Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 44

Susu has been standing aside and looking at the smile of the young girl. It seems that everything is so beautiful.

"Stingy... Shall we always be like this? Forever so happy, you don't have to pay attention to your father and brothers in the world, and I don't have to pay attention to myself as a monster, just like a mortal family, we... you, I, quite, and foxes, just like this, okay?

The teenager nodded gently. ... OK."


It's not bad to be so happy all the time. But... she knew it was impossible. If there is no misfortune, why would such a situation be caused today a hundred years later?

It's quite ashes and smoke...

Ayuan lin became a monk...

And the original Bai Suzhen no longer knows where the soul belongs?

Things are human.

Susu is a little confused. Why is this?

Everything is too beautiful, and it is particularly ruthless when it is taken back. Before the storm, everything seemed so calm. It is so calm that people mistakenly think that all this will continue like this.

Lies are always broken too quickly and fiercely, leaving her with no room to return to the world.

The pain is so simple that it has gone into the bone with a knife.

The man's words are still in his ears... When he looked back, he was already a white cloud dog. The broken string of fate, the gap years that can't be returned.

The yellowing years eventually became memories and became a thing of the past.

She felt the pain... The pain of the broken arm was so clear... Even if she was not Bai Suzhen. The wound has also healed, and there is not even a scar left. However, the body automatically remembers the unforgettable pain when it was injured.

She is a human...not Bai Suzhen.

The real Bai Suzhen probably died on that day...

Before leaving, Bai Suzhen's endless curse... What kind of hatred should it be? However, it will never be repaid.

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth. She probably can't repay the hatred of the white snake... But if she has a chance, she will not spare her strength and kill the two brutal people who killed them with her own hands... Xuanjizi, and that teenager.

Since it occupies the monster's body, it is destined to be a killing. Instead of shrinking in place and stretching its neck and being ruthlessly slaughtered, it is better to take the initiative to fight back.

Naturally, she won't care if her hands are stained with some blood.

Su Su woke up from her dream and saw the huge sycamore tree above her head, the dusk between heaven and earth, the sunset floating in the sky, and the leaves without wind.

It is still a dream. It's not the real wild water world that has been left behind.

Susu raised her body, moved back, leaned against the wide trunk of the sycamore tree, and exhaled heavily.

A white shadow flashed through the forest not far away.

Susu keenly caught it, tilted her head back, straightened up, and said in a loud voice, "Pei Wende... Come out, I see you."

White shadow has a meal.

"Do you still want to continue to hide? I already remember you." She gasped, held the tree trunk and slowly stood up, staring at the forest, and said coldly. Since you have never dared to come out to face it, why do you have to come out? Isn't it good not to stay in your Heze Temple to be your independent master? ...Oh, I forgot, how can you be willing to stay in such a shabby place as Heze Temple! Naturally, you, the son of a well-bred prime minister, should return to Chang'an to enjoy glory and wealth!" There was no lack of cynicism in her tone.

She is not Bai Suzhen... but now she is carrying the memory of Bai Suzhen... She has an indescribable hostility to the teenager in white in this memory.

Susu clenched her fist. She is not sure whether the man will appear under her stimulation... Even if he really comes out, there is no doubt that she can't avenge her current ability. Unless he is looking for a dead end... unless he still remembers his old feelings. But if he really remembered the old feelings, how could he be so cruel in those years? But if he doesn't care about the past, why do he have to save her from danger again and again?

She really wants to see how this human heart grows? After doing such a thing to Bai Suzhen, does he have any guilt?

Of course, from the perspective of Susu, he naturally doesn't have to feel guilty.

In the final analysis, all this is due to Bai Suzhen's mistaken belief in others. You can't blame others... Monsters should not be with people in the first place. This end is just a punishment.

But now, she is neither a complete monster nor a complete human... She feels that she has been confused and can no longer look at everything that had nothing to do with her.

This is how all tragedies begin.

Susu bit her lips tightly and held her fingers on the trunk into the bark fiercely.

The man in white stepped out from behind the forest step by step, walking heavily and slowly.

Su Su's pupils quickly tightened after seeing the cinnacle on the man's forehead.

"Susu..." The man clenched the Buddha beads in his hand and called in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to call it that, and monks should no longer be called ordinary people like this. My surname is Bai, so let's call me Bai benefactor..." Su Su glanced over coldly, "You can get used to it in this way. After all, you are already a monk, aren't you?"

"So...white..." The man lowered his eyelids painfully. I'm sorry for you..."

"Is it meaningful to say this now?" Su Su interrupted him coldly. Bai Suzhen is dead. What's the point of the blood debt hundreds of years ago now to such an unreprined person as her?! The person he should apologize for is no longer there! His apology has also become worthless! Because no one is qualified to forgive him!" If you really feel guilty, what kind of mentality did you frame me with your master? Why didn't you think about it at that time? What will happen to me?"

"I..." The man opened his mouth and spit out almost inaudible words. I didn't know that there was medicine in the incense.

"Is it?" Susu raised her eyebrows... She didn't believe it. She won't believe every word this person says. Even if it's true... "I just ask you, if you knew, would you still help your master hurt me?"

"...I lost you." The man lowered his eyes. Even if you want me to die now, I will definitely not complain."

She suddenly felt sad for Bai Suzhen.

"What's the use of dying you?" Susu looked at him coldly, stroked her broken arm, and said to herself, "This hand that has been cut off, even if it grows well later, it still hurts a little..."

The man smiled bitterly. As long as she opens her mouth, how can he refuse... He can even abandon this life... What's more, it's just one hand.

He owed her, which was supposed to be.

He raised his left hand and wanted to remove his right arm.

Su Su's eyes and hands quickly stepped forward and pressed his hand.

"Sosu..." The man raised his eyes to see her, and his eyes were dark and unclear. The cinnabar mole on the forehead does not seem to fade, but it seems to have deposited years and become more and more red.

Susu opened his eyes, let go of his hand, stepped back two steps away from him, put his back against the trunk, and felt the texture of the sycamore tree through his thin clothes. You go..."

The man opened his mouth but couldn't speak.

"I don't want your life or your hands." These are of no use to her. Although, she had such an idea. But she has changed her mind now. Even if she occupies Bai Suzhen's body, what qualifications do she have to kill the people she loved... After all, she is not Bai Suzhen! She can kill Xuanjizi without hesitation, but Pei Wende... Let them explain all this underground one day.

But... can you really explain it clearly?

Xiaoqing said that there is no afterlife.

I'm afraid the real Bai Suzhen has disappeared.

This is destined to be a game that can never be solved.

She thought about it and said, "You go... don't see each other again in the future."

"Susu..." The man raised his head sadly. Unexpectedly, you can't even see her?

"We don't need to meet again." She raised her head and looked at him seriously. Bai Suzhen is dead... You know... She died that day... Now standing in front of you is no longer Bai Suzhen... Do you understand?"

Yes... she is indeed dead.

He died in his hands.

The man lowered his eyes and covered all his sadness. He has always been unable to resist her.

He will not expect her forgiveness. Because even he can't forgive himself like that.

"I'm leaving..." The man turned around and left slowly.

Before his figure disappeared into the woods, he paused and said softly in an almost inaudible voice, "Goodby, Susu."

She still heard it...

If you had known this, why did you have to do it at the beginning? Missed, just missed... There is never room to return.

"Come out." Susu glanced at the sycamore tree, "You've watched the play for a long time. Aren't you going to come out and show it?"

There was a gus between the sycamore trees, and the snow-colored fox drilled out a sharp face from the ears of the sycamore flowers and blinked big blurred eyes. He shook his head lazily and came out, sat on the tree trunk, curled up his tail, and hugged him with his fat claws. The fox buried his pointed face in the plush tail and said coquettishly, "I miss this kind of vegetarian ~ so domineering ~ I like it so much ~"

Su Su: "Shut up..."

The fox's eyes filled with tears in an instant. That's too much~"

Susu: "..." For a creature like a fox, whether it is strong and soft, it is doomed to be useless. At that time, Bai Suzhen seemed to be able to make it a little, but now, even if she had the memory of Bai Suzhen, she was still too weak!

"Can you explain it?" She stared at the fox coldly.

"What~" The fox is coquettish and cute, "I don't know anything about such a pure fox~"

Is it still installed? Since you don't want to talk about it, we don't need to continue talking. Fox, right... In the future, you'd better stay away and don't come to me again. I won't come to this dream again." She is not Bai Suzhen, and she still sees the fox's character. From beginning to end... It doesn't treat them as its own at all. Otherwise... Why didn't it come to save it in the first place? Regardless of this, it hasn't come to her for the next few hundred years... Later, she was coerced by Lanqing to seduce Xu Xian, and it didn't come to help her... Even pretended not to know her...

The fox is indeed a fox.

"It's too much~" The fox held his cheek and wiped his tears aggrievedly. It's really sad to misunderstand them like this.

She is also very sad to meet a fox like you. Although I'm not smart, I'm not a fool. Although you think it's interesting to pretend like this, forgive me for not having this spirit to accompany you...

Susu supported a tree trunk, turned around cleanly and left. This time, it's really serious.

She is not as cunning as the fox. In the future, it is better to stay away. I don't know when it will be sold.

"Susu, what a pity that you let go of the Fahai so easily~" The fox sighed behind him.

Susu stiffened and suddenly turned around. What are you talking about?!"

The fox held his paws and narrowed his eyes pleasantly. There is a saying: It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. But Susu, you waited for hundreds of years, and it was indeed a little late... Finally, the opportunity was placed in front of you, and the enemy stood there and let you stab you, but you were very generous and gave up... That Fahai still has guilt for you, but mortals are forgetful. At this time, he can't be married. If one day his sense of debt to you fades and he stands on your opposite side, won't he find himself unhappy?

Susu only felt that her brain was buzzing, opened her mouth, and couldn't say anything. She hasn't been as stunned as she is today... How could this happen?!


That teenager... turned out to be Fahai!