Where to subvert the white snake

Extra aged children

Extra child

Xi Liao once said that he was worthy to be the real god in the world, ruthless and affectionate. Even if there is a root of affection, it is just a useless decoration.

The beautiful teenager once stood in front of him and said to him, "I have nothing to lose to you except identity."

The next sentence he said was. But those so-called identities are just useless to me. Even if it's God, in my eyes, it's nothing more than a pile of flying ash.

He said, "What I want will naturally get it with my own hands. I don't want to give it. No one can take it away... including you."

He is very arrogant, not just young and vigorous. The silence in his eyes does not belong to a teenager.

Although he is a teenager.

He always knows what he wants.

But he didn't do it... At least at that time, he didn't do it.

He just smiled at that time and didn't know that after thousands of years, he finally fulfilled what he said.

When he first saw her, she was hidden in the white jade, very clever, and obviously she was used to doing this kind of thing. He still found her... Later, she always thought he was so powerful that he could smell even a little smell.

He laughed but did not answer her.

Bai Mei has a lot of words, and everything can't be hidden. Finally, I couldn't help asking him. That's just a little demon. Why should the god be so polite to her? It's better for her to kill her directly.

He didn't say anything, but there was some displeasure in his condensed expression.

White eyebrows naturally felt it and closed their mouths and dared not speak.

But he still heard his timid whisper. The god is so gentle... that those little monsters rushed up one after another.

Too gentle? He is smiling, isn't he?

He has never told her that he found her because of her taste... The reason why he gave her preferential treatment was also because of her taste.

The snake is white and intersects with him. Although he is now both sitting, he should be kind to their descendants. Looking at her ignorant appearance now, it is clear that she has been sealed with spiritual knowledge and hides most of the smell, but the white scales of this body...

Looking up, the only person between heaven and earth who has this ability and courage and acts so badly is not Xinjun, who governs the fate of all things in the world.

There is nothing special in the world, and no one should be treated preferentially... And these are just because of coincidence.


Her boldness still surprised him. Originally, she thought it was just nonsense. After all, she was still young and grew up in the snake clan. She didn't understand this love affair, and it was just a casual word to get married. He thought that after waiting for a long time, she lost interest and naturally forgot. However, he underestimated her after all...

He is self-retained.

But this entanglement has been too long, and gradually, even he himself is a little confused.


Xilo still hasn't given up, but has become a little worse. She likes him, and he knows... but he just knows.

He never wanted to respond.

After the blue bird came to invite him again, Bai Mei finally couldn't help talking about the past tens of thousands of years of busy rejecting guests and even slacking practice. For a moment, she said quickly: "I think the Queen Mother of the West has been endlessly tossed the god for tens of thousands of years since she became a god. If it goes on like this, I don't know when it will end... That little Isn't the monster pestering the god? God, you are not tired of her, or you can take her by your side to block the attack of the Queen Mother of the West. What's more, you have been alone for millions of years, and it's time to find someone to accompany you..."

His heart moved and calmed down again. Don't say these nonsense again."

But it's hard to calm down after that...

When she was entangled again, his mind was full of white eyebrows, and he said, "Three days later, you come to Jize to wait for me, and I'll give you an explanation."

I regret it when I said it.

But when I saw her cheerful expression, even the trace of regret faded away.

He thought that Bai Mei was really right.

He is not tired of her and has enough ability to protect her... Maybe that's not a bad thing. What's more, she is still the daughter of Tengshe, and he has fulfilled his duty to take care of her.


However, Xilu came to the mountain in person on the third day and made a bet with him... exchange a bet with a kindness - the appointment of the tenth generation.

He is reincarnated in the world for ten generations. If he falls in love with a woman for a lifetime, it is counted as his loss... The bet is his love root.

"This is not fair." His tone is still indifferent.

"You just need to tell me whether you agree or not?"

He said, "I promise."

Xilu's eyes flashed with fierceness. He saw it clearly, but he didn't want to go deeper. Gu Tong, are you so cruel that you can't wait to clean up with me? "Ji Tong, you don't have a heart!"


If he wants to enter reincarnation, he can no longer see her... Xirou has always been ruthless and will not delay for a moment.

She must be waiting foolishly by Jize now.

He smiled and was a little bitter. It should take a while to go, and when we meet again, it will be thousands of years.

He thought that he was still selfish after all.

He condensed his spiritual power, summoned Guixi, integrated it into the paper crane, and let it go to find her.

Guixi was the one who promised her earlier. When she looked at Guixi at that time, her eyes were extremely bright. He thought that with his protection, it would be useless to have a home. But now that he is no longer here, he can only stay to protect her.

The paper crane carries his sentence. Thousands of years later, if your heart hasn't changed, I will marry you.


In the tenth generation, he was Xu Xian and fell in love with a woman named Bai Suzhen.

This like is very light, and sometimes he can't even distinguish himself.

Do you like it? Or is it just not boring?

But when he saw her with the teenager, his intimate attitude... What was the intimacy in his heart?


He lost and lost his love roots.

"Ji Tong, the loser has always been me." Xi Liao smiled and stared at his love roots, which was a little crazy. You have never been affectionate, but I thought you had a heart. You obviously don't care about anyone in this world. What you love has always been yourself.

She satirized him. Giko, no one is more suitable to be a god than you... Go ahead and be your superior god. I won't stop you again... It's just that I can't get it, and no one can get it! I'm not happy, and I want you to feel worse than me!"

He paused and left the temple without hesitation... He was a god.

He is a born god, how can he understand these loves and hates?


Perhaps this ten-life reincarnation has indeed been done for a long time.

Later, he saw her again, but it was a farewell.

In the end, there was a little ling in his heart.

"Susu," he stopped her before leaving. If someone asks you to wait for him for a thousand years, are you willing to wait?

She said "ah" and said seriously, "What kind of person do you think?"

"What if... the person you like?"

She smiled, "That will naturally wait. Anyway, a thousand years is not so great for monsters. Of course, they can still wait.

"Is that so..." His eyes darken.

Then why didn't you wait for the thousand years he asked for?

Is it because there are already people waiting?


She left.

He picked up Guixi... but felt something strange between his tentacles. He was shocked and led to a spiritual curse to find out... There was only a wry smile on his face.

Xi Luo is right. If she is unhappy, he will definitely feel worse than her.

The sentence entrusted by his paper crane in those years... was damaged when he broke the boundary.

I don't think I heard it...


He quickly caught up and stopped at the mountain gate.

What's the point of doing these things now? She has made her own decision, and he will continue to follow his preset path... If the red line in his life is broken, there will be no possibility of connecting.

After all, the past has become the past.