Where to subvert the white snake

Leifeng Tower Theater

The final volume lives up to the teenage years

Chapter 1

The two live together in a Leifeng tower. According to the current words, it is the legendary cohabitation.

But... the cohabitants maintained a purer relationship than their revolutionary comrades-in-arms... When they became husband and wife with Xu Xian, they did not feel anything wrong. If it is really impure, it is very inappropriate. After all, she never thought of anything to happen to Xu Xian, and she was ready to pat her buttocks and run away at any time... However, Cen Biqing's words were different.

The current relationship between the two is extremely clear. More importantly, she took the initiative to point out the relationship... Therefore, she was psychologically prepared for what was going to happen next.

The snake is kind**... But as a less pure snake, in fact, she is really not very good**.

Originally, she thought that if there was a day of intimacy, it would be better to come early than later... As a result, when she was psychologically prepared for the first time, Cen Biqing still did not show any thoughts and trends of impureness towards her. The relationship between the two is as pure as snow, completely stopping to eat together and live together... plus occasionally hugging one...

So Susu became lonely...** woman, that's all made up!

Since both of them have a common goal to go on, it will be sooner or later to sleep together. She has figured it out herself, but why is Cen Biqing slow to move? When the love is strong, he must do it, so he hasn't done it now... Is it because their love is not strong enough? Susu lay in the room with her chin, and her heart was entangled.

She and Cen Biqing seem to be together, which is a strange and unclear thing. There seemed to be no deep emotional foundation before, and there was no shocking love... It was nothing more than that two unlucky people gathered together because of the royal mother's will. She became a sister, and Xiaoqing became a sister, in order to hook up with the same man instead of struggling so hard...

So, why doesn't she know how this so-called love came about?!

Su Su began to be confused...

But... no matter how confused it is, it doesn't seem to be useful~ She is now trapped in this Leifeng Tower and can't get out, and she will spend the long years with Cen Biqing. Instead of being confused, it's better to have a sinking boat and make do with it.


This kind of thing... In any case, a pure girl like her should not take the initiative!

It seems unlikely to expect Cen Biqing to have a zoonosexuality one day. Recently, he has been very beneficial to Liu Xia, and there are still a few signs of all four empty signs... On the contrary, she was forced from a chaste and martyred woman to **\wa**, a tragedy of life!

Tragedy is a tragedy... If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will become a tragedy.

Susu pulled her fist tightly and made up her mind secretly.

One night, there was thunder, and there was a loud noise. Su Su woke up from her dream and rubbed her eyes. As a big monster with deep Taoism, in fact, he has no sense of thunder and horse. But...is this a great opportunity?

The dark moon wind beats the thunder night, and it's the best time to force a good man to be a prostitute... No, it's the best time to throw her arms!

Susu barefoot hugged the pillow and ran out to knock on Cen Biqing's room. Without saying a word, she directly touched his bed and pushed Cen Biqing.

"What's wrong?" Cen Biqing was woken up by Su Su, and her voice was very lazy, which sounded a little lower than in the daytime.

Susu's heart was mostly crisp, and she said, "Nothing...no, what!" As soon as she closed her eyes and stared back into his arms, she said weakly, "The thunder outside is so hard... Xiaoqing, I'm a little scared..."

"Well... I'm here." Cen Biqing said lightly, hugged her tighter and stroked her back, "Go to sleep."

With his little comfort, Su Su... really fell asleep.

In the first round, Susu suffered a fiasco.

Women are often stupid. Even if they usually look a little smart, once they fall into this emotional game, they are a little brainless and out of proportion.

Thundering is not an opportunity every day! Susu sighed for many days, and finally cheered up. How painful it is!

The fastest way to promote feelings should be... verbal flirting. But facing Cen Biqing's face, no matter how smart his brain is, it will crash from time to time. Susu is usually very sensitive. As soon as she encounters this situation, she will lurt directly. The courage of a strong man who was so angry that he kissed him with a broken wrist can't be found anyway. Although I know that Xiaoqing won't do anything to her, but... Hey, I can't afford to hurt the useless child!

Now think about it, when Xiaoqing demonized and threw her down, she shouldn't have resisted... If she had known that this was the same situation now, she still didn't escape after more than 50 years. She fell into this man's hand. It's better not to escape in those years. It would have to cook rice directly, so as well avoid so much chaos in the future. Bad things~


It's helpless, the past is over!

Now Cen Biqing... is completely like her, how can there be a little possibility of out of control and demonization?!

Susu stiffened her scalp and tried to flirt with Cen Biqing, "Xiaoqing..."

Cen Biqing then turned around and looked at her with a smile. Susu's cheeks suddenly turned red. After a long time, he finally said, "You are so beautiful as a flower!" I'm so envious!"

Is this a flirt?

It can be seen from Cen Biqing's expressionless face that this was probably a failed flirtation... After that, she ignored her for a long time.

In the second round, Susu was defeated.

Sometimes Susu will also feel very wronged. It's right that Cen Biqing is good-looking, but she is too beautiful... Beauty is a disaster! It's not her ideal husband at all! Her ideal man... should be more ordinary and don't always provoke butterflies! She should be a little older than her, so that she can tolerate her bad temper! Personality? You should stay at home and go to the kitchen! Mana, it should be higher, so that she can clean up the mess for her...

Speaking of such a person, in fact, the best candidate should be her monster father.

But... he has been dead for many years.

I can't wait for it!

Except for the last point that meets the requirements, all other points are unqualified! Especially the first point, it completely exceeds the standard! She is actually very reluctant to follow him now~

Aggrieved, but she will definitely not go back on the decision she made. Now that it has been confirmed, there is no reason to repent except for natural and man-made disasters. I'm afraid that this stubborn personality can't be changed in my life.

If verbal flirting doesn't work, Su Su Su said she was very distressed.

I don't think there will be any good way... So as soon as I closed my eyes, I took off my coat directly, put on my clothes and trousers, and climbed to Cen Biqing's ** to wait for him.

Un helplessly, it was too early for her to climb into bed, and Cen Biqing never came back. She waited, and the shy feeling disappeared. She only felt that the bed was soft and comfortable, so she couldn't stand to fall asleep again...

When I finally woke up, it was already bright. She lay in Cen Biqing's arms and slept upside down. It seems impure, but in fact it is very pure.

Su Su ran away in tears again.

In the third round, Susu lost again.

The time of vegetarian selection is a little inappropriate. Although Leifeng Tower was cast a spell by Cen Biqing, it kept spring all year round. However, this also can't resist the nature of snakes. It's already the cold winter outside, and Susu instinctively wants to hibernate.

In the past, you should hibernate when you hibernate, and there is nothing to hesitate about.

But this year, she is a little reluctant to think that she will have to sleep for several months and wake up next spring.

Today's event, today's end.

She really doesn't want to put it off any longer. Probably only when she really takes that step can she be completely relieved.

The stupid snake demon can't afford to be hurt!

When the time was pressed, Su Su was forced to bite someone and jump off the wall. Finally, she used a killer mace and picked the opportunity to sneak into her room half an hour before Cen Biqing went to bed. This time, she was cruel and cleaned herself... Even if she accidentally fell asleep, he would be able to understand what he meant, right? After all, she has done it so blatantly! No... it's exposed! If he doesn't react anymore... she, she... She doesn't know what to do?

Forget it. Such a kind girl will never dislike him because he can't do it. At worst, let's abstinence with him~

Susu's consideration is not unreasonable, because she soon became drowsy.

She pinched herself and tried her best to support her. But it still can't stop this tide-like sleepiness... Hibernation is the king! Against the sky, people will die!

When Cen Biqing came back, Susu had already warmed the bed. With a nod coolness on his clothes, he quickly pulled Susu's mind back a point or two.

"I'm back..." Su Su narrowed her eyes, half asleep and half awake, and her tone was so lazy that she didn't even know whether it was a dream or reality. Did Cen Biqing hear what she said?

"Hmm." Cen Biqing nodded and stood at the head of the bed to undress.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time... You've been sleeping a little late recently..." Susu yawned and said in a daze.

The hand holding the belt paused. When she came back and looked at the past, the woman had already sob and fell asleep in chaos.

Cen Biqing stroked her forehead helplessly, took off her shirt and hung it on the hanger in front of the bed, lifted the quilt and got in. Almost at that moment, he sensed something was wrong.

She is actually... naked.

It's not that he hasn't seen her behavior during this period. But this is the first time to be so bold.

He smiled bitterly. She didn't really think he could sit still, would she? The woman he liked lay in his arms and fell asleep peacefully at night, but he couldn't move. It was already a kind of torture. Now, she doesn't know that the consequences are getting worse... Cen Biqing's eyes are getting deeper and deeper.

He has to remind her that she has gone too far.

Susu is awakened by live heat.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and the black waterfall was in her eyes. She reached out and grabbed it in a daze and saw the soft brocade-like black waterfall sliding through her fingertips... It's green silk.

She suddenly woke up a little, and the clear sense of weight that did not belong to her immediately spread into her nerves. She rubbed her eyes and grabbed a wisp of Cen Biqing's hair. "Xiaoqing... What are you doing... It's over me..." She muttered, "Heavy..."

"Well... this is an inevitable process." Cen Biqing answered her vaguely, with a lazy voice with a little indescribable ambiguity.

Su Su said a long "Oh...", still not so awake, and continued to sleep with his head sideways.

A tingling came from her neck, which completely pulled her back from her dream. Cen Biqing...pain..." Her complaint was not well vented. Cen Biqing had bent down and accurately grabbed her lips.

Turning and going deep...

Well... Susu naturally wrapped around his neck and kissed him deeply. Cen Biqing felt her initiative, and her eyes became deeper and deeper.

After a kiss, Susu asked him breathlessly, "Why don't you... touch me?"

Cen Biqing's lips were still lingling on her chest and replied vaguely, "It's not touched..."

"No..." Susu was a little out of breath, but she still insisted on finishing her words. I mean the original..."

Cen Biqing was silent for a moment, "It's not time..."

Susu didn't give up, "When... is it time now?"

"I haven't arrived...but...I can't wait..."

n hours later...

"Xiaoqing... Xiaoqing... stop... stop..." She couldn't help gasping and calling him intermittently, pushing his shoulders with both hands weakly.

"Stop... I'm in pain... It hurts..." The moan became more and more broken.

No one paid attention to her.

Cen Biqing didn't raise her head and buried her head in her chest, thinking about it...

Susu, who was ignored again, became angry!

"Stop! ...Stop it! Stop it! I'm in pain, pain, pain, pain... Ah!" Is she a snake demon or not? How can it hurt so much?! Shenma enjoys it? What an ecstasy? ...Go to the devil! Now she is so painful that she breaks her intestines and is about to break!

"Sosu...Don't move...I also hurt..."

She really stopped moving... After taking a deep breath, the volcano suddenly erupted and struggled more and more fiercely with her teeth and claws.

I love your sister! If it hurts, you still move the wool!!

Cen Biqing took a breath of cold air and pressed her shoulder hard to suppress her resistance by force. Both of them were out of breath. A drop of crystal sweat on his forehead slipped down his cheek and fell on her lips. Susu was already thirsty and panicked between struggles, and subconsciously put out her tongue and licked it...

He stared at this scene, his eyes darken, and he couldn't help leaning down and kissing her. He tossed and kissing her until she could no longer breathe and rolled her eyes.

just let go of her, and she didn't even have time to take a breath. "Ziliu" turned into her original shape and slid out. Don't do it anymore... It hurts so much!"

He grabbed her tail, his tone was as bad as his face, and said in a low voice, "Sui, don't make trouble." This is the first time he has spoken to her in such a serious tone, but for such a thing! I'm convex...

"su su, come back." Cen Biqing's face became darker and darker.

It's not that she is ignorant and incomprehensible... It's really that the hardware facilities can't keep up! She pulled her fingers and cried weakly and begged, "Xiaoqing, can you not do it? It really hurts! It hurts me so much!"

"What do you think..."

She simply played a scoundrel, "Don't do it, don't do it... If you don't do it, don't do it! It's not you that hurts! Haven't you practiced it, and your skills are too bad! How can it hurt so much!"

silence...silence again...incompared silence...

"You really haven't practiced, have you?" Susu didn't feel anything about adding fuel to the fire. Aren't you a snake demon? Do you want to be so chaste~"

Continue to be silent...

Only then did Susu realize that she was aware of the abnormality of stagnation, and her mind was not good, and she was about to open her mouth to remedy it.

Cen Biqing had a black face and raised her eyebrows and said, "Susu, do you want me to marry you in the shape of a snake?"

No, no, no...

"...I'll change back."

After the water came to fruition, Susu was completely at ease and finally did not resist hibernation at all. She won't admit that she went straight to see Mr. Zhou as she was doing it!

Cen Biqing looked at a monster who couldn't wake up and sighed... It's really not the right time... Now, he eats into the marrow, but she sleeps by herself...

He hugged the sleeping banshee tightly, but in fact... She was really born to toss him...

But he is so happy.