Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Find a docile, clever and bully male to lay a nest of snake eggs together... As soon as this idea appeared in Susu's heart, a swarm of swelled up and a large area gushed out in an instant.

Yes, she really should have done it.

Of course, in view of the old monster's words, she will also listen to opinions. The old monster is right. Although the snake men of the snake clan are good-looking, they are not the best-looking. Xiaoqing is much better than them... Well, this is not a grade at all.

What's more, these snake men have such a bad temper... Susu, who has been bullied like this since childhood, has a really not much better impression of their peers, and naturally they won't think about it.


As for the docile monsters... Susu's eyebrows, except for being quite rude, there are really not many docile monsters in the West Mountain. Those who are docile and don't grow to be completely uneye-catching, are even less.

Her requirements are really not high.

It's just that reality is often more cruel than you can imagine.


Although Susu is a little lazy, she will never delay once she decides something.

This is definitely a good character, which shows that she is not a grinding person, and when necessary, she still has some bold means.


She was sharpening her knife and preparing to search for eye-catching male monsters, but a big or small thing happened at this time, which suddenly bound her fists and feet.

"Clog..." He was so anxious that he was a little incoherent, flapping his wings and all kinds of panic.

Susu didn't hear clearly and pulled out her ears, "What's going on? Calm down and speak slowly to my mother.

"Cuck..." The wild wings pointed to the outside, "Cuck..."

"Oh...that's not it." Susu was surprised and immediately rolled up and put it on her back. The two went out of the Wutongju together.


The man in blue leaned against the tree with his eyes down, with long eyelashes, casting a shadow on his lower eyelids. His face was as crystal as jade, and his expression was calm and quiet. At first glance, he seemed to be asleep.

Su Su moved over unbelievably, looked at him carefully, and obviously felt that his breath was very weak.

It's clear that it's still fine. Now why... This is too unexpected.

The tip of her tail rolled up slightly and reached his heart. It's a very weak pulse, as if it's about to die. Susu frowned, poured some spiritual power into the tip of her tail, and wanted to find out. A sudden force bounced away her tail. Susu only felt a numbness at the end, as if she had been stabbed by a dense needle. Although it didn't hurt, it was very blunt.

She gritted her teeth and poured double spiritual power into his heart.

It still lasted for a moment, and his body bounced her away with more than twice the original strength.

Susu's whole body trembled, as if she had been struck by lightning.

"Cug..." quite aware that something was wrong and rushed up to see her.

Susu has calmed down, shook off the layer of numbness, and turned her head to signal it with a look of "I'm fine, don't make a fuss."

was quite understanding, and after repeatedly confirming that it was really okay, so it calmed down.


Susu slowly coiled into a ball and looked at him fixedly.

Man has calmed down and sat on the ground, looking at Cen Biqing and Su Su. Quack..."

"Don't quarrel." Su Su said, "I'm annoyed. Think about it first."

She really should think about it... She had been in contact with that force just now. Although it has been a long time, it is really impressive and I always remember it. On the day he was picked up, the power in his body to resist her stealing Neidan seemed to be the same as now. But... it seems that there is something different.

This is a different place. Su Su pondered in pain for a long time. When her brain was exhausted, her eyes lit up, searched for it, and finally found a suitable word.

Yes, it feels like... two forces are fighting!

The power is equal, regardless of victory or defeat, so that both sides will be hurt. And they usually melted with each other, and they can't see it... Well, it's not completely impossible to see. Xiaoqing's weakness can be seen without his eyes. This delicate appearance has ruined her reputation a lot. The grass monster trees outside who coveted the beautiful man said that she was treating him harshly.

She doesn't know, she just doesn't care about it.


Then the matter became clear.

What on earth did Cen Biqing do to be treated like this? Susu held her cheek. If she guessed correctly, the boundary in this girl's body should not be to protect him.

On the contrary, this is to imprison him.

A monster was banned, could no longer use its mana, and was thrown into this chaotic mountain and sea demon world...

Tut-tut, Su Su repeatedly marveled at how vicious the person who framed him was. It's simply a bloodless sword. Killing people with a knife!

Fortunately, she met such a kind monster as her, otherwise even if this product is not picked up to eat and wipe away the bone slag, it has long been ruined because of this enchanting skin... As a monster, it is informal, so the former is more horrible.


Of course, from Susu's point of view, the laborious person is indeed stupid enough, but he just wants to kill a monster, which is so troublesome? Isn't it enough to kill it directly? How can a person who can make such a strong and tough boundary be weak? Ten thousand steps back, even if that man has any deep hatred with Cen Biqing, is it the same for him to hide and torture him well?

I can't figure it out.

Susu decisively gave up and continued to speculate.

Nowadays, people and demons are so strange that things that can be easily solved have to be made so complicated. The result is complicated, but the purpose has not been achieved. What's the use?


She said, where are the monsters so delicate? Xiaoqing was also framed before he became what he is now. Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that her three values were much more normal... She really couldn't stand a weak willow monster.

"Cun" looked at Susu quite worriedly and didn't know what to do.

Susu stared and raised you as a dead duck for nothing! I've never seen you care so much about me!" While going cool, adults do things, what's the fun of you, a duckling!"

I was innocently scolded and blinked with aggrievedness. Quack..."

It's useless to watch it! It is said that girls are outgoing! ...But, this is a male! Is it because of beauty?

Susu was depressed in one breath and turned her head to ignore him. With this twist, his eyes happened to fall on Cen Biqingyu's white and flawless face. He looked weaker and weaker... It's really too much! Why did you break through the ban at this critical time?

Su Su sighed. She was probably the murderer of his family in her last life, otherwise how could she meet him so unluckily in her life... If she had a previous life.

Suddenly, she turned into a human form. She came forward, grabbed him with her lips sensitively, and took a deep breath for him.

It was just a momentary thing, and Susu immediately retreated three feet away with a tangled face. She is extremely precious and true!

This breath can probably hang his life. As for how long he can hang, it depends on his own creation.

Su Su muttered that the old monster once mentioned that there is a small mountain range near Chongwu Mountain, the first mountain of the third mountain system in the west on the south bank of the Yellow River, which is the birthplace of Danshui. Three hundred miles west of Danshui is Jize, and there is jade ointment in Jize water. Originally, it was the exclusive land of the Yellow Emperor, but later the Yellow Emperor went west, and this land has always been under the jurisdiction of the mountain god of the mountain. It is said that the jade ointment is a good thing, which can prolong human life and kill human flesh and bones. For monsters, it is an elixir for increasing cultivation... By the way, it can also heal wounds.

What else did the old monster say? She forgot it long ago. I only remember that he finally stressed that no matter what kind of injury, as long as it doesn't hurt the yuan god and eats jade ointment, it can be saved.

Although Xiaoqing's injury is serious, it does not hurt the Yuanshen. So, if the old monster's words are credible, the jade ointment should have a great effect on him.

But... Susu sighed. Although it was a good thing, she had never picked it.

At first, Jize is a little far away from the mountain, which is beyond her hunting range.

Second, from childhood to age, although she was often injured, it was basically a minor injury that hurt her muscles and bones, and she would be fine after two days of casual cultivation. To be honest, a monster with such a good character as her has never suffered. That is, because you have not been seriously injured, you naturally can't have the motivation to steal the jade ointment.

What's more, if she is really seriously injured, I'm afraid it won't be her turn to steal the jade ointment.

In addition, that place is under the jurisdiction of God. One of her little monsters is actually going to steal things... It's not that she can't find death.


She really wants to live longer.

I looked at her very rudely: "Crocco..."

Susu is completely sad~ This strong basic feeling~ When did it happen? When did an outsider become more important than her mother?

It's too much!

Susu's cold face is particularly sad. Got it, got it... You stay here, and I'll pick the jade ointment."


In fact, it's good to try your luck. If she is lucky, maybe this jade ointment can help her in the future.

She thinks so.

She is still a little worried all the way. What should I do if I really meet God? With her current mana, although she can bully ordinary little monsters, she is obviously not on the same level as God. She is not really stupid, and it's not the way to die.

Of course, you can't fight with God, and it's useless to plead for mercy. God looks bright on the surface, and it's a way to save all sentient beings. In fact, it is secretly the most stingy and selfish.

If you want to say that she is kind and great, you can't compare with her.

Think about it, at least she took in the duck and saved a green snake. How great!

She was moved by herself.

However, objectively speaking, selfishness is human. People are like this, and so are monsters. Of course, immortals have no way to escape this category.

There is nothing to say.

The world is big, there are villains and gentlemen, and of course there must be hypocrites; when the forest is big, there are phoenixes and peacocks, of course there should be pheasants.

One truth.

Su Su secretly, if it really doesn't work, then it's best to go. Such a stupid thing can never be done by such a smart monster as her.


Good luck.

By the saying, it is said that there is no one under the jurisdiction of the gods... In fact, there is no one at all? There is not even a bird shadow.

Su looked at the milky jade cream surging from the spring, blinked her eyes, and began to deeply doubt whether she had gone the wrong place.