Teaching the alien world

34-Fighty · Death

Chapter 34 - Fierce Battle • Death?

Seeing that the knights surrounding Mo Fan refused to move, Abraham, who looked impatient, couldn't help looking back and roared at a group of stunned knights: "What are you still doing? Are you waiting for me to do it yourself?"

The black bishop spoke, and the knights surrounding Mo Fan naturally could not be consumed any longer. After looking at each other, they hurriedly waved the broad sword in his hand and rushed to Mo Fan, with a mass of fighting to death the master. Who let Mo Fan easily kill the powerful white robe sacrificial group with the help of one person!

In all directions, the cold shining sword came on his face. Mo Fan said he was not afraid that it was fake. As the saying goes, 'two fists are hard to beat four hands', not to mention these powerful guys with swords in front of them are no longer street stalls. They are all real church knights with real third-order cultivation! And there are more than 50! These people alone can crush Mo Fan to death.

In the face of the knights with swords, Mo Fan knew that he could not weaken his momentum. Although he was frightened, he was still expressionless, dragged his trembling legs, and stood in place slightly staggered in eight-step. While secretly brewing the outbreak, a pair of big black eyes stared at the rushing enemy vigilantly, looking for Find any chance to fight back.

Soon, Mo Fan found a chance to fight back. While holding the third-order agile peak cultivation and the unopened agile knight Franku shouted, he also bravely waved the slender knight sword in his hand and rushed to him first.

"Knight Sprint!" Just as Fratu was about to wave the sharp knight's sword in his hand and prepare to stab Mo Fan's heart and kill him immediately. Mo Fan, who was originally like a stupid chicken, suddenly moved and miraculously avoided the past with lightning speed.

How is it possible? Is it faster than me?" After Flantu's sprint failed, the knight's heart was chilled. Because Mo Fan's speed just avoided was really too fast, the almost invisible remnants beyond the speed of sound completely surpassed him, an agile knight known for his speed.

"Break the armor! Go to hell for me!" However, the agile knight Frando did not give up. The ferocious-faced guy suppressed his fear and quickly launched the 'break armor' skill, ready to wave the knight's sword in his hand again, trying to give Mo Fan a sword backhand. At this time, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

"Go to hell!" After bending over to avoid the oncoming broad sword blade, seeing that the enemy opposite was still involuntarily attacking again, Mo Fan sneered and rushed to the knight with an arrow step and took the initiative to launch his own counterattack.

"It's so fast!" The cool agile knight looked down in disbelief, and then he was horrified to find that a big hole in his heart had broken out of thinness, and a white and thin arm stained with bright red blood was inserted straight into his chest.

"No..." The sad cry of the agile knight soon ended. Under Mo Fan's strong blow, the guy with crushed heart could only collapse to the ground unwillingly. The dead fish eyes still stayed on Mo Fan's right hand, which was stained with blood and red minced meat.

"Frantu..." Seeing the agile knight Frantu, who is famous for his speed, died within one time, which made the knights who wanted to kill Mo Fan stop timidly. A pair of eyes with panic, hatred and questioning focused on Mo Fan, but they did not dare to rush up again.

"This is power! Hahaha..." After a blow to defeat the enemy, Mo Fan's eyes were red, which was stimulated by the smell of blood and was extremely excited. What is power? Doming the life and death of others is the supreme power. Mo Fan, who has been suppressed and chased by the church, has done it now. How can he not be excited?

"Brother is also a salted fish turned over today! Go to hell, knights, bishops and so on! Haha..." Mo Fan, who looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, had a ferocious face and surrounded the church knights who stopped their feet with cold eyes. He said stiffly like death, "If there are still those who are not afraid of death, please come here! I will kill pigs today.

"I fought with you." After witnessing the tragic death of France's heart burst with the team, Bill Sacco, who came with the team, could no longer resist the anger in his heart, like an uncontrollable hound, rushing to Mo Fan with a bloody mouth.

No matter how strong the dog is, it is still just a dog after all. Although Fabu Bilsaco has added countless states to himself, his first-order cultivation has always been his fatal weakness.

Even if Mofan is not transformed by his soul, Bill Sarko, as a first-order monk, is no match for him. What's more, after Jon's transformation, Mo Fan now has the cultivation of a junior necromancer, coupled with his unique acquired martial arts level, Reintes quasi-third-order Bajiquan. So Bill Sakko can't defeat Mofan anyway. The only end of what he is doing now is to die as fast as he can.

"Hmm, I don't know what to live or die. Just because you are a defeated general, you also want to fight with the master. Mo Fan coldly looked at Bill Saco, who sacrificed his life, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his stiff body flashed away from the knights again. In an instant, he returned to the same place, but at this time, another person came out of his hand. And this person is none other than Bill Saco, who has just rushed to Mofan.

"Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you." With a little force on Mofan's right hand, Bill Sarko, who was stuck in his neck and raised out of thin air, suddenly couldn't breathe.

As Mo Fan's power increased, his face was red and purple, and his neck was almost broken. The "kaka" guy began to ooze blood from his mouth and nose, and soon he was dying. But even so, his dark blue eyes with hatred still stared at Mo Fan, and the arm holding the broad sword struggled to cut Mo Fan weakly.

"Let go, you damn demon, let go of Bill Sak." The church knights beside them were aroused by what Mo Fan had done now. Despite their fear, they rushed to Mo Fan without fear, trying to save Bill Sach, who was hugged by 'Death'.

As a third-order church knight, he naturally has a fatal trick to hurt 800 enemies, so as to deal with more difficult and lethal enemies. The church knights, who were killed twice by Mo Fan and were already furious, also used their unique moves at the moment of the charge.

"My god Belensack is on top, please give me the power of God... Holy Light Cut..."

"My god Belensack is on top, please give me the power of God... Holy Light Shield..."

"My god Berensack is above, please give me the power of God... Ten times the gravity of the Holy Light..."


With the singing of the church knights like the battle of trapped beasts and the wonderful running position, the knights who obtained the power of God's took up their weapons in their hands after forming a six-pointed array...

The broad sword with both hands, the knight stabbed the sword, and roared, shining with the shadow of the ghost blue flame like a rainbow, tyrannically rushed to Mofan, who was in the center of the encirclement and was holding Bill Sach's neck, with an endless entanglement momentum.

In the face of the enemy's powerful killing moves, Mo Fan, who was in the center of the siege, couldn't help frowning, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart. Those weapons that emit blue flames and the blue transparent shields that wrap themselves loomily emit a powerful aura that only the strongest cultivation can have.

"Nima! These scum will not be stuck to advance at this time! I don't believe it." Puzzled, a hundred unbelieving Mo Fan tried to move his body. At this time, he found that he felt a little powerless just by doing this simple action.

It seems that there is always an invisible big hand, which firmly binds Mo Fan's body, and even a simple movement cannot be performed smoothly. Of course, Mo Fan will never know that he has now been besieged by the six-pointed star array composed of secret methods by these church knights.

"Nima! What's going on?" Mofan tried his best to throw away the half-dead Bill Sarko, and then waved his arms, moved his footsteps, and made funny mechanical movements one after another.

Seeing that Mo Fan, who was in the center of the siege, moved smoothly like a puppet, a group of knights knew that the six-point array had worked. As the saying goes, the knights who seized the opportunity to beat the dog who fell into the water decisively rushed into the six-pointed star array, waved the weapons in their hands, and stabbed Mo Fan with knives and swords.

The church knights who waved their swords in their hands gritted their teeth and couldn't wait to swallow Mo Fan's ferocious appearance, as if they were saying that the guy they attacked was a heinous crime, ranging from hundreds of years old women to three or two years old girls, and even an old sow. Unforgivable and taste corrupt and lowly, ten heinous animals are not as good as the 'heresy' old ** | stick.

Soon the purpose of the church knights was achieved. Mo Fan, the 'heresy' trapped in the six-pointed star array, was quickly torn apart and headed under their so-called 'justice' ruthless sword. Even some small bodies that were cut were chopped into meat sauce by some self-contained 'justice' guys. . It seems that only by doing this can they really relieve their hatred.

After chop Mofan into meat sauce, a blood-stained and godless church knight slowly walked to Abraham, beat his chest with his right hand and said in a low voice, "Lord Black, the heresy has been executed, ask for instructions!"

Looking at the bloody meat sauce all over the ground, Mo Fan, who seemed to be dead and could not die, Abraham, who looked on coldly and pinched his white beard, couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't believe that this guy who killed the whole white robe sacrificial group alone and had just been extremely arrogant would be so easily rotated by a group of knights who have just entered the third-order cultivation, and died so ugly.