Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

After Cen Biqing woke up, her temper seemed to be much better. Usually, it is no longer that kind of indifferent appearance, and it finally looks good.

The jade ointment turned out to be really effective. It not only cured his injury, but also cured his unreasonable and gloomy bad temper.

Susu is very comforted.

Well...but it's true that his words are even more choking.

Susu began to be a little depressed.

"Why have you been working so hard lately?" Cen Biqing sat by the sycamore tree and frowned as Su Su practiced spells on the wild water. She seemed to have had chicken blood these days, and she got up early in the morning and worked hard. Although I also work hard on weekdays, it is not enough to give up sleeping. But what's the stimulation?"

You are stimulated! Your whole family is stimulated!

A typical representative of ivory that can't spit out in a dog's mouth.

Susu picked out a formula and gathered her spiritual power in her hand. At the same time, she rolled her eyes. What she said was quite convincing. The demon is short, and I can't waste my life all the time. Do I still need to be more ambitious and urgent? It's just that although the reason is enough, the tone is not so convincing.

Cen Biqing naturally doesn't believe it. He frowned faintly, "Isn't it causing something wrong?"

Susu is depressed. Am I the kind of person who has nothing to do? Am I the kind of monster who specializes in finding unhappy for himself when he is full and has nothing to do? Am I?" I'm really dissatisfied! Since she was a child, she has always been a very convenient monster. Basically, she has never caused any trouble to the old monster! When the men and women of the mountain snake clan made trouble outside, when they hooked up around the world to do evil... She was the only one who stayed obediently on the edge of the wild water to practice hard, concentrate on eating, and worked hard... to sleep.

It's really worry-free and sad!

What's going on now? Why was her good reputation suddenly smeared?

This doesn't make sense!


However, he was quite ignorant of color. He sat next to Cen Biqing and echoed worriedly: "Cronobies..." It was also very worried about his mother's body. Recently, he has been practicing his skills and looks a little tasteless. It seems that he has lost a lot of weight, and it is a little distressed. Of course, my mother didn't have a chance to hold it in order to practice... It's quite unbalanced.

"Tut talk!" Susu slanted her eyebrows, which was particularly unpleasant. She couldn't accept that her son also questioned her good character. She blackened a sharp face and asked, "Is my usual image so bad?"

If she dares to say yes, she will die decisively!

Cen Biqing frowned deeper. No..."

Hearing the answer she wanted, Susu didn't have time to be proud, so she heard Cen Biqing hit her coldly. It's a little worse than you can realize.

Susu's eyebrows twitched, her hands trembled, and the hand knife cut out was two points away. The palm wind that was supposed to fall on a flying bird in the air broke abruptly and directly into the lush peach bamboo and bamboo forest opposite the wild water. The fragile bamboo "squeaked" and broke its waist one after another under the spiritual attack full of resentment. In a blink of an eye, a large area fell down. Suddenly, the birds and beasts flew away and fled around with their families. A burst of soldiers and horses cried and howled.

Su Su: "..."

Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, you'd better continue to cherish the word like gold, which is more pleasing! How can you listen to this?

The interest of practicing well was swept away. Susu withdrew her hand and turned around and walked slowly to the sycamore tree. She rested rudely next to Cen Biqing and took her into her arms. With a "quack" sound, she did not resist, and obediently let her hug her in front of the pillow, narrowed a big watery eye and dozed off.

It has always been very calm. The ears of sycamore flowers bloomed very lively. They hung down one by one, and there was a unique fragrance of flowers in the air. There are several floating clouds in the sky, and the air is full of peace and tranquility. If it has always been like this, it's actually not bad... In the future, with an elderly child, he will also find a monster girl to have sex with and play. Does it always have to grow up? Xiaoqing is also like this... Then the family has been living here until one day they sit together...

Well, Susu suddenly paused, holding her cheeks and pondered, and suddenly there was such a prominent strange feeling in her heart... I'm afraid Xiaoqing is a little difficult. Don't say that this skin is really too ostentatious... Just looking at it can easily make those female monsters have a deep sense of inferiority. His bad temper alone can't stand it... It's better to stay here and not harm others.

Su Su thought to herself, and I don't know whether it was because she recognized the old child in her heart or because she ate jade ointment. The restless mood of the ** period was suppressed a lot. Although it is still a little itchy to look at Xiaoqing, it is no longer as exaggerated as a few days ago. This is really a good thing. She doesn't like to watch herself lose her mind. That uncontrollable feeling is really... terrible.

Susu's eyes narrowed.

"What are you going to do at the Hehuan Conference?" Cen Biqing asked and frowned.

When did you gossip so much?

The question was asked suddenly. Su Su glanced at him and answered it seriously. I don't have to do anything, just go and have a look, as usual. She really went to see it. Which of them has never seen the snake men in the mountain? Which one hasn't been beaten? Naturally, you won't really think about them. What's more... A group of males are dressed weaker than females... As a girl with normal aesthetics, Susu trembled and shook off a thick layer of goose bumps in the wind.

She still likes stronger males!

Cen Biqing closed her eyes, leaned against the sycamore tree, and stopped talking.

Susu stared at him for a long time and finally sighed. It seems that the injury has not completely healed... At least, his drowsiness has not been corrected at all.


The Hehuan Conference is in the middle of the month, and now it is the beginning of the month, and there is still some distance.

Susu is not worried about this at all. Anyway, even if she goes, there is nothing to do with her. At most, there are more senior bystanders when those snake men and snake women are flirting... Such things are also seen a lot. There is no sense of freshness as before, and they can basically be directly ignored. For her, whether it's finding a partner or having sex, it's purely for the sake of passing on the family... It's just a natural instinct.

Thinking about this, Su Su couldn't help but want to see the child.

The person she chose in person is naturally a place that she misses.


But the child also said that he would only come to Jize at the end of the month. Even if he wanted to see him, he would not see him. After all, he did not give him more information. It's not that she didn't pay attention to his smell, but unfortunately, with her sense of smell, she didn't smell a little, so she couldn't track his direction.

It's a complete failure.

Susu is a little frustrated.

She pondered and said that the jade ointment had also been eaten. Why don't you add more when she has time now? ...It's also good to try your luck. Anyway, it's also idle.


As a result, this luck is a little too good.

Susu was stunned and looked at the figure of the child in disbelief. He sat on the jade, with black and bright fur against the milky jade, which was particularly conspicuous.

Unexpectedly, Susu's mouth slowly opened, and the curvature became bigger and bigger. She shook her tail, twisted the bucket-sized water snake's waist and ran up, shouting excitedly, "Geng Tong!"

He heard the sound early in the morning, and now he hears her undisguised cheers and turns around. I happened to see Su Su rushing towards him. He was stunned, did not dodge, and was pounced on by Su Su.

Susu was particularly excited. As soon as she touched his warm body, she rolled her tail and wrapped her whole body around him, like a strange twin baby, which could not be broken.

The child was a little helpless and funny. He didn't sit down. He half squatted up and said gently, "Susu..."

Ah, that's good to remember the name!

Susu's mouth grinned bigger and grinned directly to the back of her head. I wanted to try my luck and see if you would be there? As a result, you are really there. Isn't this what the world is talking about? You see, we are so predestined. You have obeyed my destiny. Don't worry, I'm a very gentle snake demon. I don't like to swear and beat people, so there is no domestic violence problem. I'm also good at it, and there's no big problem with fighting monsters, so you can eat fresh and delicious civet every day in the future. If you believe me, I will definitely treat you well.

What she said was so sincere that she almost took out a red heart and showed it to him.

"Susu..." The child smiled at her, but stopped talking.

"Are you agreeing or not? If you don't speak, are you agreeing? ...You haven't spoken. I will understand that you are shy. Did you really agree?" She felt that she couldn't go on, and the child who was not thick-skinned could not afford to be hurt.

Ji Tong just smiled and said nothing. His smile was very gentle and faint, but it made people feel like a spring breeze.

Susu then softened her body and fell to the ground. This person is really not easy to abduct...

Of course, it may be that she is not smart enough. After all, she lacks experience in abduction! She didn't abduct the two at home, and one of them took the initiative to come to the door. She has no experience, just say it.

But she is not a fool. Although he doesn't talk, she can still understand the meaning of the blue eyes...

It's obviously when she's joking!

"I'm serious." She is very serious and tries to show that I am very serious.

"I know." The child looked at her with a faint smile in his eyes.

It's clear that she doesn't know anything... Susu's head fell to the ground, and her red tongue softly spit out on the jade, sincerely saying that she was very hurt.