger, she has the incomparable courage to solve it. When has anyone seen her fainted because of weakness and helplessness? When did anyone see such expectation and fatigue in her eyes?

After marrying him, the dangers she faced suddenly escalated. She no longer only needed to face Xie Rong, but to face the dangerous situation with him, and all the dangers against him. He has not let her enjoy any glory so far, but only let her constantly worry and tears. He knew that he was Selfish, in order to bring her white head with her, she was pulled in in the name of guarding and supporting each other!

The more self-blame, the more I couldn't help it. Tears fell and hit her in the face.

At the beginning, he fell in love with her calmness and wit, but now he is distressed by her persistence and no regret.

Originally, he thought that as long as his heart was as before and his loyalty remained unchanged, it would be the best reward for her, but these accidents and changes told him that no. In addition to the unchanging heart and loyalty to her, he was still far away from a qualified husband. From the moment she married him, she was his blessing and his responsibility. Ren, and he ignored this responsibility because of himself!

Once how he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to pave the way for his turn over in the fastest and the future of her scenery, but at present, she is lying on his arms, the good or bad is uncertain, and the safety is unknown. Those so-called grievances, the so-called scenery and honors have also become as light clouds

In the eyes of each other's love, glory and wealth are certainly the icing on the cake, but all this is based on peace, health, celebration and peace. If life loses these necessary foundations because of this glitz, it is an irreparable regret that immortality.

"Master! We got home in front of us. Let's go to pat the door." Xing Zhu and Gu Xing, who followed him all the way, said, and then wiped his tears and ran forward.

When he arrived in front of the house, the door just opened. He didn't have time to wait for them to get out of the way and rushed in!

"My name is Hu Qin! Call Hu Qin!" "

The hoarse voice spread all over the house, and the people with sharp ears rushed out immediately after hearing the words: "Lord!"

Seeing him coming back with Xie Wan in his arms, the whole house was boiling. Some were because of his sudden return, and some were because of Xie Wan in his arms. Almost everyone followed him to the main courtyard. After being stunned for a whole day, Yu Shi and Hong Lianzhu were stunned and immediately wiped their tears and told people to go to scoop up We carried it to the main room.

No one paid attention to why Yin Yu suddenly returned home at this time, because Yin Yu's attention was not above this at all. He only had Xie Wan in his eyes. From the moment he was on the couch, his eyes did not leave her for a second, and he clenched her hand with both hands and let go! If he looked carefully, his body was even shaking slightly, and his eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.

Pang Bai and others have never seen such a Yin Yu. When they once looked at the harmony of the master and his wife, they only felt like a trickle flowing and moistening things silently, thinking that they were all the faces they loved each other. It was not until they saw that he changed into a person at present, and the small stream flowing between them suddenly I have to mention a little worry.

Yin Yu is their master. Although in theory, they should respect Xie Wan as much as Yin Yu, they are still separated from each other. Now when they see Yin Yu treating Xie Wan as life, they naturally dare not be separated anymore. Standing outside the door, they have their own sighs.

"How's it going?" Yin Yu looked up at Hu Qin.

Hu Qin looked at his baba's eyes, and his heart softened. He said softly, "I hurt some fetal gas, but it's not a big problem. Just rest for a few days. Fainting is just too much fatigue, and because I haven't eaten for a long time, I have fainted. Feed some porridge soup and have a good rest.

Yin Yu said oh, hung it down, buried his face on the sheet and sniffed deeply. Then he raised his tearful face and said with a smile, "I'm going to make soup."

Xie Wan turned over the next morning and hooked his arm around someone's neck. Then he buried his face and rubbed in front of his face. While crying, he said in a hoarse voice when he got up in the morning, "I know, you are the one who killed me in your last life..."

Yin Yu's body stiffened, quickly turned over and sat up, raised his hand to wipe her tears, and gently shook her: "Wan Wan, Wan Wan? Wake up!"

Xie Wan opened her eyes, blinked, and looked at her blankly.

Yin Yu bent down and hugged her, "Good boy, you have a nightmare. Don't be afraid, I'm back."

Xie Wan raised his hand and touched his eyebrows. After thinking for a long time, his eyes finally focused on his face.

"It's really you." She sat up, and tears fell down again. "I knew you would be fine. Look..."

Yin Yu's eyes were hot, and she suddenly took her in her arms. "Of course, you are the smartest and most powerful girl I've ever seen."

How much he wanted to say sorry to her, but after listening to Yu Shi and Pang Bai talking about her anxiety and worries these days, he suddenly felt that these three words could not make up for his debt to her at all. What she needed should not be these three words, but that she would never have such worries and fear again, right?

He hugged her and gritted his teeth secretly.

The Yin house was as lively as the early Spring Festival.

Yin Yu returned home safely. Xie Wan was safe and sound, and Luo Qian and others captured seven or eight assassins alive. In addition, the Guo family brought back from the south had also arrived secretly. The hearts of the people in the house had never been so down-to-earth at this moment. This night, the maple tree alley gathered in Yinfu to celebrate

When Xie Wan fell asleep yesterday, Xie Lang and others had confirmed from Yin Yu that all this was a plan between the emperor and him to hide the world. At that time, everyone was stunned for half a day. Thinking of the cause and consequences, they suddenly realized that they were full of emotions. With the ups and downs of the statement, the mood was also up Ups and downs.

Speaking of Xie Wan's robbery later, it turned out that Yin Yu and his party should have entered Beijing three days in advance, but Luo Qian, who was in front of him, found that someone was following and ambushed all the way. In order to avoid a startling snake on this trip, Ji Zhenyuan and others made preparations in Then he entered the gate under the cover of the caravans who went to Beijing outside the customs.

When I entered the gate, I saw Xie Wan's green bullet, and then I knew that something had happened.

"Can you catch Mr. Seven?"

Xie Wan and Yin Yu said goodbye to each other, and then asked him what he was going to do next. After lunch, he gradually calmed down and began to think about the robbery. It was only then that he suddenly remembered that Mr. Qi was also in the small yard at that time.

Luo Qian frowned and said, "When we went, we were no longer there. We searched the front and back yard many times before I found a secret road to another place. It seems that we escaped from there."

Unexpectedly, he ran away. Xie Wan is a little depressed.

Ji Zhenyuan went to see Mr. Qi and came back, and went straight to Xie's house.

Xie Rong was standing in front of the window. When he heard that Ji Zhenyuan had arrived, he was not shocked. Ji Zhenyuan never came to the house. At this time, it was related to the final success or failure of the matter. His sudden arrival in the house seemed unusual.

"It's a bad thing! Yin Yu has come back!"

As soon as Ji Zhenyuan entered the door, he shook off all the servants and knocked on the table a little angrily. When Mr. Qi was getting it, Yin Yu suddenly arrived with someone and took Xie Wan away!"

Xie Rong's heart suddenly sank and hurried to him: "Didn't Mr. Qi have already arranged an ambush along the way? How could he enter Beijing quietly?

"We all thought that he could not avoid these ambushes, but obviously I still underestimated him! He actually went to Beijing by waterway. He and the people around him had been in the East China Sea for many years. This time, he entered Beijing by boat to the south, and then used a caravan to cover the gate! When our people realized it, the Guo family didn't know where they had taken it, and he had already rushed to rescue Xie Wan!"

After listening to it, Xie Rong couldn't help sweating coldly.

Yin Yu came back safe and sound, and the Guo family also came to Beijing. After so long in Yunnan, Yin Yu must have already got the conclusive evidence that Guo Feng took money to die. Yin Yu will undoubtedly present these to the emperor, and the emperor will definitely attack them soon! And the charge of collusion with their partnership will undoubtedly be confirmed!

He can't imagine that they even failed in this move. Yin Yu came back so coincidentally. Is God going to kill him?

I'm afraid that the money he has won so much money in several years is not much less than the money in the treasury. In such a big case, the emperor's determination is by no means a matter of a matter of losing the official decree and imprisonment for a few years!

"Teacher, what should we do right the moment?" He suddenly looked up and looked at Ji Zhenyuan.

If he wants to die, then he still has a Ji Zhenyuan on his head. Ji Zhenyuan will definitely not sit back and wait for death.

"The file of the Ministry of Criminal Justice has been transferred by the emperor, and now all the evidence has been held by Yin Yu, which is really a headache at the moment." Ji Zhenyuan looked at the sky with his hands on his back and exhaled, "I will go to the palace to see the holy driver again tomorrow. Let's test the emperor's attitude first. Anyway, we have to calm down first. If we can't calm down, then everything will be in vain."

Xie Rong silently sent him out of the house for a moment. RS