The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 26 Bloody Storm

The night of the drunken dream building is the most beautiful night in the city. There are the most beautiful and charming women, the most gorgeous lights, the most intoxicating wine, the strongest music... As soon as General Li came in, he felt that he was going to melt like a candy and his saliva flowed out. Damn, why didn't I know such a place before? It's all for power, and I haven't been involved in the wind and moon for many years.

The vice general next to him pulled his sleeve, and General Li returned to reality from his dream. He made a few gestures, and all of a sudden, the drunken dream building became chaotic.

"Don't panic. We are ordered by the prince to arrest the rebels. These rebels tried to kidnap the seven princesses to threaten the court, and the idle people lined up to go out."

When the drunken mother heard the news, she quickly came out with a smile on her face.

"I've heard of the general's reputation for a long time. I don't know if the general has made a mistake? This is a place for fun. Where did the traitors come from? The drunken woman didn't know that General Li had stared at her and quickly motioned the two vice generals to catch her.

The drunken woman was tied up and shouted injustice. Meng Niang ran out again and was pitifully tied up. The two exchanged eyes and felt that it was better not to act rashly.

"Gone the two of them in prison." General Li didn't expect that the two women did not resist at all, and he was still depressed whether the spy had made a mistake. I couldn't take care of so much for a while, so I had to detain it first.

Some of the guests were drunk and dreamed of the building. As soon as they were released, they hurried to the prince's house. Ji Liunian soon learned the whole thing.

"Damn, we haven't come to settle this account yet. They have taken action again. It seems that we can't sit back and wait for death. We have to act immediately." Miss Ji, I think they must have mastered our situation, otherwise they would not have taken action so quickly and arrested the drunken Meng Niang at once. What should I do now? As long as the lady orders, we will die."

"You go back first and get your brothers ready. Let's see what they will do next." Ji Liunian couldn't figure out what the prince's intention was.

The drunken Mengniang was put in prison. The two knew that it was the prince, but they were not afraid, because they knew that the prince's real purpose was not to kill them.

"The prince is so cruel that he put everything on our heads. Obviously, he kidnapped the princess. He is really a thief." The drunken mother sneered at the prince.

"I think there will be a big deal this time. Maybe the prince already knows our secret organization. Use the two of us to lure them to come and shoot them again. Meng Niang analyzed.

"What you said makes sense. What do you think we should do?" Drunken mother is afraid of causing trouble to Ji Liunian. Now Ji Liunian should have received the news.

"Step by step, I'm not worried at all. The court is an empty shelf. There are not as many people as us, and not as much money as us. Let's wait and see. It's rare to be quiet for a few days, haha."

After saying that, the two fell asleep until General Li came to ask questions the next day, and they were still sleeping. General Li thought he had caught the wrong person at a glance.

"You came from the truth, did you kidnap the princess?" General Li intends to torture after questioning, and then force him to be imprisoned, and he will be executed in a few days.

"We have no grudge against the princess. Why did we kidnap the princess?" The drunken woman said with a smile.

"Don't think I don't know anything. You are opening a brothel. In fact, there is a big killer organization below. You want to rebel."

"Please show the evidence, otherwise everything you say is just your own meaning and ineffective." Meng Niang also smiled.

The smile of the two women angered General Li.

"I'm the evidence, I said yes, come here, torture." General Li's words shocked everyone's ears.

Two soldiers came in with a red-hot iron block, and the drunken Mengniang made eye contact with her eyes whether to do it or not. Because he caught them too smoothly last night, General Li forgot to tell the soldiers to chain their hands and feet.

Although the overall situation is important, the iron block is ruthless. The two of them couldn't care so much and began to show their fists. Suddenly, the soldier lay on the ground and moaned.

"Okay, you are undoubtedly guilty of beating the jailer!" General Li clapped his hands and a group of guards quickly walked in.

"Hear the two of them quickly, sign and make a bet, and ask them tomorrow." Before General Li finished his words, he felt a white fog in front of him and could not see anything. He could only cover his mouth and stand there. After a few minutes, the smoke gradually dissipated.

"Fuck, what's going on." The drunken mother's dream girl disappeared, and the bodyguard disappeared. Obviously, the bodyguard who just came in was from the drunken mother's dream lady.

The general returned to the prince's house with an unlucky face and reported the situation to the prince. The prince was so angry that his mouth was crooked.

"It's all my subordinates who are not doing a good job. I'll catch them back at night. This time, they must be ruthless. I should have killed these two ** last night." General Li was afraid that the prince would blame him.

In the evening, General Li took the men to the drunken dream building again, and his entourage increased several times. Drunken mother Mengniang dodged long ago when she heard the wind.

"Try your boss's wife to come out, hurry up." General Li shouted.

"The boss's wife is no longer, the boss's wife has returned to her hometown." A gorgeous woman's voice was loud and fearless.

"If the boss's wife comes home, I will kill you." General Li was afraid of leaking the wind. At the order, the bodyguard began to assassinate people who were drunk and dreamed of death, whether they were in the organization or not. Sure enough, several people with strong martial arts stood up to resist.

The women in the brothel were also invited to resist. Some of them have very good martial arts, while others have not joined the organization, and their martial arts skills are shallow. After a fight, the drunken dream building turned into a sea of blood. Suddenly changed from heaven to hell.

The bustling people outside looked in, and they couldn't stop it. They were dumbfounded.

The prince didn't expect General Li to make such a big move. As soon as the news came out, he immediately sent someone to stop. General Li fell in love and finally had to arrest more than a dozen brothel women. Twenty-two escaped and killed more than ten. In fact, Drunken Lady Mengniang had arranged for some people to leave for a long time. Unexpectedly, General Li did it so quickly that the two of them were distressed.

"What do you think we should do?" In fact, the drunken mother already has her own idea in her heart, that is, to fight against the prince. However, considering the relationship between Ji Liunian, she couldn't move forward again.

Ji Liunian saw the meaning of drunkenness.

"Drunken lady, I know you love those sisters, and I also feel sorry for those innocent people. It's just that this time it's a private action of the prince and General Li. If we fight with them, we will definitely beat them, but it's not worth it. Not to mention the death of more brothers and sisters, in the end, we have no benefit. The time has not come, let's slow down. Those sisters, the prince and I will discuss to rescue them. Don't worry. You stay in the suburban residence these days, and you will come out when the matter is settled. You can wait for my instructions at any time.

Drunken Mengniang nodded and agreed. Ji Liunian was ashamed. She knew that it was too selfish to do so. She only cared about her feelings and Cheng Zun, and did not consider everyone's meaning.

Ji Liunian discussed with Cheng Zun and decided to let Cheng Mei go out to ask the emperor for an imperial edict.

After Chengmei knew what had happened, she immediately went to the palace without saying anything.

"Father, it's really not the people in the brothel who kidnapped me. It was the prince who made a mistake and suffered countless deaths and injuries. I dreamed of those souls coming to save my life when I slept at night. Father, you are in charge of the prince and don't let him act recklessly with General Li.

When the emperor heard this, he was very disappointed with the prince. He had earlier felt that his ability was mediocre, but he was acceptable. Now he knew that he had his own ambition. It seemed that it was time to consider abolishing the prince.

The prince was full of anger at General Li's reckless actions and couldn't help it.

"We are at the foot of the emperor. How can you fool about us? Now that the emperor has received the news, what will he think of me? He must think that I want to cover up, and he thinks that I suppress them for his selfish desires..."

General Li knelt to the ground: "My subordinates are confused, my subordinates are confused..."

At this time, the decree arrived, received the decree, and the prince's anger rose to the extreme. He left a sentence viciously: I will do my own things in the future, and you should get less into it.