Teaching the alien world

61-encounter Lanxi again

61—Recon met Lanxi

When Mo Fan stepped out of the yard and entered the bustling front hall in two steps, he was surprised to find that there were really many people who came to participate in the opening ceremony of the goblin family!

Originally, it had nearly 1,000 square meters, and the decoration was relatively simple, and the front hall should be very spacious. At this time, it was very crowded because of the large number of people, at least thousands of people. And there are more people on the periphery, still desperately squeezing inward.

And the reason why these people who are eager to enter the hall show such enthusiasm is that some people even shamelessly abandon the reservedness of the nobles, do not hesitate to lower their status and rush to join the crowded crowd, frantically squeeze into the hall full of people, making noise. The ambush sounded.

But there is still a limit to the qualification to enter the hall, so even if these people are very enthusiastic, more people are still rejected. When the goblin soldiers stationed at the door of the hall manipulated the sky mecha and blocked the gate, the moment began to cry, shout, curse, and noisy noise came one after another, and it was endless.

"This group of things blinded by greed is really too ignorant. Humph..." Looking at the funny scene in front of him, Mo Fan couldn't help but habitually tilt the corners of his mouth, and inadvertently showed the evil smile that often appeared on his face. He couldn't help laughing in his heart, because he knew too well this blind and selfish mentality.

In the final analysis, the group of ignorant people who thought they had lowered their identities to join the crowd and crazily wanted to squeeze into the hall were not really to celebrate the opening of the Cross-era Communication Branch of Locke Kingdom. The reason why they do this is invariably because they want to share some benefits from it, that's all.

Even the so-called high aristocratic business envoys who have entered the hall, how many of them have sincerely come to wish the goblets! To put it unpleasantly, the reason why they came to see the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the wentble clan this time was for their own self-interest and to plunder more and greater benefits from the clan.

In the noisy noise, Mo Fan also noticed a strange phenomenon, that is, these major business envoys dressed in luxurious clothes who have been allowed to enter the hall, actually still have a clear distinction.

At this time, the hall was already full of people, and the business envoys who came to attend the tailoring ceremony of the gobly clan were also very crowded. That is, in this harsh situation where there is no more open space at all, they still choose to squeeze together. In the super crowded situation, they separated the whole crowded hall from three spacious and obvious gullies.

What is the typical manifestation of suffering for life? But Mo Fan doesn't think so. This situation can better explain the selfishness, hypocrisy... and other despicable characters hidden in human hearts, but they have just shown it now.

"Squeak..." The heavy iron door slowly closed from the inside and made a dull sound. The originally noisy hall also quieted down. A pair of hot eyes stared at the northwest corner of the hall and stood on the temporary rostrum made of steel. On the body.

"Cough..." The bustling crowd calmed down, and Bunker cleared his throat before he said, "It's a great honor for you to come..."

Bunker began his speech endlessly, but Mo Fan did not listen carefully and did not want to listen to it. Because he didn't come here to listen to this heavy-flavored spirit nonsense.

The reason why Mo Fan changed his appearance and came to the crowded hall was to find the ten spiritual magicians in this vast crowd and secretly find an opportunity to break them one by one.

Just when Bunker's endless speech came to the high tide, causing the crowd to applaud spontaneously, Mo Fan also began to shuttle in the crowded crowd, with a pair of sharp eyes like eagle eyes, scanning back and forth at every person he met.

Although Mo Fan has been almost the same as the white people in the Rhinester world after his change of appearance, his strange behavior in the crowd still attracted the attention of others and made them difficult to understand.

Because these self-proportioned 'noble' nobles really can't figure out how this rag-up guy who exudes a strange and rotten smell squeezed in. Did these despicable little dwarfs deliberately put him in to disgust themselves?

At the thought of this very possible possibility, the envoys of the 'noble' business group who entered the hall showed a disdainful ridicule.

Even when Mo Fan came to him, he covered his mouth and nose, looked at someone disdainfully with crooked eyes, and then removed his eyes one after another, or carefully avoided forward and backward, for fear of being stained by someone's eyes and staining his clothes.

Facing the contemptuous eyes of others, Mo Fan just smiled and continued to do his own thing as if no one was around. Soon he shuttled from the back of the crowd to the VIP area near the northwest corner of the rostrum.

Mo Fan's horizontal eyes swept over the three rows of VIP chairs made of fragrant wood, which looked gorgeous and noble, and then determined the specific positions of the ten spiritual magicians with at least quasi-third-level three-star cultivation.

Just as Mo Fan wrote down the facial features of dozens of spiritual magicians and turned around to leave, a female VIP sitting on the horizontal chair suddenly stood up and stared at his back. From her violent undulating chest, it could be seen that the female VIP who suddenly stood up was now very excited.

To be precise, Princess Lanxi Grant is very excited now. This is because the moment she suddenly looked up, she suddenly saw an unusually familiar back. And this familiar back is exactly left by Mo Fan, who turned around and wanted to leave.

Although more than three years have passed, Princess Lanxi has never mentioned it to anyone, and she doesn't know the name of the man who died to save his life at the gate of Locke Kingdom.

But the majestic back of the man who represents justice and is willing to sacrifice himself for himself and seems arrogant has been deeply buried in the heart of Princess Lanxi in the unexpected change three years ago and has not wavered for many years.

Even the young king Odrich, who is about to complete a big marriage with Princess Lanxi and lives in the depths of the Royal Palace of Locke Kingdom, has never truly touched her heart. Now she sees the unusually familiar* again, so how can it not make her excited?

After Princess Lanxi, who was taken away by Cruz, was rescued again, she also sent someone to look for the man's body, but the news to her was a lost result.

Although Princess Lanxi herself knows very well that the hope of surviving the severely damaged man at the beginning is very slim. But she hasn't given up for so many years, because she has always had an intuition in her heart that the man who died for herself did not die. So when she saw Mo Fan's unique back again, she looked so excited.

Princes Lanxi quickly calmed her excitement. After closing the waves of the big killers, she did not hesitate to stretch out her trembling white right hand, pointed to Mo Fan's thin but significant majestic back, and roared with an almost choking cry: "It's you!"

Unexpectedly, after Mo Fan heard this sentence, there was no touch at all, and he still walked slowly towards the door of the backyard. As soon as Lanxi stood up and saw someone doing this, he naturally chased after him rudely. After all, whether that man is dead or alive, she has to know at least some real rights, right?

"What's going on?" When Princess Lanxi's sharp and loud voice suddenly burst out, it immediately attracted the attention of others. For a moment, the idle guys in the front row began to talk about it. As for Bunker standing on the rostrum, he was even more at a loss, just staring at the back of a man and a woman chasing a farce over there.

"Isn't that Princess Lanxi? Why is she here?"

"Didn't you hear that she will marry King Odridge next month?"

"But why did she come to the Locke Kingdom earlier now?"

"What is she going to do now?"

"Has Princess Lanxi and the young king have..." Halfway through the words, a obscene little fat guy stopped smartly and looked at others with a look that everyone knew. It immediately resonated with everyone.

"Impossible, didn't you see Princess Lanxi chasing a stranger?" A sharp-eyed thin man pointed to Lanxi in the running and said the so-called true | phase that he maliciously guessed in his heart: "I think 80%..."

"A noble aristocrat, her performance is really shameful! It's too slutty. She doesn't deserve Aldridge at all. An indignant fat man roared. Obviously, he was very familiar with King Locke.

"Princess Lanxi is not ashamed, and I don't care whether to let go. I just want to know what is the identity of the man who can't even afford a good dress? A guy who was obviously wrong with the man who was talking just now sneered and said slowly in a sarcastic tone, "Doesodridge know about this? If he knew that he had been cheated by such a beggar-like boy, how would he feel? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Salanx shut your dog's mouth." The big fat man's face was pale: "If you still want to walk out of the Locke Kingdom alive, I advise you to be honest."

"Slanka, do you think I will be afraid of you? I'm just talking about things. But what happened today is really funny! Ha ha..." The young man known as Saranx smiled, shook his head and stopped talking, and even disdained to see the big fat man he called Slanka again.

"Good! Very good! Wait for me!" With that, Slanka turned around and took his guard and his wave of business envoys out of the VIP area and left, leaving only a group of stunned and confused guys to continue to chat.


At first, when the accident occurred, Bunker, who was standing on the rostrum doing a ** speech, was overwhelmed by this sudden **, but looked at Princess Lanxi, who followed Mo Fan's footsteps.

But when I saw that the distinguished guests in the front row were very interested in talking about some interesting and secret things in private, the heavy-flavored goin king was also interested and immediately stopped.

I saw Bunker staring at a pair of puzzled eyes and looking at the man who stepped out of the back door of the hall without any awareness and hurried towards the backyard.

It was not until then that Bunker suddenly found that this * walking towards the backyard seemed to be very familiar! But for a while, I can't figure out who this guy is.

However, the moment Bunker turned his head, he suddenly woke up and could run rampant on his own territory. He thought that he was the only god Mofan, who had been deliberately deified by himself. Only this guy has this right. If others wanted to go to the backyard of the goblin tribe, they would have been bombarded by the goblin warriors guarding the door.

Thinking of Mo Fan coming and leaving quietly, Bunker couldn't help stretching out an international contempt gesture learned from someone, and couldn't help swearing in his heart: "Fuck, aren't you unwilling to come to the ceremony? What's going on now! Isn't this sincere to cause trouble to the king!"

"But this girl seems to be really decent! It really matches that guy! Is this the legendary pair of little enemies? It's just a pity that I'm a beautiful man..."

The rather unhappy Bunker shook his head helplessly, secretly said a few words, and then stopped, thinking that he should help Mo Fan, at least let the girl get permission to enter the backyard. As for the beauty of adulthood, this is not what he can decide.

After secretly signaling his younger brothers to let Princess Lanxi into the backyard, Bunker began his work again. Those guys who had just left the field angrily still didn't pay attention to it at all. Anyway, there were a lot of people with two legs, no shortage of them, and not many more. But if they really want to go to the goin backyard, then Bunker can only say sorry to them, because that's impossible.

In order to make his speech not cold, Bunker could only deliberately cough twice, and then waved the distinguished guests in the front row to calm down: "Now the king announce that this time about the authorization of cross-generational communication companies..."

As soon as Bunker finally came to the point, the VIPs who were still gossiping immediately stopped talking and listened carefully to these final messages that were crucial to their interests.