The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 20 Two enemies fall in love

As soon as Ji Liu stepped into the imperial palace, Weiyang pulled her to the yard. Breathless, ruddy, as anxious as a monkey.

"Oh, what's the matter? Just say it directly. Don't be nagging." Ji Liunian hates others to worry about this and that. Weibai was also an impatient person and hurriedly urged Weiyang.

"Why are you still running out so late? Mr. Ji just came." Weiyang's words made Ji Liunian and Weibai seem to have a cold wind blowing. Ji Liunian was about to scold him for not doing anything wrong. Weiyang said again, "Mr. Ji didn't go in. He just said hello to me in the yard and told me to prepare. The master will come and walk tomorrow."

A hanging heart fell down. Ji Liunian put away his fist and asked doubtfully, "What is Dad doing here?"

"Gong Ji didn't say anything. He was probably lonely and wanted to see you." Weiyang said again, "If so, it's not worth telling Mr. Ji. Maybe he wants to see if you are doing well with the prince." Weiyang and Weibai had a bad smile on their faces.

"You actually laughed at me. I'll marry both of you as a match next year." Ji Liunian gritted his teeth and said.

"Miss, don't be angry. The most important thing now is to discuss with the prince how to deal with it. You have the name of husband and wife, but you have not fulfilled the truth of husband and wife. If you are known by the master, you must be worried. He said with a smile.

"Why do children care so much about their families? I went back to bathe and went to bed. I have been tired all day and one night. Ji Liunian really doesn't want to be talkative by these two maids.

After bathing and changing clothes, Ji Liunian walked to the study. Cheng Zun did not sleep, and she coughed gently.

"What's the matter? I'm busy, you can make a long story short. Chengzun didn't raise his head either.

Ji Liunian can't see his superior, indifferent and arrogant appearance.

"It's nothing. My father will come tomorrow. It's up to you." After saying that, he left, cursing in his mouth.

Cung Zun raised his head. He was not too surprised by the news. Ji Wuya would definitely come to have a look, but it was too early. He is not low. He hasn't really had sex with Ji Liunian in the past month, and his relationship is good and bad. I don't know if this new father-in-law will give him a problem?

The next morning, Cheng Zun got up and turned the maid around. He always felt that his room looked hazy. Ji Liunian fell asleep. When she came to call her, she still didn't want to get up. Finally, she jumped up from ** and looked out of the window, and the sun rose high.

"The master didn't come, but it's coming soon. Hurry up and dress up." Weiyang brought in the things to wash his face.

Hearing the little man say that the master was coming, Ji Liunian had just cleaned up and hurried to the lobby. Wei Yang followed him in vain, and he was also a little flustered. Last night, Weiyang warned her not to talk. The more she talked, the easier it would be to be exposed.

Seeing Ji Liunian coming, Cheng Zun quickly took his hand. Ji Liunian also understood what he meant and deliberately agreed.

"Dad, why are you so free to come to see me?" Ji Liunian took Ji Wuya's hand, like a daughter who had not left the cabinet. Ji Wuya was embarrassed to take it away.

"Dad now lets others do almost everything, serving flowers, fish and insects all day long. When he is lonely, he comes to see you and the prince." After saying that, Ji Wuya stood up and saluted Cheng Zun.

"In your own home, you don't have to salute. Liu Nian and I don't care about these. Weiyang Weibai comes and goes as freely as he didn't leave Jifu." Cheng Zun did not pay attention to these small sections, probably because of his father's favor, he rarely saluted, so he developed this habit.

"Cung Zun, he is free and open-minded, and I am also neglecting. If something is wrong, you should forgive me." Ji Wuya is very satisfied with his talented and beautiful new son-in-law.

"That's natural. Please drink tea. This is the best tribute tea. Although you have said this, you have never seen anything, which makes you laugh.

Ji Wuya waved his hand and said modestly, "I'm a businessman, a reckless person. I don't know what is good or bad, or the people from the royal family have elegant taste, haha. You came back safely from the last time. It's really eye-catching. In fact, Ji Wuya didn't know that this matter was solved by his precious daughter. He just wanted to hear Cheng Zun's opinion to see if he would praise his daughter face to face. He didn't think that Cheng Zun didn't have a thorough understanding of the inside story.

"I really thank my sister-in-law this time. Fortunately, they found a Smon. You should have heard about it, so I won't repeat it. In a word, it's good to be able to come out safely. Ji Wuya felt very uncomfortable when he heard this. How could he give all the credit to the two straw princes and princesses? Ji Wuya looked at Ji Liunian. She didn't look unhappy at all. It seemed that she didn't come out. This is still good. If others know her ability, won't the prince harm her in the future? Maybe the prince doesn't want to reveal the truth in front of so many people, so that there will be ears across the wall... Anyway, this is secretly protecting his daughter. Thinking of this, he smiled again.

"I heard that the prince's calligraphy and painting level is very high, and I also brought some calligraphy and painting this time." Ji Wuya motioned his servants to open the calligraphy and painting. Cheng Zun looked at two pictures and praised them.

"What a god, where did you come from with this painting? This is really priceless." Cheng Zun's joy is beyond words. Ji Wuya became more proud and said happily, "If the prince doesn't mind, I want to see your calligraphy."

Cong Zun quickly let him into the study and gave Ji Liunian a winp look. Ji Liunian also came in, and Weiyang Weibai waited outside with other people.

Cheng Zun motioned Ji Liunian to grind the ink. Ji Liunian's face was happy, but he scolded in his heart: Damn it, treat me as a maid!

"The Liu Nian often accompanies me to practice until late at night, which is really difficult for her." Cheng Zun's face is not red and his heart is not beating.

Ji Wuya did not have any doubt and praised her daughter: "She doesn't do anything at home. I didn't expect that you were tamed to be obedient. It's really powerful."

"You laughed. Liu Nian was originally a diligent person, but she used to be too playful, but now she has changed a lot for me."

Even Ji Liunian admires Cheng Zun's ability to lie. Why didn't this liar find him so capable before? It's really underestimated him.

Cheng Zun wrote two calligraphy and paintings. After reading them, Ji Wuya praised them and put them away and planned to take them back. Ji Liunian doesn't know calligraphy and painting. I don't know whether his father deliberately pleases the prince or whether his level is really so high.

Ji Wuya was proud to see Ji Liunian and Cheng Zunfu singing and wife. He has long believed that Cheng Zun is the future emperor. Now that he is so kind to his daughter, he will definitely envy the immortals in the future, and the Ji family will also leave a name for thousands of years.

The three talked for two hours in the study before eating, and finally Ji Wuya reluctantly went back. The two suddenly relaxed. Just now, both of them were like balloons full of air, and now they are slated.

"Your father has a lot of words. I've just been worried that he will go to your bedroom, but fortunately he didn't go." Cheng Zun knew that there were too many details over there. On the surface, it was a person's room.

"I've also been worried, but I didn't expect you to coax him so well, although he doesn't look old, and sometimes his mind is so old." In fact, Ji Liunian has found that Ji Wuya has begun to walk towards old age. She has never seen him so serious. Maybe it is because this is the imperial palace that power can really change many people.

Wei Bai ran in and said, "Master has left. Go back to sleep." Seeing that Cheng Zun and Ji Liunian seemed to be talking happily, and thinking of the young couple they loved just now, she couldn't help laughing.

Ji Liunian dragged the shoes under his feet, threw them over, and said angrily, "I think your little hoof is getting bolder and bolder. You come in without notification, and dare to laugh at your master. I cooked your hoofs and ate them..."

Wei Bai is still smiling: "Okay, I'll go out. I won't bother you." She lost her shoes again and ran away.