Teaching the alien world

63-That man is back

Ps: [This book is almost finished, and the fat man will definitely make everyone happy in the end! Please give me more support!

The dead bone army gushed out on a large scale, and became more and more fierce. Soon, a magnificent and endless white tide was formed. Hundreds of thousands of sacrifices left behind by the Pope were quickly submerged in it, just like small stones thrown into the sea, unable to provoke any splash. .

Joan of Arc's eyes are cracking, but there is nothing she can do! Because the number of the surging army of dead and dead bones is simply huge.

Even though Joan of Arc continued to use the Great Holy Light baptism and successfully killed a batch of dead bone soldiers like locust army, more dead bones still surged up persistently and surrounded her surroundings.

After several tragic killings, the 100,000 white-robed sacrificial groups were all annihilated, and Joan of Arc was also exhausted, but the tide-like momentum was like a rainbow, and the continuous supply of dead bones was still the same as ever, and even more fierce.

When the undead and withered legion, which came out like a tide, took several steps out of the space corridor and surrounded the wholeington Mountains, followed by a strong army, which directly made Joan of Arc collapse. And the arms that reappeared are also the legendary Necromancer Legion.

There is no doubt that the undead bone dragon is powerful. As one of the twelve saints of the Holy See, Joan of Arc is very clear.

Because the undead bone dragon itself is close to the sky, it not only inherits all the advantages of the dragon family, but also inherits the strong attack characteristics of the undead family. The perfect fit between the two is not as simple as one plus one plus two.

Therefore, when the same number of undead bone dragon legions flapped their wings and surged out, Joan of Arc, who directly saw such a scene, collapsed directly on the spot, and the clear eyes showed a trace of helplessness while despair.

The undead family has poured out so much, according to the current rotten state of the Holy See of Light, can they lead again, selfish and greedy people who have enjoyed a stable life for nearly ten thousand years, and repel their strong invasion again! This is the most worrying thing in Joan of Arc.

"Berensack, the high god of light! Now that the human race has reached the last moment of survival, please forgive the ignorant tribe, recite the miracle of the same clan, and expel the immortal undead family from the country!"

Joan of Arc prayed devoutly. While drawing a standard cross on her chest, a trace of determination suddenly rose on her face. A holy light was built-in and instantly enveloped her slightly thin body, forming a round cocoon-like transparent white light curtain. Seeing the undead who slowly surrounded her. The dead-bone soldiers blocked it.

Then, those undead soldiers who gradually approached Joan of Arc, moved dull and old-fashioned, waved their two-handed bone knives, and were about to cut down. At the moment of touching the holy curtain, they were immediately cut down like leeks. What's more, they were smashed and bones, and the white skeleton flew around and knocked down. Many dead-bone soldiers.

In the fierce battlefield with dead bones, a very strong and obvious holy atmosphere suddenly appeared. Naturally, it was outstanding, and naturally attracted more withered soldiers.

Especially those undead dragons who have just walked out of the space corridor and circled in the sky, like sharks that smelled blood, and quickly flew in the direction of Joan of Joan of Arc with lightning.


With the harsh sound of dragons, hundreds of undead bone dragons rushed to Joan of Arc in an instant, and then poured out hundreds of thick black dragon breaths and smashed at Joan of Arc head.

When the black dragon flame spit out from the mouth of the undead bone dragon hit the white round cocoon light curtain symbolizing the holy breath, it emitted dazzling and strange light in an instant, followed by a shocking roar also burst out

"Boom..." In the violent roar, the dead and withered soldiers at the bottom suffered. Under the rapid whirlpool generated by the violent collision of the two forces, they flew all over the sky, and countless dismembered Leilei white bones were more like a sharp knife, cutting everything encountered around them.

And Joan of Arc is even more uncomfortable at this time. The power of hundreds of undead bone dragons can't compete with her strongest spiritual mage. Although she has the double blessing of the baptism of the Great Holy Light and the skill of angel protection, her slightly weak thin body still can't withstand such a cruel beating. Hit.

Joan of Arc, who hid in the white round cocoon, only felt a sweet throat, followed by a "bang" and a mouthful of bright red blood, which sprayed out of her small mouth, dyeing the thin white round cocoon with a trace of blood.

Although she was seriously injured, Joan of Arc with a determined face did not retreat. After reaching out to wipe the blood from the corners of her mouth, she said coldly, "Even if the last drop of blood in my body is dry, I, Joan of Arc, will not retreat!" Even if you die, you will never let your ambition succeed!"

"Buren! With my Joan of Arc's body as a medium, it reflects infinite holy light! Destroy all evil undead!" With a determined face, Joan's body began to change dramatically, and countless strong holy breaths also began to stand out from her body.

Shaken by the white holy light curtain, the round cocoon, which is only three meters wide, also swelled up, and soon formed a giant light curtain with an area of about hundreds of meters, which destroyed the surrounding undead bone soldiers from the empty, straight to the undead bone dragon 100 meters above the sky, and there is also more and more. The more intense the situation.

The sudden and violent changes really shocked the undead dragons hovering in the sky. Just when they hesitated whether to continue to attack or evacuate immediately, behind the distance, a man suddenly came near the space corridor with emotional scolding.

"What the heap! Do you grandchildren want to rebel? Stay where you are and don't move! If anyone dares to move around, I will kill someone first!" The vast Rington Mountains kept echoing this sentence for a long time, resounding beyond the sky.

Joan of Arc is also really listening, and she is even more disdainful. If the dead are really so obedient, it will be easy to do! In the whole Reinster world of countless strong people, who dares to speak wildly, can domesticate the undead family without consciousness or emotion, but only knows how to kill and destroy!

So in Joan of view, the previous sentence is no different from dreaming, that's all.

Just at the moment when Joan of Arc shook her head disdainfully, the undead bone legion that had been extremely large and eager to crush everything, as well as the undead bone dragon legion that was still hesitant in mid-air whether it should continue to attack.

The moment the two strong legions of the dead heard this, they immediately stopped, obediently like a turtle grandson, lying still in place, almost shaking their tails and begging for mercy.

Such a strange scene surprised the desperate Joan of Arc. It was not until this time that she realized that she was wrong and it was ridiculously wrong.

Because Saint Joan of Arc suddenly remembered that the previous sentence was full of human feelings, so she could be sure that the person who said this sentence should also be the same human being like herself, just a man and the other being a woman.

Regarding the characteristics of the special existence of the undead family, as a saint of the Holy Court of Light, she also knows many innovative characteristics of the undead clan.

If you lose consciousness, you have no feelings at all. You only know how to destroy everything and kill endlessly. There is no possibility to speak at all.

Even after the death black wing that appeared ten thousand years ago learned to speak human language, the words spoken were very mechanical, and there was no emotion at all.

But the previous sentence was suddenly full of emotion, coupled with the unique sharp and mean tone, it was simply what a lively little man said! Imagine another undead who can say such meaningful words!

So the only possibility that Joan of Arc can think of now is that there are others behind the undead's invasion of the world again, and he is also a human, a man who is powerful enough to break the plane law, but she doesn't know his name, and there are few in the Rhinester world. Record.

As for who this suddenly appeared powerful human man was, Joan of Arc didn't care.

Joan of Arc now cares most about whether she can convince this man to help him drive the undead family back to the abyss canyon and seal this broken space corridor again to save the original human race in the world of Rhinester from disaster.

So, Joan of Arc immediately seized this hard-won precious opportunity and shouted with all her strength, "Respect, can you say a few words to Joan of Arc!"

Compared with the previous words that shocked the sky and changed the world, what Joan of Arc, who was strong and dry, said at this time seemed very pale and weak. But this does not prevent her from saying that it can spread smoothly in a sea of withered bones.

Just now, he said wildly that he wanted to clean up the extremely large number of men, so he naturally heard this sentence smoothly, but the expression on his face was very strange, and he said two words silently: "I wipe it! Why did you meet her? Where did the Pope of the Holy See of Light die? It's too illogical to let a woman stop the invasion of the undead!"