big makeup

314 Poor Way

The emperor stroked the table, looked at him for a moment, and said, "Ji Zhenyuan is the chief assistant of the cabinet. He has a deep foundation in the court. He has to uprooted this big tree. He can't be too hastied. You only have the evidence that he and the Guo family bought a scapegoat for his life, and there is no evidence that he colluded with the Cao Gang. There is no evidence of the Cao Gang. It is very difficult to take him down.

Yin Yu said, "The emperor can immediately order the Duke to protect the country from the Cao Gang for interrogation!"

The emperor nodded, "Huoda, the Duke of the Protector, listens to the order!"

The Protector quickly rolled up his robe and knelt down: "I'm here!"

"I ordered you to lead the army to take all the people involved in the case, including the chief rudder, into Beijing within three days. Don't alarm anyone in advance, and give a reward order. Those who take the initiative to report the relevant evidence of the case will be rewarded from 1,000 to 5,000 taels depending on the degree."

"I obey the order!"

The Duke of the Protector got up, and the emperor looked at Wei Bin and Jin Yong: "Wei Bin listened to the order! I will give you the name of the imperial envoy. The case of Caoyun's greed for ink is combined with the case of Guo Feng's scapegoat. Jin Yong is assisted. I will order the prince to supervise the trial. From now on, I will lead people to investigate the evidence on the ground, summarize it into a book, and carefully interrogate Guo

"Weichen received the order!"

The emperor watched the two of them retreat, and then looked at the prince Huo Shicong, and said, "The prince of the protector of the country listens to the decree. I order you to lead 5,000 people in the Chinese military camp to guard the gates of the major cities from now on, in case of the resistance of the thieves, and thoroughly If there is anyone who does not comply with the order, don't kill them!"

"I obey the order!" Huo Shicong knelt down.

The emperor covered his mouth and coughed for a while because of the surge of qi and blood, and then looked up at Yin Yu: "You went to Beijing in the name of distribution, and it is not appropriate to show up for the time being, but I will give you the will to lead 48 guard with knives in the Qianqing Palace to secretly monitor all the movements "

"Grandchildren get the order!"

Yin Yu answered in a loud voice.

The next morning, the people of the whole capital found that the wind was a little unusual. First, the gates were guarded by heavy troops from the five military battalions, and the commander was actually the son of the protector. At the same time, some sharp-eyed people found that the soldiers and horses in the Chinese barracks were thousands less on the same day, and they were taken by the Duke of Protector with tiger charms.

Then, in the early morning, the emperor issued a decree to re-examine the case of Caoyun, and specially appointed Wei Bin as an imperial envoy, co-organized by Jin Yong and the procuratorate, while the prince supervised the whole process, and all ministries and the cabinet were not allowed to intervene. From now until the time the case is solved, the people involved in the trial must eat and live in the palace and are not allowed to leave the palace. Anyone who wants to leave the palace must be accompanied by the prince as a bodyguard.

All kinds of speculations and comments instantly ignited the whole capital like a spark blown by the wind.

Ji Zhenyuan came out early in the morning and suddenly felt that this year's summer came very early. Just in July, his forehead and neck were a little cold.

The emperor moved so fast that he didn't even have time to test his attitude. Now, his attitude is obvious. He has no way out at all. The mastermind of this matter is Mr. Qi, but Mr. Qi is hidden behind the scenes. As long as he doesn't say it, no one will ever know who he is,

Of course, he can't recruit Mr. Qi at this time. First, he can't do it, and second, he can't. If you don't recruit him out, he can still deny it to death, but once he is recruited out, he will be guilty of misdeeds.

At this point, he doesn't know what else to think of. Yin Yu's work is so excellent that he has never left him a way out. At present, he wants to retreat completely, which is not easy. In front of the skynet secretly laid by Yin Yu and the emperor, it is obviously a little unrealistic to want to get rid of the crime now. After the real crime is implemented, he can't run away from the whole family. Now what he seeks is how to put the crime to the slightest.

Fortunately, there are still opportunities in Caobang.

Back in the house, he asked the people below to summon Xie Rong and others to the house as quickly as possible.

A whole of people were shocked by the fierce wind of the emperor in the early morning today. When they gathered in the house, they would never be calm or intrigue again. All the emperor's actions were aimed at them. Even if Ji Zhenyuan was the leader, none of them could escape. Everyone followed Ji Zhenyuan for the future, not to end in misery. Now the emperor has suddenly started, and there is not even a buffer. How can they not be surprised?

"Now the only thing we can take advantage of is the Cao Gang. Guo Xing, you immediately send someone to the Cao Gang to send the message, so that the people involved in the case can immediately confess. You must insist that Guo Feng colluded with them!"

Guo Xing quickly went out with his official hat.

Ji Zhenyuan looked at the rest of the group of people here and said, "The emperor is coming to me. I'm not afraid of death. What are you afraid of? The more critical the moment is, the more you can't panic! Remember, no matter what happens, if you don't know what to ask, there is a way for you to live! Now you all go back and think about what you should say if you are arraigned and what to say!"

The students all said yes, and they all hung their heads out of the door.

Xie Rong walked at the end because he was at the front of the team. Ji Zhenyuan said, "Stay Weiping and help me sort out a few things."

Gu Ruoming, who walked to the threshold, looked back at Xie Rong and gritted his teeth and went out.

A man lowered his head and meditated to the middle door. He suddenly turned around and looked at the direction of the courtyard where the staff lived, and then quietly moved back.

Ji Zhenyuan left Xie Rong to destroy some documents at hand.

Nowadays, many things are the safest only by burning them. Over the years, there have been too many correspondence with Mr. Qi, especially in the case of Caoyun, so that he must completely destroy them.

He sent someone to bring in a big fumigation furnace, closed the door, and then took out the key to open the dark cabinet. The door was suddenly pushed open, and a large number of guard with knives poured into the room in front of him, and the man who stood for the sword was Yin Yu!

Ji Zhenyuan and Xie Rong looked at each other and asked, "What are you doing?"

Yin Yu unfolded a yellow silk in his hand: "In the emperor's hand, seal up Ji Gelao's study!" After saying that, he turned his head and rushed behind him and said, "Please ask Mr. Ji and Lord Xie to go out and seal this place quickly!"

Ji Zhenyuan Rao has been through a long time, and he can't help but change his color.

And Xie Rong was so terribly speechless. The emperor thought of everything. What's the difference between them and being arrested now?

The two walked out of the room with pale faces, watching the bodyguards affix seals with jade seals all over the place, and then surrounded the room and looked out of the yard.

"Go back first and ruin everything you have before you find out!"

The successor in recent years has not been in vain. Except for not knowing Mr. Qi's identity, many things in Ji Zhenyuan's hands are his hands, so there are also some ** things in his hands.

Xie Rong nodded and hurried out of the door.

Yin Yu left eight people to look at the study, and then went home to accompany Xie Wan. The emperor only let him guard the Ji Mansion, and in addition to these forty-eight bodyguards, he also had Luo Qian and others. If anything happened, they would deal with it as soon as possible and inform him in time.

Ji Zhenyuan has no study to go to now, so he has to discuss in the flower hall of the main courtyard.

After Xie Rong left, he looked at the guards guarding outside the study, and felt scared for the first time. Maybe the emperor suddenly took him to prison, which is not as uncomfortable as the present. At least he doesn't have to lift his heart out and suffer like this. Such a waiting is the most tormenting, because I don't know what is waiting for him at the next moment!

"Sir, what's going on?"

Mrs. Ji came in in a panic, followed by a large group of daughters-in-law and grandchildren, and their faces were as white as paper.

Jifu has been an official for several generations. Although he is not as close as the nobles to the royal family, he has been deeply favored by the emperor from time to time for several years. The only time when the bodyguards appeared in the house was when the imperial driver came in person. At that time, the emperor was healthy and often came out of the Will there be a bodyguard guarding the study and sealing the room?

Mrs. Ji was sad, and the young grandmothers all looked flustered.

Ji Zhenyuan became more and more upset when he saw this, "It's okay! Go back to your room!"

Mrs. Ji was even more surprised. She had never seen her husband so angry in her life. At present, she said that nothing had happened. How could she believe it?

But she couldn't fight with him, so as soon as the tears rolled, she went back to the room with her daughter-in-law and granddaughters.

As soon as they left here, the two masters in the house came in with their back feet. All of them were so panicked that they couldn't speak well. Ji Zhenyuan looked at them and simply gritted his teeth to the hall of the yard where the staff lived, and asked people to invite Zuo Bizhi, Chen and Yu.

Zuo Bizhi has been waiting for his invitation for a long time.

In the past few days, although the people in the back house and the people in the house do not know what kind of situation Jifu is facing now, the relevant several people have faintly received the wind, so it is inevitable to make life a sense of sadness. Zuo Bizhi came forward to suppress it and it is better, but in the end, this case is Yu and the two of them have been a little absent-minded in the past few days and began to wait and watch the changes in preparation for getting out at any time.

Zuo Bizhi is very disdainful of Chen and Yu's behavior. Although Ji Zhenyuan's road is a way of no return, he has always sought from wealth and danger. Those who seek great things must have risks. If he wants to stabilize the court but want to be stable, how can it be possible? Ji Zhenyuan treated them with benevolence and righteousness in the past, and Zuo Bizhi did not want to abandon the Lord at this time.

However, today the emperor suddenly issued a decree to move all parties. When the matter came to an end, everyone could not be shocked.

They are all colleagues, and he also fully understands the difficulties of Chen and Yu. Even if Ji Zhenyuan and others are done, they may not bring much benefits to them. Once the emperor orders to suppress them, it is not something that can be deferred by a few words! Millions of taels of silver go in and out of each other, and it's a matter of losing your head. What's more, how to say it clearly where the silver goes?

At that time, if it is not rebellion, it will become rebellion!

So even if he knew that they had other plans, he didn't say anything. At this time, if you don't know, you don't know. It's convenient for you. It is their life to escape, and it is also their life to escape. Now that the three of them heard the summons, Chen and Yu each found a reason to push it down, and only one of them stood in front of Ji Zhenyuan. RS