Teaching the alien world

8-Mad Samurai's Creed

Chapter 8 - The Creed of the Crazy Samurai

"Good luck." Seeing Andre rushing over, Mo Fan sneered and raised his right fist to him.

The two sides collided with fists and made a loud bang, which caused the two sides to retreat three steps, which stabilized their bodies.

As the attacker, Andre is a warrior with a standard three-level and one-star samurai cultivation, and he is also the most difficult to cultivate. He is known as a power-type mad warrior who cultivates a single steel body and uses violent violence to destroy the enemy. Every time he waved the power contained in his iron fist, at least he had to be thousands of pounds.

However, after meeting Mo Fan, Andre, who withdrew three steps away, only felt that the tiger's mouth was numb, and the iron fist that hit Mo Fan's fist could no longer be clenched. What does this situation mean?

This situation can only show that the naked guy standing in front of him should also be the kind of person who cultivates the crazy warrior. Even if he is not a hidden master, he should at least be almost as little as his own cultivation, reaching the standard third-level one-star mad warrior cultivation.

After coming to this conclusion, Andre, who has practiced for many years but has never met a similar warrior, was so excited and couldn't help clapping his hands and shouting, "It's so happy! It's really rare! It's rare to meet a mad warrior with the same cultivation as me! Haha..."

"What a wool! You're so happy. I'm dying of pain." Mo Fan shook his arm hard and looked at it with a broken expression. His only five fingers of his left hand began to tremble after the impact and could not close it. There was a faint feeling of broken bones.

Previously, Mo Fan, who had won the white robe sacrifice, Lawrence, a knight with the cultivation of the second-order swordsman, and the gay Aless, had never found his drawbacks, but when he met Andre with an iron armored body, the drawbacks suddenly became prominent.

After all, Mo Fan's possessed body after crossing is not the body of both internal and external cultivation in his previous life, and it doesn't matter to deal with ordinary people, but for a third-order master of a crazy warrior like Andre, the defect is not one or two.

"Nima! Whose body is so bad? As soon as TM encountered a hard stubble, TM went on strike and let's see how I clean up when I turn back.

looked at the thin arm with great dissatisfaction and sighed that Mo Fan, who was unlucky, found the defect, even if he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Mo Fan, who gradually calmed down, held his left hand with difficulty and looked at the 'brown bear' Andre, who looked unharmed with a wary face. It seemed that he was still very excited and laughed up to the sky. I was thinking about what I should do to defeat this rough-skinned freak.

"A move for me again." While Mo Fan was looking for a countermeasure, the excited Andre waved his iron fist again and rushed to him non-stop.

Seeing that Andre rushed to himself like a brown bear, Mo Fan, who had suffered a loss once, knew that it was impossible to fight hard, so he stopped fighting hard and decisively chose to avoid it.

With the close skills of Bajiquan, Mo Fan, who was waiting for the opportunity to go, seized the opportunity, instantly dislocation, elegantly avoided Andre's iron fist, and took the opportunity to stop on his back.

"Where is this guy?" Andrea, who rushed straight over, suddenly found doubtfully that Mo Fan, who was still in front of him just now, disappeared from his eyes in an instant.

"It's not good." At the moment when Andrea suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from his surprise, he felt bad. At the moment he tried to turn around, Mo Fan, who avoided the iron fists and stood firmly, seized the opportunity, hit the soft ribs between his waist and hammered him with a fierce elbow.

Mo Fan's waved right elbow hit Andre's soft ribs fiercely and burst out a dull sound. The hit guy flew backwards in an instant and dragged out a long watermark on the bluestone board full of sewage.

But it's not over yet. Mo Fan, who knew that taking advantage of his deficiency and killed him, decisively seized the opportunity to beat the falling dog. Before Andre, who was seriously injured, got up from the bluestone, Mo Fan, who followed him, attacked him again.

I saw a beautiful series of kicks on Mo Fan's feet. As soon as he got up from the bluestone, Andrea, who had not yet left the ground, was kicked up by him again.

At this time, the mutant suddenly appeared. The moment Andrea, who was hit in the chest by Mo Fan's whip leg, rose in the air. Suddenly, he had an idea and grabbed the left leg that grabbed Mo Fan's attack and did not let go. At the same time, he twisted his body in mid-air and waved his feet and kicked Mo Fan's lower pussy.

As soon as he saw the direction of Andre's leg attack, Mo Fan couldn't help sweating. I wipe it! This boy is too shameless! Unexpectedly, he dared to learn Laozi's tricks and deal with Laozi in turn. It's okay if he gets it. No, I have to go back anyway.

In a panic, all Mo Fan could think of was to make evasive movements, so he quickly raised his right leg supporting the ground to maintain balance and faced Andrea's feet, and the target also pointed straight to the root of his thigh.

However, due to the sharp reaction of both sides, the legs and feet kicked in the air were entangled together, and no one succeeded in hitting anyone's life.

On the contrary, due to the loss of the support of their legs and feet, the two people who were entangled in mid-air fell from the air to the bluestone road full of sewage together, and began to punch you, and my scoundrels fought with each other...

In the hazy sky, the light rain is still falling. Mo Fan and Andre, who fought in the rain, are of equal strength, and neither of them is convinced of them, and no one wants to really die, so they just compete for force and try to compete for each other, and neither of them can defeat them for a while. So the battle continues...

In a blink of an eye, half a day passed, and Andre and Mo Fan still fought fiercely in the rain. However, due to the excessive physical exertion of both sides, they are already wheezing. If it hadn't been for the strong belief that they wanted to win, the two sides would have stopped and reconciled long ago.

Because after half a day of fighting, the more fierce Mo Fan and Andre fought, the more they felt sorry for each other. After all, the two have no real deep hatred, just want to compete in cultivation!

For half a day, Andre and Mo Fan first rolled on the bluestone board, like a muddy fight. Then he stood up and used the warriors to see the formal confrontation. When it comes to the way of fighting on the street, you punch me and I'll give you back. As a result, no one could beat anyone except that the two were blue-faced and panted.

"Ky. I said, do you have to fight with me? Mo Fan gasped heavily and pointed to the equally tired Andrea and said, "Is winning or losing really that important to you?"

"As a mad warrior, there is no such word failure in my life creed." Andrea, who had never touched such a difficult opponent and fought very cheerfully, said seriously, "Why are you afraid?"

"Cut, I'm afraid you're a grandson." Mo Fan, who sniffed and took a deep breath, staggered two steps and took the initiative to attack Andre.

Although the third-order mad warrior trained Andre with copper and iron bones, and the steel armor iron fist full of tyranny, these two points are much better than Mofan's current physical quality. But after all, Andre is not a god, and he still has shortcomings.

After half a day of struggle, Mo Fan also vaguely found Andrea's Achilles' heel, so he chose to attack in order to win with one blow.

Mo Fan, who took the initiative to attack, once again avoided Andre's iron fist and used a momentary step behind him again, and then made a fake action with his right hand. ** While Andre made a evasive action, his left hand decisively launched a hammer and waved fiercely towards his cervical tailbone. Because this place has always been a key guarding place by Andre intentionally or unintentionally.

Andre was indeed deceived by Mo Fan's fake action and succeeded in offside by Mo Fan. When he felt the wind behind his brain, his physical strength was overexhausted, and Andrea, who had no time to avoid it, knew that the general trend had gone, simply closed his eyes and waited for death, and no longer struggled.

Because Andre, a mad warrior, knows very well that once the cervical tailbone is violently hit by the enemy, there is no doubt that he will die. There is no second possibility, which is the most deadly and only fatal weakness of the mad warrior.

But Andrea, who closed his eyes and waited for death for a long time, did not see Mo Fan's fist fall. At this time, Andre was surprised. What on earth did this guy who finally seized the opportunity want to do? Doesn't he know that this is his only chance to win?

Andre, who slowly opened his eyes, turned his head puzzledly, but found that Mo Fan had closed his fist and stood behind him and looked at himself with a smile.

When Andrea, who frowned when he saw Mo Fan stop, said doubtfully, "You can obviously win, why didn't you do it just now?"

"What's the big deal? Why don't I fight?" Mo Fan, with a smile on his face, shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

"The mad warrior doesn't need anyone's mercy. You are trampling on the dignity of my 'brown bear'." After listening to Mo Fan's indifferent words, Andre, who looked very unhappy, closed his eyes and said stubbornly, "So please do it and give me a glorious way to die."

"Why do you have such an axis?" Seeing that Andre closed his eyes and didn't say a word and begged for death seriously, Mo Fan felt very painful.

Why are people in this world all freaks? Andre is simply two brothers carved into the same mold as the knight Lawrence who was fooled by the church. It's better to die than to live. Don't they understand such a simple truth?

When Mo Fan grabbed his head and didn't know how to persuade Andre, he suddenly smelled an intoxicating fragrance in his nose.

"What strange smell is this? How can it make people feel intoxicated that they don't want to wake up?" Driven by the fragrance, Mo Fan, who sniffled, raised his head doubtfully and looked along the fragrance. Suddenly, he found a woman dressed in a luxurious black veil, exuding the noble atmosphere of the queen all over her body, looking at herself with a smile.

"Who is she? Is it the legendary goddess? After seeing the woman, Mo Fan, who was shrouded in the seductive fragrance, couldn't help frowning and shaking his head hard, trying to stay awake.