The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 18 The gap between the two

Cheng Mei and Cheng Yu went to the prince's mansion to see Cheng Zun the next day. Both of them chattered all the way and wanted to get a compliment from Cheng Zun.

"Do you think we should tell Cheng Zun that the Smeng people were found by Ji Liunian?" Cheng Mei was worried that Cheng Zun would ask Ji Liunian in detail.

"We said that we were invited by ourselves, isn't that the credit of robbing others?" Cheng Yu is more naive and romantic than Cheng Mei, and has no heart.

"What if he asks Concubine Ji?" Chengmei is still a little worried.

"Don't worry about this. Ji Fei is so smart that she must be able to deal with the past. She is the daughter of a businessman, and it is not surprising that she has a wide range of friends. When the two arrived in the lobby, they were told that Cheng Zun was still sleeping. They only saw Wei Bai's mouth constantly scolding melon seeds and Wei Yang was cleaning the floor.

"Is Ji Fei still sleeping?" Cheng Yu's words made Bai laugh and tremble.

"She is boxing in the yard. Didn't you meet her just now?"

"Wei Bai, do you have anything else to eat here?" Cheng Mei looked at Weibai with a greedy mouth. Wei Bai gave her a handful of melon seeds, and she circled her eyes and glanced around. Seeing this, Cheng Yu knew that it was a foodie who met a foodie, so he could only talk about food, so he quietly walked to the yard alone.

Next to a pear tree, Ji Liunian was found. Ji Liunian played a set of fists, which was varied and extremely fast, which dazzled Cheng Yu and couldn't bear to interrupt her, so he had to watch quietly. Ten minutes later, Ji Liunian finally stopped. Cheng Yu clapped his hands to show his admiration, and Ji Liunian was shocked.


"It's me." Cheng Yu jumped out and said, "You are awesome. I didn't expect you to learn martial arts well in your daughter's family. I can't compare with you. That's great. Who taught you that set of boxing just now? I will also learn it when I have time.

Cheng Yu's familiar attitude made Ji Liunian suddenly unable to adapt. She wiped the sweat on her face and said with a smile, "You can't learn this martial arts. I haven't achieved such an achievement until more than ten years. As a child, you don't have perseverance, and it's not necessary to learn. It's easier and interesting to go home to tease birds and tease sies."

Ji Liunian's disdainful attitude aroused Cheng Yu's fighting spirit.

"You bully people, why do you look down on me?" Cheng Yu said very seriously.

"I just look down on you, little boy." Ji Liunian sent his anger towards Cheng Zun on Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu's face turned red.

"Okay, I'll learn from you. If I slack off one day, you can laugh at me." Cheng Yu said very seriously, which made Ji Liunian laugh. She has never seen such a cute little boy. If you look carefully, he still has thin hair on his face and has not grown up yet.

"I was joking just now. Why are you serious?" Ji Liunian touched his hair. His hair was delicate and abnormal. Ji Liunian had the feeling of molesting a boy, although the man in front of him was almost the same height and his age.

"What are you doing here? Isn't it a special trip to thank me for saving your brother?"

"I was supposed to come to see the third brother, but the third brother is sleeping. I'm coming to see you now." Cheng Yu is as straightforward as a boy.

"What do I have to see? Isn't it just a pair of eyes and a nose?"

"Oh, that's not what I mean. I mean I'm coming to see you with your fists." Cheng Yu blushed with urgency.

"Do you know martial arts?"

"I will, but it's very bad. Can you teach me?"

"You have to pay me." Ji Liunian laughed.

"Okay, can't I ask the third brother to give it to you?" Cheng Yu relies on Cheng Zun for many things.

Ji Liunian laughed breathlessly.

"Well, I'll teach you. Now that I'm tired, you come over tomorrow morning, and I promise you can defeat your third brother in a month."

Cung Yu patted Ji Liunian on the shoulder heavily: "It's a deal. I don't expect to defeat the third brother. I just hope that my father will be happy to see me progress. If he is happy, he may get better.

So from the next day, Cheng Yu began to practice martial arts with Ji Liunian. Ji Liunian has never taught others in person. She feels fresh. In addition, Cheng Yu is innocent and lively, and she can also play with him from time to time. She is happy to play with him. Since she married into the imperial palace, she has never been so happy.

Cheng Zun learned that his brother and his concubine had formed a good relationship when he passed the yard a week later. Seeing Ji Liunian's patient and meticulous appearance, he stood by the pear tree and watched. At first, he felt that the two of them were playful. Seeing Cheng Yu wiping his sweat for Ji Liunian and secretly sending autumn waves, he suddenly got angry.

"What are you two doing? Cheng Yu, no wonder I don't see you these days. You come here to play.

The two do not avoid this kind of intimacy and still affectionate appearance.

"Brother, I learned to play boxing from Sister Ji. Do you want me to show you?" Cheng Yu didn't know that he was jealous of Cheng Zun and didn't understand the condemnation in his words.

"Sister Ji, she is my concubine, your sister-in-law, and you will call her third sister-in-law in the future. Don't mess up the rules. I don't mind. I don't care what you two do, but it's outrageous. It's hard for outsiders to say anything ugly. Cheng Zun tried his best to suppress his anger and squint at Ji Liunian. Ji Liunian looked at ease and ignored. He leisurely raised his legs and hummed a little song.

Cheng Yu panicked and quickly pulled Cheng Zun's sleeve: "Third brother, don't you always say that I don't grow? Now that I'm trying to practice martial arts, why do you dissuade me? I think my third sister-in-law's martial arts is very good. If I can learn it for three months, I will definitely make great progress. Just let me learn it.

"If you don't follow so many masters in the palace, they are the real ability. If you learn some evil things, you won't make progress." Cheng Zun just stood for a while. Ji Liunian's boxing method was unregulated, which was simply a mess, so he decided that Ji Liunian had learned a partial kung fu.

Cung Yu pouted, looked aggrieved, and motioned Ji Liunian to help. Ji Liunian shrugged his shoulders and said that he couldn't help. Cheng Yu couldn't understand and kicked her shoes again... Cheng Zun saw all this, and he shook his sleeve and left.

Do you dare to cuckold me? And it's my brother who seduces me. I really don't know what's good or not. Cheng Zun felt that he had never been so angry and incompetent.

After Cheng Zun left, Ji Liunian told Cheng Yu that she was also going back.

"Why didn't you help me?" Cheng Yu said pitifully.

Ji Liunian couldn't laugh or cry. He clapped his hands and said, "Just learn from the master. Just come here once a week and I'll give him some advice."

"Those masters are extremely pedantic people. There is a large basket of wordy words, and my ears are cocoon. The most important thing is that they have no strength. I think you are better than them. I just like you."

Ji Liunian was very happy after being praised.

"Well, I'll teach you, but we can't study in this yard. How about I go to your place?"

Cung Yu jumped up.

"This is a good idea, as long as my brother doesn't know. I will go back now and ask them to clean the yard thoroughly and not allow idle people to go in and out. Cheng Yu left with a bumpy fart.

Ji Liunian returned to the lobby and saw Cheng Mei and Weiyang tasting the red date cake that they didn't know where they came from. She also picked up a piece.

"I just saw the third brother rushing to the study angrily. I don't know what happened. When he was angry, even the Lord of Hell was afraid. I don't know who offended him. Chengmei still holds the red date cake in her hand. It seems that the food is more important than the third brother.

"It's not that scary, at least I'm not afraid."

"Was he angry with you just now?" I didn't know that the relationship between Ji Liunian and Cheng Zun has always been very tense.

"There is no comment." Ji Liunian walked to the study.

Cheng Zun was practicing calligraphy desperately, but his heart did not settle down. Finally, he simply threw down the brush.

Ji Liunian looked quietly outside the door and was very proud: it seems that he still cares about me, but the prince was so frivolous to me a few days ago, since he didn't even hum, it was so disappointing me. I remember that in the past, my mother was teased by hooligans outside, but my father punched him without saying a word and beat the hooligans to pieces. What Ji Liunian hates most in his life is a coward. He is just a prince. What's he afraid of? In time, he must be in a different place.

Cong Zun's side face is indifferent and angry. Even so, it is also a beautiful face, a face that many women admire.

Ji Liunian looked at it a few times and then left quietly.