Teaching the alien world

54-the amorous feelings of that shot · the shock of that knife

54 - the style of that gun • the shock of that knife

When Mo Fan manipulated the Sky II mecha to launch such a powerful shot, it was not only the magician Duke who was deeply shocked, but also those practitioners who wanted to take advantage of the fire to rush into the mecha battlefield were scared by this wonderful shot.

"Nima! I just want to join in the fun! People don't play like this!" This is the true portrayal of the practitioners who were deeply frightened by the hot shot. If they had known that joining the fun would have turned into a life-threatening adventure, they would not have been blinded by lard and foolishly rushed into this killing battlefield full of steel puppets.

It's just a pity that there is obviously no regret selling medicine in the world of Rhinester, so these practitioners who risk their lives and pick up leaks are doomed to be 'cups'. It's not good for them to learn from one, but they have to learn from Duke's 'unlucky' magician!

Seeing that Duke obediently threw out the ring in his hand, Mo Fan quickly pressed a dark green button on the console, opened the mecha abdomen door, and turned back to Eusis, who was stunned behind him, issued an order: "Now you go down and tie up that guy. Remember to put away his space ring first!"

"Yes!" Although the little goin Usis didn't know what Mo Fan was thinking, he still carried out the order very obediently. Because in his hot heart, such a soul imprint has long been deeply engraved by the goblin king Bunker.

As the 'her own disciple' of the god of war Alvis, Lord Mofan, who is responsible for leading the goblin family to the strong again, is omnipotent and invincible. The only thing the goblin family needs to do is to obey and rise in the ** war of blood and fire together.

After taking out the rope made of very tough bull tendons from the space ring, Yousis did not stop for half a step, decisively jumped down from the open mecha warehouse door and rushed straight to Duke with a frightened face. Just when the trembling magician frowned, the little gobler who had picked up the space ring and rushed over quickly attacked him rudely.

"Ren go of me, I have thrown away the space ring. What else are you going to do to me?" As soon as the little goin rushed in front of him was ready to tie himself up, Duke screamed and wanted to resist. But when he saw the god-like 'magic puppet' waving his arms again, and the fiery determination to resist in the heart of the guy who had been blinded by the 24 krypton dog's eyes, he was immediately drenched in the cold rain, and even if he was drenched with gasoline, there was no longer a flame.

"Bastard! Why don't you be honest and look for death!" Duke's previous non-cooperation obviously angered the little ghost Yusis. He stretched out the emerald claws that only the goblin family would have, tied up the left three layers and the right three layers, like a rice dumplings, and kicked him fiercely.

"Don't look at your own virtues. Wait here obediently, otherwise you will have a good-looking one. It was not until he was sure that Duke would not escape that the little goblin Yusis, who was still scolding, let him go, turned his head and waved to Mo Fan in the mecha, and said with a slight smile, "Lord Mo Fan, the task has been completed. Is there anything else I need to do now?"

"Very good! Now you immediately notify other partners by radio and ask them to put away all the armor that has lost their braking ability, and then prepare for battle. Although Mo Fan was anxious, he still said calmly, and then closed the mecha door.

"Yes!" Usis, dressed in dark green combat uniform, quickly spread Mofan's order through the radio on his shoulder.

Seeing the goblin climb out of the cab one after another, Mo Fan nodded with satisfaction, and then manipulated the mecha to recover the alloy blade on the left. With the steel palm, Duke, the magician tied into a zongzi, picked it up in the air, turned around and shouted at the practitioners who stopped on the periphery of the mecha battlefield: "I saw it. Is this guy in your hand?"

While Mo Fan said this, a strong 'cruel' smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and then waved the alloy blade on the right side of the mecha arm and cut it down decisively. Duke, the unlucky magician who ate the ambition leopard and tried to rob the goblin mecha, suddenly became like a watermelon cut. The sharp alloy blade was easily cut into two pieces.

"If anyone else wants to take advantage of the fire, just stand up and have a try! I promise to make you hundreds of times more miserable than this deadly guy. Hahaha..."

Mo Fan's deliberately disguised ferocious laughter suddenly resounded between heaven and earth through the addition of the loudspeaker device inside the mecha, rendering this land that had just returned to tranquility into a dead loneliness.

Those practitioners who were attracted by Mo Fan only felt the sharp knife light in front of them, and then the red blood gushed out of the cut wound like a fountain, and the lower half of the body sprayed with scarlet blood fell from the sky. The sharp-eyed guy could even see the squirming heart in it. , the gray and black curved intestines also fell down.

Of course, this is not over. The root cause that really makes the dozens of practitioners feel frightened and extremely frightened, and even dare not even take a breath. It was because they saw that the upper half of the broken body, which was cruelly divided into two pieces by the alloy blade, was still twitching. Obviously, the unlucky man who was pinched in his hand by the 'steel puppet' was still alive, which can be seen from the twisted to extreme ferocious face. It's just that they are very sure that this guy who was cut off his waist must not be alive now.

"Wow..." After seeing such a cruel scene, some timid practitioners suddenly vomited uncontrollably. Even those practitioners who had experienced hundreds of battles couldn't help but feel numb in their scalp, because it was really cruel, but more people still saw Mo Fan's 'real' intention.

It's not enough to kill, but the manipulator of the steel puppet in front of him has to use this extreme method to kill an enemy who has been caught. Judging from this inhumane method that completely deviate from the bottom line of human morality, this manipulator is definitely a bloodthirsty madman, and it is also a super change of moral degradation. But these so-called practitioners with 'human nature' did not expect that Mo Fan was completely forced to do so.

Because Mo Fan knows very well that if he doesn't do the extreme now, then when these swarming practitioners get close to the mecha, find the heel weakness of the Sky II mecha, and a swarm of killing machines into the space ring and take them away, then he But it's really not worth the loss.

So Mo Fan would rather become the variant that people say, and also want to erase the crisis from the very beginning. Because he doesn't want to see with his own eyes that those with ulterior motives use themselves to bring Rhinester technology to harm themselves and their friends.

If Mo Fan showed the long-range attack ability of Sky II mecha before, he just threatened this group of practitioners of unknown origin and made them dare not move. So his action to kill Duke now is to completely shock their fragile nerves and fail to achieve the ultimate goal of defeating people without fighting.

Fortunately, Mo Fan's ultimate goal has been achieved. It was because of his previous brutal actions that the practitioners who came in a hurry were deeply afraid and took the initiative to stop, and even flew away from this bloody mecha battlefield like hell.

The reason is very simple, because no one wants to fight with a bloodthirsty madman. And the most important thing is that this mutant madman is not only a person, but also has a very powerful 'mechanical puppet' to help fight. The addition of the two is not as simple as one plus one!

It is precisely because of the above reasons that these leak-picking practitioners retreat without fighting, and Mo Fan has also achieved his ultimate goal of subduing people without fighting, and temporarily ensuring the safety of the sky mecha.

The practitioners came as fast as the tide and went faster, and the huge mecha battlefield was empty in less than a few minutes. In addition to Duke's corpse, there are only hundreds of emerald skin, slender rabbit ears, blue-eyed black hair, dark green combat uniforms, small and exquisite gobys with radios on their shoulders, and a dozens of meters high, dark sky mecha still stands proudly. In the center of the battlefield.

Soon this group of small gobls with green skin and very diligent gobls completed the mecha recycling work, standing in front of Mo Fan's mecha with a neat team full of worship, as if they were being inspected by the leader, serious and serious.

"What are you doing?" Mo Fan looked at the little goblins in the two-person team with some surprise, and he was completely stunned, because he really couldn't figure out where the little goblins were singing.

"The thirteenth team of Jubao was born to protect you. Lord Mo Fan, please review it now." The high-emotional Bangshi battle roared, and the gobster brothers behind him raised their voices one after another and roared loudly with the loudest voice: "The thirteenth team of Chrysanthemum explosion welcomes Lord Mo Fan to review..."

"Good!" When Mo Fan looked at the neat team of hundreds of godins, with a serious and fanatic expression on his face, cheering and demanding to review the troops, his heart was unconsciously crossed by a warm current, and then nodded heavily.

It is really a great joy to have such a loyal little brother in life. At this moment, Mo Fan, who is calm-headed, can't help but be rendered by the fanatical atmosphere at the scene. As long as he can ensure the safety and inviolability of these cute little gobetters, he will not hesitate to fight against the world!

Of course, this was only for a moment. Mo Fan quickly regained consciousness and stood on the spot with a strange face. To be precise, he was impressed by the resounding name of Jubao Team 13. If nothing unexpected, this loud name must be a moth from Bunker's heavy-flavored goblin.

"I'll wipe it! Jubao Team 13, who gave you a name?

"The number of the thirteenth team of Jubao was personally nominated by our gobron King Bunker. The meaning is to explode all the enemies and let them submit to us forever and dedicate everything to us faithfully in front of our land sperm family. Bang Shizhan looked serious and affirmed Mo Fan's guess.

"Good! It means a lot!" While Mo Fan's face was praised unchanged, he was indeed thinking with hatred that when he saw the heavy-tasting guy Bunker, he must cut him to death and drag him out to feed the dog. Who made him so bold to name his escort without permission?